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Crayola. Get over yourself.Follow

#1 Feb 16 2005 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
im in jueno. I see Oreenishi do a random so i decide to join in.

so i type /random

Then Crayola starts ******** me out in tells and shiz saying i tried to cheat her out of money and stuff....

i mean come on Crayola. Take a chill pill. I only type /random.

If one /random pisses you off then i think im gonna send you a /tell saying "hi there ^^" just to see how wound up you get. I mean your pretty ez to **** off. You need to calm down.

(come on people. I type /random and i get ******* out? wtf? lol)

Crayola: "Xellith you ******".

Im only posting this just to se what she does. She may find it offensive. Pissing off Crayola is gonna be my main fun feature on weekends. =)

Crayola... just... just.. please... go to bed. lol.

Edited, Wed Feb 16 05:08:22 2005 by Xellith

Admin edit: Bump this!

Edited, Wed Apr 20 18:19:10 2005 by Kaolian
#2 Feb 16 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Default

I'll pay 1 million gil to everyone in this game if I don't see my name on a post for 1 hour. Starting ... NOW!

#3 Feb 16 2005 at 2:44 AM Rating: Default
Xellith wrote:
Im only posting this just to se what she does. She may find it offensive. Pissing off Crayola is gonna be my main fun feature on weekends.

It's Tuesday. Only way you could really **** me off is if you kill my family. And unfortunatley, I don't get along with them, so I guess I wouldn't be too pissed. I swear to God you get off on your own voice and the stupid things you come up with.

P.S. Still not pissed off. Keep it coming :D
#4 Feb 16 2005 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
so the way you are with everyone is just hormones is it? you on the rag? (how can i get off on my own voice. its letters on a computer screen they dont make noise. you ******.)

I think your lying about havnig a boyfriend i mean seriously your just too much work. Either that or you do have a bf and he isnt giving you what u want or something. but thats not my business. just dont be an *** all the time.

Ill make you a deal. You dont say anything about me or my friends and i wont say anything about you to mine. =P

Edited, Wed Feb 16 05:06:34 2005 by Xellith

Edited, Wed Feb 16 05:07:22 2005 by Xellith
#5 Feb 16 2005 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Feb 16 05:06:10 2005 by Xellith
#6 Feb 16 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Default
341 posts
So I'm curious as to how you handle ppl making you angry in RL, do you go their neighborhood and spray paint slanderous graffiti on the side of their house? Seriously, I have to agree w/ a few of the other posts on here that have already touched on the subject, enough is enough. What gets resolved by coming on here and making a post flaming Crayola? Perhaps we should all come on here and write nasty posts about ppl in the game that have done something to make us angry, annoy us or just bothers us in general. Hell, why not just make a forum that consists of nothing but posts flaming other ppl... oh I suppose that's what this one has become with a small bit of relevant information mixed in. Either learn to let things go or find a new game to play, one where there isn't other RL ppl w/ you.

Just leave Crayola alone, if she didn't steal from you, MPK you or do something else to that extent then there's really no reason to post on here making a big deal out of nothing.

*This was not intended to be offensive to the original poster, nor was it directed entirely at that individual. This is directed to everyone out there that feels the need to come on here to ***** and whine about other ppl in the game.

60 Whm/ 31 Blm
#8 Feb 16 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
Grimshiddy wrote:
Thank you Salvation. I am growing a little tired of it myself. I no longer run my Casino and even if I did, I still do not think that should warrant all these threads against me. People like Xellith just need to grow up and stop with these Flame threads. I can't believe he even took up to the level of making another account. Well im done with all these posts, if you need me i'll be cooking on top of the AH in lower Jeuno.

LMFAO You have to be kidding me.... THIS WAS NOT MY POST. I swear to ******* God you are seriously ****** in the head.
#9 Feb 16 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Default
Grimshiddy wrote:
I no longer run my Casino and even if I did, I still do not think that should warrant all these threads against me.

If you even knew anything about the threads posted against me imposter, I reopened my casino 3 days ago... AND I wasn't being flamed for running a casino, I'm being flamed cause I swear, say blunt things and for being a *****. Nice try.
#10 Feb 16 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
OMG. This board is turning into a huge soap opera. o_O. I'm always in Jeuno and anyone overly anoying gets on my blacklist. No One from this board is on my blacklist yet so I don't see how everyone here is as bad as everyone makes them out to be.
#11 Feb 16 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
made another account? ive done no such thing. dont jump to conclusions before you know what is actually going on.

Ill make you a deal. You dont say anything about me or my friends and i wont say anything about you to mine. =P

Im trying to stop this whole mess dammit.

Edited, Wed Feb 16 11:32:58 2005 by Xellith
#12 Feb 16 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
This board is turning into a huge soap opera.

S'what I'm sayin'. When I first got here I saw community and thought "cool". Nowadays, it's all bickering amongst each other. Notables (Agawulf, Kloe, etc.) hardly ever post... or have, just not in Shiva forums. Was there even a sense of [good] community here? Or was I just misled because I thought FFXI was cool?

Hardly ever come to these forums now...
#13 Feb 16 2005 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I've seen Crayola on several accations, once she Gave me a tele and she helped me once at summer fest she's nothing more than an inisent Hume girl who I asked to marry me last week end.


