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The Biggest Jerks on Shiva!Follow

#1 Jan 31 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
Did the thread for the most Famous, now who are the biggest Jerks on our server, diregarding, old names and gil sellers. You know the people that you meet that you know your life would have been better if you never met them.

#2 Jan 31 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Lchan - Has a lust for MPK..... got me at least 2-3 times on a low lvl job, she even wanted to MPK my whole PT in a camp dispute in QCaves once... let's see if i can remember that Emote she did, "Lchan really wants to MPK someone badly right now."

This is about the only person i can think of that i wish i never met.

#3 Jan 31 2005 at 8:52 PM Rating: Good
Easy one.


Fits the stereotype of immature kid whose life revolves around the game. Has "uber" gear and has to let everyone know that he does. Everything is a comparison, his gear vs. yours.

HomerS>> {No, thanks!}
#4 Jan 31 2005 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Is not very nice to list "bad" pple as we can only see 1 side of the story from here.
#5 Feb 01 2005 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
I am, by far, the biggest jerk on Shiva, even if no one has ever seen me.
#6 Feb 01 2005 at 2:09 AM Rating: Good

i dont like naming hated or bad players but i cant resist this one. i dont hate her...i mean him. this is the person who got me into this game and gave me a world pass. but since then has been terrible. brought me to my first party..and yeah, i was horrible so he/she yelled at me and kicked me for dying.
he/she volunteered to help me with my drk quest. he/she demanded on being team leader, then when i pass leader, he/she kicks me out and says he/she is going to do ninja quest now.
then he/she found out that i hunt lizzie and asked if i could help, since they have never done it being nice and dumb agree. then he/she says that if we get the drop that i have to pass so they can get it. their reasoning for this was because ive got drop twice reasoning...yeah, i come here every night for hours and earned my two drops. then he/she called me a traiter and asked why they even brought me to shiva server. i almost thought about quiting the game because of this person because i wasnt having fun.
and every party ive been in with them, all he/she does with all members of party is argue and ends up leaving. i feel that they are mad because i have surpassed them and am not a noob anymore and i have better gear because i put time and effort into it. damn, that was a long rant. sorry about that

oh yeah...zidaneffix rocks!
#7 Feb 01 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
185 posts
Jerks - plural
in one tight group.
Any damned idiot the higher the rank/level the better going back through low level spots for the umpteenth time that insist on pt'n in the worst location for train death etc (zones, tight tunnels, gar-cit stairs two pts on top o' eachother) ... then fall prey to the bad odds due to the spot and have the balls to /shout /say /tell for a good fifteen minutes straight badmouthing and harrassing the poor pt/person that saved their own **** by zoning and /sh'n over and over about the party train o' death on its way. grow up you went through this you are using a low level job and yes if no ones exp is worth more than others why is yours worth more than mine?

best line ever went along the lines of -- "Damned n00bs your exp is not worth more than anyone elses its your job to die if you are getting chased and take a raise .... you have no right etc.... " and on and on and on and on ....

ooo and mine point campers
after 15 minutes I lost it got pissed and when i saw it spawn again i hit it ...

mc- WTH
me- ?
mc i'm here as%%%le
me- cool so am i
mc- go find another point you dont own this mine
me- <no thanks>
mc- #$%^^
me- I feel lazy too just like you, and for someone that doesnt have a problem with mp camping why do you have a problem with me camping this one?
mc- warps out
#8 Feb 03 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
<<-- add people that rate down lol /sigh
#9 Feb 03 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
People who reach a moderate or hl and go to low lv places like the dunes, make a huge train then walk up to an exp pt and warps out or takes that train to the highlands zone and waits there for the whole train to catch up then zones so the train kills anyone zoning into the dunes and of course they log out after.
#10 Feb 03 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I personally think the Ash Dragon is the worst jerk on our server, whenever he pops he always causes at least 1 death from passers by.

Also i think Guivre could be... kinda hard to decide between the two.

I think the nicest HNM is vytra giving out D2's for free, but still.. just my opinion.
#11 Feb 03 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm... the biggest jerks in my opinion would have to be (long list of crappy stuff that various people have done in the past, no names mentioned though, lol)

People that start **** for no apparent reason such as WHM's that deliberately kill people (just dont heal them) and then whoever dies, what is the point?

Random warpers, people that just say "***** this" and warp off with no notice or explanation..

People from LS's that dont like one person in an LS, however when they see someone else from that LS who isn't involved and that they dont know they then start insulting them as well :|

Time wasters! If you're going to EXP try not to AFK for 20 mins + what the heck is the point in that?

