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LordoftheBeasts LS and The Aquarious....StolenFollow

#1 Apr 13 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
So Today I (75 RDM/37 NIN) was Up in the Boyada Tree with my Fellow 75RDM/37 BLM we were there for about 3 hours when AQ pops. Yay! We get it and Start Fighting. Well Things Start to get Bad but not bad enough to all die or zone it and We are "Running the Circle" and I hit My Buddy With a Cure and we were fine again... Well what happened to AQ? AQ was Stolen From Us. And No less than 2 days ago we were up there Hunting AQ and a BST won the pull and we just watched never stole it. And We All Know That it is Easy to do that As The AQ will Go Unclaimed As they are getting their New Pet. Now Usually I wouldn't post on something like this I would just Let it slide I mean lets face it it's a game. As He Reminded My LS as Some of my LS members Started /telling Him about Why He did it. Well I had Heard about What they did with Serket So I figured that I would Post what happened to me. Well He Told us that he did nothing Wrong and that My Fellow Party Member Died and that we asked for their Help to Kill it... Well Let's see here. Even IF My Partner Died I didn't so I could continue the Fight and They Saw Me fighting it when He was to ( I Pulled It) #2 2 75 RDMS Thunder 3 = AQ Death We had it At 1/3 Health when Him and 3 more of his BSTs Came and Stole and Killed AQ. We showed him we werevery much not dead and he just stated that He did nothing wrong and he had video that my friend died... Well I would LOVE to see that Video of Him Dying fallin on the ground or even a (Name) was Defeated by The Aquarious.. Well I know He didnt die Cause I cured him and they stole it. Also they Said that this isn't an HNM and that the "Rules" dont apply so My thoughts....
If you see one of their members Fighting AQ or whatever Just Pull it away Kill it and Say Oh didn't you ask for me to Kill it? ......
#2 Apr 13 2005 at 3:40 AM Rating: Good

Again this game has become more of a hasstle than a game. With every god danm problem in have in RL. I used FFXI as a way to do something besides worry myself to death. But lately its become just an added stress and annoyance.

Every single time a BST is involved with something me or my LS gets the god damn blame. Do we go posting and crying on boards to try and create drama? No, we do not. I attribute this to the fact that most people who play the job BST in this game are older. More mature and have RL issues that are far more important than any game.

A good magority of those in LOTB are married some have children, Bills to pay, and other RL issues. We do not need added stress in something that was desighned to release the pressure we are under in everyday life.

Unfortunately things in game happen that some people dont like, Well for that I appologize. Again on VN or whatever, We are again under fire for AQ? Hahaha of all things people saying a BST stole AQ. Now the thing is it was a freind of mine that it was supposedly stolen from. He sent me a tell letting me know. So I said im sorry I want there when it was claimed I dont know what happened. So I then pulled off my pet and left the fight.

Ofcourse that didnt make the boards did it? Nope, just the stuff that makes everyone look bad. Not the fact that the PT offered them the axe. And the fact that I appologized to my friend before AQ even died. Why put that, that doesnt make a good soap opera.

Just like vindicated, Calling me a thf and all kinds of insults. Wow! odd considering the night before I helped them with oztroja coffer key for a few hours. Strange that didnt make the boards. Neither did the countless ifrits cauldren keys. What about the AF gear? nope not a single mention of that.Ohhhh the trains that people drag around. Well has anyone ever posted this. LOTB destroys huge train that was killing everything in sight, Nope dont recall that one

Should I mention that AQ was stolen from us the other day.
And instead of an appology we got a **** you BST go away.(also This is on video and it members of a LS that claims to never steal NM) Nah thats fot the VN boards to cause drama. Oh wait you know what Its a game **** happens oh well. Guess ill move on and have fun playing.

As to this new BS well im sorry but 5 of the 6 people that fought him werent in the area when AQ was claimed. We whent off LS chat. RDM that was fighting was dead and the BST claimed. As far as stealing I have no god damn clue I wasnt there. We were exping in the upper lvl of the tree. Oh did they forget to mention that in the VN post. Also that the BST that claimed was LFG and not with us when it happened? Oh nope guess not. It actually took us a minute or so to even get there. Enough time where the BST that claimed had already run through a few pets.

