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Noob Police: Citizens arrestFollow

#1 Apr 23 2005 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
Scenario:Promyvion Holla. Just got to the second floor.

Rng: delia why arnt you using utsusemi?
Delia: I dont have it
Rng: OMG
Xellith (smn): so your a war/nin using a sword and shield with no utsusemi?


Delia was rank 9. War/Nin with centurion sword with no leveled axe skill. no utsusemi either. now is it me or does that negate the point of subbing ninja????

/em tosses a few insults and Delia disbands, slaps Xellith then logs (logs where a monster would pop later on and rape her *** when she logs back in)

#2REDACTED, Posted: Apr 23 2005 at 9:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Good job, Xellith. Welcome to the force.^^
#3 Apr 23 2005 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
nope, xellith man, its your fault... you probably cannot understand the meaning of having /nin and equiping a shield...

i cannot understand it either. i usually d2 the n00bs home when we party... like level 68 drk coming and telling he can only use scythe and we cannot do light SC for this...

i'm bored for Altana's sake
#4 Apr 23 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
omg lmao Delia was smashed as hell last night when she went with u guys lol she prolly just forgot how to use it im 99% sure she has utsusemi LMAO. Sorry about her drunkness :p. But if u see someones that drunk (and obviously after a few mins ud notice) why would you blame her diden't you guys invite her? lol

Edited, Sat Apr 23 16:40:17 2005 by Shinkyu
#5 Apr 23 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
wow u guys sound like u are the gods of FFXI .. and everything and everyone around u must be perfect all the time ... everyone u know must jsut sit at the comp and never leave it and have no real life?? i'm thinkning thats what it must be .. cause i know delia was a tad bit drunk last night ..and seeing as your all SOOOOOO perfect u should have realized this .. but i guess u must not be ... anyways .. have fun with your perfection .. cause i'm sure u all are the best in the game to be able to flame on someone as good and nice as delia
#6 Apr 23 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
LOL, don't take the threads so seriously, love. I'm sure as hell not perfect (only Rank 6, lol). I don't know Delia, I'm sure she's great, but that's the consequences of PWI (playing while intoxicated). Why be drunk and play? Getting high, now that's better.

Anyway, she was PWI, gotta bring her in. Her bail is set at 5k gil.
#7 Apr 23 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
385 posts
and who make u the sheriff being a rank 6 NOOB yourself???? .. also do u pay for her account ....don't think so?? so what give u the right to flame on someone cause they choose to play while drunk?? .. play the game.. if u don't like someone or how someone does it .. keep it to yourself or ingame... don't need to rip on ppl in the forums
#8 Apr 24 2005 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
wow this got heated real....wait....forget it, this is the Shiva fourms. You people have fun, and don't forget to play nice.

#9 Apr 24 2005 at 7:10 AM Rating: Default
she never said she was drunk. and she said she had not got utsusemi ichi. she said that she had 0 axe skill on her war too. and that she only used her war for her paladin sub. Im rank 6 because i cant find people to help me kill the yagudos for a judgement key in astle oztroja (cant be botherd really). Ranks are not reallt that important to me. but at least im not pretending to be something im not. Im rank 6 but as everyone knows rank means jack ****. people like Delia who go to promyvions with the stuff she did are good examples.

Honestly though whats the point of a war/nin with sword and shield no axe skill and no ability to use utsusemi. i mean come on get with the program. and she didnt sound drunk.

No i dont pay for her account but this game is about co-operation. but why should we play and help those that dnot try to help themselves.

lastly just like you say do i pay for her account the same can be said for these forums. i can say what the hell i want. if you dont like it feel free to whine and complain some more but i would prefer personal messages so you dont spam the message boards.
#10 Apr 24 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
so grow up ..suck it up and deal with it then... if as u say rank doesn't matter..then why not ask everyone what they have before going on these missions?? this is ONLY a game...and if it's more to u then thats sad... and like u JUST said .. send her a tell ingame if u don't like it ... cause thats what u want ppl to do for u??? anyways i'm done with this .. have fun .. and grow up .. this is only a game .. and if u go on missions ask the ppl what they got before u go if u don't know them ... learn from things that happened to u before
#11 Apr 24 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Default
so grow up ..suck it up and deal with it then... if as u say rank doesn't matter..then why not ask everyone what they have before going on these missions?? this is ONLY a game...and if it's more to u then thats sad... and like u JUST said .. send her a tell ingame if u don't like it ... cause thats what u want ppl to do for u??? anyways i'm done with this .. have fun .. and grow up .. this is only a game .. and if u go on missions ask the ppl what they got before u go if u don't know them ... learn from things that happened to u before

