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Lvl 55 Static party do you need it?Follow

#1 Mar 14 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Hello all, we currently have 3 members for the static, and need 3 more.

We have

(me) War/Nin

MNK/WAR (will sub THf at 60)


I would like to get a BLM for sure. I would also like to get a second WAR/NIN, so we can dual tank. This will reduce the need for healing, and increase damage by quite a bit. I would also like to get a RNG for sidewinder + rampage if at all possible. If no RNG's, then a BRD would be great.

Anyways, if your interested, the times we will be lvling is from about 7:00-8:00 PM EST to 11:00-12:00 EST. 3 days a week would be best, but we can juggle that if others have time constraints and such.

If your not one of the jobs i mentioned we need, but are still interested, please post here or send me a /t. We may change up to a PLD tank, and then need a WHM and BLM which would work nicely also.


#2 Mar 14 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
Okay Ace I have a question, why not ask for another MNK, you can then just look for a whm, and pld. If you wanted to go with a bones setup. war/nin is still a good DD. I'm just throwing something out there for ya. The prime bone area for this lvl is Gustav tunnel.

Well hope my 2 cents was worth something.
#3 Mar 14 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
ShadowmonkCoB wrote:
Okay Ace I have a question, why not ask for another MNK, you can then just look for a whm, and pld. If you wanted to go with a bones setup. war/nin is still a good DD. I'm just throwing something out there for ya. The prime bone area for this lvl is Gustav tunnel.

Well hope my 2 cents was worth something.

Smiley: lol You're just saying that because you want in. Smiley: lol

In my personal opinion, the ideal party is:

NIN/WAR (or possibly a PLD/WAR)

BTW ShadowMonk, what's the CoB stand for? I have a pretty good idea of what it means. Hatecrew by chance?

Edited, Mon Mar 14 17:22:33 2005 by GogetaExtreme
#4 Mar 14 2005 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
I'd love to join your static if you still have room. I'm currently 55 blm w/ 10k tnl.

I can pt during the week from 6pm-12am most days, and on saturday and sunday. /t Ellesar
#5 Mar 14 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Okay Ace I have a question, why not ask for another MNK, you can then just look for a whm, and pld. If you wanted to go with a bones setup. war/nin is still a good DD. I'm just throwing something out there for ya. The prime bone area for this lvl is Gustav tunnel.

Well hope my 2 cents was worth something.

I did think about that shadow, but to be honest, i dont want to be full time tank. It takes a LOT !!! of cooperation from the rest of the party to be great. Also if i was to solo tank, i would need a BRD in the party somewhere to be really effective. WAR/NIN can tank, but it isnt ideal for most situations. @ war/nin is awesome, because if they work well together, almost no DMG is taken, which leaves the mages to do something more useful then heal. Also with a 2 WAR/NIN 1 MNK RDM BLM RNG, that party would do some serious damage. If i was to go with 2 MNK's, they would both need to share hate with me, and that can get hairy.

Anyways thanks for the input, it is always appreciated :)

I'd love to join your static if you still have room. I'm currently 55 blm w/ 10k tnl.
I can pt during the week from 6pm-12am most days, and on saturday and sunday. /t Ellesar

As for you ellesar, if your willing to hold off lvling BLM till we get 2 more members, i would love to have you in the static. I hope to be set and partying by monday of next week (if monday is a day we choose to meet of course lol).

Edited, Mon Mar 14 19:09:41 2005 by acepod
#6 Mar 14 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Hello SonOfOsiris here, im a lvl 53 drg 3k tnl, and I would like to join your static if you still have room. Im on vacation right now so I wont be able to talk to you ingame. When I get back ill /tell you.

#7 Mar 14 2005 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
Commader the CoB stands for my LS, its Children of Bodom. also its a hard rock group.
#8 Mar 15 2005 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
im a 53 DRG with like 6k tnl i would like to join
#9 Mar 15 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
I need to see how DRG SC's, and may take one of you guys. Im not positive yet, so ill reserve confirmation till i know for sure. I personally love a good DRG< but i want to make sure we have a solid party setup for this static.

If any WAR/NIN or PLD or WHM or RNG are interested also, please let me know.

#10 Mar 15 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
If you want I can post my gear
#11 Mar 15 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
I don't think holding off leveling will be a problem. I lost about 1.5k exp last night trying to help a group do a 5-1 run, then later on died trying to make it to Zvahl Keep.

So I'm sitting pretty @10k. Ready to roll come next week.
#12 Mar 15 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
I just remembered that I'll be in Europe for 10 days in April (April 7th - 17th). So you may need to take that into consideration.

I wouldn't want to hold anyone up because of my vacation.
#13 Mar 15 2005 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
My gear is posted
#14 Mar 16 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts

Theres my gear :)
#15 Mar 16 2005 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
well um i hate to be a negitive on a positive thing but...unless you have a very poor mnk your gunna need a pld....or a thf perferably a pld... mnk and rng can and will steal hate from a war, nin my experance as a mnk (56 atm) even plds
#16 Mar 16 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
well um i hate to be a negitive on a positive thing but...unless you have a very poor mnk your gunna need a pld....or a thf perferably a pld... mnk and rng can and will steal hate from a war, nin my experance as a mnk (56 atm) even plds

Please re-read my posts prior to comenting.

#1 we will have 2 WAR/NIN

#2 if it was just one WAR/NIN, the RNG and MNK would pull hate only long enough for me to recast shadows. I have no trouble keeping hate, from ANY job (besides BLM going all out), but as a WAR/NIN need to keep a fine line on the hate, so i can recast shadows if i am solo tanking (IE: Let the RNg or MNK pull hate temporarily to recast).

