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Dear Idiots............part 2Follow

#1 Feb 16 2005 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
What the hell is all your problems? What kind of sick, perveted fantasy do you live in that allows you to think that this kinda bullsh*t you say here is funny? A few months ago none of this crap existed, anything that had anything negative was directed at known scammers, and not these damn assumptions and witchhunts, and gilsellers.

Now we have posts like that "Beware the Kiyo" which has nothing to do with the forums, or even FFXI, and belongs in REAL LIFE. Then we have flame wars between people just because they don't get along in a videogame. How childish is that? "Oh my god, I don't like this person, I'm going to go to the forums and spam threads about it". Next up for you pathetic life's lesson, finding out why the round block doesn't fit through the square hole.

I'm sorry Xellith, but you're little "Crayola. Get over yourself" thread is idiotic. There's a private messenge function, learn to use it. What purpose could pissing her off serve, other than for your own sick, demented humor. Nobody else cares.

Grimshady, poser or not, shut up. You think you're being funny? Nobody likes you. How funny is that? You probably play FFXI because you're socially inept, and any solace you could possibly find ingame you're ruining. Go ahead and use you're get out of jail free card "I got a g/f" or "I have lot's of friends, I just do this to have fun". Any excuse that helps you sleep at night. I've heard them before. Everybody knows they aren't true, probably even yourself. And if you don't realize it, I'm sorry, but not as sorry as you.

I'm sure all you all enjoy ruining other people's fun. You do it because you're jealous. Think about it for a second, if you don't do it, you're not having any fun, but they are. Right? But now that you do it, you're having fun, and they aren't. Amazing.

You people are nothing but a waste of sperm, and your mother should've swallowed you instead of taking it between the legs. Now shut up.

Thank you.

#2 Feb 16 2005 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
i completely agree. rate up. and yes i do think its funny that i can **** someone off by typing /random. dont you?

(there was a flame war in jueno last night. got messy. Crayola started ******** on my friends. unacceptable. Crayola. Ill make you a deal for real. if you stfu then I shall also stfu. sound good?)

Edited, Wed Feb 16 05:09:38 2005 by Xellith

Edited, Wed Feb 16 05:09:55 2005 by Xellith
#3 Feb 16 2005 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default
Pokiehl wrote:
What the hell is all your problems? What kind of sick, perveted fantasy do you live in that allows you to think that this kinda bullsh*t you say here is funny? A few months ago none of this crap existed, anything that had anything negative was directed at known scammers, and not these damn assumptions and witchhunts, and gilsellers.

I'd hate to say this cause Kramer's my friend... but I believe his "Most well-known" post got the attention of me being #3 on the list of 10 and a lot of overly immature ***** thought elsewise, and so, the hate on Cray began.
#4 Feb 16 2005 at 6:00 AM Rating: Default
Xellith wrote:
(there was a flame war in jueno last night. got messy. Crayola started ******** on my friends. unacceptable. Crayola.

I shouted my casino.
You called me a transvestite.
Umm. That's interesting.
#5 Feb 16 2005 at 7:18 AM Rating: Default
Oh great now youre gona bring that war in here? lmao
#6 Feb 16 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
Pokie... One word for you, my friend...

Bravo. :)

Rate up definetely.

/kneel Pokiehl

#7 Feb 17 2005 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Ah yes, it would be ironic, if of course I hadn't seen it coming a mile away...

Poki, little buddy, you had to have known when you made this topic that the innane arguments would almost instantly spill into here...

Why, I repeat WHY, must you people take out your frustrations with with someone's virtual persona in a public forum? Is it so hard to type /tell and their name, and talk through it like decent, civilized human beings? All this drama doesn't involve me, or 95% of the others on this forum, and yet I find myself forced to slog through it to get to the few good or entertaining posts here.

Edited, Thu Feb 17 01:06:19 2005 by LittleBobbyPop

Edited, Thu Feb 17 01:48:28 2005 by LittleBobbyPop
#8 Feb 17 2005 at 1:18 AM Rating: Default
you have me mistaken with someone else. i never called you a transvestite. id call you a tranny. i wasnt even there at the start of the flame war. so dont talk about what you know nothing about.
#9 Feb 17 2005 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
Poki, little buddy, you had to have known when you made this topic that the innane arguments would almost instantly spill into here...

I didn't. Should have, but didn't. I guess I'm an idiot myself for that. What could I have possibly have thought, that I, believing in the good qualities of human nature, could possibly show these f*ckheads the light. Like little demon children they'll never stop.

