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Most fun job?Follow

#1 Mar 28 2005 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
I gave up PLD, stuff is on AH now, so I've got time to think and plan while I get the 400k gil to start a new job with. What should I pick, though? I like getting in pts quick, I like being part of the action. PLD is out because while it does get most of the action, the invite rates are absolute crap. I'd rather be WHM/THF. I'll ake whatever job I switch to to 55, since I can't get LB2 at all.

Suggestions? Comments? Flames, even?
#2 Mar 28 2005 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Uhh, the only job that will be "in the action" and get more invites than a pld are:

rng + nin

All other jobs that attack the mob melee-style get invites less often than a pld.
#3 Mar 28 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
I don't mean melee specifcally. BLM and RDM are viable, I think. I don't think I could stand WHM, SMN, or BST, which seem VERY indirect to me. BRD might be passable, but the previous three just won't cut it. :P
#4 Mar 28 2005 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
PLD is out because while it does get most of the action, the invite rates are absolute crap.

Well, if you think a pld has a bad invite rate, you aren't suited for a melee job at all. I'm thinking for you, maybe a bst. Action whenever you want it, fun, challenging, an hey, when you have a failed charm, you ARE the action, and you're all over the place. A little on the floor, a little on the wall, action all over!
#5 Mar 28 2005 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts
{Paladin} {Invite to join party} = {/no} ?! o_O

{I don't understand}

I am quite serious in saying that I have to shoo away the party invites on most days, and end up in /anon a lot because of it. Ever since I hit 50, I've been wanting to take a break from levelling to get the Parade Cuirass (Haven't done Promy Dem), but due to short periods of being not /anon, and not wanting to turn an opportunity away, here I am, level 55, almost 56...

I know it's not like that for Warriors. I know, I've been one till level 40. Hours I had spent in Jeuno LFP... I hate to think what boredom befalls the other poor melee classes that get looked over too often <:(

I don't know what to recommend to you, because I would think all party members would be part of the action. If you mean melee, then I would think only a Ninja would get comparable/better invites than a Paladin. If you mean causing big damage, everyone jumps at a Ranger it seems.

If by in the action you mean doing a lot for the party, might I suggest Red Mage or Bard? You'll always be casting something, whether debuffing an enemy, curing, nuking, and so forth. Also, the invite rate is high for both these jobs. White Mage is also a consideration, seeing as how nobody seems to leave Jeuno without one (or at least 2 other classes that can heal).

That's about it as far as the absolute jobs that people search for first. While Dragoons, Monks, Samurai, Beastmasters, Thieves, Summoners, and so on are great in their own rights, people seem to leave them in the last leg of the party building process 100 percent of the time..

In conclusion, the Most Fun Job is the one that you enjoy playing. It's as simple as that.
#6 Mar 28 2005 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a 50 bard, best job, for me anyway. I have all the jobs and bard seems to be the one that keeps ya the busiest. thats my 2cents
#7 Mar 28 2005 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
You must not be doing your job as a PLD if your waiting for invites. I get them all the time when not seeking, I have even gotten a few invite while anon. The only reason people dont invite PLD's is if they have proven to be bad. I think if you are seeking a job with action and hate waiting for invites your options are:

NIN/WAR- Quick invites unless you are a bad Ninja, be prepared to spend Millions of gil to be a goodone.

RNG/NIN- Quick invites even if your not so good, still be prepared to spend millions of gil.

BST/WHM- Doest matter what your invites are, dosnt matter if you are good, for all anyone else cares you could lvl to 75 with an onion sword and bronze subligear.

All other jobs are not part of the action attacking on front lines or they do not get quick invites.
#8 Mar 28 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default

PLD is a good job if you want invites, I don't know why you're not getting them. If you want fast invites, BRD is best. You'll be busy the whole time, making everone in the PT "better". Plus it isn't expensive at all to start out. RNG is fastest to get invites out of melee jobs. But be prepared to spend a lotta dough. Cuz you are either a good RNG or bad. And ppl dont like bad RNGs. If you try RNG, level THF so you can make cash to fund it. NIN is also a good job for invites, but VERY expensive. Your little 400k is only a drop in the bucket. You'd be lucky if you can get an Emp. Hairpin with that. Or maybe you should go BST.

