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#1 Mar 25 2005 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Just thought I'd warn others of a player named "Taruk"

to be fair I was dumb enough to lend out my vermillion cloak to someone who I didn't know very well. Regardless, he didn't give it back and claims to have sent it via delivery system. GM's confirm this not to be true.

He's also had complaints that he stole someone's monster signa.

Please be careful, and don't lend things to people you can't go and beat up.


#2 Mar 25 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
I shoudlnt be called greedy for what Im about to say, but I would NEVER lend anyone my stuff..... I hate to say it, bro but you got screwed. I dont expect it coming back either.

I am sorry, but I earned all my gear, and I have every right to keep it or trade it, but I prefer my armor be somewhere where I know where it is... The first time I heard someone losing their stuff ages ago cause they let someone "borrow" it lead me to think that no one but my bf on this server (who happens to play right next to me IRL) can be trusted. I still lead that belief even now. I'll help you get what you want, but if you ever ask me to borrow my items, I'll say no.
#3 Mar 25 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
I know exactly who you are talking about he has borrowed gil from me time and time again til I ot fed up with him he was too lazy to go get his key for the gear u get the goblin to make he just wanted to buy it. I finally told him I am not the national Vanieldeil bank and I would be glad to get his chest key for him he was too lazy to do that. He needs to learn how do things fo himself.
#4 Mar 25 2005 at 9:40 AM Rating: Default
83 posts
Aww, that sucks Jevot. ; ;
He will get what's coming to him, somehow he'll be walknig down a road when a pack of mangey wolves will jump out and maul him to death. Thanks for the warning though, and Shadowtaru stfu. She's here warning us of a little *****, and the last thing she needs is some asshat saying, "You're screwed."

#5 Mar 25 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
That sucks dude, I'm sorry to hear that.

Did you know Taruk from your LS or just someone you've partied with in the past? I wouldn't loan anything to anyone outside of my LS with the exception of very few people, including Zaltec because I have known him for about three years.

A friend of mine from my LS loaned me his Scorpion Harness without me even asking. I was sitting in Jeuno and he's like "What are the stats on your AF body?" 'Go ahead and /check me.' He checks me and like a minute later he's like "Ewwwww +4 want to use my Scorpion Harness?" I was in shock. He doesn't use it and I think he even has a +1 too. Then he's like "Don't put it on the AH because it will lose it's signature." I was like 'Why would I put it on the AH? It's not mine.'

See, I respect people and people's sh[/i]it, especially when they let me use it and especially when they trust me with a piece of equipment that isn't found cheap. I don't understand why people will steal someone's gear after that person was nice enough to let them use it. It's fu[i]cking sad and it makes me sick.
#6 Mar 25 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Yeah I realize how stupid I was, but I have gotten in the habbit of being kind like that to people, if my whitemage didn't have a staff, I'd lend him my appolo staff for the party. If my ninja was running low on shihei I'd make em for him. etc.

so when taruk begged to let him use my cloak to Power Level a friend I said ok.

I really like being nice like that, I wish I still could, but now I'm too scared, that much gil takes me weeks to get back.

and again, I know it's my fault, just warning others to watch out for that guy and the astral rings he baught with the leftovers from selling my cloak, and poweleveling his leathercrafting.


#7 Mar 25 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
oh man,i heard him and my friend saying something about this in port jeuno,i didnt know who he had taken it from,i actually thought they were making it up,until Taruk said "You dont know what your talking about because i just sent it to him via the delivery box." iono,this makes me think to be more careful with my items,sorry about that and thx for the warning.
#8 Mar 25 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
In regards to the delivery box thing, I called a GM, they said that they couldn't get it back but that he did not send it to me.

best of luck.

Sometimes your only purpose seems to be to serve as a warning for others.


#9 Mar 26 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
245 posts
Yesterday I got a message from someone that said they knew me and "how's it going" and the like(I was a party leader). Later they ask to be my friend and then ask for me to add them as a friend. I said no and they asked why and I said cuz I don't remember him or where I met and they said haha, to just forget it,, they were just messin with me...

