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I got MPKed by HOCD!!!Follow

#27 Jan 12 2005 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
Ok boys and girls listen up please.

Well first of all I want to congradulate the person who started this anyoying board. [Congradualtions] Second of all, I'm gonna make you seem like even more of a noob than what you displayed yourself, Blunt, and Cntrl as to me in Onzozo, and on this forum.

Ok .... to start, I'm very happy you all died and you and Blunt did not get any Moldavite Earrings. After I logged out I felt kinda bad for you guys. You were tryin to help each other out get a rare/ex earring and failed with death for all involved. But then, the next day, I hear of you bashing my whole ls on this site. As if the random pestering /tells I have been getting since then and people asking me why I MPKd was'nt enough.

Well, the fact of the matter is, I didnt MPK you. The reason you all died was because of the way you reacted to the varialbes that me and ffxi presented to you. I'm not saying that my actions had nothing to do with your deaths, but your losses could have been avoided if you were experienced enough players to know that you were in over your heads after a certain point.

From my point of view, I am camping a lower level NM with 3 opponents that seem to be in the same pt. And from the looks of it, they are making my chances of claiming the pop even slimmer by sleeping a mob inbetween the only 2 spots I know of where he might pop. So I play the Alt/j tab the blue provoke arrow over everything in the room, till I start to realize, there is no way I'm gonna get the claim like this. After building up a good amount of frustration for about 30 minutes, not knowing the ToD, I decided that I was going to clear the area that you were blocking from my pull macro. The only way that could be done was with a tactic that isnt a very nice thing to do. You were camping something against me, and using "shady tactics" to give yourself an edge.

So I gravity > bind a cockatrice on top of your gob, hoping this will throw your equilibrium off and you will move away from the gob, so when it will folow you, and when reslept, it will be out of my way. But you stand there, getting wacked by it
until bind wears, and it comes after me again. I repeated this once more after the ifrst attempt, but this time, as I bound the bird on your gob, another goblin happened to wonder over to and link with the one you had been sleeping, and you paniced.

The sleeper engaged the linked gob, and the one you had been sleeping went yellow, so I voked it ;_; I'm not sure what happened with the cockatrice after that, I know it smacked you guys for a short while, even after I screwed up your little strategy as all of you stand within range of it still. But anyway, I probably slept it or something once bound wore off. Ok, so that was my "Evil / Shady Cockatrice Tactic" I used against you.

Now what you have left is a gob that linked with your original, you take that out and remain standing there spamming cure on yourselves cause there was basically nothing you could do at that point. About 15 seconds after that, POP! there he was, and your briliant friend Blunt, claims it. {That was your biggest mistake} You pulled an enemy that would have been tough for your party to take on even with full MP I'm guessing, judging by your display on the other gob I viewed you fight. Not even 10 seconds into the battle, one of your mages falls to the NM. Not too long afterwards the second mage, either you or Blunt also dies from a bomb toss by NM also. Your ranger finishes him with a Sidewinder, but dies from the Gob YOU had started sleeping since I got there shortly after.

From how I saw you guys asess the situation that you were in, and the stupid chaos I watched once i voked the gob you had built hate on for so long with sleep ^^ .... I have to say that you are the worst noobs I've encountered in a long time playing ffxi.

You said in your first forum, that people better watch out for me, I use shady tactics when camping a NM. I hope everyone who reads this forum realizes that what I did, was in essence, the same thing that the complainer used against me. He manipulated a monster to give himself and his party an edge over me, which worked to a certain point. It frustrated me, and took my attention off of getting the pull. It also made me realize, if these people wanna play games in here, I will play games too.
Mine might have been more hostile than theirs, but that was only because I neglected to realize not everyone can handle mob control the way an experienced red mage can. I had no intention of getting you guys MPKd, figured you would be smart enough to realize you were beat and zone real quick after i had claimed your spam blocker. The person who started this whole forum = not a very good red mage.

And one last thing, if this, in theory, happened to the reader...Would you go run to Allakhazam and make a forum bashing someones ls because a person in it outplayed you at camping something??? I would be too embarassed, and pissed at myself for not making the right decisions, but thats just me.
#28 Jan 12 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
And go ahead....respond to my post and keep on calling me an MPKer. I truly dont give a flying ????

Anyone who was involved in the Onzozo {Novice} fiasco, sent me a nasty /tell, responded to my name in a negative way in these posts, or bashed my ls in any have been blacklisted.
Not that it that it matters anyway, I'm sure you dont care, neither do I. Anyone who fits into the categories I just're all idiots. Especially you Chokyboky. {I trully cant blame anyone for not wanting you in their ls, you are a FOOL, not an asset}


And btw, today I got my stupid Moldavite Earring

Edited, Wed Jan 12 06:19:21 2005 by RedmambaShiva

Edited, Wed Jan 12 06:21:02 2005 by RedmambaShivaChokyboky[/b][b]Chokyboky[/b][b]FOOL

Edited, Wed Jan 12 06:35:55 2005 by RedmambaShiva
#29 Jan 12 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent

The story unfolds, there are 2 sides to every coin after all.

