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WAR/WHM /welcomeFollow

#1 Apr 12 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
A bunch of people don't seem to want to party with a war/whm for some reason of late. This was something that was not a problem until level 43 or so.

Because there are plenty of RDMs that can't refresh when they need too, and WHMs that don't haste when you want them and under-DEXed WARs and DRKs out there never mind all the BLMs that are out of mp after one mob; I don't feel that having a gimped class per se is that much of a drawback to a group.

As long as I can skillchain and tally 100 dmg hits, I feel I do more than enough to add to the group. It is of course the perfect opportunity to slander a "fatter" person and I find that people seldom miss an opportunity to slander a fatter person, esp if their personality is that of a pig.

Comments are welcome.
#2 Apr 12 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
im just gonna be quiet on this topic......but war/whm isn't really um...good. Thats all im gonna say, i'd invite a drg/brd to party before war/whm.
#3 Apr 12 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
Anytime you have a job that requires MP, you're gonna be resting inbetween everytime... which will kill your TP. Which would totally destroy the reason people be WAR for DD... Anyhoo, be WAR/WHM till lvl 10 for soloing, or even do it for soloing only, but not in a party.

That's my opinion... it won't really work out too well, you'd lose HP for MP too which would suck, and Im sure you'd have to get astral rings to even get decent MP.

Not a good choice -.-

OK I'm done.
#4 Apr 12 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I used to do war/whm to solo, i think i did it once in a pt in valkurm dunes a long time ago, lol. I remember i used to miss alot, hit for 0 damage with my axe then cure, rest after fights for mp, etc (this was when 20 war's were seeking and 1 whm an hour appeared). I've never thought about it since then.

Although, it is a different idea i suppose, as you said not the BEST sub to choose (you can use ninja for utsusemi). I guess it's a good enough sub, with the right PT setup(and the right race, galka and elvaan mp would be extremely gimp, at level 69 BST/WHM my MP is a low 107mp base).

BUT that being said, your defense gets gimped if you sub WHM when tanking, so... I can't really see how much benefit it would bring, imo subbing PLD is proberably better as you get the DEF gain as well as the cure, although.. your MP gets gimped even more.

Personally, i think NIN > WHM/PLD sub for a war in a PT at that level, who is tanking and doing whatever.. it's more 'versatile'. Utsusemi means you get hit less.. means less cures.. means less downtime, more mp.. etc, and you get 2 axes.. there is always a good side to that (although, doesn't really improve DoT until you get to 50 for duel wield II). If you sub whm, you'll get 50mp? lol and you can only cure II yourself twice.

To be honest.. i remember a few parties i've had at level 30, where a WHM/WAR was invited and decided he wanted to tank. I'm not naming names- but.. some subs are ridiculous, WHM isn't as bad as you subbing BRD or BLM though.

Take the time to level NIN, i don't think you will regret it, and you will get more party invites! And more exp... possibly. Providing that WHM in your party isn't subbing WAR... or the BLM doesn't have DRG subbed again.
#5 Apr 12 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
Double post

Edited, Wed Apr 13 01:43:35 2005 by LacysDad
#6 Apr 12 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
Sunday afternoon I decided I was going to level my 19 WAR some. I normally level WHM, BRD, etc but I wanted to tank and DD, plus it is almost impossible to get a PT on WHM (70) or BRD (57) on the weekends from what I have found.

I got an invite from someone after just a few moments... blind invite no less. However, I just accepted it since not many people were on.

I say my hellos and check the party list and here is what I saw:

19 WAR/MNK (me)

and then I see these 2...

19 RDM/ 4 THF
20 WAR/ 8 WHM

I resisted the urge to drop PT immediately but I think that is very rude. So I hung in for a couple of fights to see if it went better than I thought. But after 4 fights and 7 party deaths (2 of them mine) I decided I had enough.

Cookie cutters rule the world for a reason... the combos work better than others... WHM/SMN, WAR/NIN, BLM/WHM, DRK/THF. WHM can sub BLM or RDM instead of SMN but they all work well and have benefits. WHM/WAR is insane. What benefit do you get? The ability to take more hits? If you werent spamming your highest level Cure spell you would not be taking hits.

I will say that you have the right to play any combo you want to. But dont come posting about not getting invites if you play a combo that hurts the PT.
#7 Apr 12 2005 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Nothing beats the Whm/thf I once saw in an exp pt at the Citadel. He was meleeing like crazy and did SA for a crazy dmg of 40. That guy was my hero for the day..

