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Most Well Known Player on Shiva!Follow

#52 Jan 31 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
52 posts

those are the ones i hear about the most
#53 Feb 01 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
When I look for someone famous I only come up with those people who have the personality and the flare to instill fierce loyalty or extreme hatred in people.

Hankun (I am frankly surprised no one has mentioned this notorious figure)

Edited, Tue Feb 1 10:48:53 2005 by SwankySirSteve
#54 Feb 01 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Comon who doesnt see me wandering lower jueno all day dry humping people and being /shocked XD. lol
#55 Feb 01 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
hi fem i see ya bunch of times ^^
#56 Feb 01 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm famous people, I should be mentioned here im not only famous... I'm Imfamous. Of course you may look at my signature and wonder who's Cakes.

But I'm not cakes well I am now but I'm not the true cakes, most people know me as TerraNova the lvl 70 Dragoon Mithra. Just getting Dragoon to 70 is something I took great pride in it was my one true goal. Of course I had hoped to actully go Beyond 70.

But maat hates me (;_;) I would like to belive i had a fairly good reputation despit some minor skrew ups and poor judgement along the way. I pretty much have a love or hate affection for everyone, if i don't like i don't like you pretty much.

Of course seeing how i hate greedy selfish people, I hate 99.9 % of the server including my self. I think the one thing i hate the most is people who get free rides in terms of gil etc.

I spent and still spend most of my day farming for what I really want, Sure I could resort my self to being a lamer and buy gil god knows i have enough money in rl for it ... X_X ara-ara. but to me the EUAL is LAW and is written in stone. So when i see people who suddenly gain a haubergon over night it's kind of make my blood boil. shiva is king of people who buy gil. Which is kinda of sad, the influx of gil has totally ruined the ecenomy expect for the few elite who probley buy gil them self.

You have to really think about it, buying gil is cheating because You cheat your self out of earning the gil. And the experince, you may make while earning the gil ... like Quests. One of my Favorite sandoria quests is Time and again I think it's called it's not your usal go to point a and b quests, there actully a part of sandoria's history involved in the quest. the reward is a midevil collar. me and whisperwind did this quest togather which was really fun.

oh and you the title obsidion bolt or something like that, fun quests which all the quests was like that. i must admite i'm somewhat displeased with the quality of quests. most of them are just go from point a to point b to deliver or get a item.

I haven't really put my self into the proms of cop yet i'll probley try those later they seeme fun. I recently read a post that said grimshaady quit well that's sad we party'ed a few times, he seemed nice enough a lot of people are quiting it seemes. for legit reasons like feeling that the game's ecenomy has gone astray. anyway back to me, I'm a 22 year old half japanese / norwigen girl i used to play the mithra named Terranova.

I was somewhat of a ice queen still am, since i really don't care what you think it's just a game attuide is my trademark. I recently quit and deleted all my characters due to disagreement i had with omfg, i can't say i care to much for him. I only recently returned but not as terranova but as Cakes the original owner of cakes is a friend of mine, and he left me have his character since he was no longer going to play.

Been a while since i've been a paladin thought, what most of you may not relize is that i've been here since the Japanese beta. I had a lvl 75 Character while most NA was in Diapers hehe i love that expression from Star Trek I believe. I can't say im all to modest about achivements, I usally like to share my recent accomplishements even thought none really wants to hear it.

I'm a bit of a whiner i think, I like to complain if my job is gimped just ask Neorei i never stopped whining over the nurfness of Dragoon. I love the job I just felt the ws was sooooooo under powered it nearly made me cry. Plus who in the name of God decided that AF should be purple, that's like Barney. After I'm done with Paladin I think I want to try Ranger, only thing I dislike about not being my own character and taking over my friend's cha is that it's elvaan (-.-;) I have Elfphobia as a Mithra i had this uncontrable urge to break out laughing over the Elvaan's gimped mp, agi and dex (^-^')

And this pretty much wraps up my whole why Aren't I on your famous people list.

