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FLAMEWARS: Revenge of the ****Follow

#52 Apr 01 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
srry for double post my comp sux ><.
#53 Apr 01 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Default

#54 Apr 01 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts

l0lrz so that's why starscream sucks so bad?
#55 Apr 02 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Voltron > Transformers

{Full Attack!}
#56 Apr 02 2005 at 2:53 AM Rating: Good
525 posts
You're only feeding the flames of war. She's nothing more than an attention *****. The more you give, the more she talks.
#57 Apr 02 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Voltron > Transformers

Dude you smoking crack. While it is true that Voltron > GIJoe > M.A.S.K > GoBots. There is no way Voltron is > Transformers.

Megatron: Incoming Voltron <call69> Get Ready to Rumble.
Megatron's ranged attack hits Voltron for 70 points of damage.
Voltron misses Megatron.
Voltron hits Megatron for 5 points of damage.
Optimus Prime: Your momma was a random encounter Voltron! Provoke!
Optimus Prime uses Provoke.
Optimus Prime uses Flash.
Voltron is blinded.
Megatron: TP 197% Ready for Skill chain.
Voltron misses Optimus Prime.
Optimus Prime hits Voltron for 15 points of damage.
Starscream misses Voltron.
Starscream: damnit his evasion's too high Ne1 gotz some sushi?
Starscream uses Abs-Dex on Voltron.
Voltron resists Abs-Dex.
Soundwave casts Hunter's Prelude on Megatron.
Megatron uses Barrage. Voltron takes 300 damage.
Voltron misses Optimus Prime.
Megatron: TP 250% ready for skillchain.
Starscream: I can't hit this ******.
Optimus Prime: l0lrz
Starscream hits Voltron for 77 points of damage.
Voltron scores critical hit! Optimus Prime for 100 damage.
Starscream: Yes! Tp 101% ready for skill chain.
Optimus Prime uses Provoke on Voltron.
Starscream uses Soul Eater.
Starscream uses Beserk.
Starscream uses Vorpal Scythe.
Soundwave: O.o
/em shakes his head at Starscream.
Optimus Prime: ****! Cure IV on Starscream.
Voltron hits Starscream for 900 damage.
Starscream is defeated by Voltron.
Starscream: WTF?!?!?!?!? ****** y u no cure me?
Optimus Prime: ........ I tried you idiot.
Megatron uses Sidewinder.
Voltron takes 750 damage.
Skill chain Reverberation.
Voltron takes 129 damage.
Voltron misses Megatron.
Optimus Prime uses Holy on Voltron. Voltron takes 45 damage.
Megatron uses Barrage. Voltron takes 350 damage.
Megatron defeats Voltron.
Megatron: lolz you die too much Starscream.
Optimus Prime: what a n00b
Starscream: **** u Optimus pld s0x0rz!!!111!!!! u mad cuz i do 1337 dam and you do nun!
Optimus Prime: lolrz. Rng does more damage than Drk. don't like it leave.
Starscream: *(&)(*#&$(*#&$(*&(*#&$)(*#&$()*&$(*#&$)(W*#&$(*&$(#*

rest of conversation deleted for time constraints.

Thus as you can see whereas Starscream sucks, Voltron is owned by Transformers.
#58 Apr 02 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
What I do not understand is how this forum has turned into one gaint ***** session. Nothing ever gets done.

These threads about how sexy Crayola is, Hellkids expoits, gilsellers or the numerous kiss *** threads (whos the best, ect) are the largest responses.

Who Cares!!

The actuall people who post in the threads never get help because all everyone ever does is ***** and complain about garbage.

Plain and simple. Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but hearing everything over and over again is getting pointless.

Thats my two cent rant for the day.
#59 Apr 02 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Pssst Barchiel have you ever pted with the same person more than once before they Blist you? You are one of the worst rng's I have ever seen lmao. You miss more than a drk with no acc gear. I remember partying with u in Den of rancor we replaced our old rng with u and the pt GOT ******! before u go flaming jobs why dont u look at your own and realize how immature and ****** of a rng you actually are.

