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Kirin Osode Taken From Vindicated- Rokugen DishonoredFollow

#102 May 09 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
I'm not going to comment on the issue at hand i just was wondering if anyone else is amazed by how psychotic Shahla is. Is this standard practice? Contracts, voice recordings, blood and urine samples...retenal scans...I think those are major signs of someone who needs to quit this game right this second and go outside. I dont care whos who or whats what but you definitly need to get out of the house. You're sick and you need need friends...of the non pixel persuasion. That is a sign of someone who lives in in FF, and this is what you DO NOT want to become. SE needs to ban her just for being in need of outside stimulation.

LOLOMG! A life {Do you need it?} Some ppl need to pull away from the keyboard, unplug the IV bag and go outside. Breathe, take a walk, fly a kite, go watch a movie or something. I think that Shahla proved that she is perhaps the strangest person on our server in need of a real life. And with that coming from me, odd ball #1, is pretty bad. ***** even brought Webster's Dictionary into this ****. You KNOW she be crazy, lol.
#103 May 09 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
JennySparks wrote:
I'm not going to comment on the issue at hand i just was wondering if anyone else is amazed by how psychotic Shahla is. Is this standard practice? Contracts, voice recordings, blood and urine samples...retenal scans...I think those are major signs of someone who needs to quit this game right this second and go outside. I dont care whos who or whats what but you definitly need to get out of the house. You're sick and you need need friends...of the non pixel persuasion. That is a sign of someone who lives in in FF, and this is what you DO NOT want to become. SE needs to ban her just for being in need of outside stimulation.

Uh, for some this is a big part of thier social life atm, and believe it or not, the pixel character is actually being controlled by a real person. It is just like talking on the phone or on Aim to someone.

I myslef moved out of state for a job. All of my real life friends are 6 hours away. Alot of them play this game and we communicate on here. This is the main part of my social life lately. My fiance and I occasionly go out to eat,movies,golfing, etc..., but for the most part I am on here. You know what it really doesnt botherme either, I used to always be out and about with my friends all the time, it is kind of a nice change keeping to myself a little and saving money on top of it.
#104REDACTED, Posted: May 09 2005 at 1:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol. Thats funny. Actually one of the complaints is that I have not been online 99% of my day because I DO have a life....
#105 May 09 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, I just came from the VD site. Stuff is too deep for me. It DOES look like you have to make a blood contract and stuff to join. Where is the fun? It all seems too business like. But I guess some ppl like to play that way. I just couldn't have a psycho as my LS leader.

Psycho leader: Where were you yesterday??!!!

Me: uhh, at my mom's house eating dinner.

Psycho leader: WHAT??!! We had an O. Hat run last night, buddy!

Me: I'm sorry ><

Psycho leader: Sorry??!! That ain't gonna cut it! Gimme your mom's number and address. I have to pay her a visit for hindering our LS. What the hell were you thinking?!

Me: But it was Mother's Day!
#106 May 09 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
Wow I was checking out some other boards and noticed this is on like 20+ other boards. I mean come on, do you think the 4 year olds from Sesame street forum are going to care about this?, or that the posters on the Viagra board would care?, hell all they care about is the clothes coming off, not if someone stole some!
#107REDACTED, Posted: May 09 2005 at 2:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) As I said befoe its not about me. I have nothing to gain for me personally. Its about getting it back for the linkshell for the next person in line and because of the principle of the agreement.
#108 May 09 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
Principle of aggreement, my ***. If this is you hobby, you need to find a new one. You are making more enemies than allies. People don't really care anymore what you have to say. The story is old, and the wine is stale hunny. Now put on your clothes and get outta my room...
#109 May 09 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
Barchiel wrote:
Principle of aggreement, my ***. If this is you hobby, you need to find a new one. You are making more enemies than allies. People don't really care anymore what you have to say. The story is old, and the wine is stale hunny. Now put on your clothes and get outta my room...

