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The Return of OsodeFollow

#1 May 12 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
I've been speaking with the leaders of Vindicated and have proposed this:

I will use my Kirin's Osode until my LS gets me one, at which points I hand it back, or when a months time is up starting 2 days ago.

I am using my 10 months of points to "Rent" the Osode until I obtain a new one. Well Osode topic is over, moderators feel free to close it off.
#2 May 12 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Default
1,255 posts
And don't forget my Onion Sword.....and left sock!!!

On a side note, I'm glad ONE side decided to offer an olive branch and put forth a compromise that (it would seem) both sides can live with. I'm sorry all the dirty laundry got aired, but hopefully it gets resolved soon and we can forget about it 3 months from now.

Or five minutes, whichever comes first.
#3 May 12 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
Dude, for all the crap that's been posted; I'D KEEP IT. I'm sure if you gave it back, you WON'T see a million threads saying:


So just keep it. I'm sure VD has about 5 or 6 of em in their closet. I say pimp the Osode like there ain't no tomorrow. If you are handing it back for the "principle" of the matter, well, I salute you...but it won't earn you brownie points cuz Shahla already did her best to ruin your name worse than Michael Jackson.
#4 May 12 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
1,255 posts
That's up to the leader of Vindicated. The ball is in her court now.

Personally Rokugen, I agree with Shalah that how you took the Osode was wrong. But I also believe that what she did afterwards was way out of line. Ten months of loyal service and the first thing that your leader says when she hears you are leaving is "I'll be back in 15 seconds to get your osode." Under the same circumstances, my reaction may have been very similar in defiance.

In the end, you were the first person to do the right thing and concede. I admire that. And with any luck, we will never have to hear about this again.
#5 May 12 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
The council after talking about it for some length had agreed to this, but to let it be known to public board and not just with us so that this agreement is public and will most likely be upheld.

Terms are: First osode whenever is dropped, or month from 2 days ago, whichever comes first. Please return Kirin Osode to deadnedz or zeerodeath so he can hand over to zeerodeath, as the Osode will be going to him. Thank you for doing so.

I am glad this can all be settled. I am only sad that this had to be dragged out and could not have been handled like this from the beginning.

I wish you luck.


On a side note: I never did say I would I would be down getting the Osode in 15 mins....nor is the Osode for myself at all...also, the LS was made in September 2004 branching from BPP. I am glad a resolution to this fine mess is coming into action. Cheers and good luck.
#6 May 12 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
1,255 posts
Shalah, I'm glad that this issue is resolved. However (for future reference) there is a difference between "had to" and "felt the compulsory urge to." Please don't forget that.
#7 May 12 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
If a few days of fighting/debate on a less public does nothing, what is left for one to do? Just say "Oh well, we'll just let him keep the Osode"? No. Something did "have to" be done. You can question that Shahla did not have to post this all the places she did, but I don't see it wrong to have gone public with this. According to the LS rules, that would be stealing what Rokugen was about to do, and stealing is grounds for an attack on public forums.

I think the compromise is a good one, Rokugen doesn't get completely slapped around and VD doesn't get screwed over. I wish Rokugen's new LS and VD luck.
#8 May 12 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
1,255 posts
No, you are right. Something did have to be done. Whether that something was a further pursuit--or a total concession--it doesn't matter. My point is that there is a difference between having to do something and choosing to do something.

It's like taking a ****. Everyone HAS to take a **** at one time or another. It's your choice whether or not you want to **** against the wind or with it.
#9 May 12 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
I'd keep the Osode.

Edited, Thu May 12 21:35:57 2005 by Lefein
#10 May 12 2005 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
The council after talking about it for some length had agreed to this, but to let it be known to public board and not just with us so that this agreement is public and will most likely be upheld.

WTF...THE COUNCIL?! Since when did you become a friggin Jedi.
Anyway, after ALL this ****************** on nearly EVERY board on Alla making you look like a criminal, and you are gonna give it back? Man, I thought you had bigger balls bro. So what will she do? Take it back and throw it in the box with the rest of her Osodes. KEEP THE DAMN OSODE.

And NO, this ******** DID NOT have to be made public. You did it by CHOICE. WTF is posting on OTHER forums besides the Server...and mainly your LS forum gonna do? Besides making Shahla look like an *** and Roku look like a thief, it will do NOTHING. Other ppl don't give a RATS *** about the situation. Fuggit, do what you will with the Osode, Rokugen. But Shahla, the next time someone "disshonors" you, shows up late for a meeting, or forgets to friggin' floss in your LS...KEEP THE **** TO YOURSELF. The world don't want to here your damn problems. If its a LS problem, keep it in the LS....the LS that you have left. ******** I tell ya.
#11 May 12 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
I've read a lot of these posts and I have a good understanding of the entire conflict/resolution etc. I'm glad that this is all coming to an end, so I'm not going to incite anyone to keep it going any longer than it has by posting my opinion as to who was right and who was wrong. At the same time, I would like to say that I, as one individual, have a great deal of respect for Rokugen because of his choice to return the Osode.

