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EK LOTB serketFollow

#1 Apr 03 2005 at 11:24 PM Rating: Good
Read the entire post if you are going to reply.

Hey everyone, Just felt like gloating a bit. a few days ago me and some LS friends got the idea to fight serket. So we whent ahead and put up a /lsmes for all those 55+ to join us on a serket hunt. So I researched his last few spwawns and got the time down for todays pop.

So we head out to the citadel one by one and eventually end up with 15 BST ranging from lvl 54 to 68 I believe. So where there camping along with some HNM LSs. As you can guess the HNM LSs are laughing about us and think we have no chance in hell in winning. Sending some of our member tells about us losing. /laugh emote all the stuff we get on a normal basis.

So serket pops we unfortunately didnt get claim. The alliance that did fought for a little bit, but a few ot there mages whent down. So they Kited him around a bit. I asume to rasie mages. Either they They ended up escaping out. so I targeted and bam charm claim. And contrary to what is being said his HP was at 90% at time we claimed.

So now we go at him full force, The whole time getting insults from the HNM LSs that are there. Many of our members still being insulted about our pets and other things. Fight goes quite smooth had a few dead but not nearly as much as we expected.

Anyways, fights almost over and were in great shape. So the other LSs try to kill us by calling help on all natursal pets. Little did they know that did nothing as we were using CC. a minute or so later Serket was defeated by CourrierCarrie!

So we all celebrate our win the whole time having to listen to all the HNM LSs complain about us killing it, Saying we stole it. All I have to say is this. How many times have we had our NMs stolen and heard this exscuse. If it goes yellow its free cliam its not stealing.Oh yeah, Yes we got drop serket ring!

Also I want to add that I have spoken to both DL and EK. Both LS leader were verry respectful and listened to what I had to say. Both understand that we have never fought an HNM before. Both understand that when we claimed, while claiming was intentional. We had absolutely no clue that they intentionally lost claim in the first place. If we had known that would have been the end of it. We would have backed off. To us the situition looked almost like they disbanded there alliance and had one pt take hate to get out with some member alive. Thats why we claimed. We thought they bailed on the fight.

To everyone that has a problem im sorry but you cant tell me that you expect a LS that has NEVER fought HNM, To know the rules of camping them. Also as far as I know neither of the LS leader of EK or DL were aware of some of the tells we were getting during the fight. I also understand that they didnt know who to go to when this happened. So them trying to let us know what happened didnt come acrros right.

As BST we are use to hearing if its yellow its free to claim. I am not blaming anyone imparticular for steeling our mobs such as AQ. Im saying as BST we get that excuse about losing claim all the time. And also as I stated none of us were even lvl 70. So we dont have any exp with HNM LSs HNMs or any of that. So we looked at it as if it was any NM we would fight. So instead of bashing us talk to us in a manner we can understand, like Ryunoire and Hunkun spoke to me. They were straight forward as was I and it was resolved with no hard feelings.

Completely bashing our LS is like slamming on a low lvl for making the stupid mistakes we all did back then. Its not that we choose to make mistakes and do things wrong. Its that we dont know any better. I again want to thank DL and EK for talking with me in a descent manner to straighten things out. And if all goes well with LOTB ill be seeing you at the campgrounds.

As for LOTB yes negative things were said on both ends of this. And as DL and EK did, I am asking you to also let this drop and be respectful. After all this is just a game were all here to have fun. This is drama that im sure none of us need. We all have enough garbage to deal with in RL, I dont need anymore in my gaming. So everyone be respectful of others. Dont put anyone else down remember your no better than thal lvl 5 war with no sub using a sword for a weapon. Were all just playing a game

PEACE Osyrus 65BST
#2 Apr 04 2005 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
well said Osy
#3 Apr 04 2005 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
try replying on the VNboards (

no offense but you and your LS don't look too much like Saints based on some of the screenshots I've read.
#4 Apr 04 2005 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
Grats Osy, on the Serket win!
#5 Apr 04 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,220 posts
WhisperwindShiva wrote:
try replying on the VNboards (

no offense but you and your LS don't look too much like Saints based on some of the screenshots I've read.

I tried to post a response there. But I did not want to register their as everytime I tried I had to sign up for a fee.

First off, the LS chat was a private thing, after a heated battle and a VERY heated exchange with several members of the other HNMLS. You also have to remember that this member came into the shell and provoked the coversation, which was conveniently taken out of the screen shots. This is a classic case of slam journalism where the reporter gets the person on to a private subject, gets him to start talking freely then cuts out the parts that precede it that would put it all in context to make his story juicier.