Don't be so impatient looking for PTs and such. I remember your thread about quitting the game and your social problems. Learn to be more social and you will go farther, easier. Maybe it's not the job, maybe it's you. The problem is rarely external. Look within first. Maybe that's something you need to change. Good luck bro.
#9 Mar 28 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Nah, see you can be a good Paladin and not get me. Everytime I'm in a party I get compliments. However, Paladin is becoming hugely over-played. Whenever I get on and actually want to party. There are like 5 others in my lvl area doing the same. We have become a dime-a-dozen. So while yes, every party loves a PLD. It really negates the we get so many invites, when there are way to many of us. I'm considering switching out of PLD for awhile until maybe this craze fades, or some of these guys get a few lvls ahead of me. If you're looking for something fun melee wise I find Sam huge fun. If you want to try a mage, in my opinion BLM is very very fun.
#10 Mar 28 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
108 posts
i would say monk, but since you don't want to have to wait for the invites, then my advice would be somewhat waster.

You want a job that gets invites and something you can do? RDM.

I love whm's. They compliment my chosen class (monk) very well and can do hellacious damage with the skill chains monks make. Hell, my preferences often times lead me to Pld, Whm, and then me, cuz then we have Fusion which the Whm can burst Banish and Cure spells (depending on mobs, but bones particularly).

Rdm's are getting the invites these days. Everyone feels that because Rdm's have Refresh and Convert, that makes them a better healer than Whm. Plus there is also the love of Dispel, which while nice, Rdm's aren't the only class that gets a dispel spell. Anyone heard of Magic Finale?

That's my two gil.
#11 Mar 28 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
I gave up PLD, stuff is on AH now, so I've got time to think and plan while I get the 400k gil to start a new job with. What should I pick, though? I like getting in pts quick, I like being part of the action. PLD is out because while it does get most of the action, the invite rates are absolute crap. I'd rather be WHM/THF. I'll ake whatever job I switch to to 55, since I can't get LB2 at all.

Suggestions? Comments? Flames, even?

Ok, i have a few problems here, and i hope i dont come off as mean, but im going to put it to you bluntly.

#1 PLD's have one of the best invite rates in the game. There are 3 tanks possibilities at your lvl.

A. PLD: Takes the least amount of DMG (when hit of course) and can heal themselves. Have a bag full of hate grabbing tools, and is a great tanking job.

B. NIN: Rarely gets hit which means not much healing is needed. If the NIN is VERY GOOD, he/she can keep hate, and deal some decent DMG. I find VERY GOOD NIN's to be extremly hard to find.

C. WAR: WAR's have several sub job choices for tanking. WAR/NIN is the most viable tanking job, but has some drawbacks. First off, only haveing utsusemi: Ichi, makes the shadows go fast. Second, with /NIN, WAR's take a lot more DMG then PLD when they do get hit. 2 WAR/NIN is an ideal setup, but finding 2 of them is tough usually. /MNK is a decent sub for tanking, and has a lot of hate grabbing tools. But they take more DMG then PLD also, and so need a heavier healing section.

#2 One of the reasons you might be having a hard time gtting invites, is your misunderstanding of the game. It was just a week or 2 ago, when i invited you to join the party i was forming (i think a day or 2 before we did 5-1, but i cant really remeber). I sent you my normal party invite tell that goes something like: Excuse me, experience points party do you need it? 5/6 will be partying in King Ranparres Tomb. (may or may not have included location we were headed to).
Your reply to me was: "If you have a THF ill come, if not then no". I literally laughed my *** off at that. First off, we didnt have a THF, because we didnt need a THf. Second of all, this was a stellar party setup. We did exceptionally well exp wise. Third, what makes you think you need a THF for the party to work? I dont understand why you would limit yourself to party's containing THF's only? Dont get me wrong THF's are good additions to some parties, but not every party needs a THF. As a WAR/NIN, i can almost always pull hate if you need some support/time for casting/waiting on voke timer ECT. Learn to adapt to different situations. PLD has so many hate grabbing tools refusing to party without a THF is ubsurd.