Man Crayola you seem to be bing a B**ch on this server, just start being nice. Sorry that im flaming you but sheesh your all over the Forum!!
I never asked here to marry me
Just to let yall know... I have no love :(
#14 Feb 17 2005 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
next time i catch you cussing in jeuno im reporting you i dont care if thats a ***** move or not theres nothing id rather see more than you gone.

watch your mouth.
#15 Feb 17 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
46 posts
LOL the crayon(crayola) needs a life if some1 does a /random u shouldn't curse em out. Btich u need a life go back to your parents and let whoop yo *** for being a *****(i don't get along with my family wah/cry) ***** stfu LOL
#16 Feb 17 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Default
346 posts
I mean come on this is getting rediculous already. Heres a thought. If someone annoys you and you don't like them blacklist them. Its as easy as that. Crayola hasn't ever bothered me once and I see her in Jeuno from time to time. Just because you read something here don't jump to conclusions and just think oh its on alla everything here must be true.
#17 Feb 17 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Default
Icerider wrote:
LOL the crayon(crayola) needs a life if some1 does a /random u shouldn't curse em out. Btich u need a life go back to your parents and let whoop yo *** for being a *****(i don't get along with my family wah/cry) ***** stfu LOL

"You ain't got nothing on me."

This post was near the bottom of these forums. This is soooo yesterdays news. But I'm honoured that <bumped> me. {/bow}

I'll tell you what I told Hulck aka GalkanGeneral or whatever his other name is (that's not me being a *****, I forget his other nickname) You people are the ones that keep tabloid magazines in business. If you don't like what you hear, blist me. If you don't like what I say, don't listen. I'm sorry if I was brought up to speak my mind, to have an opinion, and in doing so I'm being classified as a *****. If that's what society is naming it, then yeah I'm a ***** and proud of it.

I'm an unlit match. Flick me around, and I light up. Play with fire, you will get burned.

My only reason I've ever posted on the boards was to give cooking information and explain the effects of some foods. Ever since "Most Well Known Person" post a friend ingame messaged me saying "Hey you're #3" and I was like "Huh?!" Then they told me about Shiva forums. I didn't even know that this existed.

Alot of either really really bored as hell lowlifes that live with there parents in there redneck little trailors drinking cheap beer and have lonely nights, OR a lot of jealous people decided to flame me for this. "Oh Crayola is not blah blah blah she is definately blah blah blah"


If you ever even read the posts that I get flamed about, it's because of stupid arguements that get esculated, or circumstances where I believe that I should say something in my defense. Then you have the odd group of little boys and girls that decide to flame on that because they're bored, it makes them seem cool, etc etc.

So let me get it clear, and make it simple for those that lack intelligence: I don't need to get over myself (like the subject says) How about YOU get over me.

#18 Feb 17 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
LOL the crayon(crayola) needs a life if some1 does a /random u shouldn't curse em out. Btich u need a life go back to your parents and let whoop yo *** for being a *****(i don't get along with my family wah/cry) ***** stfu LOL

Sorry, had to have a LOL for this comment.

You may now return to your reguarly scheduled episode of "How the shivan's turn"

#19 Feb 17 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
you are all a bunch of idiots.

Grimshiddy (posted like 10 up above), kick *** name, bro
#20 Feb 19 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
/em uses High-Fivega III.

Oh Crap, wrong thread. Sorry.

#21 Feb 20 2005 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
17 posts
oo were flamin crayons? haha i got a story, going back about 1-2 months ago me and my friend got tired of her damn casinos and her stupid chats in /shouts. we my friend said he takin bets up to 1 mill and i said i il bet 1 mill, and randomed, that very second i got tells from crayons sayin WTF u got no millions etc etc.. what a *****. lol she called me a scamer after that and i wasent even the one takin the bet lol.

anyways, crayons talks alout of bs in jeuno, any 1 that talks to her kindly goes blisted soo fast just like the rest of the casinos, only people that would talk to her are *** holes and have no friends in rl or think their getting some where by doing it, lol he/her/it is the most infamous since the days of bobbyjai or whatever his name is. any 1 that supports crayons not bein a ***** tell me so i can blist u cause u prob got as much bs to say as crayons him/herself. any 1 that even casinos with crayons is a idiot and is doin nothin but givin em more gil for gear, lol u think crayons farmed gil for cookin/armor hahaha suxers he got it off YOU!
#22 Feb 20 2005 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Blacklist is your friend.
#23 Feb 21 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Default
Xinith wrote:
oo were flamin crayons? lol u think crayons farmed gil for cookin/armor hahaha suxers he got it off YOU!

Nice try with *exposing* me but I've already made the statement that being a casino paid for my cooking skill ups. So as I say to the unfortunate losers "Awww, Xinith, better luck next time!"

Anyhoo, I'll pray for you my friend. {/comfort} {/comfort}

#24 Feb 21 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
what's the point of going at eachother's throats in these forums, instead of during the game? noone ever wins, and people just become more and more bitter. people, it's interesting to read, but that's it. get over yourselves please.
#25 Feb 21 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
Grimshady wrote:
what's the point of going at eachother's throats in these forums, instead of during the game? noone ever wins, and people just become more and more bitter. people, it's interesting to read, but that's it. get over yourselves please.

L O L You're one to talk. You flame anyone and everyone when you have a chance. Some people are better to be seen and not heard... you my friend, are one of those people.
#26 Feb 21 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
It's **** like this that give us FFXI players a bad name. You know how many people talk **** about us on The Asylum thread? Seriously guys, stop the fu*k up!

Can't we all just get along? *tear*
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