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Homeless TaruFollow

#1 Mar 02 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
582 posts
I've had my reasons, and have left my long time home LS and my HNMLS. I'm looking for a new LS, perferably small LS, with more casual players than LS that's really into NMs and HNMs.

I have cut my playing time quite a bit because I missed my RL -like drinks after work with friends, weekend trips, shopping, nice romantic dinner with hubby, facials, spas, etc. etc.

But being all alone when I'm on, is a bit lonely. So an LS where I can chat while I farm and craft will be great.

I have a strange sense of humor - I lived with two gay men in Chelsea (NYC) for about 7 years after I graduated from college and thru my graduate school life and part of working life - I only moved out when I got yea... I like to talk fashion, and talk the talk... I've shaved my roomates' backs, built wigs for wigstock, worn fake red fur chaps with a g-string as a devil for a halloween ball with them. I've lived the Party Monster life to the fullest at one point. ...infact, I know Michael Alig...And, I've met Jeff Striker, Madonna, Kristine W, Deborah Cox, David Geffen. I've had a share on Fire Island..Pines. Guess, it was more like Debbie from "***** as Folk" than "Sex in the City" ._.

But I'm a real girl! I have wedding pictures to prove it!

In game wise, my credentials are in my signature.
I'm Rank 9 Windurst Taru.
Immediate goals are leveling clothscraft and getting Hexastrike.
I don't have any Promyvions done.
My dream gear is Vivian Ring because I like Vivian Westwood.
O, and I'm Japanese.

If any friendly colourful LS can pick up this lonely little taru, it would be much appreciated.

#2 Mar 02 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I'm sure with those credentials you'll have LS's knocking down your door. I would be more then happy to give you a pearl for Banished Chronicles if you would like. You could try our humble LS out for a few days, see if it suits you. Send a /tell to Meth if interested.

Happy home shopping! :p
#3 Mar 02 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
You can have a pearl to mine. I'm the highest level so you won't have anyone near your level. But we are roleplay friendly and I'd like to make it full roleplay. So if you ever wanna stop in and roleplay a little you can.
#4 Mar 02 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
I have the perfect LS for you. We like to have fun, do many adventurous things, but most importantly were are like family to each other, and while sometimes there is bickering and the occasional 'family feud' I don't know anyone that doesn't love teh Uchipu. We all miss you very much, and while we understand your reasons for leaving, the guessture isn't warranted.

Honor and Courage abound us and bind us together. We will always be friends first and foremost, above all.

Please concider comming home, my poor, stray taru, your family misses you in game too...

(And don't feel obligated to play because of us... but it would just be very nice seeing you chatting in the LS every once in awhile.)

PS-please login to our website and check your PMs, I have not and will never delete your account.
#5 Mar 02 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Not that it is my place but that has never stopped me never will I have to add to any shell that takes in this little taru will get one of the Nicest finest People I have personally ever known online.

Uchipu would be a great additional to anyones shell like I use to say if you don't know you better ask somebody. Again Uchipu will make a fine addition to anyones shell that would have her.


#6 Mar 03 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
582 posts
Thank you Ryunoire and Kenshyn. I really appreciate how well you think about me.

For now, I'm really playing low key...trying to find out what I want out of this game, and to have RL time. I've cut down my play time to 3 hours maximum a day (10pm-1am EST or 11pm - 2am EST), and plan to cut out playing on two weekdays and one of the two weekend days.

I would never forget the fun things I did in both of your LSs. Unfortunately, as much as I love the people there, I don't see the 'fun' in the game at this time.

Eternal Knights is a great HNMLS, that challenges things that are typically said to be impossible for them. But to do something like this takes a lot of time in game, and I ended up missing a lot of events and raids as a result. More and more, I felt not only useless, but left out. Conclusion was, I don't have the devotion to be part of an endgame LS and to be a good active member.

I am somewhat of an perfectionist. If I am to be a member of a respectable HNMLS, then I wanted to be the best member. Always be there at the leader's side, camping, fighting, clearing missions, etc. But slowly seeing that to be so was more than I could handle for RL reasons, I wasn't happy with myself.

Because I'm a perfectionist, it's hard to just be a non-active member, logging on and hearing that so-and-so killed this, or the LS camped that, and learn that I missed out on bunch of things that I wanted to be there to experience.

Then slowly, the game became not fun for me...Not because of any LS. But because of chain of events here and there. And also, like I've said, I haven't found what I want from this game. I don't really have a big goal or big that I've maxed out my job that I so much love.

Well those are my 'reasons' I guess.

For everybody else, I'm still looking for a smallish LS to join, where I can be a casual member, and will accept my playtimes...or someone to just hang out with for a good skill up session. {Hexa Strike}{Yes, please.}
#7 Mar 03 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
I hope you find what you seek and maybe one day show me that duel weilding hexastriking whm one day.

