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Calling All ShivaFollow

#1 Feb 18 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
I am writing this link in the hopes that Shiva will return to the happy home I know. I came to the realization as i stood in jeuno the other day shouting for help for a coffer key. I belive that we have forgotten what the word HELP means. It got to the point where i was offering gil in exchange for help and people started sending me tells asking how much =-.-= .. /sigh the WHOLE point of an online game is the interaction between people, which means that for alot of things it requires other people to help. Now before everyone jumps on my back for these comments, im not saying im perfect but i try and help as much as i can, being a whm i cant help a whole lot nor can i solo stuff for people. Some people might have noticed the up and coming "TheMooks" LS we r known for our bazaar mesg's.. we pride ourselves on trying to help each other in the crazy times of lvl 50-60. I wish the people of Shiva were more like my LS, as in example yesterday 18 of us went trampsing through the canal for BLM AF then proceded to Castle Vahzl to whomp on some mobs for coffer keys. This is more than a call, this is a cry for help for our server. And once again i want to state that im not saying that everyone is this way.. it is just a gereralized statement, you know if you are one of them or not.. now plz dont list names of people who do or do not help..thats not what im trying to do. Please think about this and try to bring our beloved Shiva back.
#2 Feb 18 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
I couldn't agree with you more. We have become greedy. I've had this game since October of 2003 and I'm only Rank 5 (need 5-2) and I need do to CoP 1-2. I mean, I have received help from my linkshell as far as my AF but when it comes to missions, I can never find anybody. A good thing to do though, is when you're shouting for help, add {Skill} {Up} in your shout. I shouted for like a hour in Jeuno for Beadeaux Coffer. I had two high levels from my linkshell helping me and we were expecting to just get a full party and head out. Nope. When I added {Skill} {Up} to my shout, I got tells left and right. Before I know it, we had a full alliance. We had like six Bards too.
#3 Feb 18 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts

Yay! You are so right. ^^ People have become very greedy. Is the part where you feel good when the person you help thanks you not enough? :P
#4 Feb 18 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
I agree to, in fact there were several times where I had a long drought of invites and the only thing that kept my on the game was interactions with friends. It wasn't until recently that I started getting in linkshells that really do stuff together often, HerosofAsgard, Ishies, and CrazyHamsters are the main ones. Once that happened I started enjoying the game a lot more.
#5 Feb 18 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
205 posts
2 nights out of every week I help with AF key runs, I have to tell ya it wears me out

:/ maybe its cause I do it for people I don't know or something. There's nothing worse then going to do this and not being successful, (ask pokiehl about this) after spending 2+ hours.

I guess its the nature of the beast :/

LB1 paper runs, AF Key runs, the hard part is EVERYONE needs them. I have been told by some people higher than me what they do is charge just to get those who won't stop bugging them to leave them alone. I can see why, I get about 20+ conversations a day about these.

That said some of these can be very fruitful and you get items easy :)

and Venetia you never /tell me when you need help ; ; you know you can ask anytime. My whole spill is, I like to plan for it.

What i wish is people would stop leveling so much :P it seems its as if all anyone want to do anymore.
#6 Feb 18 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
yes Krieg i know, but i also know that u have been going to do stuff for people so i didnt want to bug u sweetie... and again like i said its not all about singling people out or even about myself. it is a ongoing problem with our server, and i wanted to make a public statement about it to bring in to our attention so that we might be able to fix it. So hopefully with this we can all help each other.
#7 Feb 18 2005 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
You all can agree, but none of you will change. Ya'll got your own thing going on. We say we agree, but it won't change.
#8 Feb 18 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
#9 Feb 18 2005 at 10:58 PM Rating: Excellent
440 posts
I agree with this thread totally. I never charge for help. I accept donations, but only if offered.

But agreed with Crayola.. Actions speak louder than words, so let's hope this will get people going, eh? I'd like to see more helpful people.

More Taru dreams going wild. XD

#10 Feb 19 2005 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
:/ maybe its cause I do it for people I don't know or something. There's nothing worse then going to do this and not being successful, (ask pokiehl about this) after spending 2+ hours.

God damn you Krieg! I spent $4000 on 5 therapy sessions to have those memories suppressed!! It's like fricking Daikatana all over again.
#11 Feb 19 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Default
but my lips hurt real BAD!
#12 Feb 19 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
24 posts
You are right. actions speak louder than words, but doubting that it will never happen isnt gunna change anything. all it takes is for one person to start something and for everyone to follow. the truth is one person can change the world, i never used to believe that. and no offence Crayola, -.- i dun wanna hear from u about being helpful, u up the price of teles and thats not cool. thats NOT being helpful, hence one of the reasons people dont like u. i dont know u well and im not saying that i dont like u, but i dont agree with what ur doing. It gives WHM's bad names, when was the last time u did tele's for free or not charge out of the goodness of ur heart. You want things to change... START DOING SOMETHING to change it. Call this the "Pay It Forward" of Final Fantasy.. start doing something nice once a day and ask people to do it in return for someone else.. tell people about this thread... DO SOMETHING!! dont worry about what the next person is gunna do for u, do it urself first.