#10 Mar 26 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Hello Suzahara here, i would like to take a moment to say a few things to jevot, it sucks what happened to you, i personaly know Taruk and he WAS in my linkshell ( windurst cavalry ). after the LS leader ( Emurei ) had a few words with him, the decision among the LS was to ask him to leave our ranks, we did not want to have a person that we could not trust in our linkshell.

please do now think down on the rest of us for the actions of one player, and im sorry that you are stolen from, all i can say is, keep your chin up, and try to move on. we tried to get him to return the item. but the story he was feeding us was a little farfetched.

anyways, this whole incident led to another discussion that came up with another player who is friends with Taruk his name is Tweek. we were discussing how if people you know trust you with an item of high value, then you should return it. was the item that you stole worth loosing yuour friends, and tarnishing your reputation? anyways i talked about how a friend of mines let me borrow his harness and kraken club to try out. i used them for a day or so, then gave them back per his request, and due to the fact that i did not violate his trust in me, i am now able to borrow gear from him, and vise versa.

the sad thing is that Taruk was in our ls, he was part of our family... its a sad thing to see that someone like that was among us... i dont like to be paranoid that i cant loan out some of my items to my fellow Ls members. anyways, now im rambling, again, im sorry for your loss, and i hope that you can move past all this.

Edited, Sat Mar 26 03:05:27 2005 by Suzahara

Edited, Sat Mar 26 03:13:17 2005 by Suzahara
#11 Mar 26 2005 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
Ouch! Smiley: banghead Can you edit your post and use paragraphs? Thanks!

NP: Emperor - The Eruption
#12 Mar 26 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
I know Taruk, I know Jevot. And last I remember there was no proof? Is there proof now??

I'm done.
#13 Mar 26 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Taruk's story was changing every day in our ls (Wndhurst Cavalry) One day he would say Jevot never leant him the V cloak the next it was that it was lost in a transfer when his memory card was removed from his PS2 ..... a little farfetched as Suza said. We did give him a week or so to see if he would either give it back or stick to one story, but he just had a new story about it everyday and verbally attacked a co leader of our ls in ls chat when first asked about it.
#14 Mar 26 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Actually, memory cards have nothing to do with the PS2 version. Everything runs off of the HDD. I smell an excuse...
#15 Mar 26 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
81 posts
dont u start ne thing. He admitts he didnt steal so dont try and convince me otherwise. And how dare u shout stuff about him as hes doing a wedding ceremony for hi friends.
#16 Mar 26 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
dont u start ne thing. He admitts he didnt steal so dont try and convince me otherwise. And how dare u shout stuff about him as hes doing a wedding ceremony for hi friends.

#17 Mar 26 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
ok let me clarify. My brother has a BigPimps LS and today they were having a wedding for Antec and Lexia. Taruk was the minister. Aparantley jovet or whatever her name is was in the same area and spammed her "public Awareness" while they were preparing the wedding. I could understand /telling this to taruk but making a huge scene in Ru'Lude Gardens about is not the way to go.
#18 Mar 26 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Ohhhh ok i just seen this you were all in the palace .... tell your guests to stop harassing my friend lol :p. Sadly though i diden't see the spam from Jevot and I wasnt attacking Taruk in anyway in the post i first made i was just telling Crayola why he was ejected from our ls. It wasnt because we had hard evidence but his story seemed faulty and un-trustworthy.

It wasnt one single person that did boot him it was a ls decission, and we did give him time to either give it back or stick to one story. We honestly did give him a chance, and I personally have no problems with Taruk. It's just the ls as a whole felt him to be untrustworthy not in the fact that he may of stole an item, but the fact that he coulden't keep one story about it.
#19 Mar 26 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Yes. I understand and fully agree. im just saying that what was done was at innapropiate time, but if Taruk desevers getting kicked or the like it is his fault. And about the yelling i had no control of that and im sorry it happened also might I add Taruk did get scorned by the BigPimps for the alledged actions.
#20 Mar 27 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
I appologize for disturbing the wedding, when I realized what was happening I did my best not to disturb things and simply beg Taruk my daily begging for him to give it back.

I wouldn't bother him so much, expecpt that others have seen him confess, A GM said that he had it, and that he suddenly had a good bit of money, enough to get Astral Rings, and level his leathercraft, where as when I met him he was quite poor.