I guess most people are right though as BST or a BST LS I should say. We all know exactly what the other members are doing at all times. we dont need to even be in the same region. We are a special LS everyone on at any given time can see what the other members are doing. So lets say im in jueno, And another member is in the tree and steals AQ. I can actually see what happened live, As if it was my char. so when they say in LS chat RDM died I claimed come help. I should know thats not true. SSSSHHHHH keep that quiet though we dont want people to know about our super secret abilitys. Also im not saying it was or wasnt stolen like I said I wasnt there to see and after the VN post. I wont be looking into it. As we have already been blamed.

anyways hope you all have fun ruining people game, Keep posting every little mistake someone makes. If someone does something immediatly run to the boards. Hahaha talking things out is over rated. Its much more fun to try and ruin people fun. After all mistakes dont happen, Things never get confusing with NM HNM. Just make you you remember this is life not just a game. Try your hardest to make people think your better than them. Never help anyone lower lvl than you, Call them a n00b that will help them play the game better.

PEACE Osyrus
#3 Apr 13 2005 at 3:59 AM Rating: Default
86 posts
please do not rope my LS into this Osyrus, no one from my LS attacked you on any forums to my knowledge. Sorry this happened Krystm, I'm in the market for a fransisca so if you wanna camp sometime I'll go with you, I don't even want a split on the cloth just the axe. Welcome to my world Osyrus where every slip up your LS makes causes flame wars and drama, not fun is it?
#4 Apr 13 2005 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
Im not Blaming you LS kim, Im not blaming anyone. The point is I could very easily put atleast 3 LS into this drama BS but I dont its not worth it. I mentioned vindicated because that was one specific thing that was unfair. Honestly it wasnt meant as anything against you guys. Just stating a point that nobody seems to point out the good people do. Just the negative. Also when I said people were insulting me it wasnt forums. it was LS chat. Im good friends in RL with one of you member and they told me and showed me as it was my PC he was on when it happened.

Oh by the way to the OP. this same person saw the serket fight. And he says the exact same thing, Wow! it really does look like they bailed the fight. This coming from someone who has camped HNM far more than often than I have. So if it looks that way to him how would a LS that never fought it see it any differently? also you were not there. Oh and by the way when that happened. From my recolection since I was in HC at the time. I remember explaining it to them in the LS and asking what I should do. Funny thing is alot said itll be ok mistakes happen. And also thought the way I handled it was the right thing to do. So please dont speak of things you have nothing to do with.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 05:06:44 2005 by Osyrus

Edited, Wed Apr 13 06:24:02 2005 by Osyrus
#5 Apr 13 2005 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
So because other people ***** up it's perfectly fine for you to do them?

Be an example for all and do what is right all the time, not just here and there and use your good to excuse your bad times.
#6 Apr 13 2005 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
Or Osyrus how about you abandoning your old LS "TheSilverBullets" when you were about level 46-49ish and telling us its because we had no high levels and we didnt share the goal of being level 75 ASAP with you. Then a month later youre shouting in jeuno for an HNM LS to accept you. As for helping, I dont know if/when/what coffers youve helped others with, but you were dead weight in TSB/MersLS. Never helped anyone, XPed 24/7 and in your breaks you did Ballista. Obviously your infamous legacy is starting to precede you.
#8 Apr 13 2005 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
958 posts
i am glad i decided not to join you ls, you guys are just a bunch of whiney ******** lotb, we all finnaly see what your name represents


Are you really this stupid? You are saying that an entire linkshell is crap just because you don't like the actions of one person? I witnessed an MPK attempt and saw a video of a successful MPK as well as them bragging in the video to people about getting the kill on this person. They happen to be from a popular HNM/Sky/Dynamis linkshell. Do I hate this linkshell or think they are a bunch of MPK'ing idiots? Hell no. I now know that this one person is a blight on the name of their linkshell. The leader has been notified and will deal with it accordingly.
#9 Apr 13 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Krystm, I agreed that what they did was wrong please post the offending players. The entire LS is not to blame. On certain events and alliance from an ls can be at fault at a HNM like AQ just some bad pathletic apples need to be exposed. Stealing is stealing and they stole period.

Gravity kiting is a strategy to beat and get pass AQ 2hr and makes it easy for 2 rdms or even 1 to beat it solo. Stealing is wrong and the players that do steal need to learn that all bad actions have ramifications. The entire ls isn't a problem just as in most ls individual bad apples are.
#10 Apr 13 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts
Agawulfs solution to SE:

Eleminate all NMs and HNMs as they seem to make more anamosity and hatred in the game than they are worth.
#11 Apr 13 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Someone who signs up to insult a BST LS without proof, and with only one member who was at aquarius (proberably), is ridiculous. One member can ruin a LS' reputation, this is true, but shouldn't you be taking it up with the LS leader himself, and not on the boards own opinion? Please don't turn this board into a flaming board as bad as ign. "He said this, he said that.. i didn't die" and there is never any proof (usually). And when there is, it's usually a bit sketchy.

