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Kirin Osode Taken From Vindicated- Rokugen DishonoredFollow

#27 May 06 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
I was in sky 2 for almost the entire time I have been in LS. This is not the only thing Roku ever got from LS. He was in sky quite often usually just in time for the god pops. We would farm items till he got there. If im not mistaken he got several abj that no one wanted. Usually meaning no one in allaince could use it, so he would gladly take. Also we have all gotten plenty of gil from drops in sky. Optical hat that was another thing LS got for him and many others.

Personally I dont want to sit here and start more ****. I just feel that it was agreed upon bty the LS it was common knowledge to everyobne that Osode stayed in LS. OUt of all the things we have gotten only 2 things are in this policy Osode and Shining Cloth. Both of these items are very rare and valuable to the LS as a whole. We based this rule on the way Apos/Nela handle this issue. You do not see me wanting to get any items from any of the members who left. That is their property fair and square. It is not one single person in this LS fault that Roku choose to save points for the Osode, an item he knew was LS property.

During the time we voted he had ample time to make an argument against this becomming LS property. It would of been the perfect time to discuss this. But months later when he leaves this policy which he supported is now not very convienent. Point is that yes he did alot for LS, he did get other things from LS. This rule had plenty of time to be debated on. He was in support of it. It passed 29-0 not even one vote against. He also agreed to this knowing he was next in line to recieve Osode.

Personally i like Roku and every single member who left. Every one of them has helped me and i consider them friends. Not sure what they will think of me now. No im not perfect in the LS, I have my own flaws. I however will not brag about what I have done. This LS and everyone in it and all who have left, do not owe me one thing. As far as I am concerned I have been compinsated more than enough. Yes I have a few items, but Id glady drop them in exchange for the good times VnD and the members who have left had. I miss all of the members who have left and wish things would be different. However, I do understand that everyone moves on. I wish you and every person on Shiva the very best, whatever there adventures take them. I just wish Roku would adhere to a policy he once enforced and we would all be able to move on to the good times each of us have in the time to come.
#28 May 06 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
Now that we have all heard sufficient claims on both sides I want to address one more thing. How Shahla is handling this situation. I think she is handling this pretty poorly as a LS leader, spamming a bunch of message boards about the incident, if this was such a huge deal where you are losing members over it, it should have been kept within the LS. There have been a few issues I have had on my LS in the past, may not be as big of a deal as yours but still they were a big deal to me. Now did you see me spamming any message board I could find? No I took responsibility and worked things out on the LS forum or in game. I think you posting things like this on the message boards only shows how little you care about your members and only care about your personal gain. That's my 2 gil, take it or leave it but don't start a big flame war over it.

#29 May 06 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
On Shahlas defense we have tried for serveral days to work this out. No matter how many times we tried he will not budge. We didnt want to come to this. But this really is our last option. There is nothing else we can do if he does not honor his agreement.
#30REDACTED, Posted: May 06 2005 at 2:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This actually is my role as a leader and responsibilty to get this item back.
#31REDACTED, Posted: May 06 2005 at 2:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#32 May 06 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
you didnt even finish that shahla it was no i will not ask my ls to get me an osode...typical....
#33 May 06 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
I think this is just making Vindicated look even worse then what I'v heard about other events, the way your handling this. Also I would like to point something out you never answered that was asked in forums here. "What happens if the Ls breaks, do all the items go to the leader?" Try answering that first off. Are you saying all items would be dropped? (Fat chance) That everyone in the LS about to break would just give you there items willingly? (Yeah right) Also, if your LS is so great, why dont YOU go get another Osode? Well? If your LS is so great it should be easy. Theres my thought in this matter. Also yes I know what an Osode is so dont flame me about that. From the way this has played out I'm taking Roku's side. Also, why do you keep cutting stuff at the point you want it at. Making those edits REALLY isn't helping your case either, you may be, tho I cant prove, eraseing stuff that would help Roku just to make your self, not your LS, look good.

