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LordoftheBeasts LS and The Aquarious....StolenFollow

#27 Apr 13 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
I find it extremely sad that people can judge an entire LS/Class based on the actions of one or two people.

If a person of <insert color here> steals your wallet/purse, are all people of <insert same color here> thieves and crooks?

I'm sick of checking this forum, and seeing these posts. Some of you people need to pull your head out of your *** and grow up. I'm sure if asked in RL if you were racist, you'd say "Hell no" but when you log in to the game, you have no problem judging/flaming an entire class of people based on the actions of the minority.

To the OP: Nice first post. You claim you posted because "you heard about what they did with serket" If you would have followed up with some research (on this very same board, mind you) you would have seen that that subject was pretty much dead and taken care of, and was basically a misunderstanding.

PS: {paragraphs} {can I have it?}

To Osyrus: I've never had a problem with BSTs, they can be very powerful, and very helpful in many situations. I just hope that you were just venting, will take a break, and continue being the helpful person you are.

Just my $0.02
#28 Apr 13 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Those are our "fun jugs"....we get lonely as BST. Also, Melodia (the HQ Sheep jug) is good for only one thing.....*starts playing Dueling Banjos from Deliverence*

I knew it was lonely as a bst but please tell me it is not this lonely^^
#29 Apr 13 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good

I find it extremely sad that people can judge an entire LS/Class based on the actions of one or two people.

I agree that basing the actions of a few people from one class is kinda dumb, even though it does happen (DRGs are useless, DRKs are childish, RDMs are arrogant, BSTs MPK, PLDs always take their helms off in cities, etc., etc.).

However, when someone is wearing a linkshell they represent that linkshell. Their actions reflect upon the linkshell and all of the other members of that linkshell. If they MPK or steal NMs/HNMs without the rest of their linkshell saying that is wrong and demanding they stop then it would appear that that linkshell does not condemn these actions, and may even support.

Basically, a linkshell is the sum of its parts. Everyone in a linkshell should remember they are part of a linkshell and the other people in that linkshell may suffer due to their actions.
#30 Apr 13 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Default
DRGs are useless, DRKs are childish, RDMs are arrogant, BSTs MPK, PLDs always take their helms off in cities

Not often I agree with Meara but those are pretty much accurate lol. Infact this give me a new thread hi-jacking idea. What is each jobs stereotype?

WAR = ?
MNK = ?
THF = ?
WHM = ?
BLM = ?
RDM = ?
PLD = ?
NIN = ?
RNG = ?
DRG = ?
DRK = ?
SAM = ?
SMN = ?
BRD = ?
BST = ?

Fill out the form with all 15 listed with a description ^-^
#31 Apr 13 2005 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
Krystm wrote:
So Today I (75 RDM/37 NIN) was Up in the Boyada Tree with my Fellow 75RDM/37 BLM we were there for about 3 hours when AQ pops. Yay! We get it and Start Fighting. Well Things Start to get Bad but not bad enough to all die or zone it and We are "Running the Circle" and I hit My Buddy With a Cure and we were fine again... Well what happened to AQ? AQ was Stolen From Us. And No less than 2 days ago we were up there Hunting AQ and a BST won the pull and we just watched never stole it. And We All Know That it is Easy to do that As The AQ will Go Unclaimed As they are getting their New Pet. Now Usually I wouldn't post on something like this I would just Let it slide I mean lets face it it's a game. As He Reminded My LS as Some of my LS members Started /telling Him about Why He did it. Well I had Heard about What they did with Serket So I figured that I would Post what happened to me. Well He Told us that he did nothing Wrong and that My Fellow Party Member Died and that we asked for their Help to Kill it... Well Let's see here. Even IF My Partner Died I didn't so I could continue the Fight and They Saw Me fighting it when He was to ( I Pulled It) #2 2 75 RDMS Thunder 3 = AQ Death We had it At 1/3 Health when Him and 3 more of his BSTs Came and Stole and Killed AQ. We showed him we werevery much not dead and he just stated that He did nothing wrong and he had video that my friend died... Well I would LOVE to see that Video of Him Dying fallin on the ground or even a (Name) was Defeated by The Aquarious.. Well I know He didnt die Cause I cured him and they stole it. Also they Said that this isn't an HNM and that the "Rules" dont apply so My thoughts....
If you see one of their members Fighting AQ or whatever Just Pull it away Kill it and Say Oh didn't you ask for me to Kill it? ......

