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@_@ questions...answers? yes please...Follow

#1 Apr 14 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Ok I got a sh*t load of questions about a sh*t load of topics...the search for knowledge and out-of-game discussion was like 2/3's reason for me evening signing up here.

1. What is a good sub for thf? (now I have been 33 thf 2 times and now am 37 thf..I just want HIGHER ups info on this question)

So far I am using these subs for these reasons...if there is folly in what I am doing please...instead of undercutting me and flaming me pls just help me out.

/rng farming Crawlers and hunting NM's(I have yet to get good at this)

/war DDin' in a party

/nin so far only solo...what are the potential uses? I tried thf/nin last Zane and I had lots of ppl saying "Um..sub warr nin is for soloing" /cry

/mnk I no longer use this but up till you get Viper Bite it kicks a$$ equip Strike Knukles(+2 dex) heh and then boostx20 SA Combo = ouch :D

My 2nd main job is mnk...I was thinking mnk/thf cause of kinda the same reason as the thf/mnk cept backwards :P another player even told me he uses this and ppl talk crap until he decimates a poor mob then sits back and grins all smug like.
/war is obvious...but what else IS there good for mnk to sub and actually get invites?

Nin...Warr um I hate them but I gotta level them >< I'm just don't enjoy the tanking part of battle...

Ok...I got other questions now they are not exactly the most SECRET things in the game lol just stuff I dont know.

Conquest Points

Do you even get them just by leveling up ANYWHERE? And how do you EFFECTIVELY gain more besides just lvling? I once was roaming wild in Jugner with my homie Cruzaga and we came across like 20+ SquiresOfSandoria killing off a bunch of orcs and running around...I forgot what they said they were doing at that time...I just want more points for instant warp scrolls lol I am holding my LAST one ; ;
Language Translator

Does ANYONE know where to find a list of key words and all the phrases availible on this crap p.o.s.? LOL @ "level" not being in it XD
I would like to somehow suggest words and/or new phrases for them to add if you could post some of your ideas for this then we could put them all together then get like alot of us to send them the SAME list and MAYBE they will get off their a$$'s and add some of them...I can dream right?

Ok I know I need a red stone from some orc in the Fort or was it Davoi? @_@;;
Um yeah how do I do this, how many are needed, ideal jobs, etc etc etc...

Are there any quests in the Sandy castle other than the drain scroll knuckles and map? I have like the 2nd guide printed (I think)and itwas new at one point /cry

WHY THA F**K DID SQUARE MAKE THAT CRAP SO LINEAR? I can't find a smn or a bst to help me so far...I tried with thf pld and a drk...we did well even though the ppl in Sandy were right. WE WERE DOOMED! We killed one of the Furies then the Colo Colo red bat did some **** and down goes the was downhill from there on. /sigh
Ight that is all I can think of off the top of my head atm...that and I wanna go see if the server is not f***ed still.
I hope you guys/gals reply with some usefull info I can take to heart. Please don't hesitate in being wordly heh I like to read so cut and dry comments will help but not as much as in-depth explanations. {thank you} /bow /wave
#2 Apr 14 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
All this is a kinda stupid question do I view the intro on the PS2 again? I haven't seen it in awhile...I know you can turn the function on/off on the PC but I don't remeber turning it off on the PS2 ever...@_@;; yeah stupid question, but I wanna seeeeeeeeeeeee

Hmmmm why is it I post in a thread and it just DIES? I'm not DDin on the TEXT am I?:P

Edited, Thu Apr 14 11:17:41 2005 by Zanethered
#3 Apr 14 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
To zane: 1st cause this is easy to answer, put the ffxi disc in your ps2 (the one you used to install) it has a 'view intro movie' option or some such.

K on the thf sjs. I'm no thief, i hate thief, its the opposite of a 'fun job' for me, so maybe i'll be wrong. I can see sub rng being good in pts if you use a crossbow alot, it helps the thfs actually do some damage aside from sata, my friend plays this and he's lvl 50 (stopped to powerlevel woodcraft x.x) so you shouldnt have too much trouble.

On mnk sub, this is viable even after you have viper bite, but warr is probably better for berserk and such. Has anyone ever thought that you could, gasp, use weapons for your mainjob even though your sub has martial arts -.-;; Just use a dagger and boost up for viper bite, same concept + dodge/focus are nice, thought not that great for thf.. whens a thf gonna get the hate, or worse, MISS. =P

War sub seems to be the king of subs. Attack boost and berserk alone make this pretty good, and having vokes allows your 2hr to be useful if you need it to be. and 50-55 you have double attack, and 55+ its even better having double attack activate off of your triple attack hits.

