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Shiva server , You, and RateingsFollow

#27 May 19 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
First off i want to appologize for not tending my post, i had to do a funeral all day yesterday >< :( :(

But back on topic.

First off i am glad im not the only one to notice this. There are many people on our server forum wiht great ideas/jokes/guides/friendlyness ect. Those are things i rate up for. Of course those we dont agree with sould be rated into oblivion (im jokeing calm down). Seriously, besides the jerk wad trolls who come here to cause trouble, we should be supporting eachother.

Second, im gonna explain the rateing system for those of you who dont seem to understand it completly (from this thread a few of you dont).

Each persons post gets a base rateing. You can check your base rateing by clicking your name (or anyone elses name for that matter). Your base rateing is your accumulated posts and their rateings divided by how many posts you have. My base rateing ATM is 3.09 i think, and i have fluctuated from 3.08-3.09 for about 6 months now. Even a slue of pissed off people dont affect it that much, because i have nearly 2000 posts (and i do **** off the masses sometimes).

Each post will have a single post rateing. For example my OP ATM has a rateing of 4.45. This does not mean my base rateing is 4.45, but that one single post has a rateing of that. That rateing is from 3-4 people rateing that specific post up (maybe 5 max). Since no one can rate a post more then once, a new rater or 2 would need to rate that post as excellent for it to get to 5.0 or even near it. Also someone who felt like rateing that post down, would bring it to about 4.0, and a second person rateing it down would bring it to about 3.7 ect so on and what have yous.

You have the ability to rate as soon as your "Base" karma reaches 3.1. Anything below you can not rate anyone (although the buttons still exist).

If your single post karma is 5.0, but your base karma is 2.9 you cannot rate anyone.

Anyways, hopefully this clears some stuff up, and lionsfan/kramer needs some love too !!!

#28 May 19 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
"What do you mean real world? is the EXP and GIL there? ok ok i will turn it off dear :( "

*dies laughing* I love that. has a tee shirt that says "ok, one more level...
no, seriously, one more level..
one more level!"
Im not sure if its exactly like that but amusing nevertheless
#29 May 19 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
I want a Tee that says "Will hump for gil."
#30 May 19 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Excellent
38 posts
Thanks for the explanation Acepod. That clears it up. Good idea on the thread as well. /rate up.
#31 May 19 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Ok lets add a little fun to this thread.

Question of the day:

why can't a person grow new brain cells?

If anyone wants to guess (looking it up and posting would kinda defeat the purpose), please feel free. Ill post the answer in a few hours.

#32 May 19 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
Barchiel wrote:
I want a Tee that says "Will hump for gil."

#33 May 19 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
acepod wrote:
why can't a person grow new brain cells?

uh, I thought people did regenerate brain cells while they were growing up, and that the process gets much slower as hey age.

Barchiel wrote:
I like to dress like a ballerina and dance with my dