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What has happened to the Shiva server? (long)Follow

#27 May 17 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
OMG STFU ALL OF U!!!! ur giving me a head ache reading u ppl whining,
yo lok u were talking about aggrokings at the start riight?! just remember aggrokings forever! the ls is gone but we will always be friends, that includes u pinkie<u know im talking to u calv>, neorei made some nice points even if that was a very twisted perspective at the end, now all of u shhhhhh, its a game, do as u want, calling STEAL! MPK! UNDERSELLING! OVER PRICEING! and all that other lame **** is just anouther way of ur little whiny kid selves saying <no fair the dice hit the crease in the board! roll over!> god stfu and stop whining, u lost a pull, congrats, grow up and do better next time

making "rules" that arnt in the games coding is just bad sportsmanship, someone got it, end of story. calm the **** down, heres a lollypop

as for all this hatred, yea MPK is mean and it just makes **** worse, but getting worked up over losing somthing u can do in a day or 2 is just bad blood pressure, go punch a pillow, dont worry ive seen most u nerds, the pillow wont even crease so hit as hard and as much as u like :D

gil sellers suck, thats the only ppl on this game i hate that havent like tryed to **** with me personaly, if ur not enjoying playing the game..... quit..... plz go right ahead, my lag will be lower next time i go thru jueno, if u enjoy playing it..... play.... but dont ***** every five secs like "OMGZ tehy stolorz our NM!!!!!1one! tehy hitz vokes to fazt! muzt B Bot!ng!" im sick of hearing it and im sure the newbs r too, hell u guys r making the ppl in dunes look better

and finaly.... CHILL! y the **** r u getting worked up? no one punched u in the face, u have no physical dmg from anything they did, unless u getting pwned so bad ur controler vibrated up and broke your nose, no one killed ur mom, no one stepped in ur petunias, and no one stole ur job or took that 50 cents off ur dresser u were going to buy ramen with, relax let it blow over u and realize, theres always a nap
peace im out!
#28 May 18 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Aggrokings Forever!

If you read this Hegemon, GET BACK HERE!......we *cough*miss you*cough*

#29 May 18 2005 at 12:38 AM Rating: Default

Neo, Tom and Chai
As you can see I said it was a misunderstanding I also said most of the people involved with the ******** and complaining werent there and had nothing to do with it. I also said most of HoCD are good people this includes all three of you.

As for the voke bot maybe there not used anymore, but a few months ago while in the citadel lvling some of you members were there and voked on my pets. When I asked them to stop they appologized and said it was a bot and it was accidental. I said NP and that was it. Now maybe they were just being jerks stealing pets and used that as an exscuse.

As for the drama being over no its not because of the ammount of **** talking and finger pointing it turned from a mistake to a catastrophy. almost nobody that was directly involved had anything to do with all the drama. Besides the screens, which was complete BS and taken out of context. It was also started by the person taking the screens to get us to say what we were talking about.

as for the screens chai I know it wasnt you, LOTB knows it wasnt you. That was a typo that I didnt catch when I read post over. I appologize for that it was my mistake. I edited it and fixed it.

Unfortunately the BS drama continues. People are still getting on LOTB over this crap because people blew everting up. Someone not being able to help with a mission, Not wanting anything in return for it is rediculous and reafirms the pathetic nature of a large majority players in this game. It also shows that those involved didnt go to there perspective shells and explain that it was a misunderstanding that was handled. Thats where the drama still remains.

Ive met people in game that I have helped since then and they say things like you have changed your ways this and that. The thing is I havent changed anything. I have always spent enourmous ammounts of time helping those who need it. Helping with getting people rank missions done. Killin NM to get them rare/ex gear, Limit breaks, AF, All kinds of things. I never once turned down someone asking for help. Yet somehow people spread my name around in game like its a plauge.

Why should I not feel a little pissed off when quite a few of the people in these HNM shells that have given me a bad name. Are the verry people that I spent hours with getting sub job items and other type stuff years ago when I was lvling my DRK? I havce helped countless people with whatever they needed, And people talk about reputation. That would work if people talked about the good, As well as the bad. That doesnt happen. so a single misunderstanding makes the hours and hours of time spent doing things for others pointless.

Sure I could have had several 75 jobs now been in HNM LSs all that but I spent time helping others and enjoying the game. Only to have to quit because of the ammount of BS coming down on me and my LS. So tell me why I shouldnt be a little pissed off over the disrespect LOTB was shown and still is shown?

Edited, Wed May 18 02:29:42 2005 by Osyrus
#30 May 18 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,220 posts
uchipu wrote:

I did not want to kill them for the drops (nice to have, but not the main reason for for killing NMs for me) but strictly for the challenge and fun of killing them.

I hope that you really mean this...because we need people that are more like you. Go thru the challenge to kill something for the fun, and in process helping out your friends, not gil for yourself at the end of the challenge. Perhaps when people start seeing this as a challenge and a game, rather than something to show off gained power, then money will become irrelevant, and people will become a little more friendly to others.

People should try to remember when the overwhelming joy you first felt when you finally got enough people to kill the mission 2-3 dragon...or when your first AF coffer key dropped into your hands... Wouldn't it be nice if you can make someone, especially your friends, your LS mates, feel that way again? Do you remember the first time you were able to help somebody, either by taking on a linked Qudav in Gustaberg or killing a aggroing Yag, or even throwing a random Cure on some body that's poisoned and about to die, and how thankful that person was - and the warm fuzzy people you got as that person "Kneeled respectfully" in front of you?

I hope people will and can remember these things...because then I think Shiva would be a nice place to live again, even as a level 75.

Until then, I'll just keep on helping people in the best way a WHM can.

Uchi, I honestly do mean it. Ask anyone from LoTB and they will tell you I come up with the craziest ideas, like doing Rank 10 with an all BST party (Rank 9-2 right now ^_^) just to do it. I don't want to get 6 level 75's together to kill stuff, I ant to do it underleveled and with the possibility of losing...that makes victory that much sweeter! We even tried ZM8 with 3 BST recently because we were there for Rank 9-2, even though we knew there was probably no way in hell we could do it (actually, i think it can be done, just need to tweak strategy).

I have the "pay it forward" attitude. I have helped random people get their magicked skulls while running through Konschtat and have told them I would do it on one condition, they promise to help people in the future. I am a big believer in Karma and like to help those in need whenever I can.

Snek/Calvern: of course I am talking about Aggro Kings! That was my first "true shell" (Esperunit was actually my first shell, but I felt like a stranger there) and I was sad to see it go. You guys, Bayo, Havaland, Arnure, (insert the several other members I am forgetting here) and especially Hegemon are responsible for helping me along and I will never forget. You guys are my friends always, regardless of what LS color hangs above our heads.

Osy/Norei(sp?)/Tom: I did not mean for this to be a "bash the HNMLS" thread. I was only stating what I have seen, especially the venom that spews on the VN boards. In particular the recent Kirin's Osode matter (which actually triggered my thoughts on this matter). The serket thing is long dead to me and the only reason I brought it up was to help people peer into my thoughts a little better.

One thing I will say though Norei (again with the spelling, to lazy to scroll around for correct one), but your description of the levels 70-75 are what makes me sad and part of the reason I posted. I do not play this game for "business", I play it for a release from RL business. That is why I would be a square peg trying to fit in a round hole of a HNMLS, I cannot go about this game in that type of atmosphere. If that means I miss out on some of the end game content, so be it. I do not want to put on my suit and tie when I log in to FFXI, I want to go play hand ball at recess!

Meara: I know recent events have soured your opinion even more towards LoTB and for that I am sad. But I can only control the actions of the person that is typing this post, not the others around me. Many of my friends are in your LS (Kaa, Katt, Jaydin and others) and I harbor no hard feelings (even though we have had our post battles in the past) to you or your members. I am a guy that does not hold a grudge (I have no one on my blist, prolly never will).

Recently I have decided that I will enjoy the game for what it is to me. I have my group of close friends, LS mates and we have a good time doing things together. I will stay in my sheltered little world, do what I can within it and proceed to live my FFXI as happy as I can. People that I am close to will do things not approved by others (myself included more than likely), so be it. Everyone pays to play, let them play by their "rules" and I will play by mine, which are simple. Have fun, help when you can and respect others.

See you all in game!
#31 May 18 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Also if you want to see a GREAT example of a bot, go to ordelle's caves and look around for a mithra THF.. i forgot her name, but she has a great bot. Just before Stroper Chyme pops.. she uses flee/hide runs around in a circle then goes directly to where it will pop before it pops, and claims it.

Her name is Muonika. She is there 24/7 and yes no one can beat her. Once we had 4 people there and still couldn't get a claim...
I thought she was a bot too but she always </check>s me and if I have fish on bazaar she will buy it and eat it. She also tried to MPK a level 40 friend I had with me bringing gobs to bomb toss around us. She is either the fastest person I ever seen or maybe uses a bot/manual control combo?

Sorry my post is a bit off topic. Going back to it, the reason why I keep playing FFXI is because it's a beautiful game and I've met some great people along the way. Of course, because there are real people playing, not everybody will please you and, just like in real life, it will suck sometimes. When that happens, do yourself a favor and log off or say <I'm sorry, I'm playing solo right now>. Remember: it's just a game.
#32 May 18 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
bah esperunit sucked big ***, but its where we all met up and were eventualy able to leech the good members off of :D
#33 May 19 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Ahhh Aggrokings, making trains and HPing so many times because we had no freaking clue about what we were doing just puts a smile on my face.

#34 May 19 2005 at 5:41 AM Rating: Default
Lokkii plays Socom... +1 Respect points from me.
#35 May 19 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
and a big hug to Pearl for being friendly and helpful last night ({thank you.} for the LS pearl ~_^)
#36 May 19 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
958 posts
Just for the record I thought Lokkii was nuts for wanting to go after Guivre with a party of level 60-68's. Hmm I still think he is nuts but it was a hell of a fun fight.

What has been the biggest disappointment in LoTB?
The time when we grouped and hauled ourselves to Kuftal tunnel and Guivre de-spawned.

Why in the world would you kill Guivre?
For the fun of it, just like Lokkii said. We can easily do the same to Aquarius but I haven't seen anyone attempt to steal Guivre from us as he isn't worth much of anything. (not to mention unlike Aquarius; Guivre would be difficult if impossible to solo)

Btw the best part of it all was as Guivre was down to a sliver, pets are dropping off right and left and everyone draws weapons and engages to get the killing blow.
#37 May 19 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
I've always been one to help people, and helping people has provided the most enjoyment to me on this game.

Whether it's escorting 7 black mages 54-59 through Toraimarai Canal and getting all of them their AF Hat (and the joy of doing this with no deaths), or seeing random people shout in Jeuno for help and helping them, it's a lot of fun.

Just yesterday, I saw a 50 Dark Knight shouting for LB1 help and he was offering a 50k reward. I invited him and instantly told him there'd be no charge. I got a Teleport-Vahzl and had him wait at zone entrance to Eldieme Necropolis in Batallia Downs, and then I went through the back door on Beaucedine Glacier side. Wouldn't you know it but the 2nd lich I killed dropped a Treasure Chest key, and I was looking at it. I opened the chest and a Falcastra dropped (Dmg: 66 Dly: 466 DEX: 4 AGI: -4) and he was drooling over that. I told him to lot on it and then I passed it to him. 5 liches later, the ancient papyrus dropped and then we headed over to Crawler's Nest and he had his Exoray Mold after 3 kills. Sure I could have taken his 50k, and kept the scythe, but I wouldn't feel right doing it.

I remember how hard it was for me to get help with things like LB1. I went on a mad leveling spree one day and I went from 39-47 PLD in a day and was lvl 50 by the next day. All my friends in the game were too weak to help me, so I waited over a week and multiple deaths to get LB1, tanking liches and other people getting drops and then disbanding. I capped my xp @1 tnl several times that week, and finally got some help from a JP LS, Kaliedoskope. 20 high level players owned Eldieme for me for 40 minutes straight until I got my paper. I'll never forget that, and it's one of the reasons I always help people if possible when I see them shouting.

I'm against botting but I do like having good gear, and I take pride in working hard to obtain everything I've ever gotten in this game. I've given away more gil and items than I'd like to know about, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
#38 May 19 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
bah we knew what we were doing! its just equipting the aggrokings pearl gave enimty +9 and chr -27 permently, hell i got nastolgic, ill make a aggrokings thread
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