People that generally spread stuff and **** stir when they have no actual proof of anything or dont actually know you and are just going on what other people have said. Ie: Player1 decides they dont like Player2 and then Player1 goes and tells everyone they know to avoid Player2. >_<

And last but not least, people that are generally inconsiderate for when you have to go and do IRL stuff that is important (sleeping, college, work, etc) and constantly moan because you have to go and do these things and cant participate in eventX.
#12 Feb 03 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Default
86 posts
woot I'm one of the biggest jerks on shiva

yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and assume I am the "high lvl" who was yelling at you. Well let's ask the opinions of those on this server where do you go when you lvl at garlaige in the 30s? The 1st banishing gate right? well when there is 3 parties there that isn't really an option so you camp on the front stairs I mean don't BS me and tell me you don't ever see parties there hell I've had high lvls suggest we camp there. I never once called anyone a n00b and I never said it was your job to die, I may have called you inconsiderate because YOU made the mistake whether it was a beetle popping on you, a link etc so why should others suffer by getting one shoted by a sea of mobs you brought to the entrance to save your ***. If whoever got agro, died and took a raise one person would lose exp not the 5-8 people who died that day from your party's train. Whenever I screwed up in the basement I always took the death you didn't see me with citadel bats,funnel bats and chamber beetle's on my *** running to the entrance cause I understood the consequences of what would happen. Even if you did shout train to zone over and over no one even noticed until we saw you run to the entrance because of battle spam, so using that as an excuse is pretty weak. On top of that the average new player hell even the average advanced player doesn't always notice high lvl mobs due to the fact SE is unoriginal and just changes names, so some person sees 3 bats and thinks "oh its just some wingrats" and next think you know the train comes back over and over again to the point where it ruins exp for everyone and even causes some parties to move. The situation wasn't so bad that day I think only a bat or beetle returned once that day but I've seen it happen to the point where people leave for Cnest or vice versa. By the way I got tells from six other people saying "I agree with you" or "Don't bother, it's not worth it" and things of that nature. So if you want to hate me and still think its ok to train cause "omfg 1k exp loss suxxors" be my guest, but when you need a high lvl LS please don't come knocking on Vindicated's door. Cause I don't want to be teamate's with someone with that attitude.
#13 Feb 05 2005 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
lol no "inconsiderate" didn't come through the chat log. What did irritated me enough to /sea who was running their mouth off, I remebered the rank when I posted, and I happend to be bringing a job through the dunes and got kind of sick of people constantly spouting off.
I did not lead the run, thank the other whm? I think coffer key pt of randoms that split up who took off way ahead of us. If it had been us together I think I could of and would have stopped it then with a tele-scape or benned and ran like hell the otherway while they escaped or had the person stopped, killed the damned thing. Problem was the person in the lead didnt and we couldnt do much by then and felt crappy about it. Best I could do by then was my /sh sorry. I've taken my share of "one for the team"'s, and do so regularly and will many more times i'm sure. I also have been trained/mpk'd and fallen prey to others idiocy more times than i can ever count, I dont keep a list. I dont care. I brush it off and keep rolling~ rinse repeat.

My post was without naming names - people that have played long enough that throw a fit and shout out and belittle others when they dont get their way - people ***** up accidents happen btw - and how its irritating as all hell when they think they are justified in it given level, rank or "high level linkshell" kudos for name dropping (lol add that to the list of jerks "name/level/rank droppers") and do it in a /sh format just to put on a performance. Thnx for putting a name/linkshell to it I didnt bother to keep track of who it was either way my issue wasnt on a personal level.

Hate you? no, remeber you? to be honest I didnt remeber your name/LS. Care one way or the other about who you are, what you are or LS associated with ~never.

I didnt say it was ok to train, I dont go out of my way purposely cause others problems. I'm sorry you dont think I'm vindicated material.
Maybe someday we'll figure out we both aint so bad after all.

Edited, Sat Feb 5 03:08:08 2005 by sunkentein
#14 Feb 05 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
You know the citadel sucks.

I nominate the citadel as the worst place on the server to date.

Eastern Altepa is much better.

Just my two cents in the worst player debate. LOL
#15 Feb 05 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know Kimber, but I find it hard to believe that she would act that way since she is named numerous times in the "Most outstanding player" thread...just a thought...o.O
#16 Feb 05 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
Only people that pull to zone every 5 seconds or shout constantly about nothing usful to any one or those who KILL LIZZY for no reason or just to laugh at u .....those are the real jerks on shiva .....behemuthzero is one
#17 Feb 06 2005 at 4:54 AM Rating: Default
yeh, in regards to what homer said, i'll admit yea, sometimes i can be in a bad mood, or just did something crazy and wanted to talk about it, or just someone else talking about gear so i make a comparison, im sorry if i offended you or angered you, but i worked very hard to earn my gear, ive been on shiva for over a year now. If i pty with a sam when im on one of my other jobs, i try to give helpful hints, because i remember how crappy i did way back in the day when i was in the 20s or 30s and had no clue what good gear to use for my job, i hope i dont come off as an *** or a jerk to too many people although i know that on my bad days i can be an *** and i'll admit it. Please just try not to judge me for stupid mistakes ive made in the past, i appologize for them now, and i try to improve myself as i can.
#18 Feb 06 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
i've come to the conclusion that certain zones tend to drag people down, especially if it's a thrown together party. if it's a party of people you know, you generally do better and the stress level is lower, and less chance of people acting like jerkoffs.

best example: my last party in the dunes while i tries to level summoner... 2 hours, i died once and no one leveled. my first party promvyion holla (the toughest one) no deaths, we cleared it pretty fast. the difference, the dunes party was 6 random people that never partied before, the promvyion party was my LS.

