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Calling All ShivaFollow

#27 Feb 22 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Not sure but somehow I think my last post got messed up.

Instead of typing the whole thing again, I'll pare it down a bit.

Simply call it my "Paying it Forward" deed of the day for yesterday.

Me and my friend Budilo (I'm 56 Blm he's 62 Rdm) helped my best friend's wife do the first half of her Blm AF2 in the nest. Just about had to drag her out. We found out that the next 3 game days were conducive to water elemental spawn in the nest. We got there, knocked it 75% dead, slept it, and waited for them to zone into the Nest, got them into the party and killed it off for her.

An hour later we helped my IRL brother, and 2 others we didn't know prior to helping my brother, do rank 3-3 mission.

Also raised 2 dead people in Qufim, one on the way in and one on the way out.

Me and Bud took no gil for the rank or the raises. Told them all to "Pay it forward someday".

Bud and me both plan to take a day a week once we hit lvl 65+ and sit in Jeuno to answer the various help calls for LB's and AF. We're both aggrevated with lack of help or the increase in "Merc" hirings. (Not that we'd turn down good gil, but not going to say "/tell personinneed >>> 100k and me and my friend will get your LB1 items")

I can make good gil from craftings and from BCNM runs. Yes I need gil for my stuff but I'm not going to charge for my help.

Take care all.
#28 Feb 22 2005 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
Mooks rock. That is all.
#29 Feb 22 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
My pay it forward, is always helping people on 2-3 when i hear shouts, or doin sub job item runs...

Tho must admit, im a bit selfish, cos i love doin these things cos so fun kikin that dragons *** over n over again... n going farming for skulls in gusgen mines ^^

Ah well, all fun! As long as what htey need help for, is fun, n not stupidly long, its always great...

Just wish people would do as much as they cud for quests/missions, before asking for help... for example.. Rank5, sum1 asks for help, but they havent even accepted it? Means you have to waste about 30mins for them to tlk to everyone... get the items in prepration etc... so they shud try things themselves, so they can specifically ask for help

Just a thought lol, oh btw, neone does Promyvion, im always open for invites! They are so much fun to do, great being sumwhere where no one can shout crap or do DAMNED CASINOS!!!
#30 Feb 22 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
Whoa whoa whoa, I guess that came out wrong.

I didn't mean for it to come across as saying you should have to pay money for help.

I guess I was trying to say that you shouldn't ask for help, and offer money. That may put some people off (sort of an insult if you think 3 hours of their time is only worth 10k)

I myself never ask for money if I help someone, nor do I accept if they try to give or send it to me. I make money other ways, not by helping people.

I hope that came out better :)
#31 Feb 23 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
i have to say this

that even though as much as you can say in these fourms, nothing is going to change. people will still ask for help and people will still charge. i seen this happen when i was a 60 drk with barely 2 pieces of AF on me and this was around march. now i lead one of the biggest ls in shiva (hero of carp diem). I had to pay jp people no 10k but 50-100k for help on my AF and back then that was alot of gil. i was the highest lvl from my LS at the time (carpe diem) so no one could help me. but that didn't stop me from helping others. the more and more i helped my newbie linkshell we gather together and stuck around for each other to become a HNMls.

well what i'm trying to say is this, you either get a good linkshell or you make a good linkshell. you people that are complaining of getting no help should gather together, kill your egos and do something for the lvl 60 and below crowd. i'll let you know that greatest friendships devolp during the 50-60 phase of the game. i think most if not all the people who been thru taht ******** time with me has become some of my closetest friend. even some of them i would like to meet in RL and be there friends for life.

nothing is going to change is shiva, but something that can change is you. You can make a differce, you can make that small effort turn into prolly one of the most powerful tools in the game. i'll let you know most people like myself, as much as i wanna help people i can't. I have a entire LS who depends on me on and they pursue a goal with myself. 1 person and make a differece if that person starts to care.