Now please, listen. You've won. My dreams for returning these forums to it's former decency have been destroyed. Any further comments made by you is only the further rubbing of salt on the open wounds of my heart.

Thank you for ruining my day. I just hope you break your arms patting yourself on the back.
#10 Feb 17 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
Pokiehl wrote:

#11 Feb 17 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
i think everyone trying to save a 'forum' should just give up.

............its a forum.... people are going to say what the **** they want
#12 Feb 17 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
............its a forum.... people are going to say what the @#%^ they want

Because one can doesn't necessarily mean one should.

i think everyone trying to save a 'forum' should just give up.

Although the Shiva Forums isn't as active as the other server forums, there was GOOD COMMUNITY here. There were less of the backstab/sling mud type of posts here. We all got along.

It was fun.

Poki, I salute you.
#13 Feb 17 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
whos to say what one should post?
#14 Feb 17 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
whos to say what one should post?

No one.

But realize the logic of what I stated. All of the "you" in the next statement are of the general variety, not specific to any one person.

You can say whatever you want to your parents, your friends, your fellow students/co-workers and the general public at large. But do you?

There are general "rules", societal acceptabilities, of one's behavior. Common sense, respect and civility should not only be observed in real life, but also in any forum (and any game for that matter). The Internet is a great communications tool... but it's also one of the worst. It allows some degree of anonymity and that can bring out the worst (or best) in people.
#15 Feb 17 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
I find it interesting, watching the threads "progress" over the week. I only get back to Ft. Bragg on the weekends, so i can't check these throughout the week. I'd like you all to know (though some won't care, they are too bitter to), that life is sweet as can be without FFXI being played in my life. I check these boards because I knew some of the peeps here for over a year, so it's interesting to keep up in a way. Sorry for being "pathetic", pokiehl.

Now, there seems to be alot of negativity. Let's find out why.


Ha, it would appear i got to the root of the problem! If we all took some time from our busy week and tracked her down to maim her, life would be so much better. *sigh of relief* ahhhhhh.... the joys of life.

Pokiehl, please scroll to the very top of this thread, where you tell me i'm a loser, in a round about way. At any time have i EVER attacked you? nope. have i ever personally attacked anyone here? nope. have i attacked some peoples opinions? sure. that's what boards can be used for, though personal attacks aren't cool. i digress, i'm sorry...

So pokiehl, you make a post talking about "why is everyone making crap posts about eachother and not having fun with the game" while you yourself attack others.

This confuses me. Hell, i'm a soldier who jumps from an airplane at 1200 feet, combat loaded, 1-4 times a month. How smart CAN i be, right? So break it down to me, how this game is helping YOU?!?!?! Someone, anyone, scroll through ALL the posts on this website. When's the last time Pokiehl had a POSITIVE comment? i think she posted the link to a slick video a few weeks back, props for that. you had to rip it off Titan's forum, but still, it's slick. Yet you constantly get on here and belittle others for their own bickering, and i don't see how that helps.

*sigh* people and video games. Pokiehl, this game has made you bitter. Do you get upset when someone calls your house while you're playing? Do you SPRINT to the bathroom when nature calls? You order food alot more than before you started the game? Do you ever make an EFFORT to plan outdoor activities? hell, we'll even count going to the movies as an outdoor activity, since it's OUT of the house and OFF the computer.

I had the same crap going on when i played. I lost all concept of where my real friends were, online vs. Real Life. Sure, i bonded with numerous peeps online, but there has to be progress in life somehow. Not $$monetarily$$, persay, but somehow. Maybe in a job, church, friends, work. Something has to be moving forward, or you become stagnant. Nothing challenges you anymore besides leveling up or finishing a Limit Break? Yes, it's time to pick up your balls (or ovaries, Pokiehl, don't be offended), say goodbye to your good friends online, and take the game off your harddrive. and THEN, walk the game disc to a dumster. No different than going cold turkey on drugs, smoking, or whatever else. Gotta get it out of the house.

Now Pokiehl, I'll put a quarter that says you're a cutey pie in real life, assuming you ARE really a girl. and the TRUE shame to me here is the things you're missing out in real life, as this has BECOME your life, and you're so bitter towards everyone. I know you will jump on here to flame this post, and that's fine. If nothing else it will make for good conversation, and our intelect won't be stagnant like the rest of some lives.

Everyone, please, make time for RL issues. I've never heard an online-game-quiter say, "man, since i quit online gaming, my life has gone to sh*t! i'm eating healthier, sleeping more, and my grades/work productivity has skyrocketed! i need to get back online..."

with that said, i'll continue to make snide little comments here and there in interesting topics, but don't be offended. I still love alot of peeps out there, and am only trying to push buttons of a few in specific ^-^

Pokiehl, I apologize for coming off to you solely, and not mentioning other names. Please simply take in what pertains to you, and what doesn't let go in one ear and out the other.