#3 choosing a job for the invite rate is the wrong reason. I understand wanting fast invites (and im still confused how they are slow for you since im ALWAYS needing a tank when making pick up parties), but basing the job you choose on that is a bad idea. Also you need to know what your getting yourself into. RNG is expensive, BLM is boreing (this is my opinion, no offense to the BLM's), and RDM gets the refresh ***** treatment. They all get invites fast, but if your not willing to take the good with the bad, your gonna hate lvling one of those jobs.

My suggestions.

#1 make your own LB2 party. Start early in the evening, and you will get enough people to do it.

#2 take your PLD gear out of the AH, and make your own party.

#3 Stop the mentality that others have it better. The truth is, you have one of the most sought after jobs, and other jobs that get fast invites may not be any better then your current job.

#4 spend a few days in the shoes of any one of the standard melee. I have seeked parties for days at a time with no luck, simply because timeing, and availablity of parties. And i dont think i have it nearly as bad as some DRK's and DRG's i heard of.

#12 Mar 28 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, I think Acepod hit the nail on the head. I'm a RNG and I LOVE BRD's, but I won't say "I won't PT unless there's a BRD in the PT." If I had that attitude, I'd still be lvl 42 or something. I could kinda understand if you were a NIN, but dude, you are a friggin' PLD. PLD is great at holding hate. You must not be able to hold hate well, I see. If anything, I could see you begging for a RDM for Refresh, but as a PLD, you have more than enough tools to keep hate. So the truth comes out that the problem IS yourself.

I also think that PLD's have one of the best invite rates of all jobs. Since at higher lvls, mainly PLD and NIN tank (and it's harder to find a NIN), you'd have it easy to get a PT, cuz if no tank, then no PT. Melee can be picked from, more to choose from. But not with tanks. I think that you need to pick a job that you LIKE, not for invites. Cuz if we were all out for invites, there'd be no DRKs or DRGs. There'd only be BRD and RDM PTs, and they wouldn't get far. Enjoy the game, you bought it.

Edited, Mon Mar 28 13:43:27 2005 by Barchiel
#13 Mar 28 2005 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
I'm not a bad PLD, I think. At least I get compliments on my tanking,a nd can hold hate against freeze skillchain about 70% of the time. I cannot play during NA primetime, every time I go looking for a pt, the entire invite list is fulled with JP. Typically, I work about 28 hours from friday afternoon until sunday night, then school/work takes up the latter half of my evenings.

The new NA parties I get like me, but my playtimes are more like JP players, who do not know me, and who seems to prefer NIN/WAR anyway.

The reason I like THF so much is because without THF, I find myself occasionally losing hate, and I _hate_ losing hate when its not preplanned. I'd just been in a pt with a RNG and BLM doign freeze skillchain, and the BLM nearly died several times. So....

#14 Mar 28 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
Nomadic, you will hardly ever ALWAYS keep hate dude. Hate WILL slip from time to time. Especially if you have a RNG or BLM or a Souleater luvin' DRK in your PT. Get used to it. I don't know any PLD that "pre-plans" to lose hate. It just happens sometimes. Get the hate back and carry on. That is one reason you have Cover (though I forget what lvl you get it).

That's ANOTHER reason why you have to wait on PTs, you play during JPN high-time. Of course you have your "JP ONRY" guys, but some will play with you I guess. I think you are quitting PLD for all the wrong reasons. PLD become masters of hate. Though they can't chain as well as a good NIN, hate is more solidfied with them. Making your PT members feel much safer. I know your plight, I have 2 jobs and work, but I still find time to get in a few hours of good ole NA playtime. But then again, I = ROXXOR, RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!
#15 Mar 28 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
Its not all about keeping hate at all times, it is about doing what it takes to keep your party members alive and save enough tools to get good chains. If you ever party with 2 crazy Rangers you will not keep hate all the time, you will actually be lucky to have it half the time. *cough* "Barchiel" *cough* "Montecalhoun". Those parties where I constantly lose hate always seem to be the quickest and most exp I get in parties, and I always keep them alive, minus the occasinal one shot bomb drops in Bibiki Bay, but im not the one casting bar-fira either.
I do understand the no invites coming if your playing during NA off hours. I alaways form my own parties during those times. I have only once gotten an invite for a JP, and i was logging soon so I ended up declining anyways.
I would say pick a job and stick with it, higher levels get harder for anyjob and if you keep changing your mind you will never get a job 60+. I have a friend who has been playing a year now and he changes what job he says he is taking to 75 on a daily basis. His highest job due to this is a 56whm, next highest is a 41drk, but he has every job in the game at least lvl 25+ now. Even to this day he sends me tells daily, oh im taking bst to 75, nah im sticking with whm, wait i want to be a sam, oh ***** it im sick of being taru, im starting a new character, etc... My question to you is, do you want to end up like him?, or stick with a job through thick and thin?

