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HNM LS requirements to join?Follow

#1 Mar 02 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
398 posts
I am looking for some comments/opinions on what the HNM LS's on Shiva are looking for in a new member.

I am a 67 WHM main. My BLM and SMN are fully leveled to 37+. I have not yet done Sky (shame on me) nor have I done the Proms yet (although I am actively seeking Prom runs with my SMN now).

I am guessing that Sky and Proms are a must for access to those areas. What else do I need to accomplish pre-70? (I know as a WHM I probably won't get into an HNM LS without RB3.)

Do I need to level RDM to 37 for sub? I have also heard that some WHM sub DRK for Stun for certain HNM fights, so is DRK to 37 a must? Is there a certain spell (other than RB3) or piece of equipment that is a requirement?

Also, if you all want to post feedback on which HNM LS are the best ones on the server that would be awesome too.

Thanks in advance for the comments.
#2 Mar 02 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
It really all depends each shell has different rules and those rules can change if you have a sponsor. I will say having a sponsor is the best way to get in and not having any drama with current LS members becareful how you treat people on vandy it can come back to haunt you at the endgame.

That rank 10 you cursed at did something bad to maybe in that shell you like to join and bam blacklisted. Many don't understand how small Shiva is when it comes to the end game and not understanding many things can prevent you from being a part of it. Just a FYI I joined HOCD myself they have a level 70+ requirement many have requirements on what jobs they need and what subs you have leveled as well.

Good luck in your search!!!!!
#3 Mar 02 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
1,747 posts
LacysDad wrote:

I am guessing that Sky and Proms are a must for access to those areas. What else do I need to accomplish pre-70? (I know as a WHM I probably won't get into an HNM LS without RB3.)

I would think that the LS might help you get RB3 scroll if you got in :\ Anyways, new ways to obtain that scroll is in the update or no?
Do I need to level RDM to 37 for sub? I have also heard that some WHM sub DRK for Stun for certain HNM fights, so is DRK to 37 a must? Is there a certain spell (other than RB3) or piece of equipment that is a requirement?

WHM/RDM isn't really an option afaik (I'm 75WHM, and I've never heard of it). Some ppl like to sub RDM on their BLM but thats another story. WHM/DRK doesn't help much... Stun is dark magic, and WHMs don't get that skill at all. What you've seen is probably RDM/DRK which is awesome vs Suzaku (Chainspell stun its 2hr).
Also, if you all want to post feedback on which HNM LS are the best ones on the server that would be awesome too.

I won't go into 'best' or not, but the most active HNM LS on Shiva include Dark Legacy, Call of Destiny (new pearl now, don't know the details), Heroes of Carpe Diem, Vindicated, Eternal Knights (?), Spirits Within and probably a few more I forgot to mention. I'm not counting Extreme because we're pretty much more sky oriented than HNM oriented(please forgive if i said anything wrong here ;) )

If you want an idea about the people in each LS and the "situation" between them, I suggest you visit Shiva VNboards at lots of uhm communication going on there :P

Edited, Wed Mar 2 12:58:48 2005 by Ske
#4 Mar 02 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
978 posts
hmmm HMLS requirements

(1) Must possesive a slightly arrogant attitude that you know all and are the closest thing to God that exists in game.
(2) Must be willing to forgo all real life situations and accept that life is only final fantasy and the place called Earth is just a myth spread around by noobs.
(3) Must be willing to endorse infighting, backstabbing, and other forms of trickery to get what you want.
(4) Must refer to all people under lvl 60 as noobs and people who don't know anything about thier jobs
(5) Must be willing to abandon all friends you have made in the game to date that are not in the linkshell.
(6) Must be willing to accept that the linkshells enemies are now your enemies no matter how positive your dealings with them are or even if there is a lack of dealings.
(7) Must accept the fact that the linkshell leader is always right and while you may be a God they are a Uber-God
(8) Must be willing to live under the constant threat that if you offend the right person you are kicked out and blacklisted from the linkshell forever.
(9) Must take things too seriously like this post

LOL now that I've eleminated any chance of myself ever getting into one you have to admidt these are funny (and from what I have heard often true)
#5 Mar 02 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
LOL thats seems about right!!!!
#6 Mar 02 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
1,747 posts
Agawulf wrote:
(4) Must refer to all people under lvl 60 as noobs and people who don't know anything about thier jobs

Nah you're still a noob if you're 70.... in your second job ;)

(5) Must be willing to abandon all friends you have made in the game to date that are not in the linkshell.
(6) Must be willing to accept that the linkshells enemies are now your enemies no matter how positive your dealings with them are or even if there is a lack of dealings.