Second, with the help of Osyrus who is being unfairly lambasted over this whole situation by both total strangers and LS members now, we have cleared it up. Did we gloat, yes. You would to after being repeatedly told "does not matter, you are going to die anyways". Did we "steal" a mob? Maybe, but we were playing by the "rules" that everyone else throws in a BST face with other NMs such as AQ that are constantly stolen from us and that is "if it is yellow, it is fair game". We have since talked to the other HNMLS leaders and cleared up the "mistake", Osyrus even paid out of his own pocket to split the drop with the HNMLS.

Every thing is getting blown WAY outta proportion here and I can't believe I am allowing myself to get sucked into it as I loved the fact that LoTB was a dramaless LS. However, people are bashing my LS, my friends and my BST brothers over something that is completely lame and that I will not stand for.
#6 Apr 04 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
First of all I was not there either. However, I agree with Osy forgive and forget. I know LOTB received a lot of negative tells and they also had mpk attempts against them once they had claimed the mob unknowingly stealing it. LOTB wasnt the 1st group to steal the claim. how were they to know the 2nd group was trying to return the claim to the 1st group?

I fell bad for Osy since he is considering leaving the LS because of the drama that has ocurred. I think he did more than enough in returning 1/2 the gil. Honestly would the other groups have given us 1/2 the drops worth if it had happened to LOTB? I doubt it. As a beastmaster i have had numerous NM stolen in mid fight when it goes unclaimed. (Goblinsavior heronix, Falcatus, etc.) I have yet to see any of them offer me an apology much less 1/2 the drops worth. And that is when the drop is worth far less than what Osy paid out.

Seems we expect different rules for different jobs. I know HNM pop much less frequently and the fighting styles are different requiring kiting and what not. Just remember lambasting us when the next time u see a bst fighting aquarius or even the weak NM my weakass can fight. We dont appreciate peeps stealing NM the cases i have been a part of have not been accidental.
#7 Apr 04 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
49 posts
I tried to post a response there. But I did not want to register their as everytime I tried I had to sign up for a fee.

I don't think you have to pay, you probably clicked on the premium account or something.

Either way, whether the topic was provoked or not, a lot of the comments made in LS chat weren't very appropriate. I am glad however, things were cleared up between you and the LS whom you stole Serket off of.

Did we "steal" a mob? Maybe, but we were playing by the "rules" that everyone else throws in a BST face with other NMs such as AQ that are constantly stolen from us and that is "if it is yellow, it is fair game".

I can guarantee you this is taboo in any HNM LS, or any respectable Linkshell for that matter. Most good Linkshells would probably have kicked the offending member for doing something so disgraceful. Mobs go yellow all the time, whether you are kiting it, or getting far enough away to Summon or Charm another pet, either way, the claim is still yours until you are dead.

The best advice I can give (although you're not necessairily asking), is that if your Linkshell is going to move onto the likes of Serket and other HNM, that you understand the protocol that comes with camping it.

Take care
#8 Apr 04 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
978 posts
hmmm all quite entertaining.
#9 Apr 04 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,220 posts
WhisperwindShiva wrote:
Either way, whether the topic was provoked or not, a lot of the comments made in LS chat weren't very appropriate. I am glad however, things were cleared up between you and the LS whom you stole Serket off of.

Why is it that the poeple in the convos are getting bashed, but nothing is said about the person who purposelly posted this to cause all of this. They are the real culprit.

Anybody ever play sports? During the game, you are civil, shake hands at the end, be curtious to the other team, show good sportsmanship....then you get to the locker room and the gloating/trash talking/overblown stories/**************** starts? Everything changes in that setting which is supposed to be PRIVATE.

[quote]I can guarantee you this is taboo in any HNM LS, or any respectable Linkshell for that matter. Most good Linkshells would probably have kicked the offending member for doing something so disgraceful. Mobs go yellow all the time, whether you are kiting it, or getting far enough away to Summon or Charm another pet, either way, the claim is still yours until you are dead.

The best advice I can give (although you're not necessairily asking), is that if your Linkshell is going to move onto the likes of Serket and other HNM, that you understand the protocol that comes with camping it.

Take care

If you have ever played BST, you would know that this is NOT the case out there. While everyone may be in line with other LS as far as HNMs go, this is by far not the story with others. Jaydin named a few of em that get stolen ALL the time. And yes, i know for a fact that sometimes it is from members of the HNMLS on shiva. With AQ people watch us like a hawk when we claim it, waiting for any opportunity to snatch it up.

And BTW, the advice is appreciated and it is a topic of heavy discussion within the shell at this time. I am not trying to slam you or pick on you specifically per se, it is just I am really defensive about my LS ~_^.
#10 Apr 04 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
Posted from another thread since I did not know this made its way onto the Shiva forum:

We should be able to follow some basic guidelines instead of the whole "every man for himself" that you propose. We as Bsts walk a very thin line when in the face of other parties and linkshells as well. All it would take is a false accusation and a bad GM to ruin the game for all of us and put the cloud of suspicion over us as a whole.