Nin, this will be a message to all jobs using sub nin and then thf. 1st, daul wielding weapons that don't add stats is pointless pre-50 and pre-25 for main nin. If you have a 20damage axe normally wielded, and then you dual wield another 20damage one. You will do the same damage over all just wielding 1/2 axes so save yourself the stupidity and wear a shield offhand. Now if your weapons add str or acc or other stats then using them over a shield is viable, like centurions swords, which are god as far as dual wielding goes @ early levels. For thf/nin speciffically, i believe nin has second highest dex(behind thf) and third highest agi, (rng/thf/nin) thus the stats are well tuned to your job. Utsusemi is nice for pulls in case something causes you to get hit, but its much better for soloing. its pretty hard for a good thief to get aggro (if your trying to get aggro your a bad thief. BAD! sit, stay.)

As i said<<Not a thf, hate thf, its @lvl15 and there it stays. But i think i've been helpful. You get conquest points for gaining exp with signet on. More CP for larger exp gains. You can also do an expeditionary force for CP, but im not gonna explain it ask a friend >.>. (I'm lazy today)

List? i dunno a list. And why would you think squenix would add auto-trans for NAs, they dont tend to respond to us >.>, it makes me sad./cry SE

Garrison, you need specific items for different regions. Red cryptex ronfaure, darksteel plate (something like that) gustaburg,7 knotted quipis sarutabaruta. There are more garrison locations but the higher than 20cap garrisons arent too popular.
If your a well prepared rdm you can solo garrisons. Other than that a full alliance is ussually used, i dont organize them so i dont know the ideal setup, just know healers are needed quite a bit, you gotta save your pts butts and the npcs too ><

BCNM20.... there wasnt really a serious question in that...

So looks like i'm done here, that was a long post, /doze
Goodluck on whatever and such, bais
#4 Apr 14 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Zanethered wrote:

Language Translator

Does ANYONE know where to find a list of key words and all the phrases availible on this crap p.o.s.? LOL @ "level" not being in it XD
I would like to somehow suggest words and/or new phrases for them to add if you could post some of your ideas for this then we could put them all together then get like alot of us to send them the SAME list and MAYBE they will get off their a$$'s and add some of them...I can dream right?

I know the translator pritty gewd I like to make myself think :P All the words that are common are underneath the menu when you click tab (which Im sure you know) WHAT ALOT OF PEOPLE DONT KNOW IS... You can auto translate ANYTHING you have seen during your time logged on for that session.

Example: You really want a Snipers Ring and want to get a better deal or at least try to get a better deal but you realize that half the game is JP and prolly won't understand what people commonly do: Snipers Ring {Do you have it?}


How to do it: Go under the AH, look under rings till you scroll down or around Snipers Ring. (or check someone u know who is wearing it) NOW pull up your translator. I've found that opening translator (TAB) and THEN closing it and THEN reopening it (which I believe if refreshing the list) will NOW have Snipers Ring under the menu.

2 ways to get Snipers Ring from the menu.

1) Scroll down to ITEMS under the translator menu and ALL things you just saw on the AH (the rings etc) will be under the menu

2) Type Snip + TAB and Snipers ring will be under the menu.

I HOPE I explained this well. From what I understand when you type English AND Japanese in the same line, it looks odd to them and they don't understand wtf ur saying (apparently, no proof on this)

So a little recap:

anything you 'see' in the game, including key items you have, armor ur wearing, items in mh, storage, armor people are wearing that you've checked, items they're selling in bazaar, items from AH, NPC items EVERYTHING that you can see that actually has a name you can click on or whatever, you can translate.

1) See it
2) open and close translator (to refresh it)
3) type it + TAB or scroll down list


#5 Apr 15 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Default
good info, RAWR!!!!!!!!!
#6 Apr 15 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
anything you 'see' in the game, including key items you have, armor ur wearing, items in mh, storage, armor people are wearing that you've checked, items they're selling in bazaar, items from AH, NPC items EVERYTHING that you can see that actually has a name you can click on or whatever, you can translate.

1) See it
2) open and close translator (to refresh it)
3) type it + TAB or scroll down list


That's awesome!Didn't know! Fem <<<<------ = noob.....*sigh* Thanks Crayola!!!

Rank 5
#7 Apr 15 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
femwhispers wrote:
anything you 'see' in the game, including key items you have, armor ur wearing, items in mh, storage, armor people are wearing that you've checked, items they're selling in bazaar, items from AH, NPC items EVERYTHING that you can see that actually has a name you can click on or whatever, you can translate.

1) See it
2) open and close translator (to refresh it)
3) type it + TAB or scroll down list


That's awesome!Didn't know! Fem <<<<------ = noob.....*sigh* Thanks Crayola!!!

I just said this... o.O

I probably know but seem to of forgotten, why am I in your signature? lol
#8 Apr 15 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
That's awesome!Didn't know! Fem <<<<------ = noob.....*sigh* Thanks Crayola!!!


