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#102 Feb 09 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent

Please remove my name from this rather embarassing list of individuals. Not the kind of people I wish to be associated with (except Kloe, who is great).
#103 Feb 09 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
hehe thanks meara ^^ you've always been a nice person in my book :) looks like i need to revive my campfire thread though... lots of hate going around these boards lately.

Edit: woa there Lion calm down O.o only a few poeple on the list started arguing and you're going to have people argue in a thread like this it's expected no need to blow up on everyone though... just ignore them, they're not worth it.

Edited, Wed Feb 9 12:54:41 2005 by KloeKittyKatGang
#104 Feb 09 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
ok i am usually more of a lurker around here. but i just had to bring this to everyones attention because its absolutely hilarious.

while partying in valley of sorrows today, another party showed up. this is fine, didnt bother us at first. i noticed crayola was with them, again didnt really think much of it. just kept fighting. all of a sudden this party rolls up and starts fighting in our camp. not much of anything went on except for some increased lag and some words said in party chat about the nerve and manners of the other party.

so i said to my party "i dont like them but move back. i dont feel like fighting." my party agreed, but before we could move back, crayola in what is apparently her trademark way came through as a hugely retarded and immature person.

this picture obviously illustrates how courteous, helpful, nice, and mature crayola is.

crayola you carry around this high and mighty attitude that all goes to **** when you do stupid crap like this. instead of trying to compromise about anything you threw up childish insults and beligerent attitude based off an argument that amounted to "no, you have to move." which from what i have heard is not an uncommon occurence with you. how mature and courteous of you. btw, smart move on abandoning your party after this exchange. i imagine you were pretty frustrated or something. good job thinking of others though.

anyways, i'd like to formally apologize to the rest of the other party. while my actions werent exactly the most mature things i couldve done in the situation, i felt justified because i didnt want to back down to a jerk who refers to me as a "newblet with an ego problem". no hard feelings guys.

see you all in the server. except, i'm gonna agree with uno, i hope crayola dies.
#105 Feb 09 2005 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Aight... I haven't posted in a while because well... nothing really all that to post about. Saddens me that I come in to our Shiva forums and see this crap going on. Can we let the fscking drama die, please? (yes, I bumped this up top, but it was pretty high anyhooooooo)

Shiva has a great community. I only joined the server because I had a "thing" for Shiva. <_< But I've come to meet some really cool people (I don't have to name names because you know who you are). Now, besides UnoShiva and Cohle, I've seen the rest of you post infrequently and frequently... each of you have been cool, helpful, funny and stuff. Why you folks are ragging on each other now, I just don't understand it. You folks may not agree with each other or had bad experiences with each other, but what good does it do to ***** on here? You're only jacking up your own reputation.

Are you guys (and gals) gonna get some uber reward for being the most famous? Not really, right? Last time I checked, this was just a thread for fun. Leave the smear campaigns for the lesser folks. Even if you don't agree with the names listed, don't come here to start anything. Just realize that other people have had different experiences with someone than you did.

Cohle, you may have had a rough experience with Crayola, but you should've just kept it ingame. Coming here, "enlightening" everyone on how Crayola is, is childish. There are many factors that could've cause your argument. Maybe she had a bad day and unfortunately you and your party ended up being the target. Maybe one of your party members did something to rile them up... maybe maybes happen. I haven't checked that image and won't. I don't even know Crayola or you, but come on, you had an issue with her ingame, settle it there. You want to back others who are flaming her? Hoping she dies? Oh, now who's the immature brat? Suck it up to a bad experience, blist her if you want and move on.

Really people, everyone gets into disagreements and not everyone can get along with each other, but I've come to expect a high caliber of people on Shiva. I've met more great, fun, cool people than not. And many of those great people include you folks, even in passing.

Maybe y'all are playing this game too damn much and getting cranky, I dunno. But step up right here... I got a group hug ready for those of you mature enough to let all the hatin' go.

Except TaruTaru... I can't see what they're doin' down there and never know if they're ready to knock my kneecaps off.
#106 Feb 10 2005 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
"I like long walks on the dunes, and I enjoy a teleport-dem over a teleport-holla. If you're into brunettes that always cross their legs when they sit, and wear sexy revealing RSE, and don't mind /shouting at people... give me a /tell. I can be reached at 555-Shiva"

*almost snots milk on laptop*

oh my god, that's the best laugh i've had lately... ^_^

then again, i amuse quite easily.... ^_^;;;;
#107 Feb 10 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
UnoShiva wrote:
read my name you dumb *****, i aint hiding. nobody cares if youre a chick quit trying to throw that around everywhere like its gonna make someone like you

Why are you still talking to me? lmfao go away.
And you're the "someone who cares"
#108 Feb 10 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Default
Meara wrote:

Please remove my name from this rather embarassing list of individuals. Not the kind of people I wish to be associated with (except Kloe, who is great).