We must be a good neighbor to all in the community. We cannot be the barbarians that steal NMs from other people just because the game designers made a poor decision. When you think about it, the longer you are fighting something the more effort and risk you have put forward to taking that enemy down. So, in a sense, you would feel hurt too if someone just said "every man for himself" to you after you had ohhhhhh lets say taken an NM down to about a fifth of its life just for a Smn to walk by and astral flow it when the claim got lost.

THAT BEING SAID; others must also work with us as well. When the facts boiled down, it was like two linkshells were working together to pull a claim and left you guys out of the loop. Fine, mistakes happen and it sucks that someone felt like they got the short end of the stick. However, these people shot straight to the boards and set out to ruin our reputations without a second thought. *bleep*.

In the light of everything I saw,*bleep*. I cannot count how many times our fellow Bsts have raised strangers, moved camps, charmed an aggro mob off a player, and any other plethora of things we go out of our way to do to strengthen the community. The LoTB are stewards of an environment conducive to our ideals for playing a GAME and allowing everyone to have fun. That is what brought us all together under the flag of Beastmaster so proudly.

I believe we should carry that flag onto whatever battlefield we may find ourselves on. This argument between linkshells is no different. We should not diminish ourselves to the bickering and pettiness of our adversaries. Never lose faith, and always uphold honor. There's plenty of wrongdoing to go about and we are no more the victimizers than the victims in this situation. It is uncalled for that *SOMEONE IN OUR OWN GODDAMN* linkshell should be causing problems for us. So shall it come to pass, that indeed, they will not be a problem.

edited in the name of fairness of not wrongfully accusing a likewise reputible linkshell.. The misunderstandings and mixups abound. Noone is perfect, I am no exception to the rule.

Edited, Tue Apr 5 20:30:26 2005 by Lefein
#11 Apr 04 2005 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
I have no idea about Gods, or NM's besides Leaping Lizard which me and Elisiss and my Carby claimed and got the drop which I might add... BUT HERE'S ME SPEAKING MY OPINION (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS MY OPINION IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T READ IT lol)

To the LS's that lost the claim: Tough ****.
To the LS that won in the end: Congrats!

Boo freakin' hoo you lost your claim and with it it looks like your dignity.


Some of you need to get laid, and get bent, if not both.

They got the drop... woot! If they sell it, it's like what, 100k each? 150k? What's Serket racked up to now thanks to HNM LS's... We're all in this game together, despite being in different balls of colors...
#12 Apr 04 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
One final piece to add. LOTB is a growing LS. I joined because a couple of friends had found it when they started to lvl beastmaster. U often are soloing with this job and to be honest it gets lonely without the LS banter. We have not been around as long as our HNM counterparts and are not as experienced in the world of HNM. We are a collection of people who most often started playing beastmaster because we didnt have time to wait to form parties or static nights were out of the question.

LOTB has pearlsack holders but no true leadership order. Its would be very difficult for a group of players who dont have regular playing hours to follow a strict leadership. We dont have the uber organization of a HLM LS by any means.

I know that the LS starter was lvl 42 when i got a pearl at lvl 14. I am now an addict playing when i can and have hit 55 and am slowly gaining. Our LS starter is still lvl 49. They just dont have the time or the desire to exp like mad. There are other parts of the game. The high lvl in the LS continue to help us lower lvls and try to keep us interested by organizing these mini events. Along with the serket hunt we have started escort quests AF hunts, rank missions and other silly little things. We are learning our trade give us a lil consideration.

We try to have fun and do things as a group just to test the bounds of our abilities and to serve as a break between the grueling exp sessions. Thats what the serket hunt began as. When LOTB succeed'd maybe they did get an elevated impression of our abilities. LS chat is always been about talking some smack. Its part of the game as long as no one takes it too seriously. Obviously someone did take this too literally.

We believe that all bst can come to our shell for help whether its finding duo or trio partners or just general questions we invite anyone 1-75 to join. Maybe the lack of strict leadership and the all enclusive nature of the LS led to the events of this past week. The spy was given a pearl in good faith. I hope they enjoy the drama that has ensued.

We are still learning and expanding our adventures within the game fighting new monsters and new NM. This was just an attempt to experience something new in the game. We are just looking for the fun and excitement that comes from finding you can do something new in the game for the 1st time.

Anyone remember what its like to go into battle not knowing for certain that u will be victorious? We have cookie cutter'd this game to the point where 90% of people spend their life between lvl 10 and 20 in valk dunes. then u got to qufim til 25 and kaz to 32. Y? because thats what everyone told them to do.

Beastmaster is a great escape from that mold that is the bible of FFXI leveling guide. Well to be honest there is a bst lvlin bible too but at least it is a change from the norm.