It appears to me that someone was beaten at their own game and simply cant accept the fact if they didn't play dirty then neither would other people.

Unfortunatly this incident has only become public knowlegde because someone decided to "spit their dummy out" on a public forum. Thanks for the ammusement, much appreciated and "Redmamba" thanks for sharing your side of the story because that was some funny *** stuff.

ohh and 50 gil says they dont post again.

*/emote walks off chuckling to himself*
#30 Jan 12 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
wow, I really don't think they were using shady tactics to claim the nm. And nobody here can be sure. However, redmamba doesn't do the correct thing and ask them to stop, or try to be polite she/he just sinks to their level (if that's what they were doing in the first place) and MPK's them. Directly, or indirectly her actions caused them to die. After her post I really have to side with Cill. However it is nice to see a ls leader stick up for their members.
#31 Jan 12 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Woot bash on me time i love it. Keep it coming. I even realized what i said was wrong and said im sorry and i still get flamed god i love this server and the HoCD ways of things.
#32 Jan 12 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
Damn, do you really want me to send that 50 gil? I am busy saving for my new armour X(.

I suppose I shouldn't make bets I dont wanna pay LMAO.
#33 Jan 12 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Jan 12 15:14:56 2005 by Lefein
#34 Jan 12 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
Wrip wrote:
wow, I really don't think they were using shady tactics to claim the nm. And nobody here can be sure. However, redmamba doesn't do the correct thing and ask them to stop, or try to be polite she/he just sinks to their level (if that's what they were doing in the first place) and MPK's them. Directly, or indirectly her actions caused them to die. After her post I really have to side with Cill. However it is nice to see a ls leader stick up for their members.

I'm fairly sure that if someone started a thread bashing you and your LS on a forum you would be pretty upset too.

Seriously, it's just as i expected. The OP wouldn't simply try to just claim an NM using the normal methods.. Instead they tried playing a game of juggling mobs to keep other people away from the claim. I may be alone on this, but i side with Redmamba. I think it was unbelievably silly and selfish to try to hold mobs near a spawn spot just to monopolize an NM spawn. You turned a simple thing (NM camping) into a complex game of aggro control and monoplozing. If I had noticed someone playing games like that I'd be half tempted to turn the table on them as well. Sure, we all want NM drops and nice gear, but it's not worth provoking the hate of the general community and standers by with shady tactics. You played a dirty game and lost to a better player. Next time, just play nice.

Edited, Wed Jan 12 15:37:40 2005 by Lefein
#35 Jan 12 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Hmm very well said.
#36 Jan 12 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
Someone just lost 50 gil.

Reguardless, I would like to take a moment and point out the Irony that our holding the mob there didn't have any bearing in the end, Mystmaker popped right next to him and I still got it, and I had to run for a few seconds to get the range for Dia.

#37 Jan 12 2005 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
How come you bleeped out Cockatrice but you didn't bleep ****? {Hmmm.} {That's interesting.}
#38 Jan 12 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
Anyhoo, I just read a post from Red or whatever saying "I don't give a ???" or whatever. If you don't care, if it doesn't get to you, you wouldn't of made me have to read your long excuse of a pity me story message. I think all ya'll need to stop, take a break and back away from this Soap Opera and enjoy the game for the perks or lack there of.

It's a game people. In real life if you murdered someone you wouldn't be posting it in forums. I say everyone should grab some Canola Oil and pull out the slippery Twister board and get a long. ((Hugs)) for everyone!

P.S. Boredom got the better of me. {Please forgive me.}
#39 Jan 13 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
I ate a twinkie today..........
#40 Jan 14 2005 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Big rate-up for Redmamba. Those guys mess with you, you just dish it right back at them.
#41 Jan 14 2005 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
90 posts
This subject should be dropped because it seems both parties did something wrong. Holding mobs infront of others to guarentee a NM you are camping is wrong, as is binding a mob near someone. Enough said, case closed, cry a river.. etcetc. Grow up.

Continuing off topic flames on a topic about mpk is kinda sad. Sorry, but wth does ladyofhonor posting on these boards have to do with mpk'ing?


There are two things to consider when camping a NM. Ettique and ingame mechanics. General ettique means you should respect other players around you, game mechanics means you should play the game as it is.

