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The superstarsFollow

#1 Mar 25 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
Heya shiva, the superstars gil selling group has discovered ifrits, for a while all i saw them doing was killing the nightmare bats just before the volviare spawn point (for coffer keys i suppose?) but now their names have been on the AH sell list for adaman much more. Feel sorry for you high smither's that need the blue stuff to skill up on cause it may get much more expensive soon >.< kk i'm done being the bearer of bad news, i'll close with my bazaar comment.

Buy sandwiches, not gil

#2 Mar 25 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
haha, it'll be fun watching them try to work in ifrit's. That place isn't easy to mine at all. The spawn points are pretty far spread out, and many have bombs guarding them. To actually kill their way through there and not use silent oil and prism powder will kill them timewise.
#3 Mar 25 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
Gil sellers have hit recession!

NP: Soilwork - Grand Failure Anthem
#4 Mar 25 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
Yeah that is what me and the other 'real' miners are hoping. I am just worried that they position one gilseller by each possible point and go to town on the place. I think we could kill them or at least slow them down though. **** off a bomb, flee away, stop near the gilseller and hide away the hate so they aggro them. Never tried it but i think it could work...course then I could get jailed for PK'ing a gilseller and that would be funny (i guess 2 wrongs don't make a right in FFXI) ^^
#5 Mar 26 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Default
1,239 posts
you can plant adaman ores anyway.
#6 Mar 28 2005 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
i never seen a person jailed for mpk'ing a gil seller
#7 Mar 28 2005 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
lol sell if they destroy the adaman ore market like the amemit and tree cutting market was its gonna be happy times for smiths wanting to skill up
#8 Mar 28 2005 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
double post ><

Edited, Mon Mar 28 15:05:52 2005 by KimberBoh
#9 Mar 28 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
I suppose this wouldnt be a good time for me to say that I like the SuperStars because they have always been very nice to everyone they run into and throw out free raises and such to people...

They're aight in my book.
#10 Mar 28 2005 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Ive never once had a problem with the superstars. Superstarren (I think) actually hung out with our party one day in qufim and sort of plvl'd us and fought off aggro byhimself (nearly dying a few times in the process) and never asked nor was given anything by the group except random conversations... not a bad guy at all.
#11 Mar 29 2005 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
All and all it seems like the Superstars are the "tame" gil sellers, I've never heard of any stories of them MPKing people. All I've ever heard of them was stories that they were pretty decent people. It's unfortuant that they are gil sellers, though. I remember quite a few times in Kuftal lvling off raptors we'd get a link by some means, and here they come to kill it off. They're good people in my book, just a pity that they're gil sellers.
#12 Mar 29 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Nah, I've seen the superstar's MPK.

I was lvling rng in kuftal near amemit spawn. A few people ran by and were fighting it. One superstar got about 8 lizards, ran up to them and died on them. Not sure how many died or if they got to escape in time...
#13 Mar 29 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Default
1,239 posts
cos you didn't pull amemet, the first second you pull amemet, they would mpk you.

as i personally had a couple of times nearly mpk by them. i camped amemet day in day out in sept and oct last year and we were at direct conflicts, and they always try to mpk me.

those kind of ppl, if you don't have conflicts with them, they would treat you nice. if you are competing with them, they would mpk you.
#14 Apr 01 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Ok...well they are not there for the now worthless adaman ore. That was nerfed in a somewhat recent bcnm. A and they don't kill the bats for keys either. seriously is coffers ever worth money anymore. No go to cannotlinkto check the drops for Nightmare Bats..............yup you read it right dragon blood! 300k each...low low drop but with no competition it doesn't matter..3 or four a day and its worth it..also drops from same bats in the sea serpant grotto..they are much lower lvl there however..Happy hunting...try not to get dropped by a bomb.

Edited, Wed Apr 6 08:07:43 2005 by Behemuthzero
#15 May 11 2005 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
"matter..3 or four a day and its worth it"

3 or 4 a day with 300k per drop is not worth it to any gil seller. get your facts straight ppl, stop acting like you know something about them.
#16 May 11 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
First... I remember when on my old account, the superstars were only in their high 30's. At that time I resented them because they always had a party (eachother) and I had to wait for one. Now I know them a little better. I'm on a second account and I don't really interact with them THAT much, but not only are they always very kind, but also, very helpful. Beyond throwing raises and cures to people in need, they sometimes volunteer to help other with quests. The superstars are ok by me.
#17 May 11 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Funniest thing ive ever seen...

I was about 54 maybe 55 going to Kuftal to exp. Some people were skilling at the desert zone we went to the middle and what did i see??

Windboy and his crew trying to mpk the gards and supers as they tried to mpk them back. There was seriously 50+ mobs from ALL over kuftal. Chasing Windboy and Gardwind around the middle area. I saw it and laughed so damn hard i stopped and almost died lol.

But yea the gards and supers arnt mean people at all. They have on many occasions saved my life, givin me raises, and even once they let me join them in pty cuz i was like 200tnl. Hell they are the reason i have my Optical Hat. It was so fun killin Hak with them and watching them all die at least 5+ times lol. Numerous times Gardthunder would die and get rb3 and as hes running away to rest get FiragaIII and die again omfg it so funny.
#18 May 12 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Superstars are IGE gilsellers...
If you go onto IGE's page, their first thing is to "Not monopolize camps and keep the game fun and enjoyable for everyone".

What the hell do they think they're doing?
#19 May 13 2005 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
I have no problem with them either...Superstarmars saved my pt in kuftal a quite a few times...and i haven't been mpk'd on pulls by them.
#20 May 13 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
I know this is an old thread, but since someone bumped it up I thought I'd comment.