We are newbs to the HNM scene. We will amke efforts to understand the rules in place. Just remember it started as a way to test ourselves and the capabilities of the job. And most importantly as a way to have fun in the game.
#13 Apr 05 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
In the light of everything I saw, the Eternal Knights refused to be a good neighbor and allowed a small indiscretion to become a blood feud between linkshells. Their ignorant condescending manner and childish demands have become a black mark on a reputible linkshell. I cannot count how many times our fellow Bsts have raised strangers, moved camps, charmed an aggro mob off a player, and any other plethora of things we go out of our way to do to strengthen the community. The LoTB are stewards of an environment conducive to our ideals for playing a GAME and allowing everyone to have fun. That is what brought us all together under the flag of Beastmaster so proudly.

heh... funny

I was there at Serket and saw the whole thing happen, and i have a few good friends in EternalKnights ls.
I can tell you this much, NO ONE of that ls has pulled a single mob after the steal happened, Ryunoire made her members gather behind her.

I was told that Ryunoire does not allow them to reply to any posts and not to talk about it in public, just so the matter would be over with, and people could move on.
Well, have any members of EternalKnights replied at all?
Only one, Ryunoire herself, on vnboards.

So, BSTs, before you guys point fingers, make sure who you are dealing with.
It's sad to see flames like this while those people did nothing wrong.
YOU were wrong, you STOLE a mob that you were not allowed to claim.
And now you want to blame them for something they never did.

Warlord Lefein, i have no idea who you are, but you just managed to make yourself, and your linkshell, look like complete morons who have NO CLUE what they're talking about.

Just a small word of advice, you guys are getting the same reputation as gilsellers, and will soon be hated by the entire server.
Remember Bobbyjai, anyone?
Cut down the attitude and show some respect to others.
You guys want HNM rights? Obey the rules first, then you can.

I speak for a lot of people when i say that you guys made a VERY bad first impression to the players on Shiva.

And one last thing, what is so glorious about killing a mob that's at half HP, while i myself could have solo'd it?
#14 Apr 05 2005 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
dude, umm. you know what man bst get bashed on too much to take some **** like that, and how they say how the LS werent saints, omfg dude its just a game, just wait till next week and let it be, + if people are being rude to start off with they shouldnt be apologized to, so with all that being said, congrats my bst mates, hope to see you soon, ya'll better be lvl 75 when i get back \(^_^; )/
#15 Apr 05 2005 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
I say congratz to the BSTs for killing Serket at that lvl! That’s something to be proud of no matter which ‘spin’ you want to believe.

Oh yeah and.. lvl 75s kiting Serket? Um.. can’t you solo it? Lmao!

Sounds like some people weren’t prepared and if that was the case they should just eat the loss. BUT I wasn’t there so…

Good luck on your next hunt.
#16 Apr 05 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
So serket pops we unfortunately didnt get claim. The alliance that did fought for a little bit, but a few ot there mages whent down. So they Kited him around a bit. I asume to rasie mages. Either they They ended up escaping out. so I targeted and bam charm claim. And contrary to what is being said his HP was at 90% at time we claimed.

Nope, we never escaped.

and oh yeah...

/point crayola

...and further, I was soloing it PLD/NIN, until I lost recasts on shadows because my WHM died and couldnt haste me. another whm was in the citadel and was on the way, so I was kiting too buy time til she got there. Not that I have to justify myself to you. No matter how unintentional, it was an HNM stolen by another LS, and since has been resolved. Say w/e you want but to the parties involved, the issue is dead.

Edit- just saw this

In the light of everything I saw, the Eternal Knights refused to be a good neighbor and allowed a small indiscretion to become a blood feud between linkshells. Their ignorant condescending manner and childish demands have become a black mark on a reputible linkshell.

You are a joke to me. You don't know what happened, you don't know what was said. In fact EK made NO DEMANDS. We didn't ask for drops, we weren't calling names. We did nothing of the sort. It's people like you, and your big mouth that have caused all the maladies in this situation, not myself and not my linkshell.

My linkshell was ordered not to post, and not to speak of it. And no one has. Imma give them free reign here though, just so things won't seem to stay so one sided.

Edited, Tue Apr 5 09:57:57 2005 by Ryunoire
#17 Apr 05 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
YeahRightShiva wrote:

I was told that Ryunoire does not allow them to reply to any posts and not to talk about it in public, just so the matter would be over with, and people could move on.
Well, have any members of EternalKnights replied at all?
Only one, Ryunoire herself, on vnboards.

