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#1 Feb 28 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
The 1st time I tryed a casinoe it was in Valkurm dunes. I did lose but it was only 2k. I did'nt try a casinoe agian till about 3months later, I was in Jeuno I saw how i needed money very badly so I saw how this taru was running one. I went over there traded 1k, won traded 2k won traded 2k won traded 2k lost, traded 2k won 1k won, traded 500g won,by now I had goten coky and tryed 5k and lost! Then i tryed 5k agian and lost it! I walked away thinking how i lost all of that gill, so I asked the taru if i could try to win 10k back or have him give it back. He gave me a free 5k lot and i won! So I was happy and ive won some more money from casinoes in Jeuno. But I went back to town to level my sam. I looked for a casinoe to get sme money but there was no casinoes! I went to bastok the next day and no casinoes there either, I went to Windy or balista quest and no casinoe there even! I remember hearing alot of casinoes every were but it looks like there are none to be found in exept for Jeuno and I guess they left becouse of poor buesness or somthing at there casinoe but they should come back there always has to be one person who wants to try and im in sandy usualy so you can send me tells and 60% of time ill give it a shot! So were have they all gone and why!

Edited, Mon Feb 28 17:08:09 2005 by SamuraiHulck
#2 Feb 28 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
To be perfectly honest, I haven't seen a serious casino outside of Jeuno. I don't recall ever seeing a shout for a casino in one of the other cities. I have seen one joke casino in Valkurm and that's about it.

I like it when I go to Bastok and not see a shout every ten seconds. Though, maybe some of the casinos should migrate to different zones. I don't blame them for running them, it's a good marketing idea. Just like taxi services, people have have to make Gil somehow. Too many shouts **** me off though. It's quite annoying when you have like five casinos going at once....all shouting every ten to twenty seconds. Quite annoying....
#3 Feb 28 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Default
Rant... /sits down and gets ready for the flames.

Why does shouting annoy everyone so much?
You shout for BCNM members
You shout for experience points / parties
You shout for selling / buying stuff
You shout when you have a question
You shout for AF help
You shout for a teleport
You shout to sell your teleports
You shout when you're quitting or having a 1 gil sale
A casino is just another shout added to the millions of shouts everyday every hour every minute

I dunno what ya'll got against a casino's shout, but when I do casino I shout it once every 15-30 minutes, depending on my business. Sometimes even longer than that if I'm cooking inbetween (which I usually am) During the time that I am in Jeuno I see the same shouts over and over and over again 5x more than any casino, and usually there's more than 1 going on at a time. The people that /random usually produce more spam than the casino they're playing on. lol

Oh wait, maybe you blist the randomers too? Do you blist the people that are asking for help on there AF? Maybe just turn off shout and be shut in your quiet world of /says?

This game may be full of thousands of people on the Shiva server, but you seem to 'bump' into the same characters on a daily basis. Grow up and just don't waste your time blisting people. These could be the same people that help you next time you dare shout.

P.S. The most stupidest shouts I see are those that say "/shout /blist add <name>" announcing that they're blisting someone... wtf

Edit: this isn't aimed at anyone, I ain't pointing any fingers!

Edited, Mon Feb 28 17:22:41 2005 by CrayolaInBastok
#4 Feb 28 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
Cray, don't worry, I wasn't neccessarily targeting anyone. I was just stating that maybe you guys should break up a bit. One casino in Lower Jeuno isn't bad, I can stand that. What I'm talking about is when you have like five casinos running all at the same zone. Same with taxis. I have seen like six or seven different taxis in the same zone, it's ridiculous. There tends to be a decent amount of people in Port Jeuno. Upper Jeuno is dead for the most part, though. I would give it a try though. Try some different zones and see how it works out. Then, if it works out pretty good, organize 'shifts' with your fellow casinos so you guys can switch off zones. I say give it a try and see how it works.

