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#1 Mar 22 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Bear with me as this post is going to be strange...rather then about something physical of FFXI. I'm not much of a philosipher, and this subject has been spoken numerous times, but I wanted to just... say something.

After cruising through....many long boards of "Nerf this job" on Gfaqs..."this HNM LS sucks" on "Allkahazam"...and "WTF is wrong with this person"'s on VN boards, I wanted to write something. I didn't really know what, but I felt like I needed something to be said.

I think people aren't seeing, they're looking.

What I mean is this: FFXI is a world of people. It's like a giant chat game where literally the only interaction is shown on a pixelated screen. It's like an electronic D&D. "Blah blah does so and so damage." *Mob dies.*

Yet, this game can go so far beyond that.

When was the first time you partied with a warrior, not knowing what they did or how they did it, and a monster attacked you. What happened? Most likely, the warrior provoked. Not so much a great memory, is it? But that first time when a mob was wailing on you, killing you, and your butt was saved by some weird circle thingie with a noise, what did you think?

I honestly...don't remember.

And I think that's what's wrong with this game. I think we are looking for more so of what comes from things, not how they got there. I'll never forget walking around in West sarutabaruta, in my first party of an ALLIANCE of 10 people all soloing monsters. We were killing fast for like, 5 exp each. Badass huh? Then one guy got a 17 EXP kill and I was like "! o.O OMG! We need to kill more of those things rather then these bunnies!"

Where am I now?

"Dammit....guys we didn't get the HNM. ****ing <insert LS name here> got it."

"Crap...the NM item didn't drop."

"Son of a .... prices of Utsusemi: Ni for my NIN have skyrocketed. -.-"

It's the way progress is. We become...detached. I am no longer really getting true memories from this game, I'm merely entertaining myself. I literally forgot about one of my good friends on game, whom I have seen practically none in the past week because I've been doing nonstop ZM's for my LS so that, one day, we can hunt gods.

It kinda slapped me yesterday. What happened to the simplicity of enjoying the game from where it was? Sure, it's cool to kill a god. But, wasn't killing bunnies nonstop fun too, although we didn't achieve jack crap?

Do we really always need to achieve something?

I think I understand HNM Leaders now. They come from this, they see the game as one long achievement, only on the extreme side. Shouldn't we all go do something weird, rather then just amusing or something that has a destination? Sometimes, ignorance isn't only bliss, but it's also purifying.

Do yourself a favor. The next time you do something new... be it exploring a CoP zone, or even, maybe, leveling a new job...try to forget what you have achieved. I kinda realize now that feeling has utterly died. But you know, there's somewhat of an innocence and fun to being a noobie. No one really cared when, long ago, the BLM in my party wanted to cure, the WAR wanted to pull, the MNK wanted to tank, and the WHM wanted to nuke with banish. The exp totally sucked...but we were all smiling our noobish smiles. Those kinds of smiles aren't seen much anymore. It's always a rush for some god item, or rare/ex item, or accomplishment instead.

I'm going to go play some with my friend online tonight. I think I had forgotten that perhaps gods aren't what this game are about, and I need to show her that.

I think I need to be shown that, too.

I'll be out nuking mandy's with banish if you need me. ^.~

#2 Mar 22 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
341 posts
Excellent post - rate up ^^

I think this game mirrors RL way too much sometimes, especially in how caught we all get in the proverbial rat race of lvl's and rank. We forget to have fun, the game begins to feel more and more like an obligation than something you do for enjoyment. As I thought about things more I began to realize that how much I missed the days when I first started; running thru Buburimu for the first time, walking into lower jeuno as a lvl 20 Whm and being in complete awe at all of the ppl hustling and bustling thru the street. I'm going to relearn how to enjoy this game as I once did. Learn how to have fun and not care about lvl's, exp or gil. I guess that's one thing that the newer players could teach some of us.... how to enjoy the game as a game, as we all once did.

#3 Mar 22 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
153 posts
Well i actually spend more time doing exploration and weird stuff than what would really be "the normal thing to do" . I wonder how much people go to the manaclipper in Bibiki Bay and just sit on the side of the boat while watching the reef. Well that's something i do at least once a week. visiting new CoP area and even less known normal area is very fun. Last week i randomly find myself trying to climb the hill in athowa chasm to reach the cradle of rebirth, it was'nt rewarding but doing this was a WHOLE lot of fun.

I am currently level 57 white mage and i just can't wait till i see sky or dynamsis later on in the game.

Some other totally useless stuff i did was gather with 7 people of my LS, put on some crappy level 1 gear, put anon on and rampage Maze of shakrami. worthless it was but so much fun. especially when someone farming looked at a bunch of n00b looking lost people rampaging everything around.