I'm gonna recamp Aquarius as often as i used to soon (before it was overcamped), if one person steals it- should i flame that person's LS on a public board just as you have done?

Also, what caused 2 level 75RDM lose claim anyway? Even 1 should be able to solo it, without losing claim. I've seen it done, it's amazing watching a taru do it. Although.. i've also seen a RDM lose claim 5-6 times, and Aquarius walking slowly back to his camp site, with fully recovered HP, each time i let the rdm know.. he kept running too far away while AQ was gravitied, lol.

Please, post screenshots next time, these flames of EVERY LS are getting old fast, we might as well flame LS' for their pearl colour now.

I'm sorry for it being stolen.
#12 Apr 13 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
Sepukku wrote:
Or Osyrus how about you abandoning your old LS "TheSilverBullets" when you were about level 46-49ish and telling us its because we had no high levels and we didnt share the goal of being level 75 ASAP with you. Then a month later youre shouting in jeuno for an HNM LS to accept you. As for helping, I dont know if/when/what coffers youve helped others with, but you were dead weight in TSB/MersLS. Never helped anyone, XPed 24/7 and in your breaks you did Ballista. Obviously your infamous legacy is starting to precede you.

Dude you have no right to talk **** about anyone. Concidering everyone from the old LS and I still play together and chat on a regular basis. And as for the new LS from what I understand none of them are ever in it. About the 75 asap thats just retarded. And not helping haha thats a joke, Why dont you go ahead and ask how many have rank 5 and alot of other stuff becuase I did it for them. Stop trying to kiss everyones *** by jumping on the ***** and cry wagon.

As for us whining, well do you guys really want me to start posting names screens and videos, Cause let me tell you I have a god damn library full of MPK attempts by people stolen mobs and people talking **** and being insutling for absolutely no reason.

Sireagle, Get over yourself. Your input isnt needed on every single subject in this game. Have you met a single one of us to form an opinion of your own? Very doubtful, Actually how many of you that are here saying yeat LOTB this and that have?

Do any of you guys know how to form an opinion of your own by looking at both sides of anything? Apparently not many can do this. Do you guys even read threads you post on? Or do you go off the headers? well let me start right now since obviously this is how everyone wants it.

at some point today im going to go ahead and post as many screens and vids as I possoibly can. Let me think, I know I have skold doing some stuff on there, damn its a long list and I cant remember any names. Oh I remember now Brickie and alot of other from vindicated. Me and a friend had AQ one day. 2 friends actually Centuaro ring a bell? Yeah well he had his vindicated pearl on. I cant remember exactly but it was someting like disband and take AQ **** the BST. The LS agrre as they were there trying to steal it. Also my friend was demoted by vindicated for not helping them steal AQ. Since half the game is apparently how well you can make people look bad on message boards. I may as well start also. Too bad too cause this is gonna cause alot of ****.

Lets see its alright to post LS chat private screens So I guess ill post the ones of one HNM LS call EK Eternal Knoobs, Hmmm I wonder who said that? Well everyone will know soon enough. Oh lets see I have quite a bit with COD. Romanknight anyone? Wow, Now that I think about in my over 1 year playing this game ive aquired many many screens and vids. Funny part is I have other chars that are in these HNM LSs ooohhhhh did I forget to mention that? Well its ok im gonna start playing the game like it was intended. And ruining everyone elses fun when they make the slightest slip up.

Oh one more thing seppekku, You need to not be so pissed off about getting kicked out of LOTB. Oh he didnt mention that about our LS. He was kicked because of making rude racist remarks in the shell directed towards the owner, And other people in game. But again thats not important just the things that make people look bad. Well enjoy it while it lasts because im gonna do the same as the rest of you if I continue to play. I hope nobody breathes wrong around me because it will end up on these boards.