Stfu Bar....your one to talka bout holding agreements, dont think I forgot about that stack of Earth crystals you agreed to give back to me after you left my party that night. I cant help your synths failed and you lost the whole stack cause you suck!. Thats it Bar im going to post on 20 different boards about those crystals, and be very repetitive, then you will be made to give them back!!!
#110 May 09 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
245 posts
/em shows his face. :P

/em does a figure-four leglock on a chicken that knows he's about to have his head chopped off. Chicken secretly puts his beak in the floor and flaps his wings like crazy knowing that this completely unexpected move has taken his opponent off guard. (Poetic?)

ps. WAR/WHM is dishonored and gets no invites... builds WAR/WHM LS because hey, it may not be right but I bet there are some good-looking war/whm babes out there that would rather not have to level their THF skills to get their hands on their first two-handed weapon :)
#111 May 09 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
Stfu Bar....your one to talka bout holding agreements, dont think I forgot about that stack of Earth crystals you agreed to give back to me after you left my party that night. I cant help your synths failed and you lost the whole stack cause you suck!. Thats it Bar im going to post on 20 different boards about those crystals, and be very repetitive, then you will be made to give them back!!!

No. We aggreed to start up an ECFLS(Earth Crystal Farming LS).

It was YOU that didn't show up in West Ronfaure.

It was YOU that signed on the dotted line with your pic, fingerprint, and sperm sample next to it.

I DID make 2 WHOLE SYNTHS, thank you very much.

Now we all see that you can't be trusted.

I'm not only going all over EVERY FFXI board to post about your deeds...but I'm going on the WoW, Lineage, iPod fans, Peanut Butter Lovers, Plunger Patrol, and Ninja Turtle forums to let EVERYONE know what you did. Maybe if I tell enough ppl, something might happen.

And YES, I do know about your new LS that you are starting with Hohitoo. The WAR/WHM LS. I'm gonna post about them too. I don't know why, but I am.

Oh yeah, I told a GM your address, expect a home visit, buddy boy.

Edited, Mon May 9 15:36:56 2005 by Barchiel
#112 May 09 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
845 posts
I didnt mean it to sound so insulting Shah....but i mean...c'mon...contracts and recordings and whetever else. This isnt the FBI here. Its a stupid item that the party that was present and did the fighting earned. Not the LS as a whole. I dont know all the politics for these kinds of LS' but i know i dont want part in one that asks me to sign contracts and will take an item to claim as their own to be given to a mule that only the leader trusts...otherwise known as..his room mate and/ore best friend...wife...husband...whatever the case may be.If that will keep me out of those kinds of link shells then i am glad. I will know i am sane and i dont put that much into what it comes down to is a failing video game. Unless SE has some tricks up their sleeves you wont have anyone to show off your little item to anyway by next year.
Thats just the risk you run when having that trust people to give you the items...and people trust you to eventually get them the items. You got burnt. That is the risk. You little contract means nothing because you're claiming ownership of something that doesnt belong to either of you.Personally, you both need a months vacation from FF. I mean c'mon...Star Wars is coming out...Get to work on the wookie costume!
#113 May 09 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
omg Bar.....dont tell the peanut butter lovers!!!!!, thos mugs are loco in da cabesa!!!

and for war/whm, hmm Im a pld, war/whm is just a ghetto pld wanna be!
#114 May 09 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Ok i know my opion doesnt amount to anything due to the lvl i am and such. But WTF. I have a friend in VD who has witnessed theese things and doest care and still enjoys himself. And i wonder why everyone is not like this. I mean if end game LS's are all arguments and about gil and items why join i mean. I get discouraged when i see stuff this thread up top everyday ( i know im not hlping ><) but my message is this:

#115 May 09 2005 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with BraveTaru.

And for YOU Kramer, WAR/WHM > PLD. PLD is a GIMPED WAR/WHM.

WAR/WHM is da 1337. WAR/WHM ,or WHAM! for short, is what tanking is ALL about. Check it, WAR/WHM can tank and heal LIKE A PLD, and tank and use Blink to BLINK TANK LIKE A NIN.

#116 May 09 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default
Barchiel wrote:
I agree with BraveTaru.

And for YOU Kramer, WAR/WHM > PLD. PLD is a GIMPED WAR/WHM.

WAR/WHM is da 1337. WAR/WHM ,or WHAM! for short, is what tanking is ALL about. Check it, WAR/WHM can tank and heal LIKE A PLD, and tank and use Blink to BLINK TANK LIKE A NIN.


damn, your right

#117 May 09 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
108 posts

P.S. To any admin's that may or may not be reading this, please, please, please, Please, PLEASE lock or delete this thread and prevent anything more to be discussed about it here.
#118 May 09 2005 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good

Elvis is alive? I coulda told you that. Everynight he flies down in his UFO and abducts me, probes me, sings t3h blues, and then ditches me naked in some woods outside of town.