I think that when the game become more a burden than a game, it's time to become wild and crazy. Just try it a few time and see how much fun you will have. ^^
#4 Mar 22 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
That's a definite Rate up post right there. I couldn't agree more. And the same thing should be said for all the new players that are starting this game. They have one goal. Lvl 75. I welcome new players into my linkshell, and in a week or so they are asking for kazham keys, then in 3 more days they are in the Citadel. However, they don't know how to get to bastok from Sandy. And can't remember where the boat in selbina takes them. People should slow down and realize there is more to this game than lvls and gil. It should be about having fun. And Fxeni's post was excellent.
#5 Mar 22 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Id have to agree with you on this. I have made it a point to not make the game to much of a grind, and remeber to enjoy the journey. It is sometimes very hard to do. I have been leveling sub jobs through the jungles the last 4 or 5 sessions, and it does get frustrating, but if we all try to remeber it is a game, made for enjoyment, i think we will all be in a better place :)
#6 Mar 22 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
Rate Down for thinking like a n00b. JK!! LOL. This is so true. A lot of us began to take the game a bit too seriously. I still remember my first time on an Airship. I was running around looking off the sides. Someone asked me "Is this your first time on an Airship?" LOL. Or the first time me and a group of adventures BARELY made it to Jeuno. We heard that a place called Qufim Island would give us good XP so we set out to get to Jeuno for the XP and Chocobo Licenses. Man, we got aggro in Rolanberry Fields and had to high-tail it, LOL!!!! One of us died, but he's been to Jeuno already, with his HP there. I remember first setting foot in Jeuno...ahhh. All the high level ppl with cool armor. I asked some RDM in AF gear for gil...and he gave me some! I guess he felt sorry for me, I was a WHM at the time in peasant (tunic) gear, hahaha. I remember seeing a Gigas for the first time, perhaps the biggest mob I've seen at that point. I remember getting lvl 25...and getting my Raise Spell. I thought I was god then, lol. Me and 2 friends were Chocoing back to Sandy, passing through La Thiene. I saw a dead BRD on the ground, who soon became my first Raise subject! ^^. Bad thing was, the thing that killed him came back, lol. A Battering Ram! Some high lvl DRK saw it and killed it. But yes, thinking back to the old days, being a newb, is kinda cool. Makes you appreciate things a whole lot more. Thanks for making this thread^^. I'll hump you later^^
#7 Mar 22 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
1,239 posts
your point is very good.

but a few reminders:

When was the first time you partied with a warrior, not knowing what they did or how they did it, and a monster attacked you. What happened? Most likely, the warrior provoked. Not so much a great memory, is it? But that first time when a mob was wailing on you, killing you, and your butt was saved by some weird circle thingie with a noise, what did you think?

I honestly...don't remember.

i only remeber who doesn't provoke and cause me or other ppl dead. too many war not provoke when they have full life.

It's the way progress is. We become...detached. I am no longer really getting true memories from this game, I'm merely entertaining myself. I literally forgot about one of my good friends on game, whom I have seen practically none in the past week because I've been doing nonstop ZM's for my LS so that, one day, we can hunt gods.

i still remeber how we beat some of the hardest missions with my friends after losing millions of times. (zm8, 5AAs at lvl 6x, and other missions).

basically, this game has nothing new even after patch. you can access and be familia with many new areas after 1 or 2 days. lvling is boring, is the most boring activity in this game. seems sitting in jueno and chatting is more fun than anyting else.

but mostly you are right, get on with the game and just enjoy whatever the way you like.

#8 Mar 22 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
Actually, Fiorina, lvling isn't THAT boring. I do aggree that it can be the same ole thing for a bit, but it may be your job that bores you (WHM,RDM). I took WHM to 50. I almost quit cuz it was so boring, but I tried a few other jobs like BRD, THF and RNG. THF I enjoyed but PT invites were a little harsh. RNG I like also. I wouldn't advise anyone to just get in any ole XP PT. I like to PT with ppl who talk and such, not 'drone' XP PTs. Those are very boring. But I can see some of your point.^^
#9REDACTED, Posted: Mar 22 2005 at 9:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "Real life" {I don't understand.}
#10REDACTED, Posted: Mar 22 2005 at 9:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) double post.
#11 Mar 22 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
"Real life" {I don't understand.}

What is this "Real life" you speak of?

Wtf are you all talking about??????? The game IS real life don't you know????

<pure sarcasm>

Ok I'm done bye.

Someone makes a really nice post. And you still come here to ruin it. Please, use this real life to find another passtime because your need to ruin things for people is really unhealthy.
#12 Mar 23 2005 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
Wrip wrote:
"Real life" {I don't understand.}

What is this "Real life" you speak of?

Wtf are you all talking about??????? The game IS real life don't you know????

<pure sarcasm>

Ok I'm done bye.

Someone makes a really nice post. And you still come here to ruin it. Please, use this real life to find another passtime because your need to ruin things for people is really unhealthy.


Rate up to the OP great post ^^
#13 Mar 23 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Awesome post, with my first character I went crazy trying to lvl and catch up with my friends I didn't enjoy the simple things, my second character changed that for me, I play this game often and half the time I just am chocoing to Sandy just to look at it. I spent much of my time just enjoying it now, I just am having doing silly things and the "normal stuff" in between. yesterday I visited each town and tried to talk to every NPC just for the heck of it... found out some intresting stuff about the game and have a ton of quests to do >< lol
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