I'm with Meara, and have been for awhile. This list is ridiclious (however the hell u spell it) It turned into "whose better than who" when it was supposed to be well-known. I'm prolly only well-known because my name is a <((_Crayola_(() even tho I don't find myself with a bad rep like the majority of you assumed.

Either or, this list was fun while it lasted, and I was flattered to hell but pfft to all the jealous, stupid people on these forums. I agree with Crystail wtf is wrong with you people!

Anyhoo, I won't post on these boards again unless it's food related. <3 Cray See you on the flipside!
#109 Feb 10 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
funny how im 100% positive that meara was referring to you as #1 when she said 'embarrasing list of people.'

there must be some reason you examine me everytime you see me crayola, dont act like you dont know.
#110 Feb 10 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Default
Back to the thread, havent checked in 36 hours since the fake names started appearing.

"Go Vancouver Canucks" (/bring back hockey bastards/)

Pittsburgher here. /cry...Super Mario's last year...ruined by himself and his fellow team owners not giving the players money. He'll probably be too old to play next year.

Sep lets hope that doesn't happen because I wouldn't have any other board to go to if this turned into VN O.oh

For once, Kloe agrees with me.

Thank you Sep, *sends 50k in delivery box* I nominate you too.

I wish....But did you seriously? lol Because my Delivery Box had 30 Iron Swords sent to it 3 days ago and I haven't finished taking them off and selling them yet so I haven't seen any deliverys from AH sales or from other people since Monday afternoon.

And Socom...Socom rules. Sadly, me and Gaion had to leave our clan because everyone got so sick of the clan leader they ditched him. 30-year old guy on steroids who has enough stress alone from running his own electrician buisness with a wife divorcing him cause he's so addicted to drugs equals a very angry, short-fused person no one can stand to be around. He was a really good player though. He once managed during one of his anger-fueled "Flip out's" to kill 6 of our teammates and 7 of the other team. And only 16 are in a room (8 vs 8). So 13 people of 15 he can kill...pretty good. Crayola you and Dark interested in Shivan-only Socom rooms? I got a list of other socomer's on Shiva that grows by the week. Up to almost a dozen people.

funny how im 100% positive that meara was referring to you as #1 when she said 'embarrasing list of people.'
Hey used to be cool. Now youre synthesized into "Not Cool +1". But then again, maybe Im not talking to the real Uno? Anyone can make a forum name with someones ingame name. Happened to me on VN. Someone made a Seppuku and a SepukkuSucks names.
#111 Feb 10 2005 at 11:42 PM Rating: Default
sepukku who are you to judge whether im cool or not? theres one big factor we need to put into this....

you dont even know me.
sorry if im not friends with xxx or agree with you on xxx, but if that makes me not cool then wtf ever, i dont really care

thank you.
#112 Feb 11 2005 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default

I JUST READ this post today. I usually don't read long posts because the person writing them usually goes off and off onto a mental rage... nah, your post is NOTHING like that lmfao

I /tell'd your party leader asking if we could share. I've been leveling there forever and everyone was always sharing spots cause lack there of are there for my lvl. Anyhoo I asked your leader, to which they replied "sure np I don't mind" So when your leader replied that YOU didn't like us when GUARANTEED that was my first encounter with you and after READING tons of these posts, I was like **** it!! You got to see my ***** side and I'm honoured that you went thru so much effort to "expose me" lmfao like I care if people think I'm a *****. Infact, I want the world to know! If I had a million dollars, I'd fly 20,000 planes across the world saying "_____<--my name Is a ***** *****!" Pfft you can try to bring me down, but cannot insult me.

As for another "I wish Crayola dies" post wtf you follower or something? lmfao find something original before your hurt yourself and your name as is.

BTW calling me "immature" and all whatever your blah blah post said... lol you guys busted yourself in your own screenshot. Going over egos and ****, who the hell was talking about egos? WTF?! lol You guys made my day. Seriously!

P.S. I didn't abandon the party. Tnt's child was crying and he had to leave, so others decided to go too. I was subbed SMN (WHM/SMN) and didn't have warp, and we had no BLM. So I said, anyone need a tele? They said no and so I left. Before you "assume" get the facts straight.

