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Elemental Torque RantFollow

#1 May 10 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
This is a rant. If ye don't want to read, move on. If yer going to flame me, move on. No, wait, go ahead and flame I'm pissy anyways.

I've been busy the last three weeks mining and synthing and mining and synthing to afford all my gear. (Yes, I realize blm gear is cheap comped to Sam/Mnk/Drk/Drg, etc.) I got to 67 without a pentinent's rope, but figured ah'd buy it anyway and use it, and let the blm in my static borrow it when we hit 60. 960k, been stable, okay no big deal. Bought the Druid's slops, price history at the time was 450k low 550k high. Had to spend 600k...... ::sigh::

Well been busting my tail trying to get 1 mil for the elemental torque. Got the money finally. None in stock. Been trying the last 3 days to get it. Every time I'm under my mule I've been checking. One went up this morning! Sweet! Bid all the gil I had. 1,062,000 and no go. Hop over to main to send myself another 100k, by time I got back it'd already sold at 1.1 mil.

Another pops up, 1.162 mil and still no go. My wife sends me some extra gil. Finally bought it at 1.4 mil. WTF is this @#$@#$? from 1 mil to 1.4 mil in 24 hours.

What is it with you greedy SOBs? Yeah, I'm the dumbass who paid 1.4 mil for an item. However, it's expected endgame. I'm going in to Dynamis this weekend for the first time. Hopefully at lvl 68 or 69. But either way I'm sure the mobs are significantly higher than me.

Stupid greedy sob's. None of the other torques even come close to the cost of this one. Is it that rare of a drop or is it the mentality of "Hey, blm is cheap, let's shaft these effers on something?"

This is my rant. This is my problem. Take it as you will. Not all of Shiva is greedy, but in game as well as out of game, most of humanity is greedy, miserly and stupid.

#2 May 10 2005 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
It's 1.4 mil already? I had to start a break two weeks ago (when it was 1mil), was hoping to get the rest of the gil for my torque so that I'd have it when I hit 65... this saddens me. I'd started saving for it when it was only ~800k. Now it's gone up to almost twice that. I know it's not much of a cost compared to the gear of other jobs... but that's disheartening. I expected inflation but... come on.
Alright, I'm done whining. I guess I'll just have to BCNM it, since I doubt I'll be able to afford that any time soon.
The point here: Papawarlock, I feel your pain.
#3 May 10 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
341 posts

It really sucks that ppl (please take note I said ppl not gil sellers) have gotten as greedy as they have. I can certainly sympathize w/ you, not too long ago Whm's were having the same problems w/ the price of spells and equipment that is considered "needed" for end game. Thankfully w/ a little patience and a lot of ******** that changed significantly. Now I realize that your post was about the price of equipment, not spells, but I feel that it still deals w/ the same matter at heart... ppl raising prices way above what the "standard" price is.

It sucks and it sucks more that there's little we as players can do about it, other than complain and try to set a better example. Take comfort in the fact that at some point in time it will eventually come back at them (I'm sure you know what I'm referring to... universal law of 3). Hang in there ^^

67 Whm / 33 Blm

*edited for grammar and stuff

Edited, Tue May 10 13:54:22 2005 by salvationinpurgatory

Edited, Tue May 10 13:55:02 2005 by salvationinpurgatory
#4 May 10 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Now I realize that your post was about the price of equipment, not spells, but I feel that it still deals w/ the same matter at heart...

I would agree with you completely, for the WHM your spells are your equipment (or at least a huge chunk of it).
As for the raising above "Standard Price," I expected it to a degree. I fully expected the prices to fluctuate, or just to increase a bit with the inflation, but I guess I underestimated.
Oh well. I know I've got some reliable friends that will help me BCNM for it (and that's something that inflation can never take away from me!!) considering that they're RL friends and I can just bug them every time I see them.
The only thing I can think of that might help is more people BCNMing and flooding the AH with the torques... Though, something tells me (maybe it's common sense) that this will not come to pass.
#5 May 10 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, I understand your anger. I bought my friend a Berserker's Axe, but the price jumped 200k more than the last one. I wasn't ROYALLY pissed like you (lol), but I was hoping that the sellers wouldn't pull an OPEC on me and raise the price too high. Though 200k price raise isn't too bad for about 24 hours, but 400k within the same day is pretty bad. Yeah, there are greedy ppl on our server, lol. But nowadays ya get kinda used to it.
#6 May 10 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
I bought my friend a Berserker's Axe, but the price jumped 200k more than the last one.