Barchiel, it's a video game. What do the size of ones balls have to do with anything? Essentially what we had here were two, very trivial, wrongs. It takes the bigger man to step up and patch up the situation, returning those who were involved to more amiable terms. I'm not flaming you, Barc, but in my humble, and obviously differing, opinion Rokugen has bigger balls for returning it. His name was tarnished, partially, by all the threads concering the alleged "theft" of the Osode and in one light, giving the Osode back can be viewed as admitting he was wrong. Well, in all my experience, it takes balls to admit when one is wrong, and that's precisely why I'm tipping my hat to Rokugen. At the same time, I don't think he necessarily was wrong (again, I'll not post my personal opinion) but he has done the admirable thing here, and Shahla had every right to want the Osode back, the manner by which she went about it is not at all how I would have done things. However, thats just me, and it is only my opinion that Rokugen deserves a great deal of credit for stepping up to the plate and doing the responsible thing.

Even if it's apeasement, it brings peace.
#12 May 12 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Roku look like a thief

And that's how it was going to play out. However, and I'm sure at least partially because this went so public, things changed and a compromise was made. This compromise did not happen after days of talk a much less public forum.

Take it back and throw it in the box with the rest of her Osodes.

Have you ever been in an HNM LS? Do you know what it takes to get an Osode?

You have 4 gods, each have 2 pop items. That means you need to fight 12 NM's to POP Kirin. You then have to beat Kirin, and there are HNM LS's that have wiped to Kirin even as veterans. Then, after 13 fights which probably took you anywhere from 3-10 hours (of fighting, not counting camping), there is a CHANCE at an Osode to drop. Do you honestly think there are loads of Osodes around?

Steam Cleaner, from what I understand, was horribly broken for a LONG time. That means you could pop Seiryu, which means you can't pop Kirin. So for a while during the 10 months of VD, they didn't even have a chance at fighting Kirin and getting an Osode. It's not a super common thing to be fighting Kirin and getting Osodes left and right.

Other ppl don't give a RATS *** about the situation.

If you don't care, don't read and don't post. You can say she had the choice to post this publicly or not. But you also have the choice to ignore it.

Edited, Thu May 12 21:24:32 2005 by SirEaglestrike
#13 May 12 2005 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default
WTF...THE COUNCIL?! Since when did you become a friggin Jedi.Anyway, after ALL this bullsh*t...posting on nearly EVERY board on Alla making you look like a criminal, and you are gonna give it back?

ROFLMAO Bar xD tats too funny

anyways I hope you get another one soon Rok ^^ take care
#14 May 13 2005 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
Barchiel, it's a video game. What do the size of ones balls have to do with anything? Essentially what we had here were two, very trivial, wrongs. It takes the bigger man to step up and patch up the situation, returning those who were involved to more amiable terms. I'm not flaming you, Barc, but in my humble, and obviously differing, opinion Rokugen has bigger balls for returning it. His name was tarnished, partially, by all the threads concering the alleged "theft" of the Osode and in one light, giving the Osode back can be viewed as admitting he was wrong. Well, in all my experience, it takes balls to admit when one is wrong, and that's precisely why I'm tipping my hat to Rokugen. At the same time, I don't think he necessarily was wrong (again, I'll not post my personal opinion) but he has done the admirable thing here, and Shahla had every right to want the Osode back, the manner by which she went about it is not at all how I would have done things. However, thats just me, and it is only my opinion that Rokugen deserves a great deal of credit for stepping up to the plate and doing the responsible thing.

You are telling ME its a game? What about Shahla who has Sith Lords on council to discuss this whole matter, or having contracts with pictures and signatures, or posting her dirty laundry on every board possible? I think that YOU are talking to the wrong person. If he is SO wrong, then why don't he just join VD again?

Have you ever been in an HNM LS? Do you know what it takes to get an Osode?

You have 4 gods, each have 2 pop items. That means you need to fight 12 NM's to POP Kirin. You then have to beat Kirin, and there are HNM LS's that have wiped to Kirin even as veterans. Then, after 13 fights which probably took you anywhere from 3-10 hours (of fighting, not counting camping), there is a CHANCE at an Osode to drop. Do you honestly think there are loads of Osodes around?

Steam Cleaner, from what I understand, was horribly broken for a LONG time. That means you could pop Seiryu, which means you can't pop Kirin. So for a while during the 10 months of VD, they didn't even have a chance at fighting Kirin and getting an Osode. It's not a super common thing to be fighting Kirin and getting Osodes left and right.

Thanks for the 101, but I did have an idea. If he's been sky leader for nearly a year with nothing to show for it, don't you think he deserves something? But thats your opinion.