Edited, Fri May 6 17:08:55 2005 by Charlles
#34REDACTED, Posted: May 06 2005 at 4:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Its not about us getting another Osode because we can and we will eventually if Kirin is nice. The Issue is about THIS Osode- this action- This event. It is very much like working for a company, the company letting you use the company car, but when you resign, the car goes back to the company or you get sued or have charges filed against you. That is what this thread is about. A contract- an agreement and his not holding his word. Nothing else is the issue.
#35 May 06 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
Damn, you need to see the sun. THIS IS A GAME, NOT A FUGGIN CORPORATE MERGER. Contracts and ********* What the hell kinda LS you running? Where is the fun? All business seems like.
#36 May 06 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
Hey can anyone tell me how this thread is going to take the Osode from Roku and give it back to Vindicated?? If there's some trick to it could you please fill me in? I'd really like to use it on some other people for other jobs. Last time I checked though the only way you could take something from someone was in a trade, and if Roku is unwilling to do so I think it's called being SoL (S**t outta luck). I doubt that this will make him give it back either. Especially if people in his new LS are ones that helped him get it anyway. Basically it doesnt sound like the Osode is going back to Vindicated anytime soon, so perhaps its time for you to work on getting a a new LS Osode. Seriously though.... if flaming someone on the boards makes an item of theirs you want appear in your inventory let me know how to do it!!! hahaha:)
#37REDACTED, Posted: May 06 2005 at 5:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well actually it has been done on otehr servers- an dthere is a precedent for it.
#38 May 06 2005 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
I sure would love to work for a business that takes back all the money once I quit. Oh, no I wouldn't.
#39 May 06 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,220 posts
shahla wrote:
Well actually it has been done on otehr servers- an dthere is a precedent for it.

As long as you have a print screen of the website /forum/character mae of the "borrower's agreement" and also SS (it worked on otehr server anyway), it is possible to get it back by talking to a few GM. IT is just time consuming, took that LS w ehile to get it back but they did, from the GM.

So as long as there is an agreement- and his word on that and valid statement- and then lack of him keeping his word and taking it- then there is a case for it.

Then why don't you go this route, instead of posting and airing out your dirty laundry to every board there is? Answer is simple, you like fueling the fire and are trying to purposely ruin this person's in-game reputation.

Now before you guys go all "it's a public forum" on me, here is why I am speaking of this. Last night I got an invite to go camp an NM. I say ok and he asks if any other 67+ wanna go with. A few of us do, we get ready to go and I get a /tell, sorry, other members do not want your help because someone in your LS stole AQ from them". Yes, the whole AQ thing, which was really no big deal but got blown WAY outta proportion by people posting false facts and inuendo, we were not allowed to help someone else out. Funny thing is, I wanted nothing more but the chance to kill this NM. It could have dropped items and I would have happily passed and happy to donate my time/items just for the challenge of beating the NM, I play the game for fun and a challenge, not gil or gear. But because of one episode that was blown outta proportion and posted on all the boards, I was excluded.

Notice I kept everything anonymous? Yeah, that is because I do not want to cause unwanted drama. I wished the original invitee and a few more of my friends that were camping the best of luck and went about my business. I wish you the best of luck, but please take this private, call a GM and see if you have any actions against the offender.

Either that, or keep it on the "more mature,higher level" flame pit that is known as the VN boards......

Edited, Fri May 6 18:36:39 2005 by Lokkii
#40 May 06 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
yes yes the GM couldn't ignore your third party program for SS's.....

SE should be firing people...
#41 May 06 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
Kloe, you make it sound like Rokugen was the only one that has been in the LS that long and lead events. Funny part is that you have absolutely NO first hand knowledge of this issue. Furthermore, it is very easy to see who you got your information from, which BTW is a one sided source. You are leaving out that after they left VD, they would spam tells to the remaining members telling them that VD was breaking and go to their LS.
You all need to look at a lot of other HNM/sky LS rules. Most of them keep the osode in the LS. It is the best body peice for many jobs. We have many others that could use it and have worked just as hard as Rokugen did.
We posted on forums because we have tried to solve this on the game, VD forums, and Teamspeak. Sometimes people need to be pushed, and the media is the best way to do it. Case and point, politics.
People say we should compensate people?! You want us to pay people who leave the LS? I dont think this was well thought out. Can you imagine what would happen if all the HNM LS paid people that left for their time spent? You would need to build an LS bank just in case people that have been there a while decide to leave.
He got other items as well, dont listen to that BS. Unless it is possible for a samurai to solo Optical Hat NM. He also had no trouble taking other abj/items in sky. He was offered MNK/NIN/SAM body abj that also drops from Kirin (which he could have kept). Instead he wanted the Osode, knowing that it was LS property. Now because the rule he voted for and agreed to hinders him, he no longer thinks it should be followed.

