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#1 Apr 21 2005 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Finally got on this morning and have this info to share.

Lvl Old Xp New Xp Thanks to:
52 11000 9200 me
60 20000 18200 pyaarakes
62 31000 21500 rikkoutaku
63 32000 23000 rikkoutaku
64 33000 24500 me
65 34000 26000 crayola
66 35000 27500 fiercediety
71 40000 36000 berinhard
73 43000 40000 kramer
74 43000 42000 radias

Anyone from levels 51-75 care to share old and new xp? Post yer old and new xp and I'll add to the list. I'll give credit to the providers of the info.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 09:28:26 2005 by Papawarlock

Edited, Thu Apr 21 10:02:17 2005 by Papawarlock

Edited, Thu Apr 21 18:05:22 2005 by Papawarlock

Edited, Fri Apr 22 09:09:24 2005 by Papawarlock

Edited, Fri Apr 22 09:13:39 2005 by Papawarlock
#2 Apr 21 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Lv71 -> Lv72 from 40K down to 36K, someone already figured the EXP system out on another server, all the gaps have been removed and it just goes up 1.2K needed per lvl.
#3 Apr 21 2005 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
Well not all gaps were removed.

73-74 40K, was 43K
74-75 44K, was 44K
#4 Apr 21 2005 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,083 posts
62 >> 63
Old: 31,000
New: 21,500

63 >> 64
New: 23,000

#5 Apr 21 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
Yuck. A much bigger XP cut than I expected. I don't want people who made 75 before me thinking I'm 2nd class because SE cut the requirements.
#6 Apr 21 2005 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
Im at Lv74, my previous TNL was 43k and it is now 42k.....
So, to get from 74 >> 75 you need 42k
#7 Apr 21 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
Im sorry I must have misunderstood the person who said this in my LS, but they said exp had not changed from 74-75, so uh, whatever, im only at 73 anyways.
#8 Apr 21 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Default
RainsweptRedmage wrote:
Yuck. A much bigger XP cut than I expected. I don't want people who made 75 before me thinking I'm 2nd class because SE cut the requirements.

Im sorry, but at no fault of your own, there will be alot who think this way. I myself and quite erked by this. I leveled my butt off to get to 73, sometimes partying 12-18 hours a day. Now it is much easier to get to this level and I think SE is just catering to the whiny, lame *** players who cry because they have so much tnl, instead of doing something about it. All I can say is welcome to the new FFXI with more level 75 players that still cant do thier jobs!
#9 Apr 21 2005 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
424 posts
lol i'm sorta peeved i spent all that time getting all that exp and now if i would of waited i could of been 75 but meh SE at it's finest.
#10 Apr 21 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
Anyone from levels 51-75 care to share old and new xp? Post yer old and new xp and I'll add to the list. I'll give credit to the providers of the info.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 09:28:26 2005 by Papawarlock

Just got on this morning.....

Lvl 56 tnl 14,000 vs 20,000

Currently 1 exp. pt. tnl! o.O
#11 Apr 21 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
No proof anywhere... but my boyfriend and I were talking about this, like why they bothered to play with the EXP tnl such. We think that they're planning on uppin' the level cap to 100. Seriously it sounds stupid, but they originally didn't have the max as 75 when the game first came out. That was one of the updates. At 75 you'll prolly have to beat up Matt's grammy or his pet dog or something, but why ELSE would they want more level 75s? I mean that's the intentions I guess. People always said the waiting for LFG was long between 50-60. For the past week leveling as a WHM was getting pathetic sitting there in seek for the whole day, going AFK, doing laundry coming back to nothing. It wasn't that I wasn't needed, but no one was expin' my level infact from lvl 50+ it was pretty shabby.

Anyways if the level cap does increase, imagine the new SJ's that would come out of it. /RDM for convert and refreshing /WHM for teleporting yourself and so on and so forth. Would be kinda interesting.

Edit: Calvern and I talked about this and he said there is armor that is past level 75 that exists in the game... Hmmm.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 10:32:50 2005 by CrayolaInBastok
#12 Apr 21 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
Here is the new break down compared to the old in full detail.

Although looking at this closer now, it is incorrect. I guess I just figured since JP made the chart it would be right. After I posted i took a closer look and it doesnt match up.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 10:57:50 2005 by LionsFan
#13 Apr 21 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,083 posts
Although looking at this closer now, it is incorrect.

lol, i was just going to say, I saw that before, and its wrong. Most of the jumps between levels seem to be 1.5k instead of 1k.
#14 Apr 21 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
If they were to raise the lvl cap they wouldn't make it where you could be say WHM/RDM and Convert/Refresh yourself because then no one would want RDM at all anymore, and also after listening to what alot of ppl have been saying lately, the reason i think for the EXP change is because so many ppl quit because it took hours upon hours of lvling to get anywhere and SE doesn't want to lose anymore of it's precious customers
#15 Apr 21 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
I personally feel really sorry for those that spent days nights and weekends getting to 75 as fast as possible... like a certain person I know was 60 with me, 61 with me and then less than a week is now 75. Now I'm 65 and he's got a 2nd job 75. I just feel really sorry for him for wasting his life in less than 2 week 0.o

I don't think people should be freakin' out about "OMG I WORKED MY *** OFF FOR 75 AND SE DOES THIS ****" I mean come on, one way or another we're all getting to 75, I mean that's the 'goal' of the game! Anyways, I'm a little psyched about this whole thing, still can't get on to see what my TNL is as a 65 (was 34,000)
#16 Apr 21 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
CrayolaInBastok wrote:

