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Lvl 20 Weekend StaticFollow

#1 Jan 20 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
Want to start a static for the weekends, I have Pld and War at 19. Pt at night on either Fri, Sat, or Sun.
#2 Jan 20 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
lvl 19 sam I would love to lvl.
#3 Jan 20 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
hey i have a blm at 18. . .i would love to join
#4 Jan 20 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Default
ok me - Pld or War
Wrip - Sam
Stormywaters - Blm

Still need a whm, DD, then a DD, Smn, or Rdm

My pt formation isnt permant.
Any suggestions i will consider.
#5 Jan 21 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
I think we -need- RDM otherwise at 41 we'll have to kick someone out. I can go as WHM or RNG or THF.
#6 Jan 22 2005 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
I got a 24 ranger.
#7 Jan 22 2005 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
Other than my work hours being kinda crappy lately, I'd love to work on my lvl 20 summoner, I got all avatars but Fenrir (surprising, no?). I don't have any gear, but the gil to buy it, and fully+1 lvled subjob, whm42.
#8 Jan 22 2005 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
491 posts
I've got a level 20 rdm I wouldn't mind gear atm though for it. however, level 20 gear is relatively cheap. blm and whm subs are both fully leveled (above 37).

although lately i've been more interested in getting my summoner leveled to 37 and my whm to 65.
#9 Jan 22 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default
ok so far....

Pld - me
Sam - Wrip
Blm - Stormywaters
Whm Thf Rng - Sepukku
Rng (lvl 24, but can always find a DD till we get to 24)- TCK
Smn - Pokiehl
Rdm - Splits

my guese so far would be...

Tank = Pld
Healers = Whm, Rdm, or Smn
DD = Sam, Blm, Thf, or Rng

Looks like a good set of people, but one has to go....
There is no need for any one else.
Any of the other 6 people rethinking about this

Time(Eastern Time) open to me:
After 6pm Friday
After 10pm Saturday
All of Sunday
#10 Jan 22 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Default
RDM-THF-BLM-SAM-SMN-PLD-RNG-WHM is what we have to work with?
Hmmmmmmm...I'd need a SC chart, I dont want our PT to go from 33 through 50+ without Distortion SC...I think Im gonna go as THF cause I dont want to be stuck with no money when weekend rolls around and then not being able to static if I went as RNG. WHM+RNG (the 2 jobs i was considering but am not going to use) I can level real quick anyways whenever I want. So, yeah, Im THF. Need someone to SC with me...

So garunteed in stone are:

Slot 1: Paladin, Gaion
Slot 2: Thief, Sepukku
Slot 3:
Slot 4:
Slot 5:
Slot 6:

Personally, If Splits promises to be a no-melee RDM and devote his time to Enfeebling -and- healing...and eventually Refreshing/Dispelling, (some RDMs dont like to heal) I dont have a problem with SMN+RDM being combo healers for us. If Splits (the RDM) doesnt want to be a healer, we need a WHM or Healing-RDM to replace Splits or the SMN.

Im fine with any of the following combo's:

-Healing-RDM with a SMN/WHM doing 50-50 work.
-RDM with a WHM
-SMN with a WHM
---WHM with 3 RNGs and me (thf) and Gaion (pld) :) thatd rock!

After I check my SC chart I'll decide on who the melee slots are going to be filled by.
#11 Jan 22 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
Sounds good to me so far

Your right 3 rngs would kick some ...
#12 Jan 22 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
I'm definatly in. I really want to lvl my Sam. So, add me to that set in stone list.
#13 Jan 22 2005 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
Youll be set in stone on mine+Gaion's choice, not yours. If we feel you dont have something to offer from level 20-75, you wont get in. Thats why MNK's wont be accepted. Sure, youre gods thumb from 60-75, but we dont want to be held back from 20-59.
#14 Jan 22 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
491 posts
Wow sepukku...that was a bit harsh considering that Gaion was the one who started this thread, and wrip replied before you did.

I'm fine with standing in the back. I'm also fine with being kicked if you guys want to have a smn and whm (and blm) for your mage jobs. Like I said before, rdm really isn't my priority so I don't care if it gets leveled or not. (I got it to 20 last summer and haven't touched it since).

Once concern I have is that I am not estatic of having a whm-less party, as my main is a white mage and I KNOW the benefits of a white mage in a party (protectRA/shellRA's, earlier -na spells, RAISES). Most of my leftover gear is mage type gear, if I end up standing back I wouldn't mind the lower defense so much for the more mage-oriented gear. (the only spells I'd be missing I think are Dispel, Shell II, III, IV, and Protect III...I can get dispel, and from personal experience it sucks having to recast the pro/shell spells on 6 people every time it wears out >.< My boyfriend has a level 48 rdm and has survived without phalanx, so I think I'm ok without that one.)

From what I hear though, non-whm main healers are better set with a ninja tank, because paladins need consistent curing.

generally from party set ups from what I see it's typically: tank, healer, nuker, 2 melee DD, and other.

I know that rangers open up distortion...not sure on other jobs.

Pokiehl replied before me though so if he/she wants in I'm fine with stepping down. I've only ever partied with one smn before and that was on my black mage, so I don't know how a rdm+smn or smn+whm would work out. (never partied with a smn on my whm)
#15 Jan 23 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
Thats why MNK's wont be accepted. Sure, youre gods thumb from 60-75, but we dont want to be held back from 20-59.

This is also why I stopped being a monk at level 32...hours of downtime sucked because people didn't think you were important. It's kinda difficult to get to 60, when nobody invites you between 20-59...

Odd jobs CAN work in a party, as long as the party knows how to work together.