That is actually true to an extent, and it sucks... if you join one shell and your friend joins another, then what do you do? You can't camp or discuss NMs with em, cant go to sky with em etc... I've been in that situation and it sucks.. so keep it in mind :\
#7 Mar 02 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
hmmm HMLS requirements

(1) Must possesive a slightly arrogant attitude that you know all and are the closest thing to God that exists in game.

Now your just wrong here is greater than the GODS in game please get it right.

(2) Must be willing to forgo all real life situations and accept that life is only final fantasy and the place called Earth is just a myth spread around by noobs.

Forgo come on Bro FFXI greater than all else worship SE and its developers for GODs greatest gift to the world.

(3) Must be willing to endorse infighting, backstabbing, and other forms of trickery to get what you want.

Just not publicly understand things must be done in secret ya know the big honor thing LOOKS AND STYLE over substance.

(4) Must refer to all people under lvl 60 as noobs and people who don't know anything about thier jobs

Come on everyone knows if your not 75 in mutiple jobs your just gimped.

(5) Must be willing to abandon all friends you have made in the game to date that are not in the linkshell.

Friends who needs them isnt life about the uber gear must sell soul for the nobles tunic so peeps worphip me more. Please if you don't have atleast a Kirin Odsoe on dont even address me.

(6) Must be willing to accept that the linkshells enemies are now your enemies no matter how positive your dealings with them are or even if there is a lack of dealings.

Pffft come on everyone knows that ya just pay the gil sellers to MPK them dont cha realize we have Mob ties baby. See most think the gil sellers are eveil they are just hired hitmen easy to replace. Heck hits are a all time low 100k gets a member 1 million for a leader just a year ago it was 1ox that.

(7) Must accept the fact that the linkshell leader is always right and while you may be a God they are a Uber-God

Dude they have shaped the face or vandy your supposed to walk 5 paces behind them with your head down. Never look them in the eye or check them see notes about gil sellers.

(8) Must be willing to live under the constant threat that if you offend the right person you are kicked out and blacklisted from the linkshell forever.

See above they have actually forced level 75 players back to 50 ><

(9) Must take things too seriously like this post

Loved it bro tongue in cheek baby.
#8 Mar 02 2005 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
lol /claps at Aga and gives him a freshly baked ginger cookie.

aga im giving you a rate up for that one lol.

Edited, Wed Mar 2 17:36:09 2005 by KloeKittyKatGang
#9 Mar 02 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent

Funny, Agawolf, and sadly, often true. I hung about with an HNM linkshell for a bit but found out they were more concerned with greed and gil than doing stuff for fun.

So my new method of doing end game stuff...building up my own linkshell I've had for a year to doing end-game stuff. We're edging closer and closer every week.

Take your current linkshell, recruit people in the 50s and 60s, do big events, get up to sky and down to sea, go camp NMs and HNMs. Boom, HNM/sky shell.
#10 Mar 02 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
398 posts

Funny you say that. I am in Deadly Viper Squad. From what I hear there is talk between our LS leader, Miriel, and one of the HNM LS on the server. What they are talking about is using DVS as a "farm club" for the HNM LS.

A lot of our members have moved well into the 50's, 60's, and now 70's. By the end of March we should have 10-15 people over 60 with 5-10 of those being over 70. (Not a lot, but enough to make some noise I guess.)

I hope this works out. I truly think it will because I know Miriel pretty well (staticed with him for 6 months or so). I know him well enough to know that he wont get the LS involved with the wrong group.

Thanks to all for your responses.
#11 Mar 03 2005 at 4:24 AM Rating: Default
143 posts
hi i'm neorei El conquistador of Hero of Carpe Diem. (HoCD)

i notice alot of people think that being in a HNMls you have to be greedy, selfish and all those horrid things people say about them. I'll let you know i lead a HNMls.

