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I got MPKed by HOCD!!!Follow

#1 Jan 10 2005 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
For the sake of killing this thread so the **** doesn't get bumped anymore, I'm removing the content.

And yes, I am a member of HOCD now, I did some thinking and I took an easy game of being faster and turned it into a game of balancing hate and timing. So people who keep needing to bump this, feck off.
Edited, Tue Jan 11 22:05:21 2005 by Cillranchello

Edited, Wed May 4 20:42:00 2005 by Cillranchello
#2 Jan 10 2005 at 10:51 PM Rating: Good
Let me see if I got this right?

You claimed an enemy you couldn't handle because you were juggling a bunch of other enemies and are mad about them not getting the other enemies off you? Or are you more mad about the cockatrice thing? I'd be kinda mad about the cockatrice thing, but considering that it caused you some trouble, how did you expect to kill the NM while juggling that many pets?

I fail to understand. It looks like you were playing a dirty game and got outclassed. Not that I really care, because NM camping is for animals anyways.
#3 Jan 11 2005 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
No, read about what they did about the cockatrice. That'd be a nice joke, if you were friends with the person, but if you're not, then you're being an @$$.

It sucks that happened. I am starting to dislike a few HoCD people to be honest...
#4 Jan 11 2005 at 5:39 AM Rating: Default
90 posts
Firstly, i do not understand what happened, but bashing our LS on a board because of one incident and without screenshots is out of the question (I'm not saying what you state is true or false, but they would help). And it's Redmamba, not Redmambo.

If Redmamba did this, then Red did it. HoCD didn't do it. If anything, i personally do not MPK people, and i am a BST (we are known to MPK), and have had many things 'stolen' from me and infact, have every reason to kill someone lol. But i choose not to.

It's like me bashing a LS i do not know for 1 person from it stealing a NM from me when only 1 person did. This gives that LS a bad name and disrespects it, when infact you know very little about it.

Yeah, it only takes one member to give a LS a bad name. I'll make sure this thread gets discussed within our LS, and the problem found.

If anything, if you still do need the Moldavite earring i myself am willing to camp it with you. BTW i do not understand how your RNG managed to get killed if he sidewinded the mob to it's death.

"Then Cntrl and Blunt got bomb tossed, Blunt went down, but Cntrl had enough TP to fire of a Sidewinder and kill the mob.

We got the Earring to drop, but when Cntrl got raised, he ended up getting the earring for some reason, what is a RNG gonna do with a moldavite earring?"

That confused me, that's all. If someone casted lots on an earring and noone else did, then that person would get it.. i dunno, it just seems weird. Also couldn't you quatermaster it? It sucks that the earring actually dropped and a RNG got it.
#5 Jan 11 2005 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
huge HNM LS

Yeah they wish. Theyre a smaller HNM LS with very few rules (MPK any-non LS member? They dont care what you do aslong as it dont hurt the LS.) Even their tanks are small! *Pinches skoldy~woldy's little cheeks!*
#6 Jan 11 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, Skold is not in our linkshell.
#7REDACTED, Posted: Jan 11 2005 at 8:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lmao, I don't know who told you HOCD was big HNM LS, but whoever did is smoking pole o.0
#8 Jan 11 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
OMG stop defending us Tom, you know as well as I do that we're the premiere source for @ssholes on Shiva :D <3

p.s. just kidding

Edited, Tue Jan 11 09:58:59 2005 by Jehvren
#9 Jan 11 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
1,029 posts
IM not saying HoCD is good nor bad but i do know the Redmambo is a ******* prick and he most likely did mpk them. I ******* hope he dies in rl ><.
#10 Jan 11 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,220 posts
What Tomlionhart said is absolutely correct. Bash the player, that is fine, but do not bash the entire LS. One player's actions should not define the group. I take personal offense to stuff like this because as a BST I automatically get looked at as a MPKer, even though I and almost every other BST I know (which is half of the Shiva BST population) have never MPK'ed someone.