Yeah jerks are everywhere, lord knows i am one most of the time, but i'm cute and adorable, so it's ok. if someone REALLY REALLY needs help, i'll help them, even if i don't like them. ask some of the newbies that aggro tremor rams in konschact, i'll gun it down for them...
#19 Feb 06 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
those are the real jerks on shiva .....behemuthzero is one

I also nominate behemuthzero as one of the biggest jerks.

Also, Raye.

Other than that, don't have a problem with many people.
#20 Feb 06 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
Why Raye? Raye has always been cool to me.

NP: In Flames - Man Made God
#21 Feb 06 2005 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
You might be familiar with the LS Knightsofsandoria. well there Are 4 leaders in that LS.One of the leaders i just cant stand.his name is probian,and by now he is a very level char.we both started this game around 2 years ago,but he seems to hate newbs,and i dont like that.Well we started this LS the first year we started,the Leader, sabcr made it.As far as i can remember i was in that LS,but Probian pissed me off on his Always right attitude and his high level.i hated how he treated the Newbies 2.i didnt act like he did,and plus the whole LS was getting kinda dum.But i told everyone i wanted to leave,and good god,he blew up.if you see him around,ask him about how he lost a quarter of his Linkshell to sorta of a rebellion when i left.By the way,if your stilll in that LS,get out of it and join mine,you will be doing yourself a favor.
#22 Feb 07 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Ive known Raye since near the beginning of this game for me(bout lv6 rdm, my first job). Since then Raye has been my friend and has helped me out more then any person and ls I have ever had! My rdmAF1 she solo'ed that NM and she got the coffer keys for my rdm tabard(again solo, I was there swinging and misssing as a drk, no offense to other drks, I just suck) and my af gloves for both rdm and drk(thx to Nikko for helping me with those too). I didnt mean to get my drk af gloves but cuz I activated shadowy hands I got those instead but she still offered to kill those undead mobs for me(missing as rdm this time <sigh>). Raye is the best friend I have in FFXI. I have nothing against you Wrip, but Ive had alot of fun times with Raye and I enjoy her company and Im glad to know her.
#23 Feb 07 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
I don't recall ever belittling anyone based on job lvl or rank, just because I'm rank 10 doesn't mean I was looking down on anyone. Your original post made it seem like training was an ok thing to do, and people who the train effected are jerks if they complain. Maybe I misunderstood your post, but I did't say anything like "omg I have a high lvl whm" or "shut up rank 5 I'm 10" so I really don't know where you get the notion I'm an elitist. If you can't understand why losing time and exp over someone else's errors I don't know what to say, but that is the main reason my group and other groups were angry at the time. I'm glad you did clear up what happened and hope there isn't any animosity. And thank you Kisses for your defense, sorry we haven't had the opportunity to meet yet.

*edit* grammer erros

Edited, Mon Feb 7 14:57:09 2005 by KimberBoh
#24 Feb 07 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
yea I have known kimber for a long long time and still keep in touch. What you described doesn't sound how kimber would act. He's a nice person that doesn't talk down to people and flaunt his high lvl or high rankness. Kimber is definatly not one of the biggest jerks on shiva ^^
#25 Feb 07 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
In the interest of fairness, I will rate the OP down.. Let me explain why:

If someone is truly a Jerk then the word will get around about them in game and we will already know who is a jerk. Also, posts like this will inevitably lead to a mud slinging about some person that didnt this/that/ or the other for another player..

I just don't feel that we need this kind of thing on the Shiva forum for the sheer fact that overall our server is VERY good compared to others. We should all congratulate ourselves for our accomplishments and treat any jerk on an individual basis. This OP can only tear at the thread that keeps us together.. The things that keep us together are far more important than individuals who seek to tear it apart. In order to be treated like individuals, we MUST afford others the same luxury.
#26 Feb 07 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
Lmao, you have to tell everyone your rating someone down and explain why!!. Ok ill do the same then, Im rating you down, my reasons, well you told everyone you were rating me down, fair enough?.

btw: I will agree this wasn't the best thread, and I was't trying to tear everyone apart, just thought people might want to know who to look out for, you know, the people Cuno and such!, but I still rated you down for the sheer fact you told me you were rating me down =P

Edited, Mon Feb 7 17:02:51 2005 by LionsFan
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