Leading both a regular LS and a HNMls i have a different persective on alot of things that deals with newbie to end gam experices. it seem like we tend to forget where we came from. I hear people /sh in jeuno for help and i remember i was that guy /sh for help. I'll you let you know i can't help them cause i have 45-50 avg people in my LS to take care of.

people view what is happening on the VN boards and assume that we're nothing but power hungry losers that has nothing to do but cause drama. But really i know just like every other HNMls out there, they're trying there best to make sure they're guys are having fun. drama comes with it. you can't run away from it. unlike regular LSs you have no compition with rank 3-6 or people camping coffer keys. you go against some of shivas best to get items from mobs that'll only pop every 21-24 hours. which i belive if you want that item you go get it.

now picture this the only way to get a coffer key for AF is on a 21-24 hour pop would you think like a greedy person?

will greed be part of the picture?

you damn skippy.

people think just because i'm a HNMls leader i have no life when yeah i'm a 24 year old dude but i prolly experinced more than the people who talk about us having no life. for christ sake i work a 9-5 with a photography job in the side.

with this whole backstabbing thing and what not. I dunno what truely goes on people mind but backstabbing has been a part of human nature since the dawn of man. People pay there 12 buck to do what they want, not what you want. with myself i don't intentionally mean to backstab people in the situations i've been thru but if that person view it as that then i have no choice but to accept the fact that i prolly did backstab that person. It comes with the territory.

i Made my Regular LS into a HNMls cause i didn't want to lose people who i work so hard for over the months. I wanted to do end game stuff too but i felt like i shouldn't leave my guys hanging. I had no choice but to either quit the game or go with the high lvl flow. I'll let LS leaders know your going to lose you guys to the big boys no matter what unless you step up your LS. There is no if and or buts about it. with the NA population growing to 70+ you going to see people you work hard for develop friendship go to the bigger ls because they either need a new spark in the game or quit it. and i rather have my guys do what they want then leave me for a lifetime.
#12 Mar 03 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Default
o c'mon dont lie, we all know you dont have a real life. That goes for all HNM LS leaders, you guys live and breathe this game. I bet if i did a /sea all Neorei right now, you would be online. lmao
#13 Mar 03 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
actually i'm afk like 80% of the time
#14 Mar 03 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
You know some of us dont even care to much about the uber equipment and all the gil. For some fighting gods in sky, is a nice change, something different to fight in the game. Think about it, from lvl 10 up in xp parties you fight, lizards, gobs, crabs, flys, pugils, crabs, gobs, pugils, mandy's, mandy's, gobs, bats, beetles, crawlers, beetles, crawlers, beetles, crawlers, beetles, crabs, crabs,crawlers, crabs, pugils, "raptors"(wow something new at 58), Toroma's, gobs, crawlers, crabs, gobs and that will get you to at least 64+. Now wouldn't it be interesting to go to sky with your LS and fight something different for a change?
#15 Mar 03 2005 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
He Neo like many maybe online but he like many are at work or not around at the computer. Many basically stay logged in just to sell the loot pretty simple heck I am still logged in this AM because I logged out and my medicine effect is still on when I logged in hunting for a NM><.

Truth is everyone has things they want out of the game. People grow and change it is a constant. People will grow with a shell or outta of a shell. Drama will happen and some can't handle any drama whats so ever a minor disagreement turns into a broken pearl. Shells at times all are about different things and so is the end game. Some use a shell for pure friendship and chatting others to get what they want fueled by desire for gil, items and power.

Each and every shell is made up of individuals that all have different wants needs and desires many at differing degrees and levels toss in morals ethics and such and guess what = drama and conflict.

I am a member of a HOCD I enjoy the advantages of what they give I also am the owner of my own shell a shell that is purely about friendship knowledge and sharing for adult players. No shell is perfect no shell is the best of all time all shells have issues and problems the one thing that 100% sure is you get out of a shell what you put into if not you move on. I have many ask for help and the one time your busy no matter what you done for that person in the past they start to think you have never done anything for them ever I find that funny just human nature at work what have you done for me lately.

I see many jump from shell to shell looking for perfection and losing out on good things but it is personal choice maybe what makes them happy is the feeling they get when they join and not over time feeling like they get taken for granted because a shell is big and time consuming and many have goals and desires they want to achieve. I see many join and quickly exit because the shell doesn't immediately do exactly what they want when they want it done. Most like I say don't let the pearl hit you in the **** on the way out.

So leaders of HNMLS are just like the rest of us have goals they like to get and organized people to get it. Yep after sitting around for hours and hours doing nothing waiting for a POP can drive any one crazy and the rush from winning a pop and getting the drop is enough for some for others it is not. Some play non-stop have no lives others do not just like the general population the rest of us.