#3 The ideal party setup im looking for at this moment is

WAR/NIN X's 2, RDM, BLM, MNK, RNG, BRD. However, i would be more then willing to change the lineup if other options present itself.

I just remembered that I'll be in Europe for 10 days in April (April 7th - 17th). So you may need to take that into consideration.

I wouldn't want to hold anyone up because of my vacation.

Well, i think we can work something out. Im sure there could be some side lvling or something for that time frame. We "NEED" a BLM, to make this work, so how about we try it out, and go from there, and see where it leads us :)

As for oth and SonOfOsiris, i didnt get a chance to look at SC's, but i will do so today or tonight, and see what we can do. I just had a crazy thought, of 2 DRG/WHM's in one party, i wonder how that would work ?? {Hmmm}

#17 Mar 16 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts

Just let me know when we start.
#18 Mar 17 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
Hiya I have a 56 blm/whm taru named Flagg hes got a ice staff
i havent played in a while but i still got my account lemme know if im in!!!! hehe
#19 Mar 17 2005 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
OH ya this is Flagg again like i said i havent played in a while but I do have 3 or 4 of my AF gear and have no problem waiting to kick off hehe Im avail 4pm - 4am EST =o]
#20 Mar 17 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Hmm interesting, 2 BLM, MNK, RDM, and 2 WAR/NIN. That sounds fun, if we can get SC's going. Im gonna put you on the list flagg, i just need one WAR/NIN to finish us off.

I think we could get double burst's going, and own pretty much everything.

/em goes to to see how this will work.

#21 Mar 17 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Yep Yep, this setup can be seriously great.

We can do some pretty good 3 man SC's, resulting in good MB's, and fast death to mobs. I will be socuting out where to lvl (gobs will prolly be our main focus for a bit due to SC compatability). At lvl 60, which i think will come fairly fast with this static setup, we can do distortion chains again (we can do induration, but some SC guru's have made me see that it may not be the best MP and DMG wise), or continue on with 3 man SC's. Also we will have a super sweet light SC later on. All we need now is another WAR/NIN, which i know there is a lot of you, because youve been takeing all my invites recently lol.

So one last spot to fill, one WAR/NIN is all we need. Speak up i know your out there!!!

#22 Mar 17 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
240 posts
Actually having 2 blms, 2 war/nin and a mnk will give you TONS of options for a skillchain. Of course it will be all that much better if both of your war/nin's have both Great Axe and Axe leveled. If both of the war's have both weapons leveled here are a few examples of some of the better skillchains that you guys can do.

Smash Axe --> Sturmwind = Fragmentation (Thunder/Aero MB)

Smash Axe --> Raging Fists = Impaction (Thunder MB)

Sturmwind --> Raging Fists = Impaction (Thunder MB)

Shield/Armor Break --> Spinning Axe(AoE) = Liquification --> Raging Fists = Fusion (Fire/Banish MB) (The Shield/Armor break in this one is more for the debuff that it does rather than the big damage weaponskill. Since beetles are weak against Fire this might be a good option here.)

Sturmwind --> Smash Axe = Induration (This one is more so that the Blms can still get thier jollies off with Freeze.) (Ice MB)

Raging Axe --> Sturmwind = Scission (Stone MB)

Raging Axe --> Keen Edge = Gravitation (Stone MB)

Once both your Blm's get to level 56 they will have access to Freeze(50), Tornado(52), Quake(54) and Burst(56). With what level you guys are I think that you can do Robber Crabs in Boyahda Tree/Kuftal Tunnel (Cape Terrigan at level 57) and since they are weak to Thunder, Burst could very well do some serious damage. With having a Mnk in the party they aren't really too flexible with how they can skillchain so he/she might be left out and have to solo thiers every now and then. I know all about this first hand; my main is mnk also. But on the bright side once the Mnk hits 60 you can Distortion all you want.

Howling Fist --> Rampage = Distortion (Water/Blizzard MB)

I hope this maybe helped you out a little bit as to what all the Skillchains that you guys can do. Happy Hunting!
#23 Mar 17 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
So im guessing that im out. Oh well.
#24 Mar 17 2005 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
currently lvl 55 blm... and also lookin for lb2 help.. i have the funding to lvl fast! I have a total of 74 INT and all blm spells.. cept tornado. so if interested send me a tell or email at
#25 Mar 18 2005 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
I have a 56 taru blm my days off varies from month to month. My hours that I work are 9:45pm to 5:45am central time. So I can party anyday from 1:00pm to 9:30pm central. Days off anytime. I also have a 56 taru whm but would rather lvl my blm. And if your really hard up i have a 55 pld hume. But I really dont want to lvl that at this time. Let me know if your interested. Thanks.
#26 Mar 18 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
ShadowmonkCoB wrote:
Commader the CoB stands for my LS, its Children of Bodom. also its a hard rock group.

I wouldn't consider them "Hard Rock". They're more like technical Extreme Metal. I have been listening to CoB for about five years now and Alexi Laiho is actually one of my favorite guitarists. I am too, a guitarist (going on 14 years).

Yea, I had a pearl to the Linkshell a while back. My psycho ex girlfriend wanted a pearl because of the pearl color. I about sh[/i]it myself when I saw the Linkshell name. I remember thinking "Nice...other people who like Bodom!!"

We're the Hatecrew.

NP: Dimmu Borgir - Progencies of the Great Apocalypse

[i]Edited, Fri Mar 18 17:47:56 2005 by GogetaExtreme
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