So, BSTs, before you guys point fingers, make sure who you are dealing with.
It's sad to see flames like this while those people did nothing wrong.
YOU were wrong, you STOLE a mob that you were not allowed to claim.YOU were wrong, you STOLE a mob that you were not allowed to claim.And now you want to blame them for something they never did.

who made you FFXI president, your rules are your rules, they didnt vote on anything 'you ppl' made rules..

not allowed to claim? Thats interesting....

good job bsts on serket!

id like a pearl to yer ls if can, nuzorina on shiva. 18bst(BTW i solod HNM Tom Tit Tat at lev 5 phear!)
#18 Apr 05 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
123 posts

First off, If LOTB members that were there, did not know the rules of camping HNMs, then you can't really hold them against them, as it would seem fair "yellow = free claim", However this brings up another subject I will address later. Now no one can say us, EK members have done or said anything that could be used to say we did anything wrong, cause we have been under a strict order of silence on this issue.

If someone from outside the LS acted on our behalf, it wasn't really on our behalf as we will handle our own problems and not ask for the help of others when it is absolutely avoidable.

There may be bad members on both sides of this argument, but none of the ppl arguing, save Ryunoire, are actually EK members, while we have been some of us contacted by LOTB and unjustly harassed, we have simply turned the other cheek.

As when we all started camping HNMs we did not know these unwritten rules, and perhaps that is the problem that these rules are completely unwritten. Maybe it would be wise for all the HNMls leaders that can to openly have a discussion and decide to write the rules down someplace.

Mistakes will happen when you don't know everything, we have all had them. Once when We were new to this i remember someone stealling claim of AQ from a BST and promptly being ordered to die by Ryunoire to return the claim, and was reprimanded afterwards.

In closing, The Issue seems to be dead amongst the parties involved, and now is merely the "Flame bait of the Week" for ppl to focus on and shoot at each other with.

Dragon Knight Rikadyn Cerise
Sub Leader of Eternal Knights

Edited, Tue Apr 5 11:14:22 2005 by Rikadyn
#19 Apr 05 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
You guys are all so funny. You know EK was there for coffer keys for 2nd jobs that are around AF level. Ryu was pulling coffer mobs and "1" count it, "1" of our members was camping Serket while waiting for a coffer key. LOTB had how many?, 18 members there?, that lost the claim to "1" of our members.

Ryu was kiting it because she had been soloing coffer mobs with just a whm healing her. At the time our member "won" the pull she had a coffer mob and Serket on her. Once you win a pull, you have the right to that mob till you die. Kiting a mob is a strategy to buy time, and we had alot of people in Garilage at the time it was "Stolen".

As for the HNM rules, ok LOTB you dont have to follow them, go for it. I can't wait till you steal a mob from Apos or another Japanese LS's of that nature. Some of these HNM's take hours to kill and go Yellow many times throughout a fight, and that is why these rules are established.

In regards to BST having NM's stolen all the time, I am sorry to hear that. Can you name one member from EK that has ever stolen a NM from you and killed it without giving it back?. I guess 2 wrongs make a right, is that how your LS will act from now on?. I have no problem with BST's, and I think it is great that they can take down Serket at those levels. I would be cheering you on right now if it wasn't a stolen mob.

Lefien plz stfu, just because you have 8,500+ posts on here doesn't mean what you say means sh*t. We didnt bring up these posts, but yet you say we caused this mess?, by what winning a pull that you stole from us, then saying nothing about it on forums after it happened?. Ryu's words in LS after this happened were "oh well, just leave it be. No one post anything or reply to anything about it."

We are not looking for a Feud with anyone, please just drop it and leave it be. I am hoping this wont happen again with LOTB. This time they didn't know, but if it happens again what will be the excuse?.

ps: btw Crayola stfu and stay out of sh*t you know nothing about!

Edited, Tue Apr 5 11:37:40 2005 by LionsFan
#20 Apr 05 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
79 posts
ugh seriously this need to blow over

I wasnt there when it happend but from what ive read and heard , this is somewhat of a misunderstanding.

I say somewhat cuase i have read some Screenshots on LS chatter in LOTB.

I can see some what why LOTB pulled it why being claimed as i saw or so they say this was their first HNM and it went yellow and they were eager for Serket so they pulled it thats understandeble but still u shouldnt start pointing fingers and making false posts about EK wich are not true.

I do know for a fact that Ryunoire asked not to post on VNB just for the reason VNB is mostly used for Flaming and telling wich cookies u like. No but seriously the reason we were asked not to post well is also the reason above but also for the reason that this whole thing wouldnt be blown out of porportion.

As far as I know all aggresive behaviour came from some members of LOTB not from EK , i know this for a fact cuase what would Aggresive /tells help EK? Nothing we would only loos Respect of other Ls's HNM ls or friendly LS , wich we dont want cuase we all try to play this game ( wich it still is ) for fun and just too make the most out of it.