Funny shells are basically like small organizations some are actually larger then others some have crazy to me and insane rules others are loose and fun. But different individuals need different strokes for different folks.

I love my small shell and enjoy my HNMLS why because I am able to do what I personally want to do are they perfect no nothing is our they great places to hangout get things done. 1000% on my shell I am just the shell holder not a leader a member we are all equal friends exploreing vandy together no rules just respect each other no drama only adults kicking back I am kinda Sam Malone welcome peeps to cheers hangout and enjoy no pressure just good times. In HOCD I am a soldier seeing the endgame now. Some people had a problem with it some did not. Sad to say I never did never will my friends are my friends nothing changes that would I betray one friend for another HELL no. To some that is impossible but I do not the enemy of my enemy is my friend thats BS the enemy of my friend is my enemy sorry that isn't valid either. My enemy is my enemy I will try to make him my friend my friend is my friend period.

Sad that competition here breeds such hate and what I call bad sportsmanship. I play against my boys Basketball win lose or draw we are still boys. Seems online just brings out the worse in a lot of people the anon nature allows many to become pretty bad and that is sad.

I started online gaming playing football it really amazed be how rampant cheating is online >< to the point of if you cheat to win whats the point of playing? Same goes here but alas it is not so very sad to see. It was a real eye opener how players would cheat I had to organize a fair play league so we could play decent football games now that was really sad. Oh well rambling on.


#16 Mar 03 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts
Well I was going to just shut up and let people go on but I want to reinforce this:

(9) Must take things too seriously like this post

Most of the debate seems to be comeing from either my post or reactions to my post. From my experiences with interacting with people of all levels (I'm constantly surprised with the number of people I bump in too that I partied with back in the day) people are pretty much the same no matter what level they are. A proportional part of the population will be kind and a proportion will be greedy arrogant SOBs. The reason why HNMLS are made fun of in this light is not becouse all are greedy SOBs but becouse those who want the uber special drop items from super mobs join these ls's to get them. While this does not mean that the linkshells themselves are inherently this way it does mean they tend to attract that type of person willing to do many things for the item becouse they are the only way to do it.
The same can be said for the belief that lvl 75s in HNMLS have no life. This is not true for all but for that small group that live and breath FF11 they will be well represented in HNMLS becouse that is thier goals to do everything in FF11 and they need a HNMLS to do it.

Now that I have said that I want to once again reinforce my last point:

(9) Must take things too seriously like this post

Edit: I want to say sorry LucysDad to turning your post into this debate.

Edited, Thu Mar 3 11:23:29 2005 by Agawulf
#17 Mar 03 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
naw i'm not really taking seriously i just wanted to post something last night cause i was bored.

but i can't say anything about you post, it's your point of view. but your joke/critizim can set a standards for people who aren't in hnmls.

but if you really know what's life like in the HNMls world /t me i'll be up front with you.
#18 Mar 03 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Default
only reason 99.9999% of ppl here have so much hate of hnmls is cause they can't get into one

just watch... in a few months when they beg to get into a hnmls or when they get in to one, the same ppl who are putting it down will be the ppl who are defending it
#19 Mar 03 2005 at 7:40 PM Rating: Default
ya Gee-qee if we dont get into HNM ls's the word might stop ******* rotating......jesus ur whole post just summed up your whole perception on life...pretty pathetic
#20 Mar 03 2005 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
"You know some of us dont even care to much about the uber equipment and all the gil. For some fighting gods in sky, is a nice change, something different to fight in the game. Think about it, from lvl 10 up in xp parties you fight, lizards, gobs, crabs, flys, pugils, crabs, gobs, pugils, mandy's, mandy's, gobs, bats, beetles, crawlers, beetles, crawlers, beetles, crawlers, beetles, crabs, crabs,crawlers, crabs, pugils, "raptors"(wow something new at 58), Toroma's, gobs, crawlers, crabs, gobs and that will get you to at least 64+. Now wouldn't it be interesting to go to sky with your LS and fight something different for a change?"

Skys no better

magic pots.. seent those before flamingoes are birds ive seen before... weapons seen those all teh time now for the gods

Seiryu oh no ive never seen a wyvern/dragon before
Genbu seen one of those before too (adamantoise)
Suzaka seena peryton before too
kirin OMFG i NEVER ssen a manticire
Byakko how many of his kind have we farmedx in jugner? lol
#21 Mar 03 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
49 posts
edit: not worth the trouble.