I swear to god u hit what 1/10 sidewinders your arching arrow only was doing like what 300-400 dmg. your not a good rng your prolly the worst rng on shiva lol have u ever pted with another rng and seen how much better they are? I partied with u with no food and my parser i was averaging 300-400 more dmg per battle. You suck try another job or stop your childish **** you want someone flaming u got it YOU SUCK!

Edited, Sat Apr 2 18:12:09 2005 by Shinkyu
#60 Apr 03 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Default
LOL. Shinkyu are you serious? I do remember PTing with you there, I was the lowest lvl person too. But 1/10 Sidewinders? That's crazy. I use a gun btw, so you must mean Slugshots. I'm ******? You might be right, but if you are, I wonder why I get so many invites. LOL. If you are talking about me trolling on DRK forums, that's all a joke. If you really want to get serious, look at the outcome of what you are, and what you will be. DRK is not a main DD. Not a true main DD. RNG and MNK are, WAR can be if not tanking. DRK is Utility DD. Reason why most DRKs don't get PTs if because most of them don't know their role. Perhaps the best DRK I've PTed with is Ghost. I mean, he had skills. Ask him if I suck or not. Hahaha, I mean, I was nice enough to come waay to the Den to PT with you guys. But I take what you say as a joke. Because obviously you can't back up what you say. LOL. And I thought you were a cool guy, hehehe. But please, ask anyone that PTed with me how ****** I am, bia-biotch!! LOL. Keep the flames a-burnin'.
#61 Apr 03 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Parsers don't lie lol. Ghost is a cool guy but he buys all his gil for his items online lmao. Even with you being 2 lvls below me at the time you as a rng should of been out dmging me. and for drk not being a main DD you may be right but i can sure as hell out DMG you WS to WS anytime of the week lmao. Slugshot misses alot and arching aero just can't keep up with even wheeling thrust :p. Just face it rng isn't known for anymore than DoT post 66. Sure hit per hit u can out dmg other jobs but rng's really dont shine with there ws's like a DRK does late in the game.

Just face it rng's start to fall behind late in the game mnk pwn's your dmg, drk from what i've seen on my parser comes close if not doing more. Sanya is the best RNG i've pted with post 60. and as for invites i get them all the time to doesn't mean I take them and go and do nothing but harass every female char in the pt like someone I know Coughbarchielcough lol. Grow up and stop pissing people off and maybe u woulden't be on so many Blists :).
#62 Apr 03 2005 at 4:56 AM Rating: Default
Parsers don't lie lol.

--LOL What parsers? hahaha

Ghost is a cool guy but he buys all his gil for his items online lmao.

--How do you know he buys gil?

Even with you being 2 lvls below me at the time you as a rng should of been out dmging me. and for drk not being a main DD you may be right but i can sure as hell out DMG you WS to WS anytime of the week lmao.

--Well, I do think that is very true. DRK can out WS a RNG. ...but, what all does it take? Lets see, it's either Berserk, Last Resort, Guillotine, (with an added) Absorb STR and maybe VIT, or if sub THF, SATA. So, you do need a lot to do high DMG in WS. If you did a WS with nothing but the WS, I think it'd be even or RNG will win. RNG usually does the same amount of DMG, while DRK might vary on connected hits. Plus adding to the fact that most DRKs can't WS till the mob is nearly dead, but there's nothing wrong with overkill.

Slugshot misses alot and arching aero just can't keep up with even wheeling thrust :

--Very true again, hehe. Slugshot is very inaccurate. I WILL miss alot if the mob is above my lvl and I'm not eating ACC food. I had ATT food when I was with you, still activated since it lasts 3 hours, from my last PT. Arching Arrow (not aero, learn it son) can actually do decent DMG. From 400-700. But it's only used to open Light.

p. Just face it rng isn't known for anymore than DoT post 66.

--LOL. Yeah, right. I guess that's why there are 4 DRK PTs.

Sure hit per hit u can out dmg other jobs but rng's really dont shine with there ws's like a DRK does late in the game.