And as far as NM camping goes, isn't there an accepted different set of rules for this? As in all is far in love, war and NM camping? I am not defending the guy's actions in anyway, shape or form, but to quote Tony Soprano "Everyone that gets into this life knows the stakes, we are all soldiers and we accept our fate". What I am saying is, everyone knows about the MPKing that happens with NMs is "acceptable stakes". Everyone that goes to camp one should know that going in and accept their fate.

No offense intended Cillranchello, what happened to you sucks, but you have to know that there is the possibility you may die from MPK when camping ANY NM.
#11 Jan 11 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good

Anyone wearing a linkshell is a representative of that linkshell. Their actions, even if they are all alone in Timbuktoo, reflect upon the linkshell. For this reason, linkshells should be very careful to investigate the actions of all their members when they are accused of doing something like this. They should also support their member first and foremost but be ready to take action should their member be in the wrong.

I've never had a problem with HoCD. Neorei is very nice and funny and I rather like him. Never had a problem with him or anyone from his linkshell. Don't judge the entire linkshell but enquiring into their member's actions is acceptable.

Personally, I don't think this has anything to do with them being an "HNM linkshell" (which is really another name for a linkshell with lots of bored high levels). People are always trying to pin bad reputations onto the HNM linkshells in Shiva in order to build themselves up. A lot of people (coughSepukkucough) really have no clue what goes on in an HNM linkshell and therefore make blatantly wrong assumptions. Personally, I don't want to belong to one, I rather like my own bunch of friends in my own linkshell (although CoD keeps trying to convince me I'm a member of CoD ;;) and hope that we never turn HNM (or become bored high levels).

I think you would be best off approaching Neorei on this matter. Please, do it calmly and politely. Also, do not expect immediate action or any at all. All you can do is talk in this game, you can't really do much (except MPK which is dumb and will gain you a bad reputation).

Edited, Tue Jan 11 13:22:30 2005 by Meara
#12 Jan 11 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,170 posts
I fail to understand. It looks like you were playing a dirty game and got outclassed. Not that I really care, because NM camping is for animals anyways.

Hay guyz lets go buy the rare/ex earring from the ah lolz.
#13 Jan 11 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
4,447 posts
Just a couple things:

1) I specifically said "I'm starting to not like some people in HoCD" for a reason, I know it's one person who did this, not the LS.

However, one person, as said above, reflects on your LS. Isn't there some quote "You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep"? Or something like that.

2) Neorei, as I'm sure most people will agree, is a nice guy and cool person. However, he's always 100% behind his guys. I guess them ******** up doesn't mean a whole lot, they're his guys, they can't be that bad, they just screwed up. So even if someone has a track record of doing bad stuff (like someone above just claimed of Redmamba) Neo will not pay attention to that and defend his guy.

One time I was in a skill up pt with EK and one HoCD member, they were a whm and we didn't know Merlyn was coming yet and so we wanted a whm. It was in Beadeaux and Water IV dropped. Someone lotted on it, but quickly a few of us said "Let's split the drop", and we had agreed to this. The rest of us lotted to make sure it gets into someones inventory, and it just so happened that the HoCD member got it. This person then said "I need it for me blm". Upon being asked what lvl their blm was, they said it was lvl 44...

I talked to Neo about this and he basically just said "Your fault for lotting it, he got it fair and square". I know Neo's a cool guy, but you always hear about LS leaders changing rules to help their LS, and I'd say Neo's pretty high up there in doing such things.
#14 Jan 11 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts

hello i'm neorei the el conquistador of Hocd.:)

first off, i would like apologize on the behalf of my LS for any inconvinece for you and your friends. But before you call out an entire LS please know what you are talking about. if you judge a whole LS because of one person this caused unnessicery drama from both side who aren't even a part of the story.