Also tom makes a good point. If there were three of you in the area and noone died how did you lose claim? I know it happens with just one but as BST I understand how claim loss happens. Its either death, Or inactivity to continue attacking. But when theres more than one person in pt it changes slightly. If more than one person had attacked AQ you would hold claim for alot longer than solo could. Anyone remember dunes? When a pt zones does that mob lose claim often? Nope doesnt, Half the time PT members drop because they dont lose claim or call help. Oh yeah thats the other thing call help. Now if it was so easy for a PT to drop claim why would it be needed? If you had all been there attacking you would not have lost claim.

I cant say what happened for you guys to lose it though I wasnt there so im not gonna say you did or didnt get it stolen.
Because I simply cant answer that question. Had you not imediatley jumped onto boards and started complaining I would have looked into it. But now I will not be checking it out. Nor will I look into any complaints from you or certain other players again. My stance after all of this is too bad. Your inabilty to deal with situations has caused more problems than anything else. So for me and im sure many others, You have made the BST comunity even more alianated than we already were. And hurt many players by creating situations where we no longer care to help. I can say for myself I will no longer save a PT from a link, Stop a mob train, Help with AF, Help with LB, Coffer keys, or any of the things I did on a daily basis while playing FFXI. And to be honest I hope other BST say the same thing.

Maybe if we act the way were accused of acting people will realize that we are for the most part a very helpful LS. Since anything involving us is imediatly posted and we are bashed for it. I say we do nothing, Help absolutely nobody. Lets be these elitist NM stealing ******** that people think we are. I bet that most people would really not want to see that happen. But if people dont stop with this BS I garuntee it will.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 12:04:23 2005 by Osyrus

Edited, Wed Apr 13 12:14:09 2005 by Osyrus
#13 Apr 13 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
lol drama is funny. Why dont everyone else just stay outta this argument and leave it between LOTB and the OP. Damm sepukku you have a frigging opinion on everything. No one cares about what you have to say, if we need help with Rank 5 or something someone will let you know. You really dont know **** about the game and whats going on in the hgher lvl's so stfu. You dont see me jumping in arguments about HNM's and such cuz I dont know, so can you please stay outta any topic that involves players over lvl 50. kk thx ^^

Edited, Wed Apr 13 11:24:41 2005 by LowerJeunoKing
#14 Apr 13 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Default
Well then let me clarify a few things... Reason we lost the claim (red..> Gold) was because my partner was down to 135 health so he was running it and I ran oppisite to give him a cure. So it didnt look like anyone else was chasing it whatever but he never died. Osyrus did yes infact pull his pet back however, there was no stopping the other 3 BSTs in his LS from desimaing it. When we were told that they were gonna let the claim got 1 of the BSTS actually drew his weapon and went up on it and started to beat on it (Slap in our face...Perhaps...I think more so slap in Osyrus') continuing to kill it. However they were all in the same party why didn't they stop if Osyrus did? Well Whatever its over with and I'm Sure I will get it again. Like I said Orginally It is a Game and I usually wouldn't post on it but it was pretty jacked up what happened. And as for this "I have a job and bills etc..." Well So Do I, I have Jobs Rent Bills Etc thanks for the judgement.
#15 Apr 13 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
Osyrus wrote:
Have you met a single one of us to form an opinion of your own? Very doubtful, Actually how many of you that are here saying yeat LOTB this and that have?

I am not on here saying this and that about LOTB, but I have had a run in with one of your members.

Lokki, yeah I ran into him in the Citadel, as a lvl 56 PLD. I was laying there dead on the stairs because the whm with us going for the coffer also had sneak wear and got aggro. I voked the mob off her and myself and the blm died. She then warped before she died and said she had to log.

Lokki came by, Raised the blm and myself, and then helped us to get through the 2nd gate and led us to the coffers. I would just like to publicly thank Lokki for that and let him know I still remember it.
#16 Apr 13 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
LionsFan wrote:
Osyrus wrote:
Have you met a single one of us to form an opinion of your own? Very doubtful, Actually how many of you that are here saying yeat LOTB this and that have?

I am not on here saying this and that about LOTB, but I have had a run in with one of your members.

Lokki, yeah I ran into him in the Citadel, as a lvl 56 PLD. I was laying there dead on the stairs because the whm with us going for the coffer also had sneak wear and got aggro. I voked the mob off her and myself and the blm died. She then warped before she died and said she had to log.

Lokki came by, Raised the blm and myself, and then helped us to get through the 2nd gate and led us to the coffers. I would just like to publicly thank Lokki for that and let him know I still remember it.

