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The Biggest Jerks on Shiva!Follow

#27 Feb 07 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
567 posts
Lmao, you have to tell everyone your rating someone down and explain why!!

To be fair, 90% of the time when someone gets rated down without explanation, they whine about trolls and scream that anyone who rates down should explain why. Doesn't mean you have to like it, I'm just saying that the explanation is a learned behavior from time spent in the main forum.

That said, I'm rating you down for rating him down for rating you down! Ok, I'm not actually, but that's a really awesome sentence.
#28 Feb 07 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
I don't do things without a reason. If I feel that something is worthy of playing with the rate button then it is worthy of an explanation.

If I feel something is not worthy of explaining why I did it, then it is probably something I shouldn't be doing in the first place.
#29 Feb 07 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
185 posts
No no no..
I didnt say you falunted or even mentioned who or what you are. I found your rank with /sea Kimber. My intentions with the post were to glom together all the people that find the need to publicly broadcast. Again I'll say theres no names. I'm sorry you feel a direct attack, and misquoated there, you stood out amongst the flurry of tells shouts etc that night but I have seen the same lines damn near everywhere from dunes to kaz. I must have hit a nerve in some way for my vauge "Along the lines of" to prick your memories when no names dates or even locations were used .... I also dont see where I said YOU "flaunted" anything tho I applaud those that ran to defend your honor before reading, its nice to have a fanbase :) The only flaunting of sorts came from your - "but when you need a high lvl LS please don't come knocking on Vindicated's door. Cause I don't want to be teamate's with someone with that attitude." hey LS pride is a good thing I dont know your LS or anyone from it but that line has me assuming they now know my name.
I did not or ever imply you were elitist. Or anyone else ever.
So I'm sorry for anything honestly I did or said to you personaly, but it riding kinda far from my OP and I'm not going to ride the defense for anything outside of it.
My intentions were to point out a situation and any will do that some people ***** up and some people like to make themslves feel bigger by pointing out and feeding on the obvious to ignite a bad scene. The situation is not improved by rallying the troops and high fiving over paragraphs of wisdom spewed into the air.
Anyhow to get the idea of who i consider jerks plop your butt down in the kaz/gar/dunes during a good packed house NA exp fest and watch the sparks fly usualy tho not always someone starts a mudslinging contest and 99% of the time ends with a job/level/rank pissing contest. The ones that get me the most are the "I am such and such therefore I know what I'm talking about" act a jerk, are a jerk period.
The citadel sucks, nuff said, been there done that and about to do it again.
I know from experiance I will most likely meet my fate due to someone elses actions I do not plan on it anyother way, expect the worst and hope the best and eat cheap food till I hit a safe (are there any there? lol) spot. When it happens I'll be irritated to be sure, I'll just dust my gear off and head back for revenge.
#30 Feb 07 2005 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
i hate the people that brag about how good they are or about how bad your job sucks. i was in a party today and we were doing good and we had this thf that kept talking trash about me and my drk. now, i know that darks has its ups and downs..but i realy shouldnt have to put up with someone that keeps belittling my job. he was going on about damage this and damage that. "my thf is outdamaging your drk, you suck" i could care less about anyone outdamaging me (besides brd/whm/pld) because i know my dark is not a pure dd, i have many other things to do. i dont see what the problem was since the party was doing good.
so anyways, i left that party, it takes away from the whole experience with someone like that.
and the higher rankers that make fun of me because i have advanced job but am stuck on mission 2-3 get on my nerves to.
#31 Feb 08 2005 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Alright well thats cleared up and I only said that thing about not joining VD cause I misunderstood your stance on the issue which we have already cleared up, I have no issues with you if you do apply down the road. Anyways thx kloe for defense this matter is over and done with. so lets just all make up and collectively agree as a server that Cuno sucks XD. Oh yeah I never said to my LS "***** this guy he is making me look dumb on alla boards" your rep is safe.

edit for addition

Edited, Tue Feb 8 04:10:46 2005 by KimberBoh
#32 Feb 08 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
hehe np kimber ^^ well that's good that this has been resolved. Dont you love happy endings? :)
#33 Feb 08 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Ive known Raye since near the beginning of this game for me(bout lv6 rdm, my first job). Since then Raye has been my friend and has helped me out more then any person and ls I have ever had! My rdmAF1 she solo'ed that NM and she got the coffer keys for my rdm tabard(again solo, I was there swinging and misssing as a drk, no offense to other drks, I just suck) and my af gloves for both rdm and drk(thx to Nikko for helping me with those too). I didnt mean to get my drk af gloves but cuz I activated shadowy hands I got those instead but she still offered to kill those undead mobs for me(missing as rdm this time <sigh>). Raye is the best friend I have in FFXI. I have nothing against you Wrip, but Ive had alot of fun times with Raye and I enjoy her company and Im glad to know her.