Reminds me of earlier this year, my best friend (my static's mnk) had been wanting a brown belt badly. It's easier for me to make gil than him. Well when we first took a gander at this item it was 450-500k (avg price). Two weeks later, I had a lot of gil and figured ah'd help him out. Finally pd 650k for it. The last sales price prior was 500k but the one prior was 520k.

Within a week or so it'd hit 1m. Think it fluctuates now between 750-850k.

It is pretty sad that we have to say
But nowadays ya get kinda used to it.
. Even sadder, is that we do live with it.
#7 May 10 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
I can certainly sympathize w/ you, not too long ago Whm's were having the same problems w/ the price of spells and equipment that is considered "needed" for end game. Thankfully w/ a little patience and a lot of ******** that changed significantly. Now I realize that your post was about the price of equipment, not spells, but I feel that it still deals w/ the same matter at heart... ppl raising prices way above what the "standard" price is.

Yeah ah remember that mess. My wife is quite happy it's dropped back down.

Most equipment can be bought and resold. Spells can not. Think ah've shelled out 2 mil or so on spells for Blm and Whm. And barring my quitting blm or quitting the game, the torque isn't really something ah can resell. But, it could be worse, least ah don't have to spend 6 mil or so on a body piece. :-)
#8 May 10 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
It's 1.4 mil already? I had to start a break two weeks ago (when it was 1mil), was hoping to get the rest of the gil for my torque so that I'd have it when I hit 65... this saddens me. I'd started saving for it when it was only ~800k. Now it's gone up to almost twice that. I know it's not much of a cost compared to the gear of other jobs... but that's disheartening. I expected inflation but... come on.

Well, I am the one who paid 1.4m for the item so ah'm sorry for that. I'd started saving for the torque a few weeks back, knowing ah'd need 2.3 or 2.5 mil for the three items ah'd wanted, but now ah've spent 3 mil instead. The question now remains is it truely worth what ah spent?
#9 May 10 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
185 posts
jebus! and jebus again ... /cry 59 now, no af (figure a week or two to get that together, dead broke, missing flood dont have flare ready /cry /sigh welp i'm ski-roo'd
#10 May 10 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent

Hmm. >.> Got my torque for 200k. Of course, that was about 8 months ago. Still, that's a 1.2 million increase in 8 months.

Supply and demand I guess. It comes from BC60 and no one wants to waste 60 seals on BCs anymore. BC60 is rarely done.
#11 May 10 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,090 posts
Yeah, nearly everything out of bcnm 60 is skyrocketing. Specs jumped to 5 million last week.
#12 May 11 2005 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
let's do some BCNM then. XD

last time's record 2 or 3 months ago:

from 7 fight:

4 elemental torque, 1 enfeeble torque, 3 shield torque, 1 erase, tonnes of platium, 3 x raise 2. lots' of other rubbish.

result over 800k each ppl XD

the items dropped at my round over 1.4m that time.

it was 3 months ago, things will have at least 20% inflation.
#13 May 11 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Geebus. Padre, if I knew that's why money was scant, you know I wouldn't have messed with ye. >< That sh*t blows sommat major, eh? I'm thinkin' I'm gonna do the old "**** off everyone else and wear AF" when I hit the lvl. As sexy as my Hume body would be in that armor, I can't make money like you. =P

---But yeah, I do feel your pain, and I hope I can be of service if you need a BCNM ***** again. ~~~lotsa seals and an orb, y'know.
#14 May 11 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm well if u couldnt bid for 100k more than the last price, then u really shouldnt have bid at all for it. Now that ppl know loaded BLM's are willing to buy for 300k over the last price, elem torque will continue to climb in price (added to the natural inflation of a rare BCNM drop). this would probably apply to most other big purchases (200k+).

Even as a PLD I have pt'd without a lot of up-to-date equips (knightly mantle 300k and IM gorget 170k for example). I just refused to pay the sky-rocketing price for it. So I waited for it to drop 20k below the last transaction. This was because I knew that better equips don't make me a better tank. If u couldnt possibly be a good BLM without it, then fine, buy it.
#15 May 11 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
That sucks... I don't think anyone likes the inflation of almost every item on the AH. Well, except for maybe the people selling the items.. <.< Still, it does annoy me when this kind of stuff happens. Personally, I never sell something for more then the last price of it. Usually less, actually.
#16 May 11 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Actually one of the reasons I pd for it, was the fact that I don't have a moldevite earring.

I got the opportunity to use it yesterday, I'd say 90% of my nukes went in full.