Yeah lokkii is like me or how I use to be in game. Always running around helping people. Im glad someone actually remember that we do more then MPK and steal NM. Anyways if lok doesnt see the post ill tell him you said thank you again.
Peace dude GL in game tell hankun I said hi.
#17 Apr 13 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
Funny thing is, (btw, hiya Kramer, yes I remember that episiode) I am one of the evil meniacal blood thirsty ravaging plundering bst that was there. Also funny, is we were not even there camping AQ. We came to the help of a LS mate who had told us, and I quote, "RDM dead AQ open". And here is the kicker, we had to finish of the Goobbue we were EXPing off of, which we pulled right when we got the LS message, so it took a while, so i know from soloing AQ that he went through several pets, several swaps and I even saw him charm bind two times. So there were several opportunities for a party to reclaim him.

Also, the OP is failing (as is usually the case in these stories) to address the "Why don't you just MPK us too just to call it a night" and various other smart *** comments made. It seems it is en vogue to rip LoTB at the current time. No matter what we do, we are gonna be wrong.

Another funny coincidence, the AQ pop before this one (like 2-3 hours earlier), another of our LS members got it. We hustled over there, got into the tree just as he died. Another group claimed him...and we raised him and broke up into groups to go exp. No "$)%(^*#$& he was in a party, that is our claim!", no running to public boards to post "XXX LS STOLE TEH MOBS FROM US, ORZ" There would have been no mention of this episode, until you open an account (the OP) both here and on VN to come and blast us.

So flip the tables, you are in Boyadha EXPing, a LS mate says "RDM dead, AQ open" what do you do? That is right, you hustle your *** there to help em out. Then you get there and you get stuff thrown at you in /say such as quoted above and oh yeah, i forgot the "I am gonna post this on VN" /say, an obvious threat, do you become all nice and fuzzy? Hell no, you go defensive.

So i will continue playing the way I have since the beginning. Helping any that need it, minding my own business and defending myself/LS when blasted in public.
#18 Apr 13 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
582 posts
So flip the tables, you are in Boyadha EXPing, a LS mate says "RDM dead, AQ open" what do you do?

Uchipu: {That's too bad.}

...and proceed with EXP....

Really, need to start another flame thread. These fuzzy men are really decent people. One of them helped me last night tremedously, in Temple of Ugibugi.

If you have had an issue, with ANY PLAYER, please try to resolve it in game. The boards are here for us to share information and ask for advice/help. Not somewhere to throw personal attacks. And certainly don't label an entire LS by the actions of few. (yea, that goes for "OMG!!!!11!!! <Name your favorite HNMLS here> MPKed ME!!!11!!!" posts too) On a similar note, don't make it a job class issue.

It's just not very classy thing to do. What do you gain from making these posts, other than bored people flaming each other with follow up posts... Really...

Let's try to be more civilized, shall we not?

<on a lighter note>

....I do have serious a question for all you fuzzy men.
Why does not your CarrierCourie NOT give you extra space to hold stuff? It's got like 3 jugs on his back! That's should be at least 2 extra spaces per jar. (wink) A buring question that I came up with, while I observed the little guy in front of me while I rested last night.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 13:40:14 2005 by uchipu
#19 Apr 13 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
uchipu wrote:
<on a lighter note>

....I do have serious a question for all you fuzzy men.
Why does not your CarrierCourie NOT give you extra space to hold stuff? It's got like 3 jugs on his back! That's should be at least 2 extra spaces per jar. (wink) A buring question that I came up with, while I observed the little guy in front of me while I rested last night.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 13:40:14 2005 by uchipu

Those are our "fun jugs"....we get lonely as BST. Also, Melodia (the HQ Sheep jug) is good for only one thing.....*starts playing Dueling Banjos from Deliverence*
#20 Apr 13 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent


I wanna see the videos and screenshots you say you have. They should be worth a good laugh or two.

Let us know when and where they are posted!
#21 Apr 13 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
Dude you have no right to talk sh*t about anyone. Concidering everyone from the old LS and I still play together and chat on a regular basis. And as for the new LS from what I understand none of them are ever in it. About the 75 asap thats just retarded. And not helping haha thats a joke, Why dont you go ahead and ask how many have rank 5 and alot of other stuff becuase I did it for them. Stop trying to kiss everyones *** by jumping on the ***** and cry wagon.