Good. I'm glad she helped you. Opinions differ on different people.
#34 Feb 08 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
440 posts
The biggest jerk, huh? Well, hello to a rate down on this one..



He told me a lot about SMN, we talked a lot, became somewhat of friends.. When I asked him for help with AF3... His first words in response to me were:

Hikigaeru>> What's in it for me?

I've seen a lot of good things said about him, but wow... This game has become filled with people looking out for themselves and just wanting self gain.. If I'm to be rated down for this post, then so be it, but I'm only telling the truth. Any other people I have disliked sue to things, we have otherwise since resolved our troubles.. But I want the good old days back.. Everyone helped everyone, or at least TRIED.. But that's just a Taru's dream running wild. XD Kudos to anyone who does help, though. You people make this game great..

~Niekolaas (That damn SMN Taru)

Level 60 and full AF! :o
LB3? -> {Yes, please.}
Fenrir -> I'm gonna get you, my little puppy. >:o
#35 Feb 08 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts
hey niekolaas, i need LB3 too
let me know if you feel like giving it a go (died once already just trying to start the davoi mini-quest >.< )

as far as jerks on the server ... i stopped PTing with people for months now so its hard to say, i'm usually just farming and don't get into altercations with people ... except i hate ookk
#36 Feb 11 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
Hikigaeru helped me with my AF Body for RNG...for 20k an hour. Me and another RNG split the cost. He didn't seem SO bad, he's just all about his loot, lol. As for jerks, Makaan is one of the most recent ones I've met. I was got invited to a PT in Garlaige Citadel and he was in it. He was a 34 PLD and I was a 34 NIN. We were gonna co-tank. I had good gear and Winged Boots +1 and he accuses me of buying gil because I'm Rank 5. I also have a 50 WHM, 55 THF, and 60 RNG. He is Rank 9 with a 75 DRK and says "There's NO way to make money on this server anymore because of gilsellers." Maybe I should have fought naked. The PT was good though, good xp. But if there is anyone on the game that I'd love to smack in the face in RL, it'd be him. I didn't know that n00bs could make it to lvl 75. LOL. Honestly, his skill was ok, but he has a bad attitude. If I ever would MPK someone, it would be real life. RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#37 Feb 11 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
Lmao, Makaan a 75drk, yeah right, he's more like a high 50's drk!!!, he also has a mnk in high 50's. I just thought that was funny, I have no rpoblems with Maakan though and dont know why he would accuse you of buying gil.
#38 Feb 14 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Wow. I'm the biggest jerk on Shiva. (Hot damn, I'm ON Shiva! I...I've always dreamt of this...) So, does this award come with a cash prize? Anyhow, Niek, you asked my help for AF3. And I'm the worst person in the world because I didn't drop everything and help you out of the goodness of my heart? Look, you egocentric asstard: I've been stuck on level 71 for six weeks. Why? Because I'm HELPING PEOPLE. OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF MY FUGGING HEART, YOU WIPEBAG! I CAN'T HELP EVERY FUGGING PLAYER ON THE FUGGING SERVER!

Barch can tell you, yeah, I charge for my help if you're not a good friend of mine. A Galka's gotta eat. Right now, I need to raise 850k for some Cursed Mitts, and 600k for a Pluto's Staff. I have about 350k. And no high crafting levels. So I ***** myself out to people who need help. SMN isn't the first job picked for party invites most of the time, no matter what our player skill is. But, for soloing lower level mobs, we're unbeatable. We make our own PLDs appear out of thin air who are also DDs. So, yeah, if people have the gil to burn, we can easilly earn it.

Ask Barchiel. I made sure he was happy with my services. He got his keys and I got my gil. My going rate is 20k/hour for my help. A friend of mine and I found a certain area where we farmed 300k each in three hours of fighting. So if left to my own devices, I can earn a lot more than 20k/hour. But it's fun to adventure, so I take a pay cut in order to do more exciting things. So I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt in charging for my help. You don't have to pay. It's kind of a high price if you're low on cash. I understand. But some people are really wealthy and want things to happen quickly. They can afford the luxury of hired goons.

So, in conclusion, eat me. If your ****** has this much sand in it because everyone you meet won't drop everything to bend over for you, then it's your problem, not mine. I don't mind being called the biggest jerk on Shiva. I've certainly done a lot of bastardly things. But if you're gonna attack my character, at least have the testicular fortitude to pick a real reason. None of this ******** because I'm not your personal *****. *****.
#39 Feb 14 2005 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
49 posts
Please, nobody else start a Galka Summoner. They're so ... whiny.
#40 Feb 14 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
205 posts
Damn Hiki, I need to start charging for help too. :P but then I'd feel bad for all the people that helped me! Dude I wanna do the next CoP mission with you...

Whats the going rate?
#41 Feb 14 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
525 posts
Well hiki, as long as you're not bitter about it or anything..
#42 Feb 14 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,220 posts
Hikigaeru wrote:
But, for soloing lower level mobs, we're unbeatable. We make our own PLDs appear out of thin air who are also DDs.