Even though u dont know the 'unwritten' HNM rules , they arent just been made up by people who went "Lets sit down for 10 minutes and see what we can come up with" its just common Sense and courtesy. Even though u might not know that when a HNM blinks or w/e Oh well we take it , its just plain rude i dont even do that with Leaping lizzy , Only with gill sellers simply for the fact that they dont enjoy the game nor let others enjoy it.

And just becuase one job / person can solo a mob doesnt mean that getting more people involved will make it easier. The more people the more TP a mob gains. Soloing and killing something in a party is a whole other thing u cant really compare the two.

Anyway this thing needs to blow over , But this sorta thing shouldnt happen anymore now people know its a unwritten rule not to steal a claim if people that are fighting it are still alive. So i supose this wont happen again... Anyway this has been resolved as far as I know and the people who are like "OMG dont make a big deal out of it" are the only ones still making a big deal out of it.

Peace out
Koosjuh 75 Drk 75 BLM 62 NIN TP Set WS Set Dark Magic Set

zEUs Linkshell = ZM O = COP O = All Dynamis O
Midgardsormr Server Koosjuh

#21 Apr 05 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
something seem funny to me..

AQ or other lesser NM being stolen makes it right to steal HNMs... so for actions of individuals (normally gil sellers or exp parties without a clue) lotb is willing to make enemies with all shiva HNM ls coz... AQ was always stolen from them... again... by individudals


just pointin out the irony :P
glad everything is strightened out.

Edited, Tue Apr 5 12:02:02 2005 by HellOnShiva
#22 Apr 05 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
First just to state, i've kept out of any posts and issues on any boards about this, even though i am a leader on Eternal Knights, as discression was needed, and we were told to not say anything and let the issue lie. No one from Eternal Knights has posted about this issue, until yesterday when we were told we were aloud to defend our ls, on this forum.

The short of the story is that Ryunoire and a person or two were hunting coffer keys when they noticed that people were coming for Serket. She wanted to show him about competitiveness on land HNMs, so sent him to look for Serket, while she soloed coffer key mobs. He actually won the pull, but ryunoire still had a coffer key mob on her, and our whm was almost to garlaige. After the other whm went down, so Ryunoire did not have haste for blink recasts, she tried to stall for a bit of time by kiting serket and the coffer key mob. After it was taken away for sure, ryunoire had all the members that had gathered at the time stand behind her and wait until Serket died, at which point they departed.

In the light of everything I saw, the Eternal Knights refused to be a good neighbor and allowed a small indiscretion to become a blood feud between linkshells. Their ignorant condescending manner and childish demands have become a black mark on a reputible linkshell.

As stated above, we never argued, we never complained, we just let the issue go. The only people to argue were from the other LSs', and Hankun, whom is a nice guy, and decided to take the issue into his own hands, of his own voalition, EK did not ask for any outside help. Had no one else intervened, EK would have done nothing, and got nothing.
nuzins' Quote remarks

I'm not going to bother quoting that, it was altered to see inflamatory. This person is a lvl 18 beastmaster, whom believes that a lvl 8 mob is a HNM, and not a NM. I'm not angry, i just believe that people need to read the whole story and listen to what the leaders of those ls's post and ignore the background sound as it was

Boo freakin' hoo you lost your claim and with it it looks like your dignity.

The only thing that i ask, as i have in numerous previous posts, is that people take the time to learn the whole story from judging, please dont make insensitive remarks such as this, it just makes you look ignorant after the whole story comes out.

Thre were many nice and fair posts on this thread, and several mean spirited ones. I've read through those, and it seems that every person that had an angry post, was defending beastmaster and saying it is a good job to play. No one is arguing with you, it is a nice fun job, and i agree sometimes you guys do get the short end of the stick, i'm sorry that it happens, yea mistakes happen, everyone please just let sleeping dogs lie, just let this issue go, it was already resolved beteween EK and LoTB, and a good number of posts here are from people that have nothing to do with either linkshell, other than people whom dislike EK or members of EK for one reason or another. The fact that these posts continue, long after a resalution, was the only reason that our leader gave us leave to post in our defense.

I do not blame the Bst LS, they have some competent leaders, and i respect that. Instead of going the way of some other less reputable LSs and ignoring and flaming anyone whom spoke to them, after issues were resolved they continued to listen. They have admitted it several times, they are a new HNM ls, they do not know the rules yet, thats fine, we have ALL been there at some point, other than the people that seem to have the most inflamitory remarks on this thread, i dont think many HNM LSs would want someone like that there. You said you wanted to learn, and yes it was your first HNM, mistakes were made, you know better now, its find, the issue is long gone. Good luck to you Beastmasters, its a hard job to play, especially with other inconsiderate players around whom make your lives harder. ~/salute~

Thank you for your time people of Shiva,
have a nice day

#23 Apr 05 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Excellent
582 posts
Completely bashing our LS is like slamming on a low lvl for making the stupid mistakes we all did back then. Its not that we choose to make mistakes and do things wrong. Its that we dont know any better. I again want to thank DL and EK for talking with me in a descent manner to straighten things out. And if all goes well with LOTB ill be seeing you at the campgrounds.

