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Idea taking from Things ye don't want to hear from a WhmFollow

#1 Apr 18 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
Dont **** off a whm number 1bad thing that could happen

1- puller pisses off whm, whm teleports party to xcarbard drops off the tyrant (who still low enough to get aggro there) teleports the rest of te party to holla , dem r mea

Edited, Mon Apr 18 17:34:52 2005 by Glitterngld
#2 Apr 19 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
245 posts
Yep, I am guilty as a puller of pissing off the WHM. I didn't know it but I had pulled one too many mobs and the WHM didn't think they had enough MP and got pissed. Then halfway through the battle he stopped healing the tank. Then the tank died and then the Galka MNK died and then I was able to kill the mob and then the WHM left. Then party disbanded. Then oddly I got no party invites for a while

I didn't even know the WHM was pissed though since as a puller your job is to pull em fast and non-stop til you get to chain 4 or 5 if you can.

Well, as a puller, now I have learned to be very verbal with the WHM. Sometimes asking "More?" and always waiting for the WHM to have enough MP , like 300 for auto-pull and then asking "More?" if they have like 200 or less, esp if there is no RDM.

(...and for some reason the tank usually thinks they know when it's ok to pull o.O)

Rule #1: No WHM, No party.

#3 Apr 19 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
525 posts
Rule #2: WHM is the most easily replaced job 41+. RDM+BRD {Can I have it?}
#4 Apr 19 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Rule #2: WHM is the most easily replaced job 41+. RDM+BRD {Can I have it?}

Personally I'd beg to differ on replacement of a whm post 41. Unless it's a manaburn party, no whm? {Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass}. Especially post 56. Raise II {Can I add you to my friend list?} Raise I? Only if I have to.

Blm is 64 Pld is 52. Rdm or Brd yes. Rdm + Brd = no whm. Not on my life. Then again, I've got a static with pld that involves Pld Mnk Whm Blm Rdm and whatever we pull in. Pld = Me Whm = My IRL wife Mnk = My best friend Blm = My wife's best friend and the Mnk's IRL wife Rdm = LS member.

So I'm a bit biased. Also in my opinion and experience, no matter how good the party is, ***** happens; unexpected pop leading to linkage, sneak wears off with no safety spot in sight, mob turns into Uber mob, etc.... Post 56 Do you want 90% of the 10% xp loss or would you rather have the 25% of the 10% xp loss?
#5 Apr 20 2005 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
Indeed I once sent a habitual lotter and friend to xcarabad. Felt a bit bad afterwords, but after yelling at them over and over they agreed not to do it then tried to sneak in a lot during a busy moment hoping we wouldnt see it in the battle text. Used the same tactic back at em. Good fun sice it was under beast control there.
#6 Apr 20 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
341 posts
Rule #2: WHM is the most easily replaced job 41+. RDM+BRD {Can I have it?}

^ >>> Raise I {You can have this}
Funny how some people think we're so easily replaced and not really needed post lvl 41 because Rdm gets one spell.

What I find even funnier is that it's usually those same people that end up sending us tells asking for Raise II's or III's.

Don't get me wrong... I have tons of respect and appreciation for all of the Rdm's, Brd's and Smn's.

65 Whm/ 32 Blm
#7 Apr 20 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Post 41, NIN tank + RDM + BRD + BLM = Non-stop pwnage. But how often does that setup happen, one time for me so far. I still love the WHMs main healing, it gives me a greater sense of security knowing I have a WHM in the paty. :)
#8 Apr 20 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
Rule #2: WHM is the most easily replaced job 41+. RDM+BRD {Can I have it?}


hahahaha :P
#9 Apr 20 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Post 41, NIN tank + RDM + BRD + BLM = Non-stop pwnage. But how often does that setup happen, one time for me so far. I still love the WHMs main healing, it gives me a greater sense of security knowing I have a WHM in the paty. :)

Nin tank? ::shudders in revulsion:: Given that 4/5 of my parties involve nin tank ye'd think I'd like 'em by now. After 64 levels of blm, I have had maybe 3 nin tank parties where I could nuke like I can with a pld tank. 1 in 10 parties in the last 20 levels involved nin rdm brd blm rng/nin and some other member. (Usually dark or thf). Yes +6 mp/tick is sweet especially with the +10 from dark while resting, but 99% of nin tanks hold hate like a wet paper bag holds milk. I won't turn down a party invite, but I've had to hold back quite a bit on nin tank parties. Now if ye have a nin/war and a war/nin I can nuke like a biscuit and have a happy party but most of the other variety tend to be less than 2k/hour parties. Oh well, ye get some good parties and ye get some bad parties. Every so often ye get that party that makes ye curl up in the fetus posistion and cry for mommy!
#10 Apr 20 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
567 posts
Rule #2: WHM is the most easily replaced job 41+. RDM+BRD {Can I have it?}

While certainly a nice combo, people have a hard enough time finding either a Rdm or a Brd, let alone both. Also, as others have already pointed out, the lack of anything higher than Raise 1 really hurts. Rdm is also missing such tools as Protectra, Cure V, Curaga, Barfira (etc), and status cures. Some of that can be picked up by going Rdm/Whm, but not all.