SSG Luke A. Grim
US Army Paratrooper
Ft. Bragg, NC
#16 Feb 17 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
Grimshady wrote:
Pokiehl.Ha, it would appear i got to the root of the problem! If we all took some time from our busy week and tracked her down to maim her, life would be so much better. *sigh of relief* ahhhhhh.... the joys of life.
Pokiehl, please scroll to the very top of this thread, where you tell me i'm a loser, in a round about way. At any time have i EVER attacked you? nope. have i ever personally attacked anyone here? nope. have i attacked some peoples opinions? sure. that's what boards can be used for, though personal attacks aren't cool. i digress, i'm sorry...

Grimshady you are sadly sadly SADLY mistaken.
You have missed a ton of threads that have been bumped down or deleted from poor rate.

A guy posed as you "Grimshiddy" and claimed to be both me and you and said we had some racicial idea to make Race Specific Servers where only "specific race" could be in there "specific server" so harsh and controversial of a lie that was started by him. Pok was just saying basically to everyone that was being stupid to **** off. They were posing as "Grimshady" being named "Grimshiddy"

You owe Pok an apology.
#17 Feb 17 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Default
Pokiehl specifically flamed "Grimshady" at the top, not "Grimshiddy". and no harm to Pokiehl, but she's still bitter towards the world. :D not for me to apologize there
#18 Feb 17 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
Grimshady wrote:
Pokiehl specifically flamed "Grimshady" at the top, not "Grimshiddy". and no harm to Pokiehl, but she's still bitter towards the world. :D not for me to apologize there

"Grimshady, poser or not, shut up. You think you're being funny? Nobody likes you. How funny is that?" - from Pok's message

Grimshady, you claim you were away for the weekend and weren't here to even be able to post anything. WTF do you think Pok is talking about when she says "Grimshady, poser or not, shut up, you think you're being funny?"

Come on Grim, I don't know you that well, but I mean, put 2 and 2 together...

Pok didn't just think to flame on you for the fun of it... unless you did something... which you didn't... come on think about it!
#19 Feb 17 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
wow, don't YOU miss the point too, crayola. my main post went beyond her telling me to shut up. i can handle that, good grief. it's about peoples general attitude towards things when the game becomes your life, and you become bitter towards people.

so now you and i get our own war? that's stupid. read Pokiehls entire post again, and take out the names she directed it towards. her post now is a bitter, upset attitude towards all, not just people who post "watch out for so-and-so!" type posts. get off my back, i'll get of Pok's, but everyone needs to just roll your eyes when people get on this website pissed off. if you don't post after them, commenting on them, then the thread will die, or get buried. brush it off your shoulders, don't let it ruin your day.
#20 Feb 17 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
This game has too much drama.
But seriously think about it, it's like SE "knew" this would happen. They knew we'd be addicted. I mean, why else do they put that silly message at log in "Don't forget your family, friends, school work" Well, I guess they were right.
#21 Feb 17 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
on a real note, this is sort of fun. i'm bumming around the house this weekend, as i just finished US Army Recruiter school, and have 4 days to do nothing. so, i actually picked up a game, and am playing it next to my computer. hitting Refresh on the Shiva link is keeping me entertained :D

i'll tell you all what... let's solve ALL these "i hate you", "i know better than you", "i'm more bitter/sarcastic or witty than you" posts... let's talk about... Ligers. Ligers are pretty much my favorite animal. it's a mix between a Lion and a Tiger, bred for it's skill in magic.
#22 Feb 17 2005 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
I didn't.  Should have, but didn't. I guess I'm an idiot myself for that. What could I have possibly have thought, that I, believing in the good qualities of human nature, could possibly show these f*ckheads the light. Like little demon children they'll never stop.

Now please, listen. You've won. My dreams for returning these forums to it's former decency have been destroyed. Any further comments made by you is only the further rubbing of salt on the open wounds of my heart.

/comfort Pokiehl

You're no idiot Poki. Maybe a bit naive on this, but certainly no idiot. I can understand the hope that a post like this would deter the sort of flaming going on.

But you can't forget the power some people feel the anonimity of the internet affords them. Too bad for them that they forgot that their online personas live in a world nearly as intricate and social as the one outside that door to the real world. The rational ones among us all realize that, and strive to be benevolent to our peers. If not for the sake of being kind to our neighbors, then to bolster our reputations (and let us not pretend that reputation has no part in this virtual world that we a reside in). One day these people will learn the larger truth, that we are all nothing without the bonds we form with others.