P.S. To any admin's that may or may not be reading this, please, please, please, Please, PLEASE lock or delete this thread and prevent anything more to be discussed about it here.

But then nobody can read all t3h funny jokes we wrote.
#119 May 09 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
KloeKittyKatGang wrote:
One thing that I think is bad about this whole situation, is that Shahla doesn't even care that she is losing members over this matter, she only cares about getting this item back to her LS. I find it saddening that an item is worth more to you than keeping some of your longtime members. And Katarina that's something that someone doesn't need first hand experience directly with shahla to understand. I don't care how much an item is worth, it shouldn't be worth more than your members.

#120 May 10 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Default
"Unless SE has some tricks up their sleeves you wont have anyone to show off your little item to anyway by next year."

Looking into this, and yes there are certain things they have explained to me and I am researching them. As for the Osode, it is not for me and benefits me in any way. It is for the next person in line and the linkshell. However, when this mess is situated, the leaders are revising a new system.

"Thats just the risk you run when having that trust people to give you the items...and people trust you to eventually get them the items.You got burnt. That is the risk."

Agreed. Was too trusting. Thought someone would keep to their word. Won't happen again.

"Star Wars is coming out...Get to work on the wookie costume!"

Already have tickets. I am a definite SW fan. No costumes though, sorry.

/cheers and good luck.

#121 May 10 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Default
.... hmmmm 10 million osode.... and whatever other stuff in 10 months.... so thats 1 million+ a month.... damn i need to bill my shell for my servicies.

In all honesty if your in a shell for 10 months and get nothing but one piece of gear.... why be there that long. I go to Sky for help/fun. from what i thought alot of my shell does also. If we base going to events on what we can get from em you'd never see blm there. Good luck with that one.

there are a few times i get fussy cause i dont make gil from end game like sky or dynamis. Yet i get to lot on blm af2 and such and never pay to go to events.

As far as the original information in post.... i have seen on my server, people take something when they leave and shell getting upset. If it cannot be resolved one on one then its taken up between the leaders. Trying to resolve behind the scenes is prefered but not always how its handled.

Whats next... borrowing gear from people and then keeping it saying you have helped them so much in the past they owe you?

... and for all the Job references.... 99.9% of jobs pay peopel regardless of what they do. I have worked places where there are 100 people i i do half the owrk for the same pay they all get. I usually quit promptly afterwards but still the fact remains. Until LSs start paying you an hourly wage based on your qualifications the 10 months = osode equation looses merit. It would be like me getting a job that pays 60k a year and as i am leaving decide it should have been 100k and i steal a car and a few computers to compensate me.

My shell had people lot on it and if you win it is yours. Yet Nobles Tunics are LS property. If this was one of those and the person left after using it it would recieve the same debates. Maybe not on 50 differant forums but still.

Take alook at BLM forum when you get the chance...

this was post about how a person feels they do not get what they shoudl from end game content. People flamed it due to them reading it as i am blm i want more for what i do and i dont get it. Content is differant but concept is the same.

Regardless of what you feel you have earned... holding another shells possesion for ransom is low. ITs saying that your in the shell for 10 months and didnt get as much as you wanted. Probably one of the reasons you left. Did you ask for more loot and gil while in the shell... if so and you didnt get it... why did you remain. I mean i have had jobs i hated but got good money so i stayed, and jobs i loved but was not paid well and left.

We will never know all the stuff behind this and overall the osode is now moot. Its agreed that both parties aggree that the osode when origianlly recieed was Ls and then now its not due to lack of compensation and that the osode is not in ls posession currently. Persoanlly if i made a verbal agreement or any other i stand by what i say no matter the terms. The issue of compensation should have been addressed 9 months ago.
#122 May 10 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good

Hey guys, this has gone far enough. Don't believe me? Do this:

Go "google" Osode

#123 May 11 2005 at 4:36 AM Rating: Good
525 posts
OMG....1960 Found......Good Times!

I used to care about my sig. Then I got mocked and butt-hurt. I shall commence with the self-pity now.
#124 May 11 2005 at 5:36 AM Rating: Default
Buffylvr...I remember you! (Which is rare, I almost forget everyone I meet in Vana'diel). We met on the hill in South GUstaberg, you were XPing SMN, i was XPing some random job, then you invited me to your UnitedNoobs LS (or some name like that), but then you quit the LS ; ;
#125 May 11 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default
I PTed with Buffy last night^^.

Congrats on 74, Buffylvr!!
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