And yes, yer right I shouldn't have pd that much more for it. However, the luck that I have, if I don't get an item I want or feel is needed, it tends to jack up in price. I should've bought it first when it was under 1m but went with the pentinent's rope instead. ::sigh:: Such is my luck. Now that I've bought it, it'll go down in price lol.
#17 May 11 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
moldevite earring is for enchant damage.

the torque is to increase still hence increase accuracy.

they are two different aspect.

the drop rate of the torque is actually higher than you think. as i said.. i got 4 elemental torques from 7 fight last time. and at least 2 from 6 every time i visit that BC.

the drop rate is higher than enfeeble torque and evasion.

but not many ppl know where to go to that BC nor can't be bothered. walking to that BC is harder than fighting it. at least the 60BCNM orc to drop spec is much harder than this torque BCNM. even 4 or 5 ppl can win this BC.

don't be lazy, BCNM is the best way to earn money for new characters. my fortune came from BCNM long time ago.

#18 May 11 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
332 posts
yeah i was with Fio when we did those bcs.. ele and enfeeble dropped at the same time once too.. that bc is just awesome.. the four sahagins are just too easy. and as fio said the walk to the bc is the bad part. but once you've done it more than 3 times, you'll get the hang of it and u'll keep doing them until you're out of seals.. i seriously dont think u even need a bard for it either like with other bcs.. blm or rdm sleepaga is good enough.
#19 May 11 2005 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts

I know the earring is for MAB and elemental torque is to reduce resistance. However being minus the one, I can't afford to be minus the other. If that makes any sense to you.

As for the bcnm 60, I would love to do one. I tend to do the 40's and is where I've made a good portion of my gil. Lately, having been short on seals, I've made a good amount of gil mining.

I'm eagerly awaiting the day I can do KSBCNM 30s with blm. Only another 5 1/3 levels to 73.
#20 May 12 2005 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
for BC40, you have only 2 or 3 good target that you want. erase, etc. if the BCNM doesn't drop those 2 or 3 items, you left with nothing good for sale.

the torquest BC is different.

you have a large number of items as targets. you sure get 2 torques, and that's why ellemental torque of enfeeble drop rate is high.

1. elemental
2. enfeeble
3. evasion torque
4. shield torque
5. ninja magic torque.
6. erase.
7. the lvl33 rdm magic.

you see, you already have 6 major targets to aim for. and 1 minor target. you sure get 2 torques every BC and hence very high hance for at least 1 valuable torque is dropped.

whatever you want in mandy BC, you got it here. for the spec BCNM in sandoria, the chance you getting 1 is slim, and that BC is almost single target, ie. no spec = limited money.

the ghost BC also is a very good one cos it drop the valuable belts. drop rate also not low.

i would think the torque BC is one of the highest average earning beastman BCNM if not the highest. it never disappointed in the pass. and many mandy/Spec/bastok BC always end up with nothing.

BC 20 also is not bad earning. but i rather do torques BC than BC 40.

also 1 advantage of this BC. everyone can come up with full AFs and no need to worry about buying and storing lvl40 gears.

#21 May 12 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
I've been noticing this too, just with dumb stuff.

I went to AH to get your average lvl 1 armor for NIN (Bronze crap)

there was 1 bronze subligar (0.o) in stock at Bastok, checked bid histories, selling for 1k, right?

The last one there I tried 1k, expecting to get it...nope.

<_< what asscracker puts a BRONZE SUBLIGAR on the AH for more than 7k? only reason i can think of is, someone accidentally put it up for 10k....


but, ive also noticed this with other items too, the price upping is completely outrageous, and it makes me angry.
#22 May 12 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts

I'll have to save my seals and when my static hits that high I will have us try it one day. I'm leveling 2 jobs, blm (67) pld (54). So, we will definately try it then. Thank you for the information. I will look up the bcnms and learn more about it.

With my static having been so low we do the 40s and have done pretty good with it. With the 40s we go with 1 rng 3 blm 1 whm and whoever else in the ls wishes to go.

However, having a rdm whm blm mnk and pld in static The enfeebling torque and elemental torque is something my members can use. Your right why buy if you can win.

Thank you.
#23 May 18 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
So we all agree that inflation sucks because of these greedy bastards! My question is, what can we do about it other than ***** and whine? I mean, let's face it. It's only gonna continue to get worse if no one does anything about it! Most of us bust *** to get by in the game, and we all want the best for our characters. Is there anything that can be done? Think about it.
#24 May 18 2005 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Other than bcnm something ourselves or craft the item we want or find a friend who has a great chance of HQ'ing the item we want, not much can be done.

However, sometimes it makes ye feel a bit better just to rant and scream.
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