I can't judge you all as human beings since I hardly know any of you. But I can judge your avatars as immature s***heads in need of some serious growing up. I just hope you realize this before you run headlong into a wall and have noone to help you back up...

#23 Feb 17 2005 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, i must not be in on the "new trend". The trend involves sounding sophisticated and grown up, and using vague terms and references. This in turn leads others to say, "huh? not only do i not know who he's talking about, but i have no clue WHAT he's saying either". but i suppose this new trend has it's benefits. others will think you are at a higher state of maturity than others, and therefore smarter. and the smarter person is always right, i suppose.

Bop, break it down to our level please. While your post was leading me to belive you THINK you're on the same playing field as the rest of us, your use of phrases was intended, sarcasticly, to put yourself above us. now, why is this?

also funny is this: noone has really caught on to a point brought up earlier... online gaming has taken over peoples lives, and you can't deny that. so instead of arguing over who pissed off who, and who's a baby, and who's more "sophisticated and grown up" *cough*Bop*cough*, get to the root of it... people sit at their computers/PS2's all day, and they get so wrapped up in the game, it becomes their life. if FFXI was an occasional pick-me up game, noone would CARE if someone was an idiot in a party, or jipped you out of 10k. but when you're engrossed in something that's just not real for 15 hours a day or MORE, you become irratable. take a break from the game guys.

and Bop, please, come down to our level. we're hardly worthy enough to wash your feet, though you attempt to come off as humble.

aren't online forums fun?

and Bop, don't pretend others hind behind an online name, remaining anonymous. you wanna dime someone out, then dime them out. use the screenname they write as, and call them out. they will eventually tell you who they are, and if not then noone will lend them credence. you didn't even attempt to do that though, so silence might be the best course of action for you at this time. :D thanks for flying GrimAir, Bop.
#24 Feb 17 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent

Bop = Bobby Pop. couldn't remember his name and didn't want to do him the honor of scrolling down to get it right.
#25 Feb 17 2005 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Sorry Grim, I didn't intend to make that post above peoples' heads. I type like this because I tend to think a good long time while I have the chance, and I had a hell of an English teacher in HS.

I wasn't really refering to anyone in particular, but since you made it a point to call me out on this, I might as well. I guess the ones that post really went out to were Xellith and Uno. They seem to not like Crayola's honest (often brutally so) opinions, and felt the need to bring their distaste to a public forum, as opposed to working out their differences in private.

Do I care what someone else thinks about Crayola as a person?


Does it affect my playing of the game?

Hell no!

Then why do I have to read about it constantly?

All I'm saying is this, this is a forum about FFXI on the Shiva server. It's not supposed to be about why we have personal issues with so-and-so. It's one thing if a person acts in a disruptive manner that affetcs the game for a significant portion of the population (MPK, claim stealing, scamming, ect.). It's another thing entirely to voice your opinion on another person just because you don't like what they have to say.

I'm not saying you don't have the right to, this is a free forum after all. I just wish people would use some tact when they post here...

P.S. This doesn't mean that i think Cray was in the right here, she added plenty of fuel to the fire.

P.P.S. If this is still too wordy, I apologize. I just can't bring myself to type in simple terms if I have the chance to compose my thoughts well. It's not like I do it just to **** people off, it's just the way I am...

EDIT: If you really want to get the point of my posts, just read Arcos's earlier in the thread, he's said pretty much the same things.

Edited, Thu Feb 17 20:36:27 2005 by LittleBobbyPop

Edited, Thu Feb 17 20:40:40 2005 by LittleBobbyPop
#26 Feb 17 2005 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
Grimshiddy, Grimshady, that names, and people may be different, but your attitudes are the same. I started this thread hoping to stop this incessant bickering and flaming, but I was wrong. You felt hurt that I made a mistake on confusing you with a troll? I'm sorry, but now, I guess there isn't much of a difference.

I was really hoping to retain, or rather, return this forum to it's former decency, civility, and good naturedness. But I guess it was to no avail.

her post now is a bitter, upset attitude towards all, not just people who post "watch out for so-and-so!" type posts

No, it was pretty much directed at those "You people" who flame, troll, and try to hurt others' personal lives over the forums. But I guess it's my fault again for that, being vague and all. I apologize.

I could pick apart your posts all day Grimshady, and point out all the places where you're wrong. FFXI has not taken over my life, I use it as a source of entertainment. I'm just pissed at the people who try to make it anything but entertaining. Same with the forums.

Is that so wrong?
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