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ENM groupFollow

#1 Mar 03 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
Hey i was wondering if anyone would like to get together and do some of the ENM battles. Im not a terribly high lvl but would love to help out however i can. Thx
#2 Mar 04 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
Vapiant!! now that your not grounded anymore =P gimme a tell in game I have all the gear I need for lvl 30 Rng. ^^
#3 Mar 04 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
I am quite interested, I dont like lvling my sub and the 3k xp a week would help me get to 37 easily.

Have a 32war/nin to bring, if you want me.
#4 Mar 04 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Hi i was just wondering wha tthe conditions for the ENM battles, wht lvls, whats involed, what items are available as i really dont know much about them or where they are held?

#5 Mar 04 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
look me up ! i've got nin or whm i could bring along

edit: oh yeah, rdm too (main)

Edited, Fri Mar 4 12:18:46 2005 by TheDodger
#6 Mar 04 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Ok, i am interested in doing these, but there are a few things i would like to work out prior to joining.

First things first.

Hi i was just wondering wha tthe conditions for the ENM battles, wht lvls, whats involed, what items are available as i really dont know much about them or where they are held?

There are a bunch of them. The main 3 that everyone seems to be able to do easily, are promyvion DEM/HOLLA/MEA.

The reward for all 3 of them is 3K EXP points, and memory clusters (just like say fleeting memories, but in clusters of 12). They also drop rare/ex items (drop rate is pretty low), which you can turn in for rare/ex equipment (enfeebling earings, were the one items ive heard of so far).

The cap for these 3 battles, is lvl 30, and you need to make your way to the spires of each of them (the top floor), and enter the battle just as you would for the promy battles.

You can do EACH ENM battle once per real life 5 days.

You DO NOT have to complete the promy battles to do these.

Ideally, the right way to do this would be to get a group of 6 people who are compitent, and do all 3 of them in one run. This would net 9K exp for approx 2-6 hours of time (depending on how easily the party can get to the top of each promy).

Originally, i thought an alliance of 18, could blast their way to the top, and make it so 18 people could get 9K exp in about 2 hours. But from reading some others experiences, it takes just as long to blast your way as it does to avoid the agro. So a group of 6 might be best. (less trouble with 6 then 18)

First this thats nesseccary, is everyone in the group must have medicines. Medicines are not cheap, so those of you who dont want to spend 15-20K a week doing these runs, might want to rethink wheather or not this is worth it.

I hear the battles are not all that tough, and so the cost for meds might be lower, but those attending should be aware of the initial cost.

Second thing, is you need at least one RNG, for widescan (i saw someone post as a RNG).

Third is you have to have CoP installed and registered. Without it, you can not do them.

I would personally like to get a group that will do all 3 of these once a week (or every 5 days if possible). thats 9K exp per week guaranteed. There is also some ENM's in the new CoP area's, i would like tot try out, but thats neither hear nor there.

If someone is going to put this together, it would be best that they have knowledge of the promy areas. They arent difficult, IF you are familiar wiht them, and have been through a few times.

I have WHM and WAR/NIN (or /THf or /MNK), i can bring. If you want me, just post here, or send me a /t in game.

#7 Mar 04 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I have a WHM or Bard I could go as. Send me a /tell if you could use me. Also, I would need to recolection farm first as I currently have 0 anima.
#8 Mar 04 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
240 posts
I have a level 33 Rng/Nin that I could do this with. I would love to do this once a week. That 9k per week is like one whole complete level for my Mnk. I can afford the medicines needed for this also. The best time for me to do this, due to the time really needed, would probrably be on the weekends. Most likely like a Saturday night or something. I sometimes have to work a Saturday morning every so often.
#9 Mar 08 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Vapiant PM'ed me, and so im gonna bump this to the top, and see if anyone else is interested.

1 thing i need to mention.

I would love to do this once a week. That 9k per week is like one whole complete level for my Mnk.

The exp you get IS NOT A DRAGON CHRONICLES !!! The job you do the battle with will get the exp. So in short, no saving the exp for a different job.

So far we have the people and jobs as follows. If anyone has alternate jobs they are able to use, please post it and let me and vapiant know.

Vapiant War/Nin
Qualinesti Rng/?