--HAHAHA, yeah, I guess hitting a +1k Slugshot is sucky. But who's to judge?

Just face it rng's start to fall behind late in the game mnk pwn's your dmg, drk from what i've seen on my parser comes close if not doing more.

--Where's your parser? lol. MNKs rock dude, hehe. I love them. But about DRK's coming close, where? I have respect for everyjob. Each has its purpose. But DRK's main DMG is from WS, and they have to wait so long for the TP. DRG gain TP surprisingly fast. A WAR w/G-Axe will outdmg a DRK.

Sanya is the best RNG i've pted with post 60. and as for invites i get them all the time to doesn't mean I take them and go and do nothing but harass every female char in the pt like someone I know Coughbarchielcough lol.

--LOL, I harass male char too. But it's all fun and games. I don't go around cursing ppl out in game or anything like that. I'm not a rude person.

Grow up and stop pissing people off and maybe u woulden't be on so many Blists :)

--Thanks. I guess you read a post when I said I was blisted. That was one blist, not something I get on the daily. If you are pissed about something I said, tell me what it is. Don't post nonsense that makes you look like a kid saying "well, at least my daddy can beat you!" LOL. Shin, I NEVER EVER EVER claimed to be the best at ANYTHING on this game (besides humping). There's TOO many ppl who eat, breath, and live this game. God-like players. I'm not that. I just play. I don't see what you mean. If you are putting RNG up against DRK, I'm sorry, RNG will win. RNG put down fast dmg. Slugshot, Barrage, Slugshot hurts. And if ANYTHING that you say is remotely true, I think invite averages would be quite different, don't you? I mean, if DRK (which is a good job) is SO much better than RNG, why do ppl flock to get RNGs? I mean, they don't say "hey get that DRK! he can pwn with his WS!!! LOLRZ1111!!!1" I don't know, I think you have some cocaine or something on your parsers, lol. I'm a RNG now, later I will go back to THF, then NIN, then DRK, then BRD. All jobs have a purpose. I guess you are retaliating to a troll post in the DRK Forum. LOL. If you notice, I say I'm a DRG, which I'm not. That's for ****'s and giggles. I had ppl send me posts saying "thanks for the laughs, lol". Mainly ppl from MNK forums, I went on there, saying crap, like you are. But the MNKs all had a sense of humor. I think you need to lighten up, or go out for some air. Or maybe find a girlfriend, if you are into girls, lol. I mean no harm. But I see, it's all fun and games till someone gets humped. ^^
#63 Apr 03 2005 at 5:11 AM Rating: Default
Shin, if it makes you feel better, I troll on RNG Forum too saying stuff like "RNG sucks! DRK will eat you alive !!! LOL!!" But I don't think you go there. I guess I got under yer skin eh? Well, believe me, I'm not a bad guy, but I can't "say" that and make you think differently of me. And that's ok, because it's a game meant to be played. Toodles and skrad-la-da^^ Ya candle lickin' lager blagger!!! LOL!!!!11!!
#64 Apr 03 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
--Well, I do think that is very true. DRK can out WS a RNG. ...but, what all does it take? Lets see, it's either Berserk, Last Resort, Guillotine, (with an added) Absorb STR and maybe VIT, or if sub THF, SATA. So, you do need a lot to do high DMG in WS. If you did a WS with nothing but the WS, I think it'd be even or RNG will win. RNG usually does the same amount of DMG, while DRK might vary on connected hits. Plus adding to the fact that most DRKs can't WS till the mob is nearly dead, but there's nothing wrong with overkill.

Lol and what does it take for u to be able to actually hit with Slug Shot. Most rng quotes "I'm not rdy yet, hold on not enough tp, Hold on my rng acc ja's arn't rdy". lol and thats how it is which makes it worse for u to pull off that big dmg. Where as SATA is rdy for ws's every 1 minute and it may not do the 1k dmg everytime with just SATA but it will still hit everytime wont it lol. Averaging 800-1400+ everytime is alot better than averaging 0-1100+ lmao.

you say rng vs drk rng would always win?