Just a thought.
#5 Feb 28 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
Hmm maybe people that camp NM can shift zones and times so that other people can get the drops easier? What your asking is just stupid.
#6 Feb 28 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
GogetaExtreme wrote:
I was just stating that maybe you guys should break up a bit. One casino in Lower Jeuno isn't bad, I can stand that. What I'm talking about is when you have like five casinos running all at the same zone. Same with taxis. I have seen like six or seven different taxis in the same zone, it's ridiculous. There tends to be a decent amount of people in Port Jeuno. Upper Jeuno is dead for the most part, though. I would give it a try though. Try some different zones and see how it works out. Then, if it works out pretty good, organize 'shifts' with your fellow casinos so you guys can switch off zones.Just a thought.

Breaded wrote:
Hmm maybe people that camp NM can shift zones and times so that other people can get the drops easier? What your asking is just stupid.

Thank you, I didn't wanna be the one to say anything lol
#7 Feb 28 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm...yea see, there is a difference between camping a NM and a casino. A NM is a pop when a casino, well, is fu*king controlled.

It was a fu*king suggestion so go fu*k yourself you beotch.

@Cray: Why so mean? What the fu* was a simple suggestion. A less smartass answer would have been more desirable.

What the hell is wrong with you people? You aren't even fu*king open to suggestions. You think unlogically and are so fu*king immature. Instead of coming up with some smartass answer to personally attack my suggestion, maybe you could suggest something different? Seriously, how the fu*k is camping a NM comparible to a casino? Competition? Yea, so what, there is competition. Though, there is a difference. If you are camping a NM, you're going to have competition with other people camping the same NM in the same zone. Where with casinos, you can move them. It's not like a fu*king PC casino pops out of lottery....

Goddamn, now I know why a lot of people talk **** about us FFXI players....

Edited, Mon Feb 28 19:17:36 2005 by GogetaExtreme
#8 Feb 28 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Default
GogetaExtreme wrote:
Hmmm...yea see, there is a difference between camping a NM and a casino. A NM is a pop when a casino, well, is fu*king controlled.

It was a fu*king suggestion so go fu*k yourself you beotch.

@Cray: Why so mean? What the fu* was a simple suggestion. A less smartass answer would have been more desirable.

What the hell is wrong with you people? You aren't even fu*king open to suggestions. You think unlogically and are so fu*king immature. Instead of coming up with some smartass answer to personally attack my suggestion, maybe you could suggest something different? Seriously, how the fu*k is camping a NM comparible to a casino? Competition? Yea, so what, there is competition. Though, there is a difference. If you are camping a NM, you're going to have competition with other people camping the same NM in the same zone. Where with casinos, you can move them. It's not like a fu*king PC casino pops out of lottery....

Goddamn, now I know why a lot of people talk **** about us FFXI players....

Edited, Mon Feb 28 19:17:36 2005 by GogetaExtreme

Holy crap Gogeta take some midol it was a ******* joke...
#9 Feb 28 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Meh, didn't seem like a joke. *Shrug
#10REDACTED, Posted: Feb 28 2005 at 7:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) psssssssssshhhhhhhhh im still here and richer then ever
#11 Feb 28 2005 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Lol, it said Hellkid was the last person to post here, but I can't see his message, is his karma THAT low? Rofl...

I think casinos are stupid, and I blist them all. But, I won't go into it more, I suppose...
#12 Feb 28 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
crayons would be runnen a casino so more people will blist her/ or more noobs will run up their

but she seems to be tied up at the forums atm.

she wants to kno more of what people think-
#13 Feb 28 2005 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
Xinith wrote:
crayons would be runnen a casino so more people will blist her/ or more noobs will run up their

but she seems to be tied up at the forums atm.

she wants to kno more of what people think-

#14 Feb 28 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
Hmmm...yea see, there is a difference between camping a NM and a casino. A NM is a pop when a casino, well, is fu*king controlled.

It was a fu*king suggestion so go fu*k yourself you beotch.

@Cray: Why so mean? What the fu* was a simple suggestion. A less smartass answer would have been more desirable.