(LionsFan/Kramer WAR/NIN
Mon - 4pm cst - 12am cst
Tues. 4pm cst - 7pm cst, 8pm cst - 12am cst
Wed. 4pm cst - 7pm cst 9pm cst- 12am cst
Thurs. 4pm cst - 12am cst.
Fri. 4pm cst- Whenever
Sat. whenever - whenever
Sun. whenever - 12am cst. )

(TheDodger/Argent WHM NIN RDM
Wednesday thru Friday 7:00-12:00pm Est
Saturday all day
Sunday all day before 6:00pm Est }

monsterzero/Meth WHM or BRD

(cyanjoeblake RNG/NIN
Monday: 7:00pm-11:00pm
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 7:00pm-11:00pm
Thursday: 7:00pm-11:00Pm
Friday: Off
Saturday: 5:00pm-Whenever
Sunday: Off
All times are Pacific. )

Playing time: ( Monday's-Thursday's 6PM-9:30PM )( Friday's 4PM-6AM ) ( Saturday's 12PM-6AM ) ( Sunday's 12PM-9:30PM ) ALL "" Eastern Time ""

Atomisk SMN/WHM available from 8:30 or 9:00 PM EST to Whenever.


THF/RNG Available most of the time

We currently have 9 people, and i know a few people from my LS would like to do these also. So we may have 2 seperate parties, but we can cross that bridge when we get there.

Saturdays are never good for me, but sundays i can usuallly manage. Once we know how long it will take to do all 3, we might be able to scatter them throughout the weeknights. Or change in and out who does it when and which ones.

Animas ARE NOT REQUIRED for these, but can be used. So far from what ive read, it is completly unesseccary, but might be good to bring a few till everyone comfortable.

Everyone on the list please post your availablity. We will see if we can out this together. Also, if anyone else wants on the list, please post.


Thank you thedodger :)

Edited, Fri Mar 11 13:04:18 2005 by acepod

Edited, Fri Mar 11 15:01:29 2005 by acepod

Edited, Mon Mar 14 13:58:16 2005 by acepod

Edited, Tue Mar 15 10:44:34 2005 by acepod

Edited, Tue Mar 15 10:52:19 2005 by acepod
#10 Mar 11 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts

We need to know times everyones available please.

#11 Mar 11 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Wednesday thru Friday 7:00-12:00pm Est
Saturday all day
Sunday all day before 6:00pm Est
#12 Mar 11 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Im availble most days from 7-10PM CST And on the weekends from 7- whenever i cant stay up any longer. So yeah when im in game im in game. Also never on mondays all day or wednesday nights. I would love to runthese through a few times. I hear xp is awesome.

#13 Mar 11 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Hello~! I am very interested in doing this ENM runs. If Yall can invite me some time for these THAT WOULD BE AWSOME! heres the job I will come as and the days I can play.

Name: Sterlingh
Job: (level as of now)~ 43Ranger/21Ninja
Playing time: ( Monday's-Thursday's 6PM-9:30PM )( Friday's 4PM-6AM ) ( Saturday's 12PM-6AM ) ( Sunday's 12PM-9:30PM ) ALL "" Eastern Time ""


#14 Mar 11 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Ok this is actually better then i expected. We need 4 more people, for 2 party runs. We have enough tanks, main healers, and RNGs for 2 parties :)

#15 Mar 12 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to participate as well if possible, I have been in each Promyvion at least 3 times so I know the routine, job I will take is SMN/WHM. My playtime M-F is usually 7:30/8:00pm cnt until whenever i log off (i have been known to stay up till 6 in the morning on some occasions lol). Saturday i can usually log on around 4:30/5:00pm and i have all day Sunday unless something RL occurs.

Anyway, send me an ingame tell if you want me. I still have my Promy armor on my mule so im ready to go.
#16 Mar 14 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Ok, i added atomisk, and need to bump this up again.

We have 9 people, and need 3 more which i may have. I have times available for some of you, but not others. As soon as we get that, we can all get together and do 3 runs in one night.

Hopefully soon !!

#17 Mar 14 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
240 posts
Monday: 7:00pm-11:00pm
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 7:00pm-11:00pm
Thursday: 7:00pm-11:00Pm
Friday: Off
Saturday: 5:00pm-Whenever
Sunday: Off
All times are Pacific.
#18 Mar 14 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
I'd like to come as my thf. I can gear up and be rng-like at that level and still SATA fine if needed. I want the exp on my thf and not my rng though. But they're easy from what I hear so...shouldn't be a problem.