Not like you need advice from me but think about starting your own ls atleast that way your sure of what it is and what you want it to be.

I am sure you would be a great ls leader shell holder and already have the perfect name precious hehehehe. That is what I did when I went homeless best thing I ever did in game was to create my little home.

food for thought......

Edited, Thu Mar 3 12:52:00 2005 by kenshynOnShiva
#8 Mar 03 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
Uchipu, I think you would love BanishedChronicles. You would fit in rather nicely. Not a huge LS, but a good size with cool funny ppl. They are the main reason why I didn't quit the game. Sometimes I log on just to see who is on and chat. I love them all. We are a big disfunctional family, lol. I'd be so happy for you to join us. I also speak chotto nihongo. I took it for 2 years, but I forgot a lot. Your humor will fit in as well, lol. I'm Barchiel, by the way. A.K.A. "The Notorious Humpster." You can camp me ANY day, but the only thing I'm dropping is my pants^^. I hope to see you on soon^^. Leave me or Meth a message.
#9 Mar 03 2005 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
If you havent yet found the right LS for you, and want to give our LS a try, i would be happy to give you a pearl. We arent really big, but we dont exactly go recruiting either. When we meet someone we like we invite them in.

We do some fun stuff, not really any NM or HNM stuff. We have people from lvl 19-75 so theres a big spread of people.

Anyways, if you want to check us out some night, send me a /t. If we arent the right LS for you, then your free to find a different one :)

#10 Mar 03 2005 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
From what I've observed, you seem like a nice, interesting person. I doubt you will have any trouble finding what you're looking for, good luck with that.
#11 Mar 04 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
141 posts
Hey Uchipu!!!

thanks for the help w/ the garlaige coffer key again!!!

I'd really like to see you in my LS BarrelOfMonkeys. We are pretty small with most players in the 50-60 range. Everyone would love to have someone as nice and friendly as you. So please, if you're interested contact our leader Minki in game.

Hope to see you soon ^^
#12 Mar 07 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Hiya Uchipu! Hehe, I know I've seen you around a lot and we helped LB2 earlier. I'm actually in Rastigo's roleplay LS, though it's not fully roleplay. Everyone there is really relaxed and fun. Most of the LS are not post 50, and so there is a lot of things to help on (adv jobs, kazham keys, AF, LB, etc). Plus, both myself and the LS owner speak Japanese (yep, very strange for a Chinese/Viet to speak Japanese some, but...shoganai, ne?). Anyways, if you'd wanna give it a shot, give myself <Kazenokoe>, or Rastigo or Alexial a /tell. Hope to see you around!!

#13 Mar 07 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
Uchi, welcome back home, we all missed you ^^, it was great to see you again last night. Also thanks for keeping my crazyass alive in Dynamis, well as much as that was possible.
#14 Mar 07 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
If by "keeping you alive" you mean "Raising me after I died on every single pull" then Uchi did a GREAT job last night :)

<3 Uchi. /welcome back =D
#15 Mar 07 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
I've had my reasons, and have left my long time home LS and my HNMLS. I'm looking for a new LS, perferably small LS, with more casual players than LS that's really into NMs and HNMs.

did we saw you in Gods fight this sat?

#16 Mar 07 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
Hey LOH, it wasn't every pull =P, I only died 7 times, I was just doing what i was supposed too, cant help it at lvl 65 those mobs kicked my a$$, but i was able to kite quite a few and stay alive. Every pull I was always kiting at least one by myself.
#17 Mar 07 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
when I read the title of the thread I had an image in my head of a rainy back ally of windhurst with a cardboard box and a sad little taru crying in it. At the same time it had violin music (you know the sad type) in the background. Hope you find a home you like.
#18 Mar 07 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
She did she went back to EK.
#19 Mar 07 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
Uchipu, I'd like to recommend the LS I'm currently a member of, 'The Lords of the Beasts' Beastmaster LS.

Now I know what you may be thinking: you're not a Beastmaster, and you wouldn't see the point in joining a Beastmaster LS. But from what I'm hearing you say, I think you should not only consider joining LotB LS, but also trying out the BST job.

I became a BST because my playing time is so irregular. I've never been in a HNM linshell, but I imagine that you have to be a very dedicated player, with regular hours of play time in order to be a good member.

As a Beastmaster, you PT with others, but you can also solo. So that means you can log on whenever your schedule allows and just XP. Or craft, or just chatter. You're not letting anyone down by logging off or not showing up.

LotB is a great LS because it's members are all individuals who, while playing, really have only their own skills and wits to fall back on, seeing as we solo more than any other job. We're not huge (maybe 20 members) but we're active and we're a tight-knit group, partly because there's a fair number of people who hate BSTs for no good reason, and we're sometimes pushed around by PTs.