1. Oh really, I see no one from MersLS/TSB here defending you?

2. Only reason no one is on the LS currently is due to Sehi has his PS2 sent in getting repairs. When he's back, things will be good as new. And besides, the LS would have been even better had we not lost 2 members due to the child molesting incident with 20-something-year-old Mikethevenegful convincing 13 year old Agirlygirl to meet him IRL after they had phone sex...Lost 2 members due to that. But MersLS is still the -only- pearl I carry around and equip, when I'm online, I'm on that LS and no other.
#22 Apr 13 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
I can already see it.

Today's top headline! LoTb Steal King Behemoth from TTD!

1 day later

Today's top headline! Apos Mpk's every member of LoTb!

Here i have some advice for you all. -.-

Personally i dont care if Aq is stolen from a Bst from your linkshell because with all the stuff LoTb has been doing makes me wanna camp Aq with 20 people non stop everysingle day. As of today LoTb has reached the rank of Asshats in my book. Congrats!
#23 Apr 13 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts
Today's top headline! Apos Mpk's every member of LoTb!

oh so very clever ...
i'm in lotb ... i wasn't involved

but i guess that gives you sufficient right to mpk anyone you want based on association ... moron

As of today LoTb has reached the rank of Asshats in my book. Congrats!

i wonder if its one of those "i can read" books ... you narrow-minded simp

"hey that hitler guy sure makes me hate germans, lets shoot them all in the face ..."

you friggin idiot
#24 Apr 13 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
People, it's just a game.

Kramer, I'm glad you had such a nice run-in with Lokkii.
I, on the other hand, have not. Just the other day, I was in Jeuno, and right before I was able to walk up to the Auction House window...


... Lokkii steps right in front of me!

Who the hell does he think he is, anyway?!

So I created an account on the VN boards and here, and quickly wrote a vitriolic, grammatically horrendous post, single-spaced, as a huge block of text. (seriously now, the OP should be a copywriter for a newspaper -- throw me a paragraph break, please?)

Lokkii, you stink, and so does your whole linkshell.

Seriously, we need to just relax. Ever see that movie, 'PCU'? We need to have a 'We're Not Gonna Protest' Protest. We need to take a solemn oath, when someone 'steals' a NM that 'It's just a game.' Chant it like a soothing mantra.

I think this is all related to road rage. They say road rage occurs because (like the Internet) there's no body language, and communication is limited. Let's say you're walking down a hall and someone bumps into you, they quickly say, "Whoa! Sorry dude." And you feel okay about it. On a highway (or in Vana'Diel) if someone cuts you off (or 'steals' 'your mob') there's no way for someone to say, "D'oh! Sorry, didn't see you there." So what happens? We assume that the situation was intentionally meant to be an attack.

I'll say it again: steer clear of Lokkii.

Thanks for listening.
#25 Apr 13 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
People, it's just a game.

Kramer, I'm glad you had such a nice run-in with Lokkii.
I, on the other hand, have not. Just the other day, I was in Jeuno, and right before I was able to walk up to the Auction House window...


... Lokkii steps right in front of me!

Who the hell does he think he is, anyway?!

So I created an account on the VN boards and here, and quickly wrote a vitriolic, grammatically horrendous post, single-spaced, as a huge block of text. (seriously now, the OP should be a copywriter for a newspaper -- throw me a paragraph break, please?)

Lokkii, you stink, and so does your whole linkshell.

Seriously, we need to just relax. Ever see that movie, 'PCU'? We need to have a 'We're Not Gonna Protest' Protest. We need to take a solemn oath, when someone 'steals' a NM that 'It's just a game.' Chant it like a soothing mantra.

I think this is all related to road rage. They say road rage occurs because (like the Internet) there's no body language, and communication is limited. Let's say you're walking down a hall and someone bumps into you, they quickly say, "Whoa! Sorry dude." And you feel okay about it. On a highway (or in Vana'Diel) if someone cuts you off (or 'steals' 'your mob') there's no way for someone to say, "D'oh! Sorry, didn't see you there." So what happens? We assume that the situation was intentionally meant to be an attack.

I'll say it again: steer clear of Lokkii.

Thanks for listening.
#26 Apr 13 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
"People, it's just a game."

Problem is, for alot people this is more then a game. FFXI is a way of life for them, they live, bleed and breathe this ****. Its sad really ; ;, but without this game alot of them would have nothing in life. >< So please stop saying its just a game, everytime you do some UBER L337 HNM LS GOD sheds a tear, and loses a part of himself ; ;. ^^
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