Shinkyu casts Sleep II
Barchiel is asleep
Shinkyu Casts Abs-Str
Barchiel's Str is absorbed
Shinkyu uses Icarus wing
Shinkyu readies Guillotine
Barchiel takes more dmg then a rng can handle
Barchiel dies ^_^.
Edited, Sun Apr 3 14:15:09 2005 by Shinkyu

Edited, Sun Apr 3 14:19:02 2005 by Shinkyu
#65 Apr 03 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Default
LOL, that's funny. LOLOLZ!

Shinkyu casts Sleep II
Barchiel's shadow absorbs it.
Shinkyu realized that he is screwed.
Shinkyu uses Flee
Barchiel uses Shadowbind.
Shinkyu is bound.
Barchiel equips Sleep Bolts.
Shinkyu is sleep.
/em humps <t> in teh butt like a nerd on crystal meth.
Shinkyu feels violated.
Shinkyu gets a restaining order on Barchiel.
Shinkyu is awake.
Shinkyu uses Stun.
Barchiel is Stunned.
Shinkyu misses.
(30 min later)
Shinkyu misses.
Barchiel stands up.
Barchiel readies Barrage.
Barchiel readies Sharpshot.
Barchiel uses Slugshot.
Shinkyu's mom comes outta no where and holds Barchiel down.
Shinkyu and 5 other DRKs start to kick Barchiel.
Barchiel transforms into Megaton Humpinator.
Barchiel takes Shinkyu's mom as his new bride.
-The End-
#66 Apr 03 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Papawarlock watches as Shinkyu and Barchiel fight.
Papawarlock casts Blink.
Papawarlock Casts Stoneskin.
Barchiel humps Shinkyu.
Papawarlock uses aeroga.
Barchiel's shadows absorb the damage.
Papawarlock casts Sleepga II just before Barchiel gets Utsusemi up.
Papawarlock takes several compromising photos.
Papawarlock casts warp.
Papawarlock posts pictures on the internet and sells for 1000k in Jeuno Auction House.
Papawarlock makes 200000k off pictures.
Papawarlock buys Vermillion Cloak.
Papawarlock buys Pentinants Rope.
Papawarlock buys all +1 elemental staves.
Papawarlock never leaves Jeuno again cause he's a marked man.
#67 Apr 03 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
Barchiel buys all pics at AH.
Barchiel puts up pics in his room.
Barchiel humps Shinkyu's mom while looking at the pics.
Barchiel thinks to himself "life is good".
Shinkyu waits outside the door with full TP.
Barchiel gets up to go to bathroom, but Shinkyu's mom needs to use it first.
Shinkyu's mom walks outside the door.
Shinkyu readies Guillotine.
Shinkyu's mom Stuns Shinkyu.
Shinkyu's mom breaks the news to Shinkyu.
Shinkyu is pissed.
Shinkyu later understands.
(later on, Father's day 2005)
Shinkyu bring's Barchiel a Father's Day card reading "Happy F-Day, biotch".
Barchiel is pleased that his son recognizes him as his father.
Barchiel sends Shinkyu to spend the night by Michael Jackson's house.

#68 Apr 03 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Shinkyu isn't 13
Barchiel is
Michael Jackson Fu.cks Barchiel in his ***
Barchiel never leaves Michael Jacksons house again because he likes it
Barchiel likes his Jesus Juice

-The End-

Edited, Sun Apr 3 19:20:59 2005 by Shinkyu
#69 Apr 03 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Default
What is "Jesus Juice"? Hmmm, I don't wanna know, haha.