So if you're really looking for something different, give our LS a try. We have a thread started already on this server forum, where you can meet some of our members. Feel free to give me or any of our members an in-game tell.



P.S.: The LS doesn't have a lot of high level members (we're working on that though!) and to my knowledge we've never tackled a HNM, but I think one day we'd like to give it a go. Anyway, give us a shot. ^^

Edited, Mon Mar 7 13:38:36 2005 by Krogenar
#20 Mar 07 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
582 posts
So I went away, then I came back.
Then I went away, then I came back.


Any one will think, "What's up with that taru?!"

Well, you have all read the reason I left - TIME.

I have a full time job in a law firm, where my job keeps me for long time after hours, making it impossible for me to participate in 8pm, 9pm events. Forget 6pm...that would mean making myself unavailable at work for some of the Firm's VIPs (Partners) and that can effect my position, not to mention salary.

To be a good HNMLS member, it's all about participation - all-night Sky camp out for trigger NM pop, Dynamis runs, HNM pop calls, etc. It's not just showing up for a god's the long hard prep work that's more important for a glamourous god fight. And I could not be there for most which bothered me tremendously.

I also missed my life pre-FFXI (do any of you remember what you did before this game?), and I wanted that back...which would mean, MORE events missed, MORE trigger mobs missed, etc. etc.

If I can't participate, it hurts the LS for obvious reasons. A WHM short is that much less Curing, that much more death, and that much less RB3s.

It also hurts me, because I won't acquire enough participation points to get some of the goodies. I don't care about what everybody else has. I don't get jealous about other people's stuff - cuz whatever it is, I'm sure they went thru great trouble to get it, and hence, they deserve it. But I do have a desire for endgame dream gear.

However, if I can't help the LS, be the uber WHM at the side of the leader at all times, if I can't help the members with whatever the needs are....then I should just give up on end game and live the life of 'retired high level'. If I give up, then I won't have a desire for dream gear - I mean, what's the point of Noble's and Zenith, if all I'm going to do is beat up mobs for coffer keys? I'll just wander around, craft, farm, help strangers with whatever...

So I left Ryunoire a quiet note, and put my pearl away, put it atop my maple table as a center piece to my dining set in my moogle house. (I throw away stuff in a strangely personal way...)

But to my surprise, day after day, I got tells from members of EK. People I thought didn't care at all about me. I got tells from some of the best friends in the LS as well...saying that they all missed me, and wanted me to come home. But I kept on saying I couldn't, because it would dissapoint me and the LS.

But this weekend, Ryunoire sent me a tell just to check up on me. She said she missed me, and we joked around a bit about stuff. Then she said EK had plans for a big multiple god fights, and said "I'm gonna die so many times - lol" ... She said "lol"...but I didn't find it see, I'm a WHM. As a WHM, I couldn't let a friend die. I can't sit around farm sheep knowing that my friends are dead in the sky...

As a WHM, if I can do something to help prevent that I'm gonna do it. I knew that there will probably be a few other WHMs that could RB3, but considering the MP needed to keep everything going, another RB3ing WHM with big MP pool couldn't hurt. More Cure power the better.

Moreover, I couldn't let my friends die.

So I thought, "...for old timessake. Just one more time...". I was bumming around doing nothing anyways.

I promised Ryunoire to come for the big god fights, and then when I finally got there...when they saw me, EVERYONE said welcome back and was happy to see me. I think I got personal /tells from everyone that was there. I thought I was a tiny little speck in the big LS, but I wasn't. I didn't know I was cared by so many! I was so touched, I started to cry. (Hubby thought it was dumb - "Baby, these are toons! Pixels! Data! Fake Stuff!!")

So I decided to come home.
To my little dysfunctional family with strange people that love this game and love the LS. Even though I may not be able to be the uber WHM that I want to be, at least I can be everybody's friend. I think I have finally learned that Eternal Knights is my home.

Finally, and most importantly, I thank you all for your concern and for your kind invitation to your respectable LSs. I was touched by your offers, and to those that I have joined briefly, please do not hesitate to ask me for help. Time allowing, I will do my best to meet your requests. Please feel free to add me on to your friendlist. I always accept them.

I also would like to apologize to those who have offered me a home, and may created somewhat of a turmoil in your LS. I apologize deeply for the trouble I have caused and hope that I am forgiven.

Edited, Mon Mar 7 13:56:16 2005 by uchipu
#21 Mar 08 2005 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
78 posts
Come take a look at KnightsOfTheDragoon. If you likeodd humor you'll fit right in. I suspect at least half of us are nuts. Look up Arrowtip, Devian, Bloodseed, Pakoruru, Velvetpaw, Dibe or Kayle.

No you don't have to be a Dragoon, long story behind the name =/
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