ATM alot of people are divided between the two. If i were to use game mechanics to an advantage, for example, and i were to camp.. Aquarius. Being a BST i can charm robber crabs, therefore, theoretically i could just charm one and leave it in a 'running rdm's' path, and say i was just recovering it's hp, which drops the idea of mpk. Now, that is using game mechanics because i want Aquarius all to myself! But, if i were to be ettique i'd stay well clear of the RDM and not follow at all, and /clap /cheer when the NM dies. I would not engage the NM or attempt to until it was dead by watching it's progress via widescan.

It seems both Redmamba and the original poster used ingame mechanics, and not ettique. Although, Redmamba did have every right to retaliate to someone holding a mob. It seems if someone uses ingame mechanics against you, you should do the same back.. although ettique states this is wrong. So.. if anything, i think personally you are both wrong.

Redmamba you are apart of our LS HoCD, and you did seem to retaliate only because someone else did. I know you are a good RDM, but please be careful because it only takes one person to ruin our 'LS name', and i don't want you to be the one to do so.

Also stop flaming our LS, additional flames to the now really large flame thread about a member is kinda stupid. If this thread was directed at Redmamba soley, the thread title would be 'i got mpked by Redmamba' and not HoCD. Kthx.

P.S. if you have reason to rate me down please say so and give reasons after this post.

Edit: Added ps and corrected some grammer/spelling, but there are still more mistakes..

Edited, Fri Jan 14 06:11:50 2005 by Tomlionhart
#42 Jan 14 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,220 posts
I agree once again with Tomlionhart and go back to my OP. You both used tactics well known when camping a NM (hell, I don't even camp NM's and I know these tactics). Again, if you camp NMs and you should know the rules going in and especially if you use tactics and gameplay to gain an advantage, accept the tactics and consequences that another will as a result.
#43 Jan 15 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
Again, if you camp NMs and you should know the rules going in and especially if you use tactics and gameplay to gain an advantage, accept the tactics and consequences that another will as a result.

It's one thing to sleep a mob and keep it slept, its another thing to gravity a mob, drag it to the other campers and bind it, or to take control of a mob the other party has been sleeping, let it wake up and go after the person that had been sleeping it, instead of sleeping it. Thats where the problem is.

I just want to say, dispite the title, that this isn't a direct attack on HOCD, it only came out that way because I was very angry last night, so much my stomach was hurting. I appologize for any Damage to HOCD's reputation, my intent was to attack Redmamba, and him solely, not the entire LS.

Tom, I wont rate you down for it, but you obviously passed right over this part of it.
#44 Jan 15 2005 at 4:15 AM Rating: Default
Hey Cillranchello.....

I never got a message from that GM you called on me yet, and am assuming that you keep on trying to get one, since you have so much time to write more dead-end posts on this thread.

Thought you said I MPKd you???

Oh well, guess not.

It's nice that we can stay in touch on this post though.

Hope your stomache feels all better now ;_;

#45 Jan 16 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
Believe it or not I got a GM to respond about 15 minutes or so after the Incident. I explained everything and in all the grace and power of a GM, said "I'll look into it." I suspected right then and there that nothing wasn't going to happen.
#46REDACTED, Posted: Jan 16 2005 at 10:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It's nice that we can stay in touch on this post though.
#48 Apr 15 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Cillranchello wrote:
Believe it or not I got a GM to respond about 15 minutes or so after the Incident. I explained everything and in all the grace and power of a GM, said "I'll look into it." I suspected right then and there that nothing wasn't going to happen.

Ususally they wont do anything until about 2-5 more complaints are raised against said User. <_< Kinda slow in my opinion, but my large traveling PT a few months ago got MPK'd in the hold of the ship going to Mhaura (they were just sitting there waitin for the pirates to go away, a few members of PT were escorting and whatnot and were able to beat a few pirates before ship landed..anyway i digress). PT leader called GM, said he'd look into it (yeah yeah), 10 minutes later he /t's the leader that they've had previous reports of this guy being an @$$, and they claimed they removed him for awhile. So I guess the system kind of works, eh?

Lets hope if this guy(or gal) does it again, the victims will report it too. <_<
#49 Apr 15 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
Grimshiddy who is below default bumped this up.
This original posting was months ago.
Read dates people.
#50 Apr 15 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
CrayolaInBastok wrote:
Grimshiddy who is below default bumped this up.
This original posting was months ago.
Read dates people.

my bad <_< just thought I'd put my 2 cents in anyway ; ;

#51 Apr 15 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
I know the post was bumped from a few months ago but I have one question. For the most part these posts seem awfully nice calm and understanding considering it was an MPK by an HNM LS that is so against MKP and all for rules and respect regarding NM. Maybe im wrong but I put both the post about this and the newest post slamming LOTB up side by side. Ans I noticed a fairly large difference in attitudes. I was just wondering why that is? Now maybe its cause theres no screens to prove it. But theres none to prove we stole AQ either. I dont know I just find it ammusing that LOTB gets blasted by people who have no clu whats going on. Yet others get a slap on the wrist.
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