if you wanna /t more about me then don't be afriad my name is Neorei
#32 Feb 23 2005 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
agreement with Rougethebat, Mooks do rock. They are my FFXI family, and, unfortunately some of the only people I help with no expectation of reward. Though I suppose I've done a couple of nice things... While waiting for a party to start in Gustav, I was hanging out in Valkurm camping earth elementals... saw a galka named Enormo pulling for his party. He went to attack a goblin and got slept, bound and blinded. I just cured and blindna'd him, and told him to take care.
Something someone nice did for me: A galkan SAM named Bugcuddler was farming lizzies the same time I was farming clusters, I asked him what he was farming for and wished him luck, wanting to make it clear that I wasn't going to touch his lizards. He then gave me a couple of stacks of earth crystals that he didn't need. So thanks Bugcuddler ^^
Also, Healastar, for raising most of my party in Gustav when we were unfortunate enough to end up without a WHM, even though your own party was extremely unhappy about the break in their EXP. I understand it was an inconvenience, and I won't forget it.
#33 Feb 23 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
379 posts
well what i'm trying to say is this, you either get a good linkshell or you make a good linkshell.

Nice, I second this. Now that I look back, a lot of us were in the 40s and 50s together, so we've done various AF quests , the hell that is LB1, LB2, LB3, Missions (Rank2,3,4,5 many times, and just recently getting Rank9 for some of us), the Promy missions, Phomenian Aqueducts, etc, etc. And, of course, romp through Gusgen Mines every now and then for someone new who needs a skull :)
A few of us are also involved in crafting, so I often make arrows and Shihei at cost, which is also a big help.

I'm pretty sure I would have quit this game a long time ago if it wasn't for my LS.
#34 Feb 26 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
well thank you rough and feh.. i <3 u guys also!!!!! well thank you everyone who has posted..
#35 Feb 27 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
I think good help is hard to find. The people with the most energy always seem to want things done their way, instead of what's best for the party. I was leveling in Garlaige Citadel at about level 49 and we had a good party going and 3 ppl sed they didn't have the coal from the explosures there.

Did we all move the party to take care of those oh so important items immediately and collect good exp from fighting them as well? No.

High level players that are TOO experienced in some ways just don't have the patience to allow noobs the space they need to adjust I think.

ps. still no lb1... still no bomb coal :|
#36 Feb 28 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
582 posts
While I love to help, and I have tried to help as much as I can, I also see that more and more people are asking for "high level help". I'm guilty of this indeed when I was doing my AF3 NM fight, but for a WHM who, at the time was from a small LS (and me being the second highest level at 57) I had no choice but to ask for high level tank help.

However, most of my AFs, I did with a pick up alliance.

My first AF key hunt consisted of 9 that needed keys.
My LB1 consisted of 12 that needed paper.
Even at higher levels, I did ZM5 - 12 (sky access) with a pick up alliance. I did Windy Mission 7-9 in one day in a pick up I started.

A lot of things I did on my own, with a little help here and there from kind strangers and I remember their kindness and my feeling of gratitude. Hence, I try to help where I can (being a Hexa Strike less WHM, it's kinda hard to help kill a PLD AF NM...). I have helped a complete stranger thru his entire Rank 5 Mission to get his airship pass. I have helped my MNK friend on many occasions. I recently helped a lvl 40 BLM get his D2 scroll AND a visit to the Vazhl crystal.

But when I'm bombarded with tells every time that I have my LFG flag up and not anon by people to come kill that, come fight this, and told that it's my responsibility as a high level to help lower levels...I question that attitude.

Alot of things in this game are difficult. However, they are not impossible to do with your peers. LB1 is a piece of cake for me now, but it was very tough for me when I was in an alliance with 12 that need papers...but I did it. Same with coffer keys. It's faster and a walk in the park if you have a lvl 75 PLD and a lvl 75 THF with a Thief's Knife and a lvl 75 WAR helping just one person. But I did the mine with 10 people of various jobs that need the key. My high level SAM friend and myself recently killed Dark Spark in 20 seconds for his second set of AFs (he's working on RNG atm). It took me a full alliance of odd jobs to kill it the first time (I was helping...I didn't even have my rusty mitts yet) and that walk thru Castle Z took an hour (aggro, link, escape, repeat).

This game, to me, was meant to be played that way...peers helping peers (have you seen the early commercials of the game on TV where there seemed to be like 50+ characters gathering to sieze a castle?). That's why there are level 95 NMs when our lvl cap is 75.