If you don't care, don't read and don't post. You can say she had the choice to post this publicly or not. But you also have the choice to ignore it

LOL, ********* This crap was all over the place. Its almost like trying to ignore someone trying to give you an enima. If there was a rift between you and a friend, would you discuss this among friends, or post it in the newspaper? Someone get a high lvl BST on the phone, someone needs an MPK. Rokugen, the force is strong within you still. Make the right choice. Remember what master Moga told you:

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to stress. Stress leads to doobies. Doobies lead to twinkies.

I believe you will know what to do. May the hump be with you...
#15 May 13 2005 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
If there was a rift between you and a friend, would you discuss this among friends, or post it in the newspaper?

You know this issue was discussed and argued about on the VD guest forums for a few days before it went public, right? You know they talked about this on TS or Vent (whichever they use) before it went public, right? It's not like he left and BAM, here Shahla comes with the public attacks. A few days went by of Rokugen refusing to return the Osode (THE LINKSHELL'S OSODE, not his) and THEN these topics were made.

I'm not sure how many posts you read, I know I didn't read every single one, but I do know some of the top members of VD had said Roku was not that amazingly big on sky like he claimed. Who do I believe? Neither side, really, I have no true affiliation and I can trust either. But that means I don't accept anyones claim that Rokugen was the leader of sky team 2 and was there all the time, just like I don't accept that he was a major slacker about it.

It's plain and simple Bar, you said you'd do something, so you do it. Just keep your word, you don't make excuses and get out of keeping your word. Nothing else matters, your word should be your first priority to uphold.
#16 May 13 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
It's plain and simple Bar, you said you'd do something, so you do it. Just keep your word, you don't make excuses and get out of keeping your word. Nothing else matters, your word should be your first priority to uphold.

LOL, I didn't say I'd do something. I'm guessing you are talking about Rokugen. So it was YOU that was giving me weird faces or whatever in Jeuno the other day. I didn't know that you were Ladyofhonor. Hell, I heard **** about you too, but its all old crap. And yes sweetheart (or dude, whatever u are), I did know that they discussed this first there. But will bringing this news EVERYWHERE get anything solved? No. If Rokugen REALLY feels that he is doing the right thing, it wouldn't have come to this. Hell, he wouldn't have taken it anyway. I feel that he's just trying to end the madness.
#17 May 13 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
Grats on the settlement.... Roku good luck on a new toy... Shahla grats on the eventual return of the LS property. Peer pressure does help in certain situations. Not saying this could not have been resolved privately but overall it did help to maybe speed it up after flames died off.

... 99.9% of times i always put myself in the other personas shoes... In this case both Shahla and Roku and overal the compromise is very suited to both sides and overall both will be satisfied with the results.....
#18 May 13 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default
1,255 posts
It sounds more like both parties got caught up in the moment and did something rash and regretful. Then, once they had time to think it over, they saw that it probably wasn't the best thing to do. We've all been there at one time or another.

Roku seems like a decent person...otherwise why bother posting follow-ups in his defense? He could have run off and been done with it. He didn't though.

All I'm left with to conclude is that Rokugen got past the initial moment and had time to reflect; he didn't change his mind because somene posted on forums in every language. He saw that--as justified as he felt--what he did wasn't right and it negatively affected people he called his friends. He offered to step up to the plate and accept responsibility. I admire him for being the first to concede.
#19 May 13 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Its almost like trying to ignore someone trying to give you an enima.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to stress. Stress leads to doobies. Doobies lead to twinkies.

Wow Barchiel is passing out some classics today !!!

#20 May 13 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
The hump is strong within you, young Padawan...
#21 May 13 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
acepod wrote:
Its almost like trying to ignore someone trying to give you an enima.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to stress. Stress leads to doobies. Doobies lead to twinkies.

Wow Barchiel is passing out some classics today !!!

ROFL @ SW quote XD

dont diss the twinkies!
<_< and dont forget very tasty Umbrella drinks

Edited, Fri May 13 14:53:08 2005 by doomygir
#22 May 13 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
185 posts
umm yay? Congrats on resolution.... Thank you Rokugen for bringing closure to the National Enquirer-esque situaution. Seriously I take niether side in matter and I can understand both sides equaly but plz keep the kindergarten drama on your own board next time. All that was gained was a tarnished rep on both sides. <Good Job!> <Do you have it?> <I dont think so>
#23 May 14 2005 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
opinion Rokugen has bigger balls for returning it.

This is probably the most accurate thing that has been said in this or any other thread on the subject.

You could say that both Rokugen and Shahla made mistakes, but beyond the mere technical facts of this dispute it speaks volumes that Rokugen has stepped forward with a solution while Shahla has continued to handle this entire matter in a way that only created more problems.
#24 May 14 2005 at 5:08 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, after some thought, I guess I'd say that Rokugen does have some pretty big balls. Not for giving back the Osode, but once, I saw him while doing a gear-change macro >.>. Fuggin GONGS
#25 May 14 2005 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Rate down for staring at some guys' balls.

....but rate up for being so friggin hillarious :)
#26 May 14 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
Guess I gotta walk around naked some so they shrink........Damn they are big >.<
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