I don't think people should be freakin' out about "OMG I WORKED MY *** OFF FOR 75 AND SE DOES THIS ****" I mean come on, one way or another we're all getting to 75, I mean that's the 'goal' of the game! Anyways, I'm a little psyched about this whole thing, still can't get on to see what my TNL is as a 65 (was 34,000)

Crayola, you just dont care about this because you are not 70+ so it really doesnt effect you too much. I got an idea, look at it this way. SE's new update Cooking levels will now be greatly reduced, it will take half as much to get from a level 40 cook to a level 100 cook. What would you thin of that?. Yeah some of us spent our time leveling, others spent it crafting, Im sure if they were nerfing crafting like this, all the high level crafters would be pissed off!
#17 Apr 21 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
Lokki, you siad this in another thread, but I figured it belonged here. I only ***** cause SE screwed anyone lvl 65+ over pretty much. I believe in evolving of the game, but why couldn't they give us our lost exp?, or at least bump us up to 1tnl seeing we just lost about 100k+ exp from our previous levels.
#18 Apr 21 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
Haha. Yeah, the Crafters would be made pissed. "I spent all this time crafting, now anyone can get there in half the time??!!! NOOO!!!" LOL. I think its a good thing about the XP curve. I should have just gotten all my jobs to lvl 60, because the biggest reward in the curve is there, lol.

I personally feel really sorry for those that spent days nights and weekends getting to 75 as fast as possible... like a certain person I know was 60 with me, 61 with me and then less than a week is now 75. Now I'm 65 and he's got a 2nd job 75. I just feel really sorry for him for wasting his life in less than 2 week 0.o

Crayola, you've been level 60ish forever. I could easily understand how he passed you. But I guess some ppl just lvl faster than others. I remember seeing Hellkid as a lvl 55 RNG when I was lvl 68. Now he's lvl 65 and I'm 71. So don't feel so sorry for them. Leveling isn't the only thing the game is about. It's about having fun also.

If they were to raise the lvl cap they wouldn't make it where you could be say WHM/RDM and Convert/Refresh yourself because then no one would want RDM at all anymore, and also after listening to what alot of ppl have been saying lately, the reason i think for the EXP change is because so many ppl quit because it took hours upon hours of lvling to get anywhere and SE doesn't want to lose anymore of it's precious customers

Yeah, you'd see a LOT less RDM in PTs at that lvl if they upped it. RDM would have to get an UBER new ability. I don't blame ppl for quitting though. The game is LONG. I mean, sitting on the game for hours, sometimes doing nothing. An high TNLs weren't good motivators to stay either. I can't imagine them raising the lvl cap though. So many jobs would be screwed if they did.

Edit: Calvern and I talked about this and he said there is armor that is past level 75 that exists in the game... Hmmm.

Not only armor, but spells too. When are they gonna release Utsusemi FRICKIN' San??! Or Ultima, or Atma Weapons? Later on I'm sure. I think they need to start giving out a few more JA's and JT's while they are at it.
#19 Apr 21 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Default
LionsFan wrote:
Crayola, you just dont care about this because you are not 70+ so it really doesnt effect you too much. I got an idea, look at it this way. SE's new update Cooking levels will now be greatly reduced, it will take half as much to get from a level 40 cook to a level 100 cook. What would you thin of that?. Yeah some of us spent our time leveling, others spent it crafting, Im sure if they were nerfing crafting like this, all the high level crafters would be pissed off!

It's a game LionsFan. I was simple saying that people shouldn't be getting upset. It takes hours and hours to get Leaping Lizzy let alone her drop, but people still camp it and do it. It takes hours and hours to level, and despite this tnl change, people will still do it. And it takes hours and hours and tons of gil and time to get cooking to 100, but if that's your goal you will still do it.
#20 Apr 21 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Well they can still raise the lvl cap to make it more like traditional FF games but they would have to be very very careful of what jobs can do and can't do after the raise like making Refresh and Convert RDM only.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 12:43:52 2005 by Berinhard
#21 Apr 21 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
Barchiel wrote:
Crayola, you've been level 60ish forever. I could easily understand how he passed you.

True I'm level 60-65 for a while, but I was selling food and helping my bf and his brother cap there stats like archery etc. I also helped alot of people with there AF's and LB items, DS fights etc. If he took about a month or 2 to get to 70+ then I wouldn't of even commented. But he and I were 60 and 61 together and then not even 5 days he was 75. So unless he did some glitch in the game to poof him some EXP... he stopped living his real life to play the game for the EXP... that was my point.
#22 Apr 21 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
Barchiel wrote:
RDM would have to get an UBER new ability.
{Refresh II} {Can I have it?}
#23 Apr 21 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
I know it is a game, and I chose to spend all those hours leveling, but I just recently spent all that time leveling and have no desire to level another job to 75. Im just mad for the fact that SE pretty much made so I leveld for about 50+ hours for nothing. Why coul they have not given those of us who lost all that exp, 1tnl at least, or level 75', given them 1tnl so they can die alot without having to fall back to 74. You also know you would be pissed if they did this with cooking,because that is where you chose to spend your time.
#24 Apr 21 2005 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
61-75 in just 5 days sounds a little too far fetched, it took me 48 hours to go from 68-70 and the EXP PTs were pretty fast paced.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 12:49:54 2005 by Berinhard
#25 Apr 21 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Default
Yeah Crayola, no clue who you are talking about but, from 61-75 was 511,000exp with 5 days consisting of 120 hours. That would mean he had to get 4,259exp per hour for 120 hours straight, no sleep, no breaks to eat, no wc breaks, and it is hard enough at 70+ as it is to get a party that can rake in that exp per hour.
#26 Apr 21 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Default
I seriously am not joking in the time it took this guy to get EXP. You can believe what you want and do your mathematical equations, but I won't give you a name because my point has nothing to do with a name :P
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