Xellith, I think he was calling ME a n00b for being rank 6. Anyway, Jaeon, calm down. It is only a game like you said. If a WAR/NIN is going to Prom, it's almost GUARANTEED that they will have Utsusemi. That's perhaps the one of the main reasons to take one. Anyway, I guess she will learn from her mistakes, because she is the one that made the mistake of coming ill-prepared. I mean, what if you went to Prom with a RNG...and all he had was a Boomerang? Would you be pissed? Or you go with a SMN with only Carby. Well, Carby is cute^^. Anyway, I think that you need to calm down and perhaps take a sip of whatever Delia was drinking, lol.

omg lmao Delia was smashed as hell last night when she went with u guys lol she prolly just forgot how to use it im 99% sure she has utsusemi LMAO. Sorry about her drunkness :p. But if u see someones that drunk (and obviously after a few mins ud notice) why would you blame her diden't you guys invite her? lol

This is a better post. You see Jaeon, he's not all pissed. He's even joking. Which is mainly what this thread is about.

she never said she was drunk. and she said she had not got utsusemi ichi. she said that she had 0 axe skill on her war too. and that she only used her war for her paladin sub. Im rank 6 because i cant find people to help me kill the yagudos for a judgement key in astle oztroja (cant be botherd really). Ranks are not reallt that important to me. but at least im not pretending to be something im not. Im rank 6 but as everyone knows rank means jack sh*t. people like Delia who go to promyvions with the stuff she did are good examples.

Honestly though whats the point of a war/nin with sword and shield no axe skill and no ability to use utsusemi. i mean come on get with the program. and she didnt sound drunk.

No i dont pay for her account but this game is about co-operation. but why should we play and help those that dnot try to help themselves.

lastly just like you say do i pay for her account the same can be said for these forums. i can say what the hell i want. if you dont like it feel free to whine and complain some more but i would prefer personal messages so you dont spam the message boards.

I agree. Not because you are Rank 6 like me, lol, cuz its true. I don't know Xellith as well as others, but he's a pretty cool dude. I mean, he has his own mentality or whatever, but he's nice. Of the last few times I saw him, he was unselfishly helping other ppl with Missions and AFs. Something that I don't do all the time. So don't dis the man so fast. As we see with Delia's case, Rank might not mean so much. But I'm sure she's cool, just was drunk or whatever. But still....why the hell would you play FF XI drunk? I mean, go dance or party somewhere. LOL. Anyway, I hope that no ones feelings were hurt, cuz this is a fuggin' game. So just CALM TEH FOOK DOWN.
#12 Apr 24 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
and who make u the sheriff being a rank 6 NOOB yourself???? .. also do u pay for her account ....don't think so?? so what give u the right to flame on someone cause they choose to play while drunk?? .. play the game.. if u don't like someone or how someone does it .. keep it to yourself or ingame... don't need to rip on ppl in the forums

Arrested for saying "n00b" in all caps, not using ONE period in his entire statement, using all lowercase letters, and for beginning a paragraph with a conjunction.

Your trial will is set, your hearing is in 2 days.

/em smacks down gavel.

This thread is for ***** and giggles; if you take it seriously, its your own damn fault.
#13 Apr 24 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
dbl post(manual)

Edited, Sun Apr 24 23:46:41 2005 by Hohitoo
#14 Apr 24 2005 at 10:46 PM Rating: Default
245 posts
This point may be irrelevant but I have noticed at work(cuz I work the phones), that the more you talk down or fast to a Mexican the less English he speaks....
#15 Apr 25 2005 at 2:12 AM Rating: Default
You better be glad I'm not Mexican. I'd have to put your bunghole in a Figure-Four for that remark.
#16 Apr 25 2005 at 8:38 AM Rating: Default
Talking bout police and arrests and all, I got to get thrown in jail this weekend. I guess when you tell a GM to fu*k off in /say, they dont like that too much. It also isnt the best idea that once they take you to jail, you call them all ******** right when you get there. Oh well it was fun f*ck this racist game anyways!
#17 Apr 25 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Default
Hahaha, yeah. I've been in jail too. But it was because I had a mule named Vhagina. Question Kramer; did you drop the soap?
#18 Apr 26 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts

What happened to what started out to be a lighthearted look at what, when and where most of us were 'new' and may have done things because we were 'noob'?? I have learned some really good lessons from doing some really stupid things in this game! And yes, it is only a game.....I mean come on people!
#19 Apr 26 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
im a n00b!! and i will always be a n00b!!
#20 Apr 26 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
ScruffMcgruff wrote:
im a n00b!! and i will always be a n00b!!

o.O Scruffmcgruff!!!! LOL!

/emote Femwhisper weeps in sorrow before Elfboy's dead body......

If that wasn't a 'noob' happening I dunno what is....your death remains on my conscience forever!


#21 Apr 26 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
Being a "newb" was fun. Being a "n00b" isn't. I remember being a newb, everything was so cool and interesting. Seeing new places, not knowing what will happen if you click the "???". Looking at cool high lvl ppl saying to yourself, "I'm gonna be like that^^." n00bs, on the other hand, are a bit different. Usually they die out around LB1, but some still linger on and survive. High lvl n00bs...are the worst. But again, please don't take everything so seriously.^^ We don't wanna have to bring ya in fer questionin'. lol, jk.
#22 Apr 26 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Default
1. newb
n. "newb" one inexperienced in playing computer games, an amature with beginners luck.
v. "newbed" to be killed / defeated by a newb
adj. "newbish" of or pertaining to a newb, something a newb would do.
"your a newb"
"he got newbed"

1. n00b
A inexperienced and/or ignorant or unskilled person. Especially used in computer games.
"Haha that n00b got pwned."

2. n00b
A person who goes to a forum on the internet, and could easily blend in with the rest of the crowd, but chooses to act like an ***. Usually says something stupid like:
"Yo Yo Yo Im NeW HeRE AnD WAs WonDERin iF Ya'LL CoUlD TeLL mE WhAT GOes On ARouND HurRrRrRr... I dIdNT ReAD dA RuLES aND ReGs, b"

3. n00b
Someone who sucks at video games and should stop playing immediatly
Noob: How to I play?
1337NESS: Stfu n00b, you suck dont play this game anymore
Noob: O.K. :)

4. n00b
1. A person new to something such as a game, instant messaging service, forum etc.

2. A person who uses bad grammar (such as using the letter 'u' for the work 'you' etc.)

3. A person who does not know what a n00b is

4. A person with numbers in their name

5. A person who thinks they are the best, when they suck *** (in a game)

6. a person who asks for a person age, gender, and where they live by using a three letter phrase 'asl'
(example for #2)ur dum

(example for #3) wuts a noob

(example for #4) ur_a_newb_2003: hey sup

(example for #5) user 'ur_a_newb_2003' has been killed
ur_a_newb_2003: haha im better

(example for #6) ur_a_newb_2003: hey sup asl

#23 Apr 26 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
But again, please don't take everything so seriously.^^ We don't wanna have to bring ya in fer questionin'. lol, jk.
Hehe...the only thing that might be more worse would be that bad boy thing Barchiel likes to do to ppl....
/emote panics
#24 Apr 26 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
haha barchiel. does what to whos where.. with a what!! o.O
#25 Apr 26 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
femwhispers wrote:
Hehe...the only thing that might be more worse would be that bad boy thing Barchiel likes to do to ppl....
/emote panics

/em panics!!!!!!

dontaru touch me :P *runs*

Edited, Tue Apr 26 13:54:06 2005 by doomygir
#26 Apr 26 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
doomygir wrote:
femwhispers wrote:
Hehe...the only thing that might be more worse would be that bad boy thing Barchiel likes to do to ppl....
/emote panics

/em panics!!!!!!

dontaru touch me :P *runs*

Edited, Tue Apr 26 13:54:06 2005 by doomygir

LOL! hehe Barchiel sneaky that way tho - just kind of appears out of nowhere.... o.O
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