A lot of early NAs and most of the JPs did it without high level help. I'm sure you can just will be a lot harder and take longer.

When I help I never charge. I have helped countless LB1s and LB2s...and I will continue to do so...especially more now, since I have left my HNMLS for RL reasons.

But Neorei has a good point. Gather your peers and start an LS, merge if you have to, and set your egos aside. Note that not everyone is going to get that uber rare/ex item right away, nor should there be an absolute need for that uber gear anyways. Work together, be kind to eachother. This game is about gathering together and creating strong bonds that will last forever to conqueor goals that seem impossible at first.
#37 Mar 01 2005 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
There was a time when people helped each other for something to do? :P

Now, I have a shout filter turned on, so I generally wont notice them things personally. I also, probably wouldnt help many people if they offered me gil upfront, since it makes me think of badness. :P

But on the other hand, I didnt have my AF and other stuff handed to me on a platter.

When I was getting alot of my AF, it was via a bunch of others that were in similiar circumstances to me were trying to get it. Not many people will be willing to go out of their way for someone they dont know. Nor should they in my oppinion.

I spent 8 hours in Beadux getting a coffer key for my boyfriend when we were going through for our AF. He lost lot on 9 keys. But we kept going. ^_^

If everyone had all these items handed to us, it would take alot of what makes getting your AF speciel. IMO atleast, when I FINALLY got my AF legs, It was an amazing feeling of pride. And if I just got it at my first shout, etc, it probably wouldn't have been as valuable a moment. Thats just my thoughts. ^_^
#38 Mar 01 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
well im starting to see where this thread is going.. if i have made it seem like that high lvls should drop what they are doing to help a lower lvl get something, im not. trust me, i m the first to agree that it is more fun to go in grps of ur peers. but sometimes u need high help. for example whm AF body, a lvl 60 tank will get owned in there, i went with 3 lvl 70 pld's along with a full alliance of 58-65's and they where still gettting hit hard. to comment on whether u have to help a stranger or not.. do u have to? NO, but what is it really hurting u. have we really become that selfish that we cant do something simple for a stranger. i mean come on, u see most of these people running round shiva all the time. and im sure that everyone knows each other by a mutual person.. like belly, u might not remember me but ur friends with my best friend. i mean day after day u see the same people over and over again, who knows maybe u help them and they might turn out to be one of ur good friends. ok and since i have not done this in a ll bit.. my "Pay it Forwards" have been, helping 3 people getting bomb coal for lb1, helping 1 person get all 3 items for lb1 (1st death in Eld), drk NM fight in the tower, did a day of free tele's in jeuno, helped with 1-3 mission sandy for a old friend starting over. im sure i did a few more but i cant think of them off the top of my head. For those of u that r tryng to do this THANK YOU, and please keep up the good work.
#39 Mar 02 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts

I have always helped others, and will continue to do so. When I first started playing FF, most of the high levels I knew were not as eager to help or just didnt have the time. My LS leader at the time actually told some of the lower levels we had to fend for ourselves because he had to (not in those exact words mind you). Most can attest, I normally dont ask for help. Sometimes you can do all the research you want, but will still need help or guidance in game. For instance, I researched 2-3 and off I went on my own (since I couldn't get help). No problem right? Well, I am from San d'Oria and didn't I know that very few people fight the Bastok Dragon. Needless to say, I was stuck at 2-3 for quite some time ><.

My point is everyone needs help sooner or later. Even if it is nothing more that the sharing of information and experiences that will help make completing the missions and quests easier. And granted alot of the quests and missions suck, but the people you help today could be the people that help you tomorrow. I want to send many thanks to those that have helped me and hope they know that they can call on me for help. Some I can never do enough for...

#40 Mar 03 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
hehehe thank you <3 for saying all of that. i wish that everyone felt the same way as u and i did. it would make the game so much more enjoyable. but i guess as long as i have my PLD, i will nvr be alone ^^ My "Pay it Forward" is helping my LS kill a couple of NM's and helping with RNG AF3.. congrats to those in xSWATx who got their items!!!!
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