Two things:

1. Paragraphs are your friend

2. All that and not one name of the accused? Was my whole LS magically up in the tree? I smell BS, and you have two posts... You're a lying piece of ***** sock! Leave now!
#32 Apr 13 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
Krystm wrote:
Well then let me clarify a few things... Reason we lost the claim (red..> Gold) was because my partner was down to 135 health so he was running it and I ran oppisite to give him a cure. So it didnt look like anyone else was chasing it whatever but he never died. Osyrus did yes infact pull his pet back however, there was no stopping the other 3 BSTs in his LS from desimaing it. When we were told that they were gonna let the claim got 1 of the BSTS actually drew his weapon and went up on it and started to beat on it (Slap in our face...Perhaps...I think more so slap in Osyrus') continuing to kill it. However they were all in the same party why didn't they stop if Osyrus did? Well Whatever its over with and I'm Sure I will get it again. Like I said Orginally It is a Game and I usually wouldn't post on it but it was pretty jacked up what happened. And as for this "I have a job and bills etc..." Well So Do I, I have Jobs Rent Bills Etc thanks for the judgement.

I want the magical FFXI client that allows you to see who is in whose party! All their names look white on mine!
#33 Apr 13 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
Meara wrote:

However, when someone is wearing a linkshell they represent that linkshell. Their actions reflect upon the linkshell and all of the other members of that linkshell. If they MPK or steal NMs/HNMs without the rest of their linkshell saying that is wrong and demanding they stop then it would appear that that linkshell does not condemn these actions, and may even support.

Basically, a linkshell is the sum of its parts. Everyone in a linkshell should remember they are part of a linkshell and the other people in that linkshell may suffer due to their actions.

I agree with that, IF everyone knows what happens, and doesn't say or do anything about it.

What if they MPK/steal and the rest of the LS doesn't know about it?
What if it's just a misunderstanding or an accident?
#34 Apr 13 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
What is each jobs stereotype?

WAR = Has the IQ of a turnip
MNK = Has the IQ of a slightly bigger turnip
THF = Misses SATA because they try to steal too much
WHM = Farts smell like chocolate covered tulips
BLM = If the Paladin doesn't have a splitting headache, the Blm is not doing his job right
RDM = What's this Refresh thing I keep hearing about?
PLD = I've heard Im like a warrior with healing magic
NIN = Thousands and thousands of abilities and weaponskills! But one spell will get me to 75, so why bother?
RNG = Skill? Who needs that? I have gil!
DRG = (!)
DRK = My scythe is da bom yo! Whats this ASB-Whatever??
SAM = I swear I can backup tank! /death
SMN = I'm like half a White Mage with double the MP!
BRD = The only one whose farts smell better than a Whms but only if you're a mage
BST = (Shiva only) We are the NM stealers! Noone is safe from our evil!
#35 Apr 13 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
I think we should all just Ballista :p that would make this more interesting.
#36 Apr 13 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
I want the magical FFXI client that allows you to see who is in whose party! All their names look white on mine!

That would be the one where you actually watch the players and when you see multiple people attack the same mob you know they are in the same party, but then if you took time to actually learn the game you would have half a clue about this.

>>you may now return to your upright position

Edited, Wed Apr 13 22:54:51 2005 by Maladict
#37 Apr 13 2005 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
As for "Its just a game" Its funny how people play that card when it suits them.When you spend hundreds of hours doing anything it becomes more then a game.

The facts are your ls stole Skerket then days later some of your ls members steal AQ while there is a big dif between the 2 the princple remains the same.You say im sorry about the whole skerket event then days later one of your ls members go ahead a steal another NM ><.It has nothing to do with the job bst........It has everything to do about stealing.I don't care if it was a bst pld rng rdm whatever the fact is within days your ls is going around stealing nm's.You guys just happen to be all bst.Now all of you in LOTB think some of us are racist lmao.

Just bc someone else has stolen an NM for you guys before doesn't mean its right to go steal a NM from anybody else.

Both krystm and the other rdm are both in my ls and i was on teamspeak with Krystm when all this happened i got a verbal play by play.