Crayola! LOL It's the way I ended my reply to ya made it look like your signature's in mine... o.O - thank God it's Friday!!!!

I meant to thanks you and I wrote "Thanks, Crayola!!" meaning thanks for tip!!

#9 Apr 15 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I get it lol I'm a noob.
#10 Apr 15 2005 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
1. What is a good sub for thf? (now I have been 33 thf 2 times and now am 37 thf..I just want HIGHER ups info on this question)
Ninja. If you're the puller in the party, /NIN helps out alot because of Utsusemi. It also makes you more versitile and the option of Dual-Wielding daggers with extra goodies like +Poison help out.

My 2nd main job is mnk...I was thinking mnk/thf cause of kinda the same reason as the thf/mnk cept backwards :P another player even told me he uses this and ppl talk crap until he decimates a poor mob then sits back and grins all smug like.
/THF is good for SATA + Weapon Skill. Though, I use /WAR for Berserk, Double Attack and Provoke. It's good to have a second voker just in case. Plus, you have more strength with /WAR than a /THF. With /THF, you'll be more agile and have the SATA option, but in my personal opinion, it's best to sub it with Warrior. Also, don't forget to level your White Mage if you're ever going to use your Monk for Sky.
Conquest Points

Do you even get them just by leveling up ANYWHERE? And how do you EFFECTIVELY gain more besides just lvling? I once was roaming wild in Jugner with my homie Cruzaga and we came across like 20+ SquiresOfSandoria killing off a bunch of orcs and running around...I forgot what they said they were doing at that time...I just want more points for instant warp scrolls lol I am holding my LAST one ; ;
I believe you have to kill something that at least cons Easy Prey in order to get Conquest points. Also, it's given that you need Signet as well. You can also trade crystals to certain NPCs and items to certain NPCs to give you more conquest points.
Language Translator

Does ANYONE know where to find a list of key words and all the phrases availible on this crap p.o.s.? LOL @ "level" not being in it XD
I would like to somehow suggest words and/or new phrases for them to add if you could post some of your ideas for this then we could put them all together then get like alot of us to send them the SAME list and MAYBE they will get off their a$$'s and add some of them...I can dream right?
You just have to know how to reword the specific word in which you're looking for. What would you use "level" for? Like "Level up"? In that case, you can use {I want experiance points.} or {Party}. If you're talking about it in the sense of TNL (To next level), just use @. i.e. 7,000 TNL = @7,000 or @7k.

Are there any quests in the Sandy castle other than the drain scroll knuckles and map? I have like the 2nd guide printed (I think)and itwas new at one point /cry
Are you talking about Chateau d'Oraguille?

NP: Children of Bodom - Bodom Beach Terror
#11 Apr 16 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,090 posts
As far as the thf sub, unless you can afford a Sarashi, I'd go with /war until 46, at which point you get Bone Knife +1's, the first dagger that really makes dual-wield worth it. You can sort of get away with dual-wielding a Caveley's and a Marauder's, but the Caveley's dagger is on the list of weapons that were changed to have weird damage calculations that emphasise str more. If you're elvaan/galka, I'd go that route, but not otherwise. If you can get the Sarashi, you'll find that you do more damage with a war sub, but get TP faster with a nin sub.

From 50 on, the subs are about equal, with pros and cons to each, but you'll find that the vast majority of people expect you to sub ninja.
#12 Apr 20 2005 at 8:15 PM Rating: Default
79 posts
/bow /bow thank you all. . .but you must know this O_o;
I have been playing for almost 1.6years now. I just have had to start over. I started on friends PC then switched to PS2 so I could play along side my friend. Then I lost my job and was away for 7 months. I got deleted, the account was useless and I had to start over again. I threw away the PS2 registration codes then 4 days later I found out that you could get your character back /sulk I f'in hate SE...

I have been
thf 30, 33, and now 38
mnk 33, 33, and now 13 but I dont use mnk no more(Evilryu heh)
war 30, 25, and now 16
nin 15, and now 10 ;_;
rng 10 (first time rng)(expensive as ppl always said ><)

So yeah. . .lol I just can't get how so many high levels act like such mean ppl. I wont be that way for one I have been humbled by being screwed over 2 times now :P

Well I knew all that info about the translator Crayola but ty anyways /cry I was refering to like a list of all the sayings such as like I type Can then tab = can I have it? Such things like that. arggg I hate words I dont think I'm making a bit of sence. I think they should add more words still...and about the level is just common sence it should be in a rpg :/ but maybe I am wrong...hmm?

Ok I still can't DL I have got to the DL part of it like 6 times. It has been all the way to 87%.../sigh the update was over LONGGGG ago.

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