You gave your word on something, you should keep it. You may not like the terms, but you did agree to them.

#42 May 06 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Kat why don't you have a chat with CoD even Hidoa who was booted was paid out for her time in sky, and yes kloe did keep me annonymous I don't care if you know, and I have alot of respect for keeping me anon in case I didn't want it known.
#43 May 06 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
I dont know if that would really work or not. I thought a GM was only there to enforce the User's Agreement and game glitches and such. Not for a Linkshell's dispute. I've known some people who went to trade with someone, put their item/gil in the slot and hit ok only to watch the other person take it and log. GM's only said they would investigate the matter but it isnt the responsibility of a GM to recover items. Never got the item or gil back. Best of luck with that if you do indeed plan on going that route. Althuogh I believe the best advice is to just cut your losses and begin venturing for a new one.
#44 May 06 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
Did hidoa also walk out with a 10mil gil item and hold it for ransom? Had Rokugen not done this, I would have probably opted to give him compensation of some sort for his points.

#45 May 06 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
HNMLS drama....

nothing to see here folks.. Move along..

God Im glad to be in LoTB. We can pwn your precious gods and actually enjoy doing it. At least some people don't lose sight of the fact that this is still a game after reaching level 65.
#46 May 06 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
Well actually it has been done on otehr servers- an dthere is a precedent for it.

As long as you have a print screen of the website /forum/character mae of the "borrower's agreement" and also SS (it worked on otehr server anyway), it is possible to get it back by talking to a few GM. IT is just time consuming, took that LS w ehile to get it back but they did, from the GM.

So as long as there is an agreement- and his word on that and valid statement- and then lack of him keeping his word and taking it- then there is a case for it.

This is fuc#ing ********* I could tell you to suck my d!ck on game, and if you say "sure", I'm gonna send it to a GM. LOL, how's that for lipservice? Deal with this on your LS, in /tell, with a GM, or with God. But don't bring yer dirty laundry here. Cuz **** stains ain't attractive.
#48 May 06 2005 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
wow your a ******

It takes one to know one, jackass.
#49 May 06 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
HNMLS drama....

nothing to see here folks.. Move along..

God Im glad to be in LoTB. We can pwn your precious gods and actually enjoy doing it. At least some people don't lose sight of the fact that this is still a game after reaching level 65.

It happens to all linkshells. It's happening to mine. It will happen to yours too.

Some survive and get stronger. Some break.

Only time will tell.

Edited, Fri May 6 23:24:16 2005 by Meara
#50 May 06 2005 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
However you look at this situation the fact of the matter is that Rokugen agreed to the terms of VD. Meaning the Osode is Linkshell property. Not his own pesonal property. His leaving VD is a clear message that the Osode should be returned to the VD LS.

His keeping of the Osode is a clear violation of the LS regulations and the AGREEMENT that he made upon joining VD. He is clearly being selfish. he chose to leave VD. he was never kicked out or asked to leave. He could have stayed in VD with the osode but instead decided to jump ship and keep the osode. He is breaking an agreement he made.
Xelliths verdict: Rokugen = Thief.

If Rokugen wants to bring fourth his own testimony then let him come fourth to defend himself

Edited, Sat May 7 00:28:57 2005 by Xellith removed my flames

Edited, Sat May 7 01:22:32 2005 by Xellith
#51 May 07 2005 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
Im thieving because a real life best friend wanted to move with the rest to Darkest Hour, I felt Shahla was not taking the LS in the right direction and I joined the many VD that left to Darkest Hour. But hey you are the first person to call me a **** or anything of that sort even VD members attacking me have not done that, I mean you've never talked to me or began to know the extent of the situation. Thanks for your input though.
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