War/whm :X I remember when i first started and hell, I thought that was the best combo, then again I didn't know how to unlock sub jobs.
#8 Apr 12 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
most of what i had to say has already been posted... the tp killing (but that may not be too bad if the pt isn't counting on you to skillchain) and the downtime for mp (which is a pain but can be overcome if you bring your own juice so you don't have to complain if the RDM forgets you). but a lot of people look at the combo WAR/WHM and think "Well... why don't we just get a PLD?"
anyways... i'll end with:
Hohitoo wrote:
It is of course the perfect opportunity to slander a "fatter" person and I find that people seldom miss an opportunity to slander a fatter person, esp if their personality is that of a pig.

huh? i've had 3 hours of sleep, but i'm still pretty sure that makes no sense.
#9 Apr 12 2005 at 11:43 PM Rating: Default
144 posts
I'm gonna lay down some factz o the game here. The reason you party is to use the versitility of several different jobs to take down monsters you could never do alone. That being said, you dont need to spread the versitility of your own job {Example:WAR/WHM for healing} because another jobs got it covered. So in parties the optimal situation is to specialize in the strengths your job has to begin with, this is what makes parties efficient and good, and gets you those "Wow i leveled 5 times in an hour[exaggeration]" parties.

Soloing is a very different story. Since your only one man/woman you have to sub something like WHM to war because otherwise you have a weak spot, sure your offense is great but the monster can take advantage of your low defense etc.

Im gonna tackle another thing people would otherwise throw at me my being a rdm/war and all. Redmages are very unique in that they are the definition of versitile, and you can specialize in anything you want with them, some rdm specializations are cheaper, easier, and more wanted (Example: RDM/mage) because people like to substitute rdm for whms cause whms are hard to find. For redmages your race decides alot of what you can do. Elvaan rdm, what do your nukes do like 2 damage? Taru rdm, do you ever hit for more than 2 >.>? Im not saying never nuke as elvaan and never melee as taru, just wait tell higher levels where equipment balances out the racial stats and it pulls your incredibly low int up enough to land an unresisted nuke, or raise that str enough to hit for more than your enspells XD.

Peace out, rate up or down whateva~
#10 Apr 13 2005 at 12:20 AM Rating: Default
very few pople know this but helping WAR/WHM is basically the same as helping terrorists... it must stop NOW!
#12 Apr 13 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Default
WAR/WHM? [in redneck accent] "Not in MY backyard..."

The ONLY reasons I see a WAR/WHM working is:
1) You are soloing
2) You are a WAR/WHM "Ghetto PLD" in Qufim
3) You enjoy being an uber n00ber and don't like PT invites

I don't know. It may magically work later on in PTs, though I never saw one. I think you should stick to one thing. You have 3 lvl 50ish jobs; obviously you are not new. But don't be lazy. Lvl a viable sub. I hate to see ppl with odd subs, not for the sake of it working or something, but because they are too lazy to lvl a decent sub. Lvl yer dang THF. You'll need the money anyway. I DO think a gimped class is a drawback in a group. You have other ppl actually trying to be the best they can be for a group, then you have the slacker in the group not doing much, almost purposely. I don't think you are going to get a warm welcome with that kinda attitude. Plus you might not get invites anyway, ppl will say "hey, ain't that the WAR/WHM n00b?" You know how Shiva is. Flames are inevitable. But I think you'd have to be pretty damn awesome to get a PT with that job set-up. I'd rather PT with a Goblin Smithy than a WAR/WHM. At least I can count on bomb-toss.^^
#13 Apr 13 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Mental note:

Do not invite hohito to party.

/em burns mental note in his brain

#14 Apr 13 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
#15 Apr 13 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
Thanks for your opinions. I am glad ya'll just didn't up and out call me a FOOL without explaining yourselves. I do have a hard time with TP cuz I use a lot of MP. I have 140 or so MP depending on what I have equipped but I can get up to 190 mp with food and stuff. I purposely carry several items to attune to the party. If I am the main tank then I put on hi defense stuff; if we have a tank, then I put on DEX stuff; if we only have RDM healing then I won't melee but backup healing. Sometimes the party goes great, esp if I am dd and we have a good WHM and PLD. Sometimes it doesn't go great, and then I am the one that gets blamed. But I assure you that I do my share of hits in the melee although lately it seems monsters are much harder to hit than they used to be.(my +3acc gloves aren't cutting it anymore, need Life Belt at 48 if I could ever get there).

Basically, imho, I am slightly not as good as any other WAR I think lower hp yes lower dex yes but not lower in mp or in agi. I will consider leveling THF but am sure that I could be just as good a DD as soon as I get my Life Belt.