I'm online a lot.

That's if you need another person to come.
#19 Mar 14 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
Mon - 4pm cst - 12am cst
Tues. 4pm cst - 7pm cst, 8pm cst - 12am cst
Wed. 4pm cst - 7pm cst 9pm cst- 12am cst
Thurs. 4pm cst - 12am cst.
Fri. 4pm cst- Whenever
Sat. whenever - whenever
Sun. whenever - 12am cst.

Those are the times I can be on, not that I am always on at those times. I also have to watch weekends for LS events which are scheduled, but I will know a week in advance if I have one of those I need to be at.
#20 Mar 14 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
You guys make it sound like these ENM battles are hard. They are the easiest battles I've ever done.

Our pt was whm pld pld rng rng mnk.

Once we made it to the top the mnk figured out he didn't have the key item, so he left

Then our whm d/c at start of battle, and we still won with no deaths.
#21 Mar 15 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
OK excellent, i think we have enough for 2 full parties that will be well balanced.

I am printing out all the names and times right now, and i will try to make 2 balanced parties. I dont think they need to be too overpowered, as what Finalfreak said and many others they arent too tough.

I think im going to end up being WHM, so i need 1 person per party who is familiar with the areas to lead each party, and scout the spire (which is very easy if they have been there before). As WHM i dont feel comfortable scouting the spires. We also need one RNG per party.

I will be checking everyones schedule, and trying to plan this for this week, one night. I think tommorow will be the best, but i need to look one more time at everyones schedule. I will be contacting everyone if possible tonight, or tommorow evening. If we need to, we can schedule for later this week, or next week.

Please expect to hear from me today or tommrow for futher plans.

Thanks to everyone for posting and being willing to do this as a group.

#22 Mar 15 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
240 posts
I've beaten Promyvion-Mea and Promyvion-Holla. I've been to the 3rd floor of Promyvion-Dem just messing around with 4 other friends seeing how high we could get before we got aggro and died. I've also printed up the maps for all 3 Promyvions so I know how/where to find the spires. So I'm confortable enough in leading a pt to the top.

One thing is though....its much easier going up with only 6 people than it is with an alliance. This may require pulling and clearing a path just make it 1 or 2 squares over. But its much easier and less of a headache. It will also require teamwork to do it too. Getting there is actually harder than the fights. But its easy for people who know what they are doing.
#23 Mar 16 2005 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
One thing is though....its much easier going up with only 6 people than it is with an alliance. This may require pulling and clearing a path just make it 1 or 2 squares over. But its much easier and less of a headache. It will also require teamwork to do it too. Getting there is actually harder than the fights. But its easy for people who know what they are doing.

I kinda agree with you. I have never gone with an alliance, but i have been to all of them several times. On the top floor, agro by 2+ mobs, usually means death. If we had 12 people, this might not be such a problem. IF and only IF everyone listens and stays very close together.

But we dont have to all go at once, in fact from looking at the schedules, i am thinking we will need 2 seperate parties, at 2 seperate times. Thats why i didnt /t anyone last night, i need 1 or 2 LS members, and i need to work out who's on what team, and at what time. I was a bit busy and didnt have time :(

#24 Mar 18 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts

We did our first run last night (DEM). Total time from when we left jueno was 1 hour 7 minutes (give or take a few ). We also had a few things that made the journey a bit slower.

So i am confident we could do all 3 of them in about 2.5 hours, which isnt bad for 9K exp. Especially considering many pickup parties dont always get more then 3-4K an hour, IF it is steady exping.

We will be doing holla and mea soon, and i want to get everyone on a schedule, so they can show up prepared, and we can get them done as fast as possible.

Thanks to everyone who came, i had a great time, and look forward to doing it again in the near future.

#25 Mar 18 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
I would really like to go, a schedule to prepare in advance would bo good. I wanted to went you sent me a tell last night, but I was in the middle of mission 8-1 and getting rank 9 last night.
#26 Mar 18 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
NP Kramer, cyan and vapiant sent me/t's yesterday both wanted to try one or 3. I managed to pull together a decent party, and we went for it. Once we get a routine down for this, it will be much smoother. Unfortunatly, i have very little time on the weekeds, but if i have enough, we will run mea and holla this weekend, and if there are enough people even bring 2 parties.

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