Though i don't think its right to condemn a whole ls on the actions of a few it did take 15 of you to kill skerket and then there was 4 of you guys at AQ.I'm sure some of your members are perfectly nice but your ls as a whole looks pretty damn shady to me atm.Even if one or 2 of you backed of in the attempt of doing the right thing to give AQ back the fact remains some of your ls members went ahead and finnished him off.Step up and take control of your ls man or change your ls's name to Lord of the Filth.

You can say [I'm Sorry] again and again but actions speak louder then words.
#38 Apr 13 2005 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
the LS would have been even better had we not lost 2 members due to the child molesting incident with 20-something-year-old Mikethevenegful convincing 13 year old Agirlygirl to meet him IRL after they had phone sex..

Seppukku shall i explain to everyone here that u were not only Jelious of my accomplishments in the game but you also felt you had to start this rediculas rumor about me to make you feel better about ur incredible Gift of getting booted and blisted by multiple Link Shells? and go on to explain that u admited to telling me in a /tell that the reason for you starting this rumor was infact to get back at me for obtaining Lu Shang's Rod first hence making you quit fishing and finally explaining that the reason you continued to pass this rumor along was to win points over with Meridius your old LS leader whom used to be a friend of mine til one day i found out he had no backbone and told him so.
It's time to grow up kid (fyi he once admited to being only 15) its time to deal with your problems like an adult, because if you dont soon your in for a world of hurt, no not from me this is not a threat this is the way of the world the REAL World not some fantasy online game.

P.S. This sort flaming is against the code of conduct by this site, is it not? Further more i'd like to request Seppuku himself be banned from this website for it
#39 Apr 14 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
See whats Great About Alla's Site is that They Dont Have the All Powerful when you signed up for the Account and what Not. Who the hell cares how many post's I've made? You Say nothing about the content of what I Posted just that Paragraphs are my friend and that I'm Lying.
(Insert New Paragraph Here)

So let's see, You post nothing relevant to my post, Say I just created my account and then I look what LS you are in... Lowe and behold...LotB. I just think your Pissed casue your getting a bad name. So what I didn't name anyone does that make me look bad perhaps. But lets ask a question about the Real world.
(New Paragraph)

Story Time...
You work for Company X let's just say McDonalds I'm Guessing that's Pretty close to home right? You wear a Uniform. You Represent the Company when you wear it. You go out and lets say beat down some guy at a Bar casue you seem like an angry person. Your Still in your Uniform. Now you just gave the company you work for a bunch of bad pubic attetention. Company gets a lot of heat... Hmm How this sounds familiar...... LS's Work a bit like the Real world.. One person does something bad the Whole Company (Linkshell) Gets a bad rap..... Think about it .... if you can.

Edited, Thu Apr 14 01:28:58 2005 by Krystm
#40 Apr 14 2005 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Heh aq may not represent ur entire ls. Kryst posted this in relation to your stealing serket, which involved quite a chunk of your ls, 15+ people is plenty to bases ls morals on. Esecially since there were quite a few sack holders there at the time and sack holders are generally supposed to be part of the leadership of the ls.

Funny how at serket your ls /shout about people stealing AQ but people from the same ls steal as same nm as well? Stealing from random people because you have had a nm stolen by a completly different person is wrong and imature =\ not going to solve anything by stealing... just going to get more people to hate you and make enemies with people who would never steal from you to begin with =\
#41 Apr 14 2005 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
WAR = Aggresive ( they get aggressor O.o)
MNK = Stylish ... Ball shooting Stylish
THF = Explains itself
WHM = if they cure u ^^ if they dont cure ; ;
BLM = Firemans worst nightmare Firaga and stuff ; ;
RDM = arrogant and are the only ones to leave a PT no one leaves a pt only RDM's leave a EXP pt. :P
PLD = Gotta love there noble Macro's
NIN = Buy gill how else can they afford Shihei! >.>
RNG = See Ninja
DRG = Cute wyvern XD
DRK = Drk's 0wn , Drk's are not childish @_@ ... we will rule the world
SAM = Meditate Weaponsskill meditate somemore lots of meditation prolly the new age hippie
SMN = We have summons , they look cool! They do ****! they do Dmg! ok ok ill back up heal ; ;
BRD = See Rdm!
BST = no comment i dont wanna be MPK'd ._.
Koosjuh 75 Drk 75 BLM 62 NIN TP Set WS Set Dark Magic Set

zEUs Linkshell = ZM O = COP O = All Dynamis O
Midgardsormr Server Koosjuh

#42 Apr 14 2005 at 5:36 AM Rating: Default
DRG = (!)