Edited, Thu Mar 3 21:20:03 2005 by WhisperwindShiva

I too, agree with Neorei's post, simply because I can say I've been there and done that.

going from a regular LS to a HNM LS, whether you building one yourself or joining one, is a natural part of this game, regardless what anyone thinks. I know of a LS, they used to be so hellbent on never camping any HNM on the ground because they don't want to be a part of all the crummy drama that comes with being a HNM LS, but little do they know, they will eventually become one as their numbers increase in the lvl 70+, when they want to start doing Sky gods and other NM on the ground.

In fact, it is the natural evolution as people gain in levels. People want to do new things, and acquire new equipments, and the only way to do that is to hunt HNM. To do the more fun things in the game, like Missions, or Quests, Sky gods, HNM, all pretty much require groups of people that are level 70+, and when you start doing things, espeically HNM and Sky, you automatically become labelled as a HNM LS.

There is a stigma that all HNM LS'es are evil, and you have to sell your soul to be a part of them...well, take it from someone who leads one, it's all false. Unlike some other misinformed people that have posted above me, my LS strives to always have fun in what their doing in this is simply unfortunate that drama follows you wherever you go when you do all this high level stuff.

Edited, Thu Mar 3 21:29:15 2005 by WhisperwindShiva

Edited, Fri Mar 4 00:54:54 2005 by WhisperwindShiva
#22 Mar 04 2005 at 12:44 AM Rating: Default
424 posts
Hello neo i have a question i'm on DVS the so called farm team of HoCD now adays i'm almost 70 i've been working my *** off because Miriel asked me to, and what do i hear today when i log on "No more DRK's in HoCD". So basically i'm being outcasted from the people i lvl with and who are my friend's because u don't want my job in your ls, whats up with that?
#23 Mar 04 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
hmmm HMLS requirements

(1) Must possesive a slightly arrogant attitude that you know all and are the closest thing to God that exists in game.
(2) Must be willing to forgo all real life situations and accept that life is only final fantasy and the place called
Earth is just a myth spread around by noobs.
(3) Must be willing to endorse infighting, backstabbing, and other forms of trickery to get what you want.
(4) Must refer to all people under lvl 60 as noobs and people who don't know anything about thier jobs
(5) Must be willing to abandon all friends you have made in the game to date that are not in the linkshell.
(6) Must be willing to accept that the linkshells enemies are now your enemies no matter how positive your dealings with them are or even if there is a lack of dealings.
(7) Must accept the fact that the linkshell leader is always right and while you may be a God they are a Uber-God
(8) Must be willing to live under the constant threat that if you offend the right person you are kicked out and blacklisted from the linkshell forever.
(9) Must take things too seriously like this post

^^ first thing on this forum that made me actually LOL

#25 Mar 04 2005 at 3:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Shinkyu, ask about any HNM leader and they'll have a list of jobs they want, and jobs they already have enough of, or have too many of. Neo's not doing anything special and working against you. Ask Chewy, ask Whisper, ask Ryu, ask Hankun, chances are they don't need a drk, or a sam, or a rdm, etc.

What people need to learn, and a LOT of people are guilty of this both within HNM LS's and not, is that the other guys aren't evil. That seems to be commonplace. Hankun is the devil, Ryunoire is a *****, blah blah blah. That's not true. Get to know any of the HNM LS leaders a bit more and you'll learn they're respectable people. And same goes for others within the LS of these people. Not all people in HNM LS's are bad people that play too much. These are people that enjoy playing, and don't most normal people do what they enjoy in their free time?

As of right now, for me, it's a lot of fun fighting these NM's and fighting gods. We've only fought Genbu but it's still fun. Fighting some more gods this weekend and the entire LS is excited about it.

Some people would rather be in their "small LS" with their friends and such, and that's cool. But a lot of the HNM LS's seem to also just be a collection of friends that are now high enough to take on HNM's and gods. These HNM LS's aren't just groups of people working together for profit. They're friends working together to help each other enjoy this game to its full extent.
#26 Mar 04 2005 at 4:16 AM Rating: Good
525 posts
I agree too wholeheartedly with agawulf.

Its not the abandonment that bothers me the most, its when they stop /wave'ing back.
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