Edited, Sat Feb 19 12:24:32 2005 by Venetia
#13 Feb 20 2005 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
u know wut, i agree with you. i mean its a MMORPG. people r suposed to interact with each other. if it wasnt a MMORPG they could just call it a NMMORPG, a non massive multiplayer online role playing game!!!!!!
#14 Feb 20 2005 at 11:10 PM Rating: Default
"well can you bring me my chapstic..."
#15 Feb 21 2005 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
my LS is quite helpful to our members and otheres, and I take pride in that. I think everyone knows of Soulfire by now.
#16 Feb 21 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Kami is right.
I mean we brought 24 people out to do mission 3-3
Complete overkill (the Soulfire way)

It does get to you after a while, but then i remember shouting for weeks at a time myself for help, and all is good again.
#17 Feb 21 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
/sigh.... This thread is not picking up like i hoped.. Please spread the word of this, the only way that it will work is if u talk about it..Post things that you have done for people, i want this to take off and make a difference.. Like for myself i took a lvl 31 MNK to start doing 2-3, we were gunna finish it but he had to log. but i promised that i would finish it with him. then later that night i took a 37 RDM up the tower for 3-3..those were my "Pay it Forwards" for the weekend.. What have U done lately?

Edited, Mon Feb 21 13:15:42 2005 by Venetia
#18 Feb 21 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
Venetia: excellent reference to "Pay It Forwards". slow movie, guys, but worth watching.
#19 Feb 21 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
I helped some people in my ls get the crystals for Teleport-Yhoat and Teleport-Vahzl. Then while we were up in Xarcabard we went ahead and did Rank 5-1 again for the other 5 people that still needed it. That was my Pay It Forward for the weekend.
#20 Feb 21 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
On one hand, I help my LS out whenever I can, whether it be AF, missions, unlocking jobs (I've killed those NIN leeches more times than I can remember), quests (Kazham keys, RSE) etc.

I've put off levelling many times for those things, and if I'm out farming, I'll gladly help someone out if they ask for it.

On the other hand, my play time is limited, and if I helped everyone, then I'd have no time for myself.

Maybe I'm just jilted from having done a lot of these quests by myself (I've been playing for a year now), now it seems everyone is asking for help from hi-levels because they don't want to put the time and effort into it. They want to rush everything,

I remember getting the Kazham keys at lvl 25, with 2 others, took 8 hours, but we got it done. Same with mission 2-3, 3 melee, no WHM, got it done.
I remember killing leeches at lvl30 to get a carby ruby with others at the same level.
I farmed and crafted for weeks to buy RSE, then when I was a higher level, I did the quests myself. And it wasn't a waste of money, since the money spent on RSE, went towards other equipment later on.

No one really remembers the time that some hi-level helped them out, but you do remember the times that you got a group of same-level guys together and went out and kicked some ***, and quite possibly, made some new friends.

Keep in mind a lot of these quests were way before the lvl75 cap, when the cap was 60, and people were able to get it done back then.

Granted, I'm not going to turn down high level help if it's offered, but I'm not going to go out of my way to try and get it, and I'm not going to get pissed off if I don't.

Just my $0.02
#21 Feb 21 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
ahhhhh our first victem.. LOL jk.. im not talking about going and helping every newb. i agree with that, they will nvr learn if u help them all the time. i did my rse with a lil bit of higher help but it still took 4 of us to do it, and killing leeches with my friend at 35 for smn, and doing kahzam keys with 4 others. BUT when was the last time u heard someone 50ish shouting for help for AF and offered to help without asking for something in return. or a person in ur party doesnt have there next LB quest done.. do u offer to help them get it so they can still lvl. i am the first one down for doing it with a grp of people my own lvl.. the only person high lvl that helped me was my 75 war/nin friend when i couldnt get help from people for my AF quest he offered to take me, but i stood next to him fighting while we did it. my lil WHM stood there with her staff or my club smacking whatever and i might have been, hitting for 0 but i did it.
#22 Feb 21 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
When my MNK was level 25 I still needed my Kazham keys. I ended up tagging along with a couple friends and we were able to get 2 out of 3 keys before everyone had to go(took us about 4 hours). All I needed after that was the Palborough Mines key. The next day(after doing some research) I just went out and solo'd it myself. When I went to get my crystal for Teleport-Yhoat, Teleport-Vahzl and Teleport-Altep I did some more research, bought some silent oil and prizm powders and was gonna solo them myself but some people in my ls wanted to come along also cause they didn't know where to go or what to do. I also solo'd the quests for all the teleport scrolls and other various scroll quests.