Omg my pepsi almost ejected itself from my mouth and through alternate escape path (a.k.a. my nose) when I read that!! Rofl.
#43 Apr 14 2005 at 5:45 AM Rating: Default
WAR = IQ of Raspberry. Life span rarely exceeds 37 levels.
MNK = Monk Dreaming: *Mmmmm...Raspberrys...* Oh wait damn I fell asleep again daydreaming while LFP! (!)
THF = Often percieved as super rich.
WHM = 10% are arrogant. 90% are helpful.
BLM = Giver-of-tank-headaches.
RDM = Arrogant.
PLD = Noble. Cheap.
NIN = Not Noble. Not Cheap. A few whine about Shihei prices. Usually the whiners are the sucky *** ones who dont use any of the other spells. (One time I went to Cape Terrigan with a NIN who didnt even have Tonko Powders)
RNG = Often percieved as rich. Not always true.
DRG = WarlordLefien hit it on the head: (!)
DRK = Childish, immature, often speaking "leet" talk. Over half are poorly equipped (Swordbelt instead of Life Belt, Balance Rings in the level 40's and 50's, etc)
SAM = Underrated. Good, but not -good-. Often (!)
SMN = Wanna-be WHMs the first bajillion levels.
BRD = Wanna-be RDMs for life.
BST = I dont want to lose my XP. ; ;

Osyrus was pulling some intimidation crap like a little baby last night, running around my PT camp in Qufim with Kraken in tow on his BST. We all know what that usually leads to. He didnt do it, but Im sure he was trying to scare my PT.
#44 Apr 14 2005 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Warlord Lefein:
THF = Misses SATA because they try to steal too much

HEY! That was funny man. lol I steal and SATA just fine...when there is someone that UNDERSTANDS WTF SATA entails DECOY {can I have it?}

Ok now to comment on this s**t steal (I DON'T mean the /ja either) SUCKS. HONOR {do you have it?} Man I thought s**t was bad 'till I get on this site and read some tha' content fo these posts. Yes I have just now, for the first time EVER passed lvl 33...but from what I see alot of the higher levels are snobs. I stating this from in-game experience not this board...I haven't read enough to judge that deep.

As for LS's and LS behavior...I find it hard to /recruit ppl cause they are already in one or more LS's to begin with. Now that is cool with me I ain't trying to take ppl from their friends (I wouldn't want to). And atm about 50% of my members are newbies but I don't give a flyin' f**k for a few reason...

1. They grow in the game with you and become loyal to you and the LS(most the time)

2. They ARE new and are still full of that /joy we all had when we first started the game and was all /psyched over even the most mundane thing. (one member said in LS "My stuff sold well in the AH I'm happy I can buy a new w/e now) I just smiled and said {Good job!}

3. I LIKE helping ppl...I throw gil to newbies so much I would probably HAVE my f**kin' Emperor's Hairpin by now ._.
(710k wtf!? lol)
It's not just about gil either a simple KIND word or passing greetin' is cool as hell to recieve. Info, assistance on some quest, ANYTHING to BETTER your fellow gamers and not BELITTLE them...

4. I have had to get to where I'm at for the THIRD motha FU**IN' time. I'm starting to feel like I did when I first got a PS1 and FF7...but had no money for a memroy card /cry. So yeah...I'm more humble about lvls. I have been in the lower levels so much it's sickening...

5. They can be amusing sometimes ^^ j/k lol

"A LS is like a family" one person mentioned to me previous LS from the Hume Zane era WAS just that to me (in-game) we did almost everything together and were always helping/talking with one another all the time. I miss them and most of them are lvl 50-75 now /cry no time for a lowly thf such as my self...but I get a /tell every now an then which aint too bad I guess. :/

I'm glad to at least have you guys back on my /flist...if I keep leveling the way I am I'll be in a party with you once again! ^^

I miss ya' Eyezhigh...if you see this tell me sup with you now...{please} {thank you}

As for the LS feuds...I hope you work that sh*t's better to gather allies than enemies...