(Warning the author of this post is Dysletic and somewhat hyperactive and may began insane rambling please see your local doctor for more information. )

#57 Feb 02 2005 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
nope neva heard of u
#58 Feb 02 2005 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I vote...

Terranova (aka cakes.. above...)
All of the HoCD LS (because i can)
And.. my pet?

Although i don't know whether to post ''most heard name'' or.. ''most well KNOWN name''. B/c the only people i could consider to know are mainly in my LS :P.

Yeah.. kinda a confusing topic question imo.

#59 Feb 02 2005 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
i cant believe ive been nominated lmao. im not famous im just a very loud ***. you either love me or hate me lol.
#60 Feb 02 2005 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
ChokybokyNo love for Choky :(

I vote for choky!
#61 Feb 03 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Well as far as "known players" I'd have to pick:


As far as gameplay players go- I think what has been touch on only very lightly. I remember another thread similar to this, forgot where, and everyone picked someone from their LS or doing AF quests/getting things from them- so what was judged more was if you gave someone something- vola you are nominated... some of those quests has nothing todo with skill but dependent on whether you can catch aggro or not.

To me at least- a well known or good player is one that is not only talked about-- but they are talked about because of their performance in all categories such as: EXP PT, quests/AF, organizing missions etc and not based soley on if they 'do' something for you.

Anycase- those are my POV/opinions and my nominations ^^

Edited, Thu Feb 3 13:07:29 2005 by Sincentius
#62 Feb 03 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
Terranova! >_< You shouldn't have deleted your character and stuff just over some disagreement with someone. I was going to do that because of a similar thing but I figured "Sod it, ***** them, they're just idiots anyway" it's just a game, no one should have to delete what they spent hours doing for that.

Anyway, most well known...

That JP galkan dude who always sits in Jeuno with bazaar on
Xellith! (XD, mad taru) lol
#63 Feb 04 2005 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent

names i see and hear alot of lol
#64 Feb 04 2005 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts

You either know him as "The Galka Summoner," or "The Galka Summoner who isn't Tahngarthor" :)

Perhaps you don't know him, but you've most likely seen him around. I believe he's connected well enough to be pretty well known.

Aside from him, Xellith, Pokiehl, Agawulf.

Also, the Galka Bazaar-er the poster a few messages back was wondering about is Bringers, or what I can only assume is another character owned by him, Bringerz
#65 Feb 04 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
Heh "That Galka Summoner" Tahngarthor. I knew him way back newar the beginning of the game. We discovered skillchains together. However, he seems to be pretty infamous for his mouth now (which I remember). He annoyed me a lil, but he's still alright =P

Terranova, I was wondering where'd you'd gotten to. And I wonder, did you have another character before Terra? If you've been around since JP beta, did you have an original character?
#66 Feb 04 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
^^; Terra was my 9th character, I've remade a lot trying to find just the right style to play and the race of choice. My Linkshell on Ragnarok Server was Disolved, shortly before NA release due to me wanting more freedom. I had a 2 Part LS: Shining was the 60 or more linkshell and TheHolyArk was 59 and lower, this was done to give the higher levels a bit more room.

However like most things it could not last, the constent pressure of leadership and people whining and begging all the time. Made being shell leader more annoying then fun, after breaking the Shell I contiuned my leveling I eventully reached lvl 75 but quit due to not finding the game fun anymore. And regretting my choice of race and then the search for my Prefered Race and Style started.

I'm still suffering from moments when the game just makes me depressed, like when someone raises the price on a item i want just when i just finished farming for it. (X_X)

I try to juggle what i played for example usally i played FF XI for a few hours then switched to EQ 2, everyone keeped telling me to get wow. But I rather jump of a bridge then to play that Blizzard Junk, I just have more faith in a Square Enix Product then I do in Blizzard. (>_<)

SE should copyright "We Create Fantasy, then we let gilfarmers skrew up the Ecenomy of it. " (-.^')

oh almost forgot other fameous people!
Shaady (^_^)
KLOE =^.^=
Souless (^_^)

The list just goes on and on, I hear about this people all the time but then again most of them are my friends (*^_^)

Edited, Fri Feb 4 12:27:02 2005 by CakesHOCD
#67 Feb 04 2005 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
Man, what about me....HUH?!