#16 Mar 28 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Pre-planning to lose hate is when you've a THF in the pt, who is gonna use SATA on their part of skillchain to seal the hate back onto the tank. I've almost never lost hate to Freeze when the technique was pulled off decently, and getting that Freeze skillchain really ups the XP/hour while keepnig the BLM from dying.

There are several issues making me leave PLD. Invite rates for my playtime, inability to recruit even 3 ppl to help me get to the Garliage Coffer, let along the inability to recruit 17 ppl to get LB2. No pt wants to have PLD for just the 2900xp I have until I can' get any mroe xp, no pt wants a PLD that is too lazy to hve gotten their next AF piece ahead of time even if I could get more than 2900xp. :P

Most of the reason for going to a new job is simply so i can play the game again, to be in an xp pt and getting experience, even if it isn't helping my PLD at all. Its certainly a lot better than spending 4 hours LFG after working 10 hours at my job without a break.
#17 Mar 29 2005 at 2:50 AM Rating: Default
Well then bro, I say go when in doubt, GO BARD. You will always have a PT. NA, JPN, HK, Quadav, whatever. They will all love you. It's cheap to start off with, and it will keep you busy in the PT. People will love you and children will sing of your name in praise. So I guess you'll be putting your shield down for a flute. I hope you enjoy it.^^
#18 Mar 29 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Bleh, I'm just gonna throw in my two cents. Most of the guys who already posted got their stuff straight, but there's a couple things that have been overlooked.

Not all PLD's are the same as me, but personally, I HATE SATA setup. It drives me nuts when I have to loosen up a little on keeping hate for SATA. A lot of the time, if I keep hate well enough, 2 rangers in a party (heh, i remember keeping hate to Sidewinder > Slugshot > Barrage in a row) can't pry the hate off me. It gives me a really good feeling to take damage and protect the rest of my party. Of course, I love the challenge of tanking with two RNG in PT, and Youngwun (the ranger in my static who usually makes the parties) usually invites two rangers now. The exp is usually good-crazy, and I still manage to keep decent hate... even though Qualinesti deals ridiculous damage. XP *shakes fist* Anyway thats just my opinion on the THF issue.

Next, like everyone has said, you shouldn't switch a job just for party invites. If PLD is really the job you love, then stick with it! This game is about having fun, and you should choose the job that is most fun for you. And if you really love your job, you'll stick with it and be patient. I mean, look at all the damage dealers out there. A lot of them are being good sports about not getting very many invites, but they keep playing anyway, most likely cuz they like to do their jobs. Anyway... Iono, personally I'd wanna play a job just for the fun of it (PLD is really fun for me, and I plan on maybe going BLM after I take it all the way), and not for the party invites.

And also, Chin, we offered help to you the other day... remember? Overnite was all like LETS DO LB2 and we were all offering to help, but you turned us down... Iono, that just kinda irked me. We were offering to help you but we were denied. Iono, maybe its cuz you gave up (which you should never do anyway...unless its for a really good reason :P), but yeah.

Well, that's just my two cents.
#19 Mar 29 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
567 posts
You will always have a PT. NA, JPN, HK, Quadav, whatever.

Lol, Quadav...

Ruby Quadav >> {Excuse me.} {Party} @ {Beadeaux} {Do you need it?} {Are you alone?}

Aaaaaanyway, I agree with everyone else. Playing a job just for the invite rate is a great way to burn yourself out. I should know, I've been doing it for the last... 68 levels or so.

If you're having problems getting pt invites, switching to another job probably won't help. Paladins are typically a high invite job. Lack of invites might indicate a temporary tank surplus, or you may just be unlucky. I've had days go by without invites just because I wasn't seeking when people needed a Red Mage. I'd get 3-4 invites when I didn't want to play, and then they'd dry up when I put my seek flag up.
#20 Mar 30 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Won't go bard, that'd have me bored out of my mind. I want to actually DO somethin to the mob, not jsut buff the pt and confused the mob with strange notes.