I have ninja up to level 19, I went from early 16 to 19 in 2 hours in the dunes wiht a japanese party...want to know what jobs we had?


It was the best party I had ever been in...and it will probably never be duplicated again, simply because there was a beastmaster thrown in there...the only problem I had with the party was not knowing what anyone was saying...but it worked.

anyway...make you party how you see fit....but don't make people feel like fools because they chose a job that they love...if everyone were like you, then Dragoons would never get past level 12...

Kbaoth...SocialServices LS on Shiva
#16 Jan 23 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
Splits dont worry about sepukku, me and him are irl friends, so its pretty much both of us trying to start it. We pretty much found out the pt formation...

Rng/War, (we needed a second voke for SATA and if we get in danger)

We tried to make it decent throughout the lvls, not just one lvl group. Pld of course will tank while Thf SATA on the Pld to increase hate. The Rng will pull and be the first voke to set up SATA. Blm will nuke, and Rdm will enf and refresh and heal. Lastly the whm will be our main healer, but we still need one.

In looking of a lvl 20 whm for weekend static.
Anyone have maybe at least a <20 lvl whm and just can go lvl it up a bit? I will post another thread to directly ask for a whm, but lets keep the discussion about time or the pt here.
#17 Jan 23 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
count me in. i have a level 3 Blue Mage. and i can sub SMN for Odin.
#18 Jan 23 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
oh yeah, i can't play during Weekdays or Weekends, so work me in when you can please.
#19 Jan 23 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sun Jan 23 13:20:53 2005 by Kuzy
#20 Jan 23 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Youll be set in stone on mine+Gaion's choice, not yours

Just saying that you didn't need to worry that I would be in. Didn't need you to come off as being a prick.
#21 Jan 23 2005 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
Ok the party will be...

Pld - Gaion
Thf - Sepukku
Rng - TheCrimsonKing
Rdm - Splits
Whm - Neoloop
Blm - Stormywaters

So now its time to work out times, as i said before im ok on

Time(Eastern Time) open to me:
After 6pm Friday
After 10pm Saturday
All of Sunday

When is everyone else open?
#22 Jan 24 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
My work schedule is kinda ****** up... Its on a 3 weekend rotating thing. One weekend I'm off, the next weekend I work Saturday, the next weekend I work both Saturday and Sunday. The only variance to that is what time I work, and on the second weekend I will most likely be working saturday, but some availability issues *might* push me to work that Sunday (hasn't happened so far). I am free on Friday nights though... shouldn't ever be working Friday after 5:00PM EST. However, the wife also has that day off... I'm not predicting any problems as of yet, but if she starts getting pissed at me for playing every friday when i know thats her day off...

though I can probably talk her out of being pissed if I inform her its static and we *have* to do it, and i'll get like some excited 8 year old pleading eyes thing going on and that should win her over.

Sunday is also a decent possibility cause I know I will never work later than 8:30PM EST, but I have to be up and awake for work at 6:00AM so... I get tired kinda early and might not be able to make it more than 2-3 hours sometimes... but thats only once every 3 weekends...

I might be able to start manipulating my Saturday schedule so that I have the afternoon and evening off everytime... but thats a might.

Just let me know how many hours we are shooting for and what everyone's able to make it for and if I have to I can pull some strings...
#23 Jan 24 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
BTW, am I needing to be subbing BLM or SMN, cause I've got BLM at 50 right now and its my main so that won't be a problem... but I'm gonna try to unlock SMN sometime soon and get it leveld up a bit... if you want me to sub SMN it might have to be delayed a week or two...
#24 Jan 25 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
Thats fine Neo, i would prefer friday nights because thats my best day, and Blm is good pre 50 then smn might be better for the avatars' enhancing spells. I have no problem with blm pre 50. Even post 50, i wouldnt mind sub blm, but i think smn would be better.

So splits, crimson, and stormy what time are u guys good with. I will be trying to get ahold of u guys in the game.

Edited, Tue Jan 25 10:16:16 2005 by Kuzy
#25 Jan 25 2005 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
491 posts
sunday's are best for me, next best would be fridays. because i'm not always home on friday/saturday nights. I usually am but lately i've been going out one of the two nights. (probably moreso on saturdays that I'm gone because my bf has school late on friday night and then again early sat morning).

Is this just going to be like a one night a week thing? I'm perfectly fine with leveling slow, I hope you guys aren't leveling your main jobs with this rushing to 75 with this >.>

Neo is already 5 levels above us so he'll have time to up his smn if he wishes.

the main issue between smn sub and blm sub is generally conserve MP vs autorefresh.

whm/blm gets conserve MP at 40/20. Auto-refresh is at 50/25.

the first MP max up is at 20/10smn though, so I've heard people preferring the whm/smn between 20 and 40. I personally think conserve MP is better than auto-refresh, but that's because i have a whm/blm, and my smn is only level 12. personal bias based on what I play :P (general arguments generally wind down to they're about the same and it's a matter of preference for xp parties. conserve mp makes up lack of for auto-refresh + max MP boost, and vice versa)
#26 Jan 26 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Default
Ok splits, so its looking like Friday or Sunday. If we go with Sunday, Neo wont be there every other time. So friday is looking the best. Splits if ur bf goes to school late friday we will probably be done with the static by then or, that he just stop early that day if u want to go out.

Sepukku and I arent lvling this as our mains, so we arent rushing it. Almost as a side job. And yes it will be just once a week unless we decide not to, example, holidays, almost to a lvl, nothing to do, a weekday we can play, etc. Maybe in the Summer if we are still in this, which i hope. Probably make it 2 days but knows.

Still need TheCrimsonKing and Stormy to give us this time.
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