The type of person that I am I don't ever like asking for help cause I don't wanna feel like i'm leeching from anyone. Why I'm not a BST I don't know, but I like to fend for myself however that I can.

However, by the time people get to level 50 there are just SO many things that you CANNOT do solo. LB1, LB2, LB3 AF gear. You HAVE to have help with these things whether if its from someone higher level or with people who need it also. Honestly I plan on trying to do these things with my static seeing as how we will all need these things all at the same time.

But not everyone has this option though. Some people really do need help with things such as these and maybe they don't have the resources to look any of this info up on the internet. Me, personally, I'm a resourceful motherf*cker. I read, study, research, find, locate and if I still can't find anything I ask. I go into each forum and study each job and learn how to play it even before I step out into South Gustaberg in my spiffy new level 1 noobness. But thats just me though. Not everyone is like me(thank god).

When someone asks if for help I do everything in my power to try to help them when I can. But sometimes people need to realize that not everyone can be at there beck and call though too. While leveling from 1-50 there has to be times when you've been in a party where there was someone who has a much higher level job....maybe even level 75. Make friends with these people. As long as you don't make yourself look like an asshat I'm sure one of these times they will be willing to come help you out in your time of need.

Basically, in the earlier levels, you can solo ALOT of things as long as you do your homework. But in the later levels you HAVE to have help and sometimes people who have already made that trek have forgotten that.

EDIT: "You" isn't directed at any one person. It's directed at people in general.

Edited, Mon Feb 21 19:43:50 2005 by cyanjoeblake
#23 Feb 21 2005 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
heh, i was stuck on the 2-3 sandy dragon for about 2 monthhs. i was always asking my ls and shouting that i needed help in sandy. i understand people are busy but geez. i finally beat it the other night. it was my war and one rdm. it was all the help i could find and i ended up defeating it. about 1 hour later someone in my ls was asking for some help with the bastok dragon. i was their to help them in about 20 minutes.
#24 Feb 22 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
379 posts
I did LB1 with a bunch of other people who needed it as well, no high level help, just 10-12 ppl wailing on mobs. Took forever, but got it done eventually. This was a while ago, it seems like now everyone wants to pair up with some lvl 75 and have them do all the work. Or maybe that's just the percepetion, so high levels don't want to help.

I think another thing that puts off the high levels is the $$$ offers for help, I don't consider myself a high level at 60, but I can make 10k in a couple synths, why bother fighting skellies hours on end for a measly 10k? Time IS money in this game, just as it is in RL.

FWIW, I'll help my LS members out over some guy shouting in Jeuno, and there is always someone in my LS who needs something, so that's where my priority is.
#25 Feb 22 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Well i dont think that everyone is trying to hook up with a high lvl.. actually when i meet my lvl 75 friend, we were in the dunes at lvl 14 WHM and he was a lvl 14 BLM. We hit it off and he added me to his f-list.. the next day he was in beadueax and i asked him what he was doin and he said farming so i did a search and saw he was a lvl 75. i was way supprised. High lvl people might not want to help with stuff, but im sure if they look back they had someone higher that helped them, and i agree that sometimes they forget that SOMEONE helped them also. and also i cant believe that you actually admit that people should have to give money fom help. that is so sad, because that is how you see things in RL to. if everyone 10 mins out of the day in RL did something for someone else, our world would be better also.. as i have said in many other threads this game becomes a type of RL for people.. you begin to spend so much time with people and learning stuff about them that you develop feelings for people.. so it is sad to hear that you would even ask for money in exchange for help for anything. i hope that one day you realize how sad that is before it is to late.. and for everyone else that is moving forward with "Pay it Forward" of shiva i have one thing to say:
#26 Feb 22 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Well yesterday I helped my IRL brother with his 3-3. Me and an IRL friend I met through the game took him out to do it. When I got there to help up the tower, there was another person needing it in the party. No biggie. We got close to the top and there was a 3rd person needing it on the 9th floor. We picked him up, me and my friend slaughtered the NM for 3-3 and got them their mission completed. All three offered 1500 for our help and we told them not to do that. I told 'em simply "Pay it forward one day."

Also raised 2 people in Qufim, one on the way in and one on the way out. 1 offered comp the other didn't. I told the one who offered that the offer actually was higher value to me than his gil. :-)

I'm not really high enough to help too many people out, but I help when I can. Mostly to date it's l/s members. Helped my best friend's wife do the first half of her blm AF2 before helping my brother with his 3-3.

Me and Budilo ( the very good friend who helped me help my brother) both plan on taking a day every week or other week to help others with coffer keys and AF quests once we're high enough to do so. My high job is 56 blm atm and his is 62 rdm.

So everyone remember when you needed help and lend a hand when you can. One thing to charge money for a raise that'll take you 15-30 min to get there; another to charge money when yer next to the guy when he dies.

Take care everyone.
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