...but what do I know I have never been "high level" I can't relate with you and yours.

{peace} out {good evening!}

PS. F**K you send me ANY more /tells sayin' sh** like that to me again and I'll find where you live and {Double Punch} you in your retarded a$$ {head} foo'...heh.
#45 Apr 14 2005 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
Esecially since there were quite a few sack holders there at the time and sack holders are generally supposed to be part of the leadership of the ls

key word is "generally," sacks are given out quite readily so this assumption is not valid in this instance
sadly, my pearl was still in the mog house during the serket incident and i passed out for AQ and so i rightfully can't chime in on a whole lot more on the issue specifics at hand. bringing up serket is not entirely relevant though, unless the accused offenders were involved in both AQ and serket, but since they are unnamed, i do believe that to lack relevant. it stands to show no history if it was not the same individuals.
keep in mind the following ... this is not an HNMLS

there are high level players within it capable of grouping and killing HNMs but this is a job related LS

you don't have to fill out some silly application to be in it (i still think that is retarded, but that's just laziness and stems back to days refusing to fill out college applications that wanted too many essays)
while the fact holds true that most people will discriminate against a group when they experience something negative based on the actions of a few people treated as "representatives," those "representatives" are not appointed as such in any way

the person discriminating is doing so based on personal assumptions

anyone foolhardy enough to blacklist organizations based on an isolated experience is simply over-generalizing

experiments are run multiple times for the sake of coming up with a result free from random occurrences ... if you choose to generalize based on fluke occurrences, you have flawed results

same holds true with individuals
on with the poorly formed mcdonalds analogy
some ****** in a mcdonalds uniform cold-***** me in a bar, do you know what i'm thinking? not that mcdonalds is bad ... i am thinking an uneducated ****-monger that can't do anything more with himself in life, is forced to work at mcdonalds, unjustifiably cracked me one

be damned if i am going to give up that fillet o' fish sammich and think badly of the organization as a whole ... that would be incredibly foolish

i can't sue the organization for assault, i can only bring criminal claims against the **** that hit me (unless the altercation occurred on mcdonalds premises, then i might be able to file suit against the organization as a whole, but i would only be doing so because the legal system would allow it and i would probably stand to make easy money from it, not because the entire organization is at fault) the poorly formed real life analogy clearly states this did not occur on work premises

for vengeance, i would do my best to find the individual owned franchise and harass said employee there, just because it is within my country given rights to do so ... i can choose to be a **** in retalliation to that individual, but i cannot unjustifiably bring my fight against the fine establishment that one ray crock (the founder of mcdonlads) established oh so many years ago
also ... negative publicity will always stand out more than anything positive
i've raised so many random people just running around, saved PTs from links yadda-yadda ... lent out money... given out money... helped randoms with LBs ... whatever
no one says crap about that ...

the news is full of negative crap because people like drama ...
lastly ... and to me, most importantly
your is not the same as you're
there is not the same as their or they're either

Edited, Thu Apr 14 08:59:40 2005 by jetrodding
#46 Apr 14 2005 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
291 posts
["Like sand through the hourglass..."]


["...these are the days of our online lives."]

This forum does not have an adequate smiley to represent snoozing, sleeping or dozing. Just so everyone knows. If this post continues, I'll sing REO Speedwagon or Vanilla Ice as a protest. Think of it as my way of giving back to the community. This thread has given me a headache, and I'm ready to return the favor.

"Ice, Ice Baby..."
(too cold, too cold!)
#47 Apr 14 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts

"lastly ... and to me, most importantly
your is not the same as you're
there is not the same as their or they're either"

@_@;; is that directed at my post? If so point out my "grammer" mistakes lol
#48 Apr 14 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts
probably not. it's something i should have in my signature as it seems lots of people struggle with homonymns and its horribly sad because i recall learning these concepts in grade school (foreigners are generally excluded but often times their english is better than a native speaker's english)

with all the grammar (nudge, nudge) mistakes littered across this one thread alone, i dare not be overly exclusionary and single out too many individuals as that would be horribly unfair to those that i may miss

... and yes, i am quite the argumentative *******

hooray for education
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