Lastly, I do not feel I am taking advantage of the party by playing this character and it may seem lazy not to want to level 2 new jobs but once I started progressing in levels I really started to like this character. I have spent a lot of gil on his stuff and spent time deciding what he should have. He is special in a way. He is also not getting many party invites. heh oh well, time to work on quests i guess
#16 Apr 13 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
Hohitoo, I'm glad you didn't take the replies too harshly, but you seriously need to lvl another sub. WTF is a WAR/WHM gonna add to a PT later on? Past 50, jobs really come into their own thing. RDMs don't melee really as much then. They Refresh, Debuff, backup heal and such. WHMs don't really nuke as much. They Cure, CURE AND CURE, and remove status effects. You will not be a very good tank later on, well, not compared to a PLD, or NIN or WAR/NIN. PLD has too many hate grabbing abilities, while NIN avoid DMG. WAR/NIN avoid some DMG while putting out decent dmg. On the DD side, WAR/THF will own you. WAR/NIN will too. That combo "MAY" work earlier in the game, but later on, you're gonna find yourself lonely. Kinda like those NIN/THFs. Do yourself a favor and be realistic. I thought you were joking for a sec. I also think that you might need some mental help. Referring to how special "he" is...scares me, and I'm a fuggin weirdo. So, I advise you to either:

1) Become a PLD to tank.
2) Become a WAR/THF or /NIN to DD
3) Become a BST/??? and save your teammates a headache.
4) Seek mental help for you and your "special" character.
5) #4.

Later bro. Do something about that sub, yo.
#17 Apr 13 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
As a newb *chuckle* our LS leader asked what my sub was going to be, and when I replied with a Mage job he said "0.o thats a big no no..." and went on to explain MP,etc..
I do have a lvl 12 RDM however ;) Its just subbed with a lvl 1 mage job thats
damage/def magic/magic! ^^
But I give you props for doing it :D
#18 Apr 13 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
3,139 posts
Thanks for your opinions. I am glad ya'll just didn't up and out call me a FOOL without explaining yourselves. I do have a hard time with TP cuz I use a lot of MP. I have 140 or so MP depending on what I have equipped but I can get up to 190 mp with food and stuff. I purposely carry several items to attune to the party. If I am the main tank then I put on hi defense stuff; if we have a tank, then I put on DEX stuff; if we only have RDM healing then I won't melee but backup healing. Sometimes the party goes great, esp if I am dd and we have a good WHM and PLD. Sometimes it doesn't go great, and then I am the one that gets blamed. But I assure you that I do my share of hits in the melee although lately it seems monsters are much harder to hit than they used to be.(my +3acc gloves aren't cutting it anymore, need Life Belt at 48 if I could ever get there).

Basically, imho, I am slightly not as good as any other WAR I think lower hp yes lower dex yes but not lower in mp or in agi. I will consider leveling THF but am sure that I could be just as good a DD as soon as I get my Life Belt.

Lastly, I do not feel I am taking advantage of the party by playing this character and it may seem lazy not to want to level 2 new jobs but once I started progressing in levels I really started to like this character. I have spent a lot of gil on his stuff and spent time deciding what he should have. He is special in a way. He is also not getting many party invites. heh oh well, time to work on quests i guess


Imagine what you could do with a better sub and a life belt.





Ok here is a link to the chat boared you need to be posting on.

Please reconsider your choice, you make all us WAR look bad with your bad habbits.

#19 Apr 13 2005 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
From 1-30, warrior/white mage are much better tanks than plds. They can deal reasonable amounts of damage and usually hold hate alot better. The -def isn't that noticable.
Some of you peeps are just old school. =P
There is newer gear out there for warrior/whms. For example, Physical earrings coverts 25mp to 25HP. If a lvl 1-30 warrior/whitemage were to wear 2 those rings, they'd get +50HP. Of course, the warrior wouldn't be curing himself much during battle, but for a tank of that level to have +50HP is a blessing. You can say they'd have more def. w/ mnk sub but it wouldn't be noticable.

Edited, Thu Apr 14 00:38:51 2005 by MageMelee
#20 Apr 14 2005 at 12:56 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, at low lvls. Not past 50.
#21 Apr 14 2005 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Even at low levels other subs could be better.

You'll have more dex and agi and an evasion bonus at 20 with /thf.
You'll get utsusemi as level 20 /nin.
You'll get Boost for added attack at 10 /mnk, as well as Counter at 20 /mnk and then a hp boost at 30 /mnk.

The thing about this game is it doesn't cater to versatility. Thf/nin can do many things, but its amazing ability to solo makes it lesser than other jobs, or job combos, in an exp pt.