I don't understand why people are still bothered by the incident when it seems to be over from both parties' perepective. Osyrus now understands the HNM rules, and from what I read on VN and here, Ryunoire and EK thought this was a closed issue.

Unfortunately, a number of players seems not to think so, either for the need of more exciting gossip-drama (like people buying "In Touch" magazine) or because you hear HNMLS/HNM and get all worked up, by assuming that we are all "Evil Doers".

To put it plainly, we were told not to comment about the incident, and agreed to do so because we thought our comments would add fuel to the fire. It seems now, that the fire is still going with out the fuel, and now that we have been told that we can come out and express our thoughts, I will take this opportunity to do so.

Quite frankly, I do believe it was an error by Osyrus and his team to take the claim. There are certain rules when camping an HNM, especially if it drops something that is worth millions. However, I do agree with Osyrus that these rules are not clear - myself didn't know this until my first Roc camp - and so there was nothing wrong with Osyrus' action. He did what he was used to as he came up through the levels as BST.

I don't know if Hunkun's action of chiming in was correct or not, but at least as a leader of one of the oldest HNMLS, he probably wanted to inform Osyrus about these rules. Ryunoire and Osyrus spoke, and all was settled.

But then people who had nothing to do with the incident are saying that all manners and respect we pay to eachother as HNMLS or players in general should be ignored. Why? Two wrongs does not make a right.

These "gentlemen's agreement" exist so that we can all enjoy the game. If it was to be ignored, then would "crowding" an HNM be OK too? (this is when large number of people intentionally gather around the claim, causing a massive lag, attempting to DC the claimer to steal the mob.)

The agreement is there so that things like this doesn’t happen, and that we can all go on about our virtual lives. We are here to have fun, and by not respecting the agreement, it makes the game not fun. If you have ever felt frustrated towards Generate or Letter, or any other RMTers, I’m sure you understand me.

Every thing is getting blown WAY outta proportion here and I can't believe I am allowing myself to get sucked into it as I loved the fact that LoTB was a dramaless LS. However, people are bashing my LS, my friends and my BST brothers over something that is completely lame and that I will not stand for.

My feelings exactly.

I am not here to bash any members of LOTB. I happen to like beastmaster as a job, and have a few good friends, both JP and NA that are BSTs. Beastmaster as a job is indeed a very powerful job. A full Alliance of 75 BST with various subjobs can take down Tiamat. It will take at least 36 regular jobs to do so. So for those who have taken the job that high, I have every respect for them, as this is a very difficult job to level.

Honestly, I don't think it is particularly a "BSTs vs Non-BST" issue here at all, although it seems to be now gone that route. It was a misunderstanding between individuals, which is settled, and we do not have particular issue with BST as a job at all.

We dont appreciate peeps stealing NM the cases i have been a part of have not been accidental.

Bottom line: People stealing mobs from eachother, be it from a BST or a PLD or a WHM or whatever is not right. We took Osyrus’ word that this was accidental. And we let it go, because mistakes do happen. However, some people seem to think that since other always steal from BSTs, it’s OK for BSTs to now steal from others.

I don’t care if you are BST or a non BST. This is basic player principle. Stealing is not right, and this incident doesn’t make it OK for anyone to steal anything (…ok…maybe from an RMTer…)

Please try to play like a mature and reasonable person so that we all can enjoy this game. Please do not further bash eachother because it will only leave bad feelings about the game, and people that could have been your friends.

If any specific member of EK has caused issues, either via /tell or thru actions, please address that to the leaders of EK.

Thank you.

EDIT: Seems writing on Word and pasting here doesn't work...

Edited, Tue Apr 5 14:33:44 2005 by uchipu
#24 Apr 05 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
SAMZhaneel wrote:
First just to state, i've kept out of any posts and issues on any boards about this, even though i am a leader on Eternal Knights, as discression was needed, and we were told to not say anything and let the issue lie. No one from Eternal Knights has posted about this issue, until yesterday when we were told we were aloud to defend our ls, on this forum.

The short of the story is that Ryunoire and a person or two were hunting coffer keys when they noticed that people were coming for Serket. She wanted to show him about competitiveness on land HNMs, so sent him to look for Serket, while she soloed coffer key mobs. He actually won the pull, but ryunoire still had a coffer key mob on her, and our whm was almost to garlaige. After the other whm went down, so Ryunoire did not have haste for blink recasts, she tried to stall for a bit of time by kiting serket and the coffer key mob. After it was taken away for sure, ryunoire had all the members that had gathered at the time stand behind her and wait until Serket died, at which point they departed.