So either he's a braggart, a liar, the GM's have their heads up their asses, and he's a gil buyer, or he owes me that cloak back.

I am sorry I harmed the event though, as I said I only stayed after I realized what was happening to answer some questions, and to beg the person who stole from me to give it back.


#21 Mar 27 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
A GM said that he had it, and that he suddenly had a good bit of money, enough to get Astral Rings, and level his leathercraft, where as when I met him he was quite poor.

Regardless, he didn't give it back and claims to have sent it via delivery system. GM's confirm this not to be true.


In regards to the delivery box thing, I called a GM, they said that they couldn't get it back but that he did not send it to me.

All this stuff about GM's, which can't be true.
For one thing, the game doesn't keep a "delivery box log" so GM's can't keep any record of that's been through the delivery system, unless it's actually stored either in the "Send NPC's" near the AH's or in your delivery box in your moghouse, once you can't see the item in it, such as it being taking it out, or the reciepent took it, they can't see it either.

And a GM can't say that he has it. They are't allowed to tell you things like that. They can't devulge any information about other characters.

And I don't think they can do anything to get it back anyway. For all they know, you could be jealous that Taruk has a cloak and you want it, and trying to scam the GM's into giving it to you. Or, maybe you had literally given it to Taruk, but later on decided that you wanted it back, even though it would rightfully belong to Taruk now and you just changed your mind.

I'm not defending Taruk in anyway, if he stole it he stole it. But i'm telling you the limitations that a GM has. They can't tell you if he has it or not, and they aren't able to tell you if it's sent, and they really can't take it from Taruk and give it back to you, or make him give it back. They aren't some Judge Dredd, Police/Judge/Jury super combo. Although I wish they were, damn gilsellers.

#22 Mar 27 2005 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
If GM's dont keep a delivery box log how do they know whos buying gil .... lol they obviously know when large amounts of gil are being sent through the delivery box system. Therefore they have a log of whats being sent.
#23 Mar 27 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
You are correct that they didn't look at his inventory. What they said was that if he sent it to me via delivery that either I would have it, or he would. Since *I* don't have it that leaves one option.

but thanks for taking a balanced view (seriously the world needs more people like that)


#24 Mar 27 2005 at 10:32 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
On of my LS members had sent a pair of leaping boots from his mule to his main character.

When he checked his main character, it wasn't there, and then checked his mule, and it wasn't in the send box.

He contacted a GM, and they said it could take a couple days for stuff to go through. A couple hours later, no boots, and he was really upset, bugged the GMs a lot, and they were able to "push it through"

Take it for what it's worth, but GMs more than likely have the ability to check delivery/send boxes, and have logs to check for any suspicious activity - like the gil multiplication glitch a while back, I thought accounts were banned for exploiting the glitch, how else would you catch those people unless you had logs?
#25 Mar 28 2005 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
No, you don't understand. They don't keep "Logs" of the stuff SENT. They can view what's IN it. For instance, they don't have a record of the 10k I sent from my mule to my main character, because both boxes (send and delivery) have been cleared of that item. If it's in there, of course they can see it. And they could tell if it's backed up, because it'd still be in the Senders box, even though the Deliverybox hasn't brought it up yet.

If GM's dont keep a delivery box log how do they know whos buying gil ...

Maybe it's lonely living in that little box of a sheltered life, but look around. For keeping a log they sure don't seem to be keeping tabs on it. I know a few people that buy gil, and continue to do so. Besides, since the transactions are done out of game, all they know is Gilseller is sending Gilbuyer one million gil.
#26 Mar 28 2005 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
341 posts
I think this subject should just be left to die. Jevot, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your cape, but honestly there's no way to know what really happened in regard to that. We've heard your side of the story and some of us have heard Taruk's side of the story. There really isn't anything else that can be done here other than to learn from this situation. If what you said is true, then I sincerely hope that you are able to get your property returned to you someday or at the very least are given some sort of compensation.

This is one of the risks in trusting people in a virtual world as there is nothing to really hold a person accountable other than their word and their own sense of integrity. Let's all learn from this and move on.

63 Whm/ 31 Blm
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