i've talk to redmamba after the time it happened. i was too busy with other LS issues and getting my *** whooped in Tu lia to pay attention to LS chat at the time. I've talk to red and from what i understand is that Red thought you guys purposely slept a gob on reds voke range to disrupt her spamming. this basic NM tactic to win the pull. i can't say it's dirty or it's okay. so red told me he "decided to play that game" with you guys by pulling a cocktrice and putting to sleep then binding it. it wonders me that you have hate cause red did claim the pull and unless you heal him and or he zone there should be no way you could have gotten aggro.

and from i understand is that you got killed from a bomb from the NM and aggro from the gob you slept and another aggro from a cocktrice. to me that is not MPK on reds part but more of a mistake on you part. Please understand that you are in a aggro area and there is certain dangers as of being killed due to aggro. Red didn't have to save you from that gob because he's your claim. all red can do is either wait till you dead to claim the gob or wait till you kill it.

i'm very much against MPK. will not tolerate MPK thru anytype of form. please do not say I got MPK from HoCD. cause when you say HoCD you talking about a bunch of people from my LS and/or myself which is something i will never do.

as for sepukku all i can say is that you know nothing about my LS except for what people have to say and IMHO i think you should learn how to mind you own business and think about what people have to say about you.

again i apologize for any type of inconvince for you and you friends and if you wish to speak more about this please let me know in game. :)
#15 Jan 11 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
143 posts
lady i understand that this whole thing with one of my whm happen and of course imma back my guys up. from i was told that my whm lotted on a free lot in which she won. to me that is fair. I go what my guys say of before anyone. please understand that if i was there and witness what happen i'll do anything what is right to make the situation fair.
#16 Jan 11 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Neo, there were 7 people there. 6 angry EK members who had agreed to split, and 1 HoCD member who won a "Free lot".

Neo, what happened was Red used gravity on the mob to make it red. He then used Bind on it. When a mob is bound, it attacks anything that is in attack range, regardless of hate, party affiliation, or if it's an aggro mob or not.

Example: I was in Highlands, someone bound a sheep. I ran by on my 60+ thf and he attacked me. Sheep does not aggro at all, nor was I in the pt to get hate that way.

It's not exactly MPK, unless the **** weakened the OP right before the gob spawned, then that'd be an issue as well. But otherwise it's just an @$$hole action. And claiming a mob to sleep and prevent voke spamming is annoying, but it really doesn't hurt another camper that much.
#17 Jan 11 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
143 posts
well if it an ******* action on red part then i'll talk to red about it. but please think about this. Red has been there for quite awhile in that cave and if some is being a **** and sleeping a gob right in front you voke range of course someone is going get mad and so something to be an *** also. If you camp lord of onzozozoozzozoozozozooooooooooooooozozozozozozozozozoz people basically bring a manta there and just let it chill there so they can disrupt spam vokeing. also calling for help is another tatic people do.

like i said about my whm. you guys didn't come up to me and address the issue. when you told me while waiting for the airship i already knew about the situation so i thought it wouldn't be a big deal. IF you guys did tell me about this when the situation occured then some sort of action would have happen. so i stand by my whm and say she won the lot fair and square. my apology what so ever toward you and your linkshell.
#18 Jan 11 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
A few observations:

#1 - Hunting NM's doesn't have to be this cut-throat.

I agree with Lokkii that NM-hunting is dangerous business, and that people act brutishly sometimes to get the mob. I don't think it needs to always be this way, however. As far as getting the NM (by voking it, using Dia, etc.) that can and should be a free-for-all contest of skill. But MPKing someone is just dirty pool, and shouldn't be tolerated.

When I was maybe a level 25 BST I was running through Konschat and spotted a high level RDM about to engage a Ram. I tried to charm it as a way of 'claiming it', but failed. She noticed I had tried to get it, and somehow released her claim on it, and very politely allowed me to take a shot at it.