In the light of everything I saw, the Eternal Knights refused to be a good neighbor and allowed a small indiscretion to become a blood feud between linkshells. Their ignorant condescending manner and childish demands have become a black mark on a reputible linkshell.

As stated above, we never argued, we never complained, we just let the issue go. The only people to argue were from the other LSs', and Hankun, whom is a nice guy, and decided to take the issue into his own hands, of his own voalition, EK did not ask for any outside help. Had no one else intervened, EK would have done nothing, and got nothing.
nuzins' Quote remarks

I'm not going to bother quoting that, it was altered to see inflamatory. This person is a lvl 18 beastmaster, whom believes that a lvl 8 mob is a HNM, and not a NM. I'm not angry, i just believe that people need to read the whole story and listen to what the leaders of those ls's post and ignore the background sound as it was

Boo freakin' hoo you lost your claim and with it it looks like your dignity.

The only thing that i ask, as i have in numerous previous posts, is that people take the time to learn the whole story from judging, please dont make insensitive remarks such as this, it just makes you look ignorant after the whole story comes out.

Thre were many nice and fair posts on this thread, and several mean spirited ones. I've read through those, and it seems that every person that had an angry post, was defending beastmaster and saying it is a good job to play. No one is arguing with you, it is a nice fun job, and i agree sometimes you guys do get the short end of the stick, i'm sorry that it happens, yea mistakes happen, everyone please just let sleeping dogs lie, just let this issue go, it was already resolved beteween EK and LoTB, and a good number of posts here are from people that have nothing to do with either linkshell, other than people whom dislike EK or members of EK for one reason or another. The fact that these posts continue, long after a resalution, was the only reason that our leader gave us leave to post in our defense.

I do not blame the Bst LS, they have some competent leaders, and i respect that. Instead of going the way of some other less reputable LSs and ignoring and flaming anyone whom spoke to them, after issues were resolved they continued to listen. They have admitted it several times, they are a new HNM ls, they do not know the rules yet, thats fine, we have ALL been there at some point, other than the people that seem to have the most inflamitory remarks on this thread, i dont think many HNM LSs would want someone like that there. You said you wanted to learn, and yes it was your first HNM, mistakes were made, you know better now, its find, the issue is long gone. Good luck to you Beastmasters, its a hard job to play, especially with other inconsiderate players around whom make your lives harder. ~/salute~

Thank you for your time people of Shiva,
have a nice day


Dude, Tom Tit tat was ajoke man get over it lol, im 57 bst on seraph, but thats not my point. The point is that you( not you specifially ) but HNMls make there own rules with themselves, hows every other LS supposed to know these things. Its like those kids who went to Singapore and littered and got they butt whooped, they didnt know, they paid the price. But here your punishment be MPK, name calling, you know, kindergarten ****. There has to be some exceptions. I saw that the issue is resolved, so good for that, but still.. from the bst point of view, yellow = free mob, you snooze you lose, I bet if bst DID claim it first and it turned yellow, there is no doubt in my mind that the HNM ls's would have jumped on it like it was nothing. Maybe even offer to share the loot with the bsts? SHAA right.. only reason this thread is here is because the BSTS won the kill.. if you took it from them, chances are they wouldnt be on here ******* bout so and so.. Be real.. try to look good cuz u got beat. Look at yourselves in the mirror.

#25 Apr 05 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
One last thing before I stop posting on this subject. This has been discussed with the HNMLS themselves and internally within LoTB (at great lengths -_- we finally had some fun last night instead of hashing this out) and I beleive that this issue has been resolved. Any other posts on the subject are just peoples individual opinions on the situation and not reflective of LoTB as a whole. I beleive this goes for the other HNMLS as well, but I will not speak on their behalf. I appreciate the support of the likes of SAMZhaneel, Uchipu and others on this board that see the situation for what it truly is.

We were not trying to be disrespectful. Some members of the shell may have been so on their own, but as a whole we truly are not. As someone stated these are "unwritten" rules made by a few people that gathered together to help ease any chaos that may have ensued. I kinda envision a Mafia meeting between families (this is a joke, btw). Unfortunately, if you have ever watched the Sopranos and in keeping with the mafia joke thing, we were like Christopher waiting in the car, niave and uninformed.

If you would like, since I am an admitted Alla posting ***** and am here more than others in my shell, the leaders of the HNMLS can PM me the set "rules" and I will pass that information along. I am not saying we will agree to all of em or that we may not want to suggest some changes, but we will at least give them their fair due. And again, I wanna make clear that I am not the leader of LoTB, but I am a senior member that can pass information along.

Man....I thought the whole Crayola>Hellkid>Barchiel>whoeverelse> war/flame/posting thing was bad...

That's it. I am back to the Beast boards to help my fellow beastmasters out.
#26 Apr 05 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
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