And finally, the vast majority of Rdms hate to main heal. {White Mage} {Can I have it?} >.>;
#11 Apr 20 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Papawarlock wrote:
Nin tank? ::shudders in revulsion::

Maybe Iv'e been lucky with my NIN tanks, but I think they rock. My love for NIN may also be because as I bard I don't have to worry nearly as much about party positioning with a NIN tank. In the end, as long as they hold hate it's all good. :)
#12 Apr 20 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Maybe Iv'e been lucky with my NIN tanks, but I think they rock. My love for NIN may also be because as I bard I don't have to worry nearly as much about party positioning with a NIN tank. In the end, as long as they hold hate it's all good. :)

Hahahhahah. There's where the difference lies my friend. You are a bard. I am a blm. I do damage. You keep the party running with mp regen, accuracy bonus etc... You don't have to worry about hate management like I do.

On average with pld tank I can do twice the damage as with a nin tank.

However, when I play whm I don't care quite as much about the tank. There is a bit to be said about multiple blinkers in the party. Of course with a pld tank there's only one person usually to worry about healing, so there is a bit of a trade off.
#13 Apr 20 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Hate, what's that? As a 60 BRD I could barely keep hate off my wife's 46 BLM while doing her Rank 4 and 5 missions lol. Looking back I guess the -eminity from my AF didn't help :p.
#14 Apr 20 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
maybe not the same with higher lvls but i went back to the dunes this past weekend. No mages of any sort available except a rank 1 lvl 10 whm no sub. Ok we'll try to teach them.

1st couple battles, blm lets me know she is doing the4 healin because the whm feels its important to cast banish. I sent a tell explaining the damage banish does (9) is not worth the mp cost when she could cast 2 cures for the same mp burned. Response "ok".

a few fights later, she goes back to banishing instead of healin and refuses to cast dia. again we ask politely no banish plz. "But it is the only spell i have that does damage to the mob" /em slaps self in forehead

well to be kind, we let her stay in the party about another 45 mins. we couldnt find a replacement to be honest of she woulda been dropped after the third or fourth reminder. finally just booted and eventually we found a blm to take her place.

Moral of thestory, if u want to cast damage spells plz try blm.

"But it is the only spell i have that does damage to the mob"
#15 Apr 20 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
Personally .. I love brd + rdm pts. They can also have a whm too but you'd lack damage, unless 2 rng~ XD When I play brd I always look for a rdm before a whm. brd + pld isn't a good mix in my opinion. brd + nin (Yes please.)

Oh, and worst thing I've done when pissed off was warp out.. But I was lvl 40 @.@

Rdm is also missing such tools as Protectra, Cure V, Curaga, Barfira (etc), and status cures. Some of that can be picked up by going Rdm/Whm, but not all.

As brd I back up cure for the rdm or whm. brd can Silena Paralyna Curaga and Barfira O.o rdm can still sub blm lol

Edited, Wed Apr 20 19:21:23 2005 by Hidoa
#16 Apr 20 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Personally .. I love brd + rdm pts. They can also have a whm too but you'd lack damage, unless 2 rng~ XD When I play brd I always look for a rdm before a whm. brd + pld isn't a good mix in my opinion. brd + nin (Yes please.)

Brd + Rdm can be good. Nin Rng Rng Brd Whm Rdm might work. Ne'er been in one.

However, my posistion still stands. Whm = Raise II and Raise III. Maybe I'm greedy, but losing a couple thousand xp sucks.

Brd = Raise I
Rdm = Raise I

A rdm friend and I have discussed this though and we are both of the mind that Rdm ought to at least get Raise II at say 62 or 65.

Brd and Rdm don't get Viruna or Stona either which bites if yer fighting raptors, cockatrices or lizzies.
#17 Apr 20 2005 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
One party I had in the Citadel there was TWO nin tanks that couldn't do SATA right to save their pajamas. I finally said "Stop! What is the battle plan? SATA decoy...Can I have it?"
After that they somewhat got their act together @_@;;
Well this post is only relavant because I was /fumeing so much and begging for a decoy that the whm taru (BLESS HIS STOUT HEART) ran up and stood in front of me and kept curing away!) I didnt doom him to super hate but I did laugh for like 3 mins non stop.

Zane <3's tha whm's join my party anyday :P
#18 Apr 20 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
Brd + Rdm can be good. Nin Rng Rng Brd Whm Rdm might work. Ne'er been in one.

However, my posistion still stands. Whm = Raise II and Raise III. Maybe I'm greedy, but losing a couple thousand xp sucks.

That kinda confused me, maybe thier unrelated lines and im tired (and i am from working all day). But you just listed a setup whith a whm rdm and brd, and then said the part bout whms having rb2/3 and brds/rdm not o.0
#19 Apr 21 2005 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
That kinda confused me, maybe thier unrelated lines and im tired (and i am from working all day). But you just listed a setup whith a whm rdm and brd, and then said the part bout whms having rb2/3 and brds/rdm not o.0

Maybe I should've broken that down a bit.

The poster I was responding to had mentioned something about brd + rdm and that maybe a whm in the party as well but then you'd probably need 2 rng for DD.

Brd Rdm Blm Blm Blm Blm yes this works and this is the only time I'd like to see both rdm and brd in party.

But I would rather take the whm and either rdm or brd.
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