Not to jump into this flame pit, but this quote stuck out to me... don't forget your friendly neighborhood BST, we have a magical Paladin/DRK in a bottle as well, plus we can jump into the frey and mix it up as well.

As far as the biggest jerks, meh....I may be the only person on the server that has never used the /blacklist function.
#43 Feb 14 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
Fatter wrote:
Please, nobody else start a Galka Summoner. They're so ... whiny.

#44 Feb 14 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Well, when I said we're unbeatable, that was, obviously, a lot of opinion. Really, there are two jobs that can farm with pets. If they can't use pets, they get links or need to use consumable items. But, so far as pets go, I prefer my free Carby or extended free Fenrir (I use Spirit Taker to regain more MP than he can drain) than a charmed mob that isn't as high as I need or a broth pet that'll cost me my hard earned gil.

And, about the charging for my help: wow. I had no clue that so many people had a problem with it. I, myself, have payed for higher level help in my halcyon days. You don't know me, and you want my help. Why should I give up what I'm doing to help you? That might sound a little heartless, but I get a dozen people a day begging me for help with something. Should I help all of them? Why do I owe them my time and effort? And, sometimes, gil? Believe it or not, people, I have to pay actual money for the priviledge of playing this game. And you want me to spend my cash on it just so I can help all of you? I don't force anyone to hire me. I offer to help for a price, and some people don't mind paying. Gah. Sorry to ruin all your days like that.
#45 Feb 14 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
hiki rocks. he got me my ruby way back we i was a loy lvel 31 white mage or something. since then we ave ben hlpign each oheron and off on anythig we needed help with. he is a great guy. I LOVE HIS LIL CARBY ^^ SO CUTE! .... i wanna firaga 3 him!
#46 Feb 14 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Excellent
440 posts
Hikigaeru wrote:
So, in conclusion, eat me. If your ****** has this much sand in it because everyone you meet won't drop everything to bend over for you, then it's your problem, not mine. I don't mind being called the biggest jerk on Shiva. I've certainly done a lot of bastardly things. But if you're gonna attack my character, at least have the testicular fortitude to pick a real reason. None of this ******** because I'm not your personal *****. *****.

Well, if testicular fortitude = pointless insults on a forum thread, then many have that, no?

And you never told me you were busy or anything, I asked you for help, you asked with what, I told you, and your response was: "What's in it for me?" Not that you charge for help, or that you were busy. Just saying that in response is clue enough that you'd only want self gain. And, if I recall correctly, I offered 10k. (More than half of what my character has)... But to see that response after hearing so much good about you... Absolutely terrible.. But go ahead and keep typing dumb insults and all, and saying that you're not my ***** and all that crap.. I asked for help, you showed a sign of wanting nothing but Self gain and all, which I despise..

And on a side note.. I've been 60 for 2 weeks because I've done nothing but help people on my LS's, so that makes you nothing special with the being 71 from helping.. That was your choice..

Happy Valentine's Day, though, everyone. ^^ I'm 18 today, too. >.>

I'll be back on FFXI soon. :)

#47 Feb 18 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, I must say Hiki runs a good business. I thought he was joking when he'd send me tells asking was the service worth it. Hell, I got my keys, plus he helped me safely get the coffer. I'd hire him anytime for more help if he is up to it. I don't blame him for charging ppl. Would YOU stop your plans to just help ANYONE do a quest or mission that's gonna take about 2-3 hours out of your life...for nothing? Well, if it's a friend, that's different. But a total stranger? No, you wouldn't. So don't call the man a jerk cuz he charges. I can see if he had a bad attitude while he charges (like a pissy taxi-driver), but he's a generally cool dude. Plus, he let me hump Garuda, so he gets extra cool points. ^^ Hiki's pimpin' service.
#48 Feb 28 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
Wow, I gotta make a correction. Just met the biggest jerk on the game. Chapstic. What is this old guy's deal? He's officially on my /slist *********** Looks like its time for me to lvl BST; though I'd like to MPK him in RL ^^.
#49 Feb 28 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
Why bring this thread back?, I have already been rated down enough for it. It had been 2 weeks since anyone posted on here and Im guessing it was even off the first page.
#50 Feb 28 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
Why? Because its a public thread that anyone can post on. Once it becomes a violation to do such a thing, then by all means; add your two cents. Until then, either read it, ignore it, or STFU. I didn't know that you owned the boards. Sorry you were rated down, but to be rated down doesn't mean crap. This is a forum on the internet for crying out loud. Though I'm not angry at you for posting your reply, please at least make your statements relevant to the cause. Read the subject and post. Its based on subject not date. Maybe I should add your name to the list; but it seems its already there...for good reason perhaps?
#51 Feb 28 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
Ah yes Good Point, you can post anything you want and also, I shouldnt care that some rate me down either.

/em looks for his name on list, but doesnt seem to see it, hmm!

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