Edited, Fri Feb 11 00:43:29 2005 by CrayolaInBastok
#113 Feb 11 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
Anyhoo, I won't post on these boards again unless it's food related. <3 Cray See you on the flipside!

see you all in the server. except, i'm gonna agree with uno, i hope crayola dies.
#114 Feb 11 2005 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
UnoShiva wrote:
Anyhoo, I won't post on these boards again unless it's food related. <3 Cray See you on the flipside!

see you all in the server. except, i'm gonna agree with uno, i hope crayola dies.

You have serious mental issues. Have you considered medication?
#115 Feb 11 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Default
very original
#116 Feb 11 2005 at 2:36 AM Rating: Default
UnoShiva wrote:
very original

THAT was very original... lmfao
#117 Feb 11 2005 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
guess this thread ends here
#118 Feb 13 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Default
wow... this thread is boring...
#119 Feb 13 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
"BTW calling me "immature" and all whatever your blah blah post said... lol you guys busted yourself in your own screenshot. Going over egos and sh*t, who the hell was talking about egos? WTF?! lol You guys made my day. Seriously! "

um, yeah. considering the fact that you called us a newblet party with an ego problem, you in fact were talking about egos.

and its good that you dont care that people think you're a *****, because a lot of people do. if you think i was "exposing you", crayola, i have news for you, you were "exposed" a long time before i made that post.

no i did not want to move my party for your "*****" ***, there was no reason why you couldnt camp behind us, but you seemed intent on being a ***** like you always are. so tell me, why should i bow to you? what makes you so special? no wait, dont answer that, i'll just get some stupid answer like "because i'm a *****! LOL!"

and um, uno is in my linkshell, thats why i "copied" him. even though i didnt really copy him, i just agreed with what he had said. i can think of plenty of ways to flame you on my own thank you very much.

nice try on the counter-flame crayola. looks like you're still a ****** though.
#120 Feb 13 2005 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I was levelling a lower job today and someone ran by and cured me. A minute later it happened again.

I wish we could go back to helping each other like this and forget all the petty nonsense.

Edited, Sun Feb 13 23:38:15 2005 by Alderaan
#121 Feb 14 2005 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Flames are fun.


This is a kinda reason i hate threads like this; they go off topic preety much everytime, and people start saying stuff about other people who then retaliate because of stuff said.. etc.. etc.. old news.

Most well known player(s) are usually the ones most infamous i guess. Who hasn't heard of Windboy or the Superstars? Which is kinda why this thread is stupid, lol.

The list should be something like:

etc. . .
#122 Feb 14 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
Okay, I know for a fact that I am a nobody on Shiva and just get along fine by doing what I do best, staying clear of arguments. Despite my very nature being the very reverse of that.

I brought the game to have fun with friends and family who have this game and I enjoy meeting new people in the Dunes, (For some bizare reason, I think I'm the only person on Shiva who likes it there) Qufim and them Jungels. (As you can see, not a high level yet!)

But c'mon guys, is there any chance either of you could back down for just a second and say "Hey wait a sec, mayble I was wrong. Sorry" Or something like that.

It's these kind of arguments in game that make the game less fun. I don't want to see other people branded as noobs, nublets and whatnot just because they said one slight thing out of line toward you or someone you know. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion on someone or something, doesn't mean they're right, it's just their opinion.

If you have a problem with someone, /tell them directly to see if you can resolve it without involving the entire population of Jeuno!

Hell, I bet even the NPC's are tired or your endless rants at one another.
#123 Feb 14 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
Damn, nobody knows who the fu*k I am.
#124 Feb 18 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
WTF. I'm not on this list at LEAST 3 times? Hmmmm, perhaps I'm humping the wrong ppl. LOL. Anyway, my little list would be:

-Crayola (always in Jeuno, spreading her "wisdom" ^^)
-Sepukku (didn't know u were so famous, I still have the hachet^)
-Windboy (lives in Kuftal, lol)
-Hellkid (Casino mob-boss)
-Hikigaeru (Galka SMN/Pimp)
-Kloe (KKG leader and fellow Naruto fanboy)
-Meth (trying to help build his fame ^^)
and of course...ME
-BARCHIEL (The Lord of the Hump /bow)

To know me is to love me, to love me is to be humped by me^^.

#125 Feb 18 2005 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
Barchiel wrote:
To know me is to love me, to love me is to be humped by me^^.

I VOTE BARCHIEL! Free humps?? Umm... Hello I'm there! lol
#126 Feb 18 2005 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
i'm thirsty...
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