Michael Jackson Charms Barchiel.
Barchiel is Charmed.
Michael Jackson takes down 2 of Barchiel's shadows with his %&^!#.
Barchiel is uncharmed.
Kramer Provokes Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson readies Thriller.
Barchiel uses Shadowbind.
Michael Jackson is bound.
Kramer and Barchiel zone.
Barchiel sees Shinkyu on the Neverland map with Widescan.
Barchiel goes to confront Shinkyu.
Kramer D/Cs.
Shinkyu bursts out laughing besides Barchiel.
Shinkyu approaches Barchiel, but aggroes a gay one-eyed pirate.
Gay One-Eyed Pirate readies Buccaneer Butt Brigade.
Shinkyu doesn't have enough MP to Stun.
Shinkyu uses Weapon Bash on Gay One-Eyed Pirate.
Gay One-Eyed Pirate is stunned.
Shinkyu engaged in battle with Gay One-Eyed Pirate.
Barchiel trains the gay-pride parade to Shinkyu.
Barchiel uses Warp Cudgel.
Barchiel loses 1 shadow.
Barchiel takes 64 points of damage.
Barchiel warps.
Shinkyu casts Poisonga on Gay One-Eyed Pirate.
Gay One-Eyed Pirate and Gay Pride Parade are poisoned.
Shinkyu uses Flee, but trips on one of Michael Jackson's **** tapes.
Michael Jackson spawns.


[note* I have nothing against gay ppl or MJ. This is a joke, don't take seriously. If you do, I will train a Gay One-Eyed Pirate and his crew to your camp O.o]
#70 Apr 05 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Dude you smoking crack. While it is true that Voltron > GIJoe > M.A.S.K > GoBots. There is no way Voltron is > Transformers.

I am not smoking crack!(just look at my name)

Voltron is da 733T Sam. Great Katana plus awesom ranged attack. not to mention he can change into 5 Lions at anytime!

Next Ballista, Voltron vs. Tranformers!!
#71 Apr 05 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Also, I wouldn't mess with MJ, he's HNM Bard type. He has all his songs and a Monster Signa. {danger}
#72 Apr 05 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
Dude, Voltron is nothing. Just cuz he can change to 5 kitties dont mean much. I know someone who can take them out.


They're the world's most fearsome fighting team,
they're heroes in a half-shell and they're green.
When the evil Shredder attacks
These Turtle boys don't cut him no slack!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Splinter taught them to be ninja teens (He's a radical rat!)
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines (That's a fact, Jack!)
Raphael is cool but crude (Gimme a break!)
Michaelangelo is a party dude (Party!)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in a half shell
Turtle power!!

You see, they got Pizza for added STR and ACC, PLUS Utsesumi. Them boyz can't be touched!!
#73 Apr 05 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Something evil's watching over you
Comin' from the sky above
And there's nothing you can do

Prepare to strike
There'll be no place to run
When your caught within the grip
Of the evil Unicron

More than meets the eye
Robots in Disguise

Strong enough to break the bravest heart
So we have to pull together
We can't stay worlds apart

To stand divided we will surely fall
Until our darkest hour
When the light will save us all

More than meets the eye
Robots in Disguise

Autobots wage their Battle
To destroy the evil forces
Of the Decepticons

It's judgment day and now we've made our stand
And now the powers of darkness
Have been driven from our land

The Battle's over but the war has just begun
And this way it will remain til the day when all are one

More than meets the eye

Yo man more than meets the eye ROBOTS IN DISGUISE! These bad boys can change jobs on the fly u don't know what u messin with!
#74 Apr 05 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
Omg guys, next thing you know Crayola will be on here quoting the "My little Pony" theme song". Please tell me you guys looked up the lyrics for these sonegs and didn't have them memorized.
#75 Apr 05 2005 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Barchiel: The TMNT are a bunch of n00b Quadavs! They would get Volpwned.

Shin: Yeah they change.... INTO CARS! Only Megatron could tranform and be combat effective.

However, I do want to revise my list.. RoboTech>Voltron>Transformers>G.I. Joe>TMNT>Go Bots>Barbie.

Edited, Wed Apr 6 13:45:27 2005 by monsterzero
#76 Apr 05 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Default
Ok, you think you're tough?! Here goes:

Pinwheel, pinwheel, spinning around. Look at my Pinwheel and see what I've found.
Pinwheel, pinwheel, where have you been? Hello, how are you, and may I come in?
Pinwheel, pinwheel spinning around. Look at my Pinwheel and see what I found.
Pinwheel, pinwheel, breezy and bright. Spin me good morning, spin me good night.

L337 BOY!!!!
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