A subjob is there to specialize your job, not level it off. Jobs that are well-rounded have problems with parties (smn, drg) whereas jobs that do specific things don't (rng, rdm, brd, nin).
#22 Apr 14 2005 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
XD omg...I'm DYING to know how to quote. I'm a quote and reply poster due to the fact that I always come late to the freakin thread.
Anyways..."fatter" somethin' somethin' (ROFLMAO)

LjK > drg/brd? where do you come up with this XD I build parties and I would rather have a epileptic monkey eatting cheese an' crackers, voking everytime I started to SATA over a drg/brd....just seems retared...PERIOD.

Barchiel...(I had to cut/paste but I want to know how to quote)
1) Become a PLD to tank.
2) Become a WAR/THF or /NIN to DD
3) Become a BST/??? and save your teammates a headache.
4) Seek mental help for you and your "special" character.
5) #4.

lol XD XD omg...special character...I think I just woke up my roomie by laughing too loud @ 6:30am he's gonna fuggin slay me but I needed that laugh after the server lag killing my entire party. Once again...Hohitoo WTF!??? XD (I don't think I would want you in my party...)And here's a lil' question...what about a war/mnk with a Life Belt >.> Hmmm.

kk enough on that now I just got a question for you higher level thf's...HOW HARD IS IT TO PARTY LATER ON? I was told by (insert name) that I would be building my own parties all the way to lvl 75.. /sigh I like to lead but I DONT always like having to gather ppl from all over the freakin server just to fight and then the party disbands after like 10 battles...NOT cool or fun.
(now I'm gonna get rambly and random as hell but heh that's how I am)
Does anyone know if the bastards of SE EVER listen to the suggestions? I remeber I sent like a million a year ago but nothing happened...I was thinking about just spamming them with the same request before I get on the game every time XD
I would like to see more /emotes, JOBS!, LB past 75!? can I get a "HELL YEAH"?, and wtf happened to the Blue mage rumor that was goin' round before I had to leave? It was circulating around that they would add that in CoP...I got back to the game not only was my name takin' but NO BLUE MAGE... and dear god poses! wouldnt that be the sh** to be LEANING on a wall or something instead of just sitting or standing? Or how about leaning on a rail? IDK...I'm a artist and I have always loved FF games but they just seem to be slackin on FF11 to me...the galmor of the game has kinda faded in my eyes. I still love the hell out of it but they could DO so much MORE.

Wow that became a freakin rant...I don't sleep much please forgive me O_O;;

Edited, Thu Apr 14 06:42:58 2005 by Zanethered
#23 Apr 14 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Ok, what *** wipe rated me down for stating the obvious? I will personally set your karma to sub default, and hunt you down, and follow you to your grave.

#24 Apr 14 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
LOL, it wasn't me Ace. I'm with you, besides, my Karma is so low it could limbo under a Taru's crotch.

Zan, I don't know what SE are up to. I heard stuff about Blue mages and crap. I think it may happen, but I really hope they beef up the current jobs too. BRD and NIN need JA's BAD. DRG could use a few more abilities too. As for making a PT as THF, when I was THF, I admit I had to make about 80% of my PTs. But later on maybe not. Ppl might get you for SC purposes and stuff. So don't fret. At least you're the richest job.^^ I wish that mobs wouldn't be the same model with a different name. Fighting the same looking mobs 50 lvls later just ain't cool.

Hohitoo, how are things?
#25 Apr 14 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
acepod wrote:
Ok, what *** wipe rated me down for stating the obvious?

I dunno..but this AM I noticed my rating went from 3.0 <_< like I said in other thread..I didnt do anything >_<
#26 Apr 14 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
240 posts
When I was leveling my thf (or was it Nin?), I saw you looking for a pt at around level 32-35ish. I saw your search comment stating that you can backup heal, tank, or DD. You also stated that you were using a Sword. I asked you if you had any other subjobs and you said no. So that pretty much settled that. Thats pretty much why I didn't invite you.

Rule of thumb is you pick your sub to further ENHANCE your main job. There are a wide variety of examples that I can use but I will stick with War/XXX for now.

War/Mnk - Boost, Higher Vit & Hit points, Dodge and Focus. Probrably the best tank out there Pre-30.

War/Thf - Higher Dex, Sneak Attack. Great DD.

War/Nin - Utsusemi, Dual Wield, Higher Agi. Great DD especially post-50.

These are the most common subs used for War and pretty much the only ones that will get you any invites.

I see that no one hasn't brought it up so I will be the one to do it. Invest in a Great Axe and/or Axe. Those 2 are really the only 2 weapons a War should really ever use. They have an A+ (Great Axe) and an A- (Axe) weaponskill rating in each of those weapons. The weaponskills for both of those are also pretty damn awesome too.

Good Luck.
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