What the hell is wrong with you people? You aren't even fu*king open to suggestions. You think unlogically and are so fu*king immature. Instead of coming up with some smartass answer to personally attack my suggestion, maybe you could suggest something different? Seriously, how the fu*k is camping a NM comparible to a casino? Competition? Yea, so what, there is competition. Though, there is a difference. If you are camping a NM, you're going to have competition with other people camping the same NM in the same zone. Where with casinos, you can move them. It's not like a fu*king PC casino pops out of lottery....

Goddamn, now I know why a lot of people talk sh*t about us FFXI players....

Whoa dude, Chill pill. Its a game....go play Counterstrike so u can yell and cuss at everyone so we dont have to put up with it here.
#15REDACTED, Posted: Feb 28 2005 at 11:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) pffffffffttttttttttt online game karma, karma this karma that, you can karma these nuts in your mouth. If your part of Eternal Knights die in a train wreck. Everyone else is cool ^^
#16REDACTED, Posted: Feb 28 2005 at 11:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ya blah blah casinos suck blah blah. All high lvl's are just mad cuz they have spent 500000000000 million hours farming/crafting all that **** for gil, and im richer then 50% of them. So sorry >< . I needed a way to make gil, plus I still wanted to get laid and go out and party and stuff. eat a **** dorks
#17 Mar 01 2005 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
if i'm bored i'll run a low-end casino in windy... for those that can't make it to jeuno for the big money
#18 Mar 01 2005 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
shouting a casino is different than shouting a teleport or BCNM or a AF or mission.

Think about it.

AF = help someone gain battle gear which at some point everyone wants.

Teleport = everyone needs a tele sometime and knowing who is porting is a great thing.

BCNM = you might want an item that drops there or wanna try one for lots of money.

Mission = you may need that mission or wanna hepl a friend who is on it.

Casino = spam where the casino person only cares about these self gain. Instead of farming monsters in the wild its farming peoples wallets. as its said the marketing idea is right but 6 people all spamming the same thing for like 5 lines each just makes reading anything useful on the chat log almost impossible.

its not so much a problem nowadays for me personally. I think ive blisted over 30 casinos. blist is at 100/100 now. so many asses... /sigh i wouldnt think it be that bad if people used mules to do casinos. its just people are dumb eneough to use there main characters for it.

main character = blisted by 1/2 the server = bad thing
#19 Mar 01 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
Whoa dude, Chill pill. Its a game....go play Counterstrike so u can yell and cuss at everyone so we dont have to put up with it here.

I play Counterstrike.

And dude, if you don't want to 'put up with it', tough ****. It's a open forum. You think that's bad? Look at some of the other threads. Don't ever tell me what to do. Ever.
#20 Mar 01 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Acepod is starting a new serivce in jueno.

Its called

"Communicating so others can understand"

The secondary service i will be offering is called

"Downers for uptight peeps"

See me on top of the AH, for further details, and or some downers for the uptight.

Thank you

"You may now return to your previously scheduled showing of As the Shivans Turn".

Edited, Tue Mar 1 11:22:19 2005 by acepod
#21 Mar 01 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
As the Shivans Turn? Man, I hate that show....

Is it primetime yet? I want to watch Bluffnix in the Middle.
#22 Mar 01 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
Looks like someone needs to buy the latest FFXIV Guide. Man "As the Shivan's Turn" was just recently canceled. Blufnix in the middle is currently on after Teenage Mutant Ninja Taru's. Need to stay up on your programs, come on man its the 21st centuary.
#23 Mar 02 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
As the Shivans Turn? Man, I hate that show....

Is it primetime yet? I want to watch Bluffnix in the Middle.

Looks like someone needs to buy the latest FFXIV Guide. Man "As the Shivan's Turn" was just recently canceled. Blufnix in the middle is currently on after Teenage Mutant Ninja Taru's. Need to stay up on your programs, come on man its the 21st centuary.

See what Tivo will do to you!! Im so far behind, i missed an entire season and some new shows lol

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