Kiyo, you're an amazing PLD, esp considering you're Mithra. If I DO manage to hold hate against a RNG, it comes at the expense of not being able to hold hate against anything else until my 5-minute abilities refresh. I love PLD, but only when I'm actually playing PLD, in the pt, being wailed on by some IT++ mob while keeping everyone else perfectly healthy. Sitting for hours LFG really doesn't suit me well at all. And, the LB2 thing, I'd been asking for help on it for weeks, shouting in Jueno occasionally, etc. It really irked me that the help was only offered after I'd already put my stuff on the AH and given up, and the help was offered only when another highlvl member inthe pt(Overnite, to whom I owe MANY favor to right now), took pity on me and asked the LS for me. Getting another favor just made me feel like a leech again, and I've never any way of repaying anyone, something my personal honor demends.

#21 Mar 30 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Heh... I understand I think. PLD is fun when you're playing and getting your *** handed to you on a silver platter, not sitting around waiting for a party. I'll admit, you do have a point there. :P Well, if you want quick invites, and wanna be doing something to the mob, I'd suggest Red mage or Black mage. I was playing black mage last night, and it gave me a really great feeling to be able to deal decent damage to the mobs... and MBing for the first time, of course. ^^ Call me a n00b all you want, I haven't been this kind of a mage before. XDD And it was really fun to me... Either this, or red mage will be my next main. Red mage seems interesting, and I've onry got it to lvl 10 so far, but I'm yet to be in a party with more then one person. :P There's my other two cents, I think i might be broke now! And good luck in teh future, chin.
#22 Mar 30 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default
NomadicDragon, dude, you gotta be real. EVERYONE will be LFG SOMETIMES. Hell, I'm a RNG and sometimes I can't find a PT. I think that you are just too impatient for a game like this. I think you need to figure out for yourself what you want to do. Asking ppl what job you should do is like trying to get someone to figure out what your favorite color is. I think you like PLD, but you just don't like LFG. Your main complaints are about 'waiting for PTs and waiting for help with LB2'. Dude, I was a lvl 50 WHM for a month before I got help with LB1. I was at a breaking point too. I almost quit, but I didn't. I just tried other jobs. While my peers where lvl 75, I was doing other jobs like BRD and THF. It brought some new sense of enjoyment to the game. I learned more about other jobs role in PTs, plus I was having fun. I say do the job that you 'like'. btw, Bayowolf was looking for you last night to help you with LB2. What is your in game name?? Again, don't do a job just for invites. Do a job cuz you enjoy it. You don't wanna be a lvl 75 whatever, and hate it do you?
#23 Mar 30 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
I really like my Monk, but I find Ranger, Black Mage and White Mage to be fun as well. I haven't even partied with my Black Mage yet, but from what I remember, it's fun as hell. Maybe I'll level it after work today if Promy-Dem is cancelled.

NP: Soilwork - Stabbing the Drama
#24 Mar 30 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
353 posts
BEASTMASTER is the most fun job, you don't need regular party, but PWN at BST PTs, low maintenance job, can farm ANYTHING, and ANY Lvl.

The the most fun thing from BST is when you get aggroed by mob that con say,.. DCs-Ts, you dont die because you can actually charm or kill it, while other job run away or die..

#25 Mar 30 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Won't go bard, that'd have me bored out of my mind. I want to actually DO somethin to the mob, not jsut buff the pt and confused the mob with strange notes.

I actually started Bard with every intention of just leveling it for BCNM 40 runs to support my warrior. At about level 15 I sold all my war gear to purchase an Astral Ring and Mary's Horn, and have never looked back. As far as doing something to the mob, I cast four songs on it^^. Bard is repetitive, but what job isn't? It's constant motion, no rest, excitement! Add to that the perks of being one of the cheapest jobs and having little to no wait time for party invites. One myth I would like to dispel though, Quadavs never invite, they are stocked with RDMs. Orcs though... always bothering me... {Party} @ {Davoi}? NO, FOR THE LAST TIME NO!!
#26 Mar 30 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
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