You're saying that you don't mind the gilsellers because they are nice people. But the only reason why they are nice is because they Raised you. Come on people... these are the same **** heads that make Emperor Hairpin, Astral Ring, and Leaping Boots x10 more than it was less than 6 months ago. ***** the raises... gilsellers are bad, I don't care how sweet they are to you.
#21 May 13 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
You're saying that you don't mind the gilsellers because they are nice people. But the only reason why they are nice is because they Raised you. Come on people... these are the same @#%^ heads that make Emperor Hairpin, Astral Ring, and Leaping Boots x10 more than it was less than 6 months ago. ***** the raises... gilsellers are bad, I don't care how sweet they are to you.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Maybe they have a guilty conscience so they help out people on occasion, that doesn't make what they are doing right.

Gilsellers wouldn't be a problem if people didn't buy from them though, so they aren't the only ones at fault.
#22 May 13 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
apparently the gil sellers know who i am personally and call me "Huai Dan" meanning bad person lol. (or so tells me my contact in prestigious Knights)
#23 May 13 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
341 posts
You're saying that you don't mind the gilsellers because they are nice people. But the only reason why they are nice is because they Raised you. Come on people... these are the same @#%^ heads that make Emperor Hairpin, Astral Ring, and Leaping Boots x10 more than it was less than 6 months ago. ***** the raises... gilsellers are bad, I don't care how sweet they are to you.

Hmmm... And here I thought it was the normal players that were responsible for those price raises. There have been a lot of people starting to play in the last 6 months. Could that possibly have anything to do w/ the "inflation" problem that we're having today? Personally I don't see them as being any worse than the ppl that put things up for sale on the AH for +1k over the price history or the ppl that run casinos. At least the gil sellers aren't /sh'ing a 6 line message every 15-30 sec in lower jeuno.

Everyone will have their reasons for liking them, not liking them or not caring at all either way. I really couldn't care whether they are here or not, I've never had any problems w/ them and have actually found them to be more helpful than a lot of the "normal" players I've met in FFXI. Whether they sell gil online or not makes little to no impact on how I perceive my FFXI experiences or how the game plays. Just my opinion.

67 Whm/ 33 Blm
#24 May 14 2005 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
185 posts
Been helped by the Stars and the Gards, then again since I have never had to compete directly with them ..... I think it was the gards that saved me and two others in OZ trying to complete LB3, came up and cleared the way to a torch and the door, the gards have raised me many many times and I return the favor on my journeys for now, The stars have saved my pt's running through kufftal a few times and so on and so on... When it comes time for me to compete and things go ugly then i suppose my opinion will change for now
I have more things to worry about.

BTW its the people that buy the inflated items that perpetuate the inflation. The gilsellers are far outnumbered by normal folks so complaining that a few dozen people are ruining the game as a whole is asinine indeed. Sure it sucks and means more time farming etc... to get what I need/want but it wont be asshat proof until SE puts in a price cap and well ...
#25 May 14 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
Well even though when I first posted this thread it was like 2 months ago I'd just like to say that since that time I have been killed by the superstars when exp'ing in kuftal near the amemit spawn. One of them pulled a big group of robber crabs and died right next to our party, wiping everyone out. On another occasion on a different night of exp'ing in kuftal one of them (superstarmars i believe) brought up a spider to our party and bound it so it would attack us, but luckily we were too far away. So I still hate them and they need to die ^^

...And thanks to whichever gil buying players rated me down for saying I would like to MPK the gilselling jerks, I guess they didn't like me talking about killing their main source of income.

-later shiva ^^
#26 May 15 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
u know its not the gilsellers that are f^cking up prices its the players. if anything the gilsellers (esp gard and superstar) are keeping the prices low. they pretty much control amemit and the price on it has been steady. i bought a holy ampula or w/e the drop is in beadeaux from 50k from a player and next time i check the price the oovv gilseller are selling it for 40k and are the only ones underselling it. the crt's price on the ring has been steady too.

now you keep that in mind and compare it to NM drops that u usually see real players selling. emp pin went up to 700k, and that is not monopolized by gilsellers. boots same thing. kote same thing, in fact one time gard sold a pair of kote for around 12k or somethin in AH about two or three months ago.

yet another example are the items that are obtained by quest-only and there is NO way a gilseller can monopolize them. like the brown belt, a few months ago it was only 400k, now it's almost 800k. yeah, blame the gilsellers for that one, when every sell has been a greedy player who keeps edging the price up. then there's all sorts of scrolls like the teleport scrolls. holla was 10k a few months ago when i bought it, now it's 30k. dem was 50k, now it's 150k. mea was 130k now it's 200k+.

and when i bought some slimeoil from ah crt sent me a tell and offered to let me buy some from him for less than the ah. i kno they just trying to sell it quickly so they can sell their gil, but still..

its not the gilsellers who are so bad as it is the greedy players who are always jacking the price and the rich ppl on the server who dont mind paying much for it. dont keep blaming the gilsellers on the price hikes, cuz for the most part its not the gilsellers, its the players.

dont get me wrong i dont support gilsellers in anyway, and i hate what they do but get the facts straight and look at the evidence. at least the corporate gilsellers keep the price steady more or less.

on a side note, the worst gilseller are oovv. every time i try to camp something and they aret here they train and try to kill me. at least the superstar are real nice and will talk to you and help you, the superstar look like they actually try to have fun instead of work all the time. i was in a pt with superstar and another superstar pl us and it was just alot of fun
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