It turned out not to be the standard Ram mob, but the NM (Lumbering Lambert, I think), and it started to thrash me, chewing through every pet I frnatically threw at it. The RDM watched, healed me, and then reclaimed the mob. She even offered to give me the drop, asking if I needed it for a quest. I was polite in return, and let her keep it, since she killed the NM. But I was shocked at how gracious she was.

She was camping the NM, and was polite enough to let a newb (relative to her) take a shot at it. Being kind isn't a requirement of this game, but it is a requirement of being a decent human being. What goes around, comes around.

#2 - The action(s) of LS members does reflect on the LS itself.

I think that's self-evident.
#19 Jan 11 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Good game to all!!! And i still dont know why Neorei hates me i never did anything to him ><. I had issues with people in HoCD so i left now he wont talk to me anymore :( Anyway im lookin for an ls if anyone needs a 70rng :D
#20 Jan 11 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
Picture 1

Picture 2

In picture one, you can see plainly that the Gob Miner, the mob that Blunt and I had been sleeping. Red got control of this because our RNG(Cntrl) got aggro while from a C*ck while recasting Tonko, while we focused on getting rid of that, Red claimed the gob we had been sleeping and let it wake up on us. Since it was his mob, we couldn't of slept it or handle it in anyway.

Neo, what happened was Red used gravity on the mob to make it red. He then used Bind on it. When a mob is bound, it attacks anything that is in attack range, regardless of hate, party affiliation, or if it's an aggro mob or not.

This is what he was doing with the C*ck at first, we were able to get rid of the C*ck because he lost his claim, while blunt kept the Gob Miner asleep, Cntrl and I handled the ****, then after this, Cntrl got the aggro from a C*ck and we lost our claim on the sleeping gob, red then claimed this and let it wake up.

In picture 2, you can see the Gob Miner preping for a Bomb Toss, whick took out Blunt. This was Red's mob, then it came for us, me namely because I had built up the most hate after Blunt.

#21 Jan 11 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I got MPKed by HOCD!!!
the subject.

all i have to say is...... the linkshell didn't mpk you and ur friends, it's just someone there that does it, whether it's mpk or not, it has nothing to do with that linkshell.

i'm not in that ls anyway, but just as a former LS leader, it's just rather fustrated to hear rubbish and accusation of the linkshell without knowing what really happen.

and if u ever suspet it's a foulplay by redmamba* you can always ask for a GM right away to investigate it, *well some GM are usually playing "taiji" alot in our server, but at least try, you might meet a responsible one.

#22 Jan 11 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Default
4,447 posts
While no, the LS did not MPK him, a member of the LS did. Therefore, it is the LS's responsibility to address the actions of it's members. I apparently read the initial message wrong, and it was a lot worse than what I had thought. That was a really messed up thing to do.

I had a very short chat with Redmamba today, and they did not mean to get you killed, they meant to do what they did, but according to them "I didn't know the goblin was messing them up so much" they did not mean for you to die.

I think Red went too far in how they reacted to the situation, but they're not pure evil either. I think we might be able to get it through to them that these actions that went on is too much, and they won't do it again.
#23 Jan 11 2005 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
Blah blah blah. It doesn't matter if the whole ls mpk'd or just a member. Fact is, Cill told his side of the story. Get Redmamba on over and let him share his side. All I see is Neorei fighting other people's battles. He may be looking out for "his guys" but at a certain point, you gotta let them handle their own business. If Red mpk'd them, he mpk'd them. If he didn't, he didn't. I don't think Neorei's imput is necessary outside of the fact of "Hero didn't do it, only a member of Hero did it". And talking to him after this has been brought up doesn't justify crap.
#24 Jan 12 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Default
47 posts
How does Ladyofhonor manage to get herself involved every HNMLS topic?
#25 Jan 12 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Sorry about my 1st post it was way uncalled for :(!
#26 Jan 12 2005 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Why are there people who make posts asking why I post? I don't see why it's an issue for you, whoever you may be.
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