Don't vote for Matiknoob, Chewynoob, Vaxx's gay mule,, true, I don't play nearly as much as the people in my LS. Maybe I should start playing more considering I'm only a level 54 and I've had the game since the NA release.
#68 Feb 04 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I have got to go with Kloe on this one, the only PC I knew about before ever actually seeing.
#69 Feb 04 2005 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
I casinoed I admit. But I was a WHM60 when I started. I just found out in a party I was in that I was even on this list (didn't know I had fans :P) Anyhoo I started Crayola the same reason everyone else did. I didnt make it to casino. I tried the casino, didn't like it and end it. I now can be found either leveling, or making sole sushi and maroon glace ontop of the AH rooftop in Lower Jeuno. Bash me all you want, but I'm making my money honestly. <3 Cray
#70 Feb 04 2005 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
P.S. I nominate everyone in this game. Everyone has something to do with the game wheither it's scamming, casinoing, spamming, teleporting, helping out others, or farming on their own. I don't think we need a list to know that we're all well known someway or another, but I'm extremely flattered to be the list.

P.S.S. Those that called me a *****, you're right, I can be. I speak my mind, I have opinions, and if you **** me off, I will let you know it. Sadly society titles that naughty names, but I mean, come on, it's a game and where else can you be someone crazy without getting arrested for profanity or indecent exposure /wink wink. Anyhoo back to my party and hope this doesn't start threads of crazy talk!

I nominate everyone!
#71 Feb 04 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Good
106 posts
Man, I *heart* Crayola for selling me cheap Sole Sushi +1! :D

(Pssst...I need more!)

#72 Feb 05 2005 at 5:00 AM Rating: Default
In reply to Xellths comment trying to bash and thrash the list so that he/she can make themselves look good. First off, I have no idea who the heck you are even if you "supposedly" helped me with my AF3 and frankly, out of the list already created, I know everyone BUT you.

"who are and what it is they do"
- We're people in the game that has a name that gets around, for good or for evil, for happiness or sadness. This isn't a test on "whose better than who" it's "who is most well-known"

"Everyone on that list there (to me personally) has like bastok fame level 1. What is that? some kind of smail?. There names mean nothing to me personally lol."
- Rank 6 Bastok. Rank to me isn't an issue of getting. Your rank means you can travel around, go to specific spots, etc etc. Being Rank 10 doesn't mean you're better than a rank 1. That's almost like saying being a man is better than a woman. Or white people are better than black. Are you gonna sit here and say that you're being judgemental over an ingame rank?? /comfort /pity /nuff said

"Crayola is only knon because she is the dumbest person on shiva. She uses her main character to casino. Thats just friken stupid lol. Now shes on my blacklist ^^"
- Wow 2 times mentioning I was a casino... brownie points for immaturity. You tell me what makes me to thought out as the "dumbest person" on shiva? Because I made millions off my casino that paid my cooking to level 93? Because when I'm not leveling I'm cooking, making even more money? Or when I'm not doing anything, I help with AF's RSE's etc etc for free, without charging??? Gimme a break. (Which btw if you haven't read, I don't do casino anymore and even when I did, I spammed it at max 3 times in an hour -- teleporters spam 20 times more than me) If you got some beef with me punk, bring it and not on posts.

I nominate Xellwtfever your name is as the most rudest player in the game. Picking on me for no damn reason but to make his stupid *** look good, which seems to be failing.

My advice, get a new hobby, cause picking on me is getting old.
#74 Feb 05 2005 at 5:01 AM Rating: Default
edit >< double

Edited, Sat Feb 5 11:05:41 2005 by CrayolaInBastok
#75 Feb 05 2005 at 5:02 AM Rating: Default
Oops on double >< my comp went nuts
#76REDACTED, Posted: Feb 05 2005 at 9:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) who the hell is Xellith? I keep seeing his name on all these stupid *** forums, like this one, and killing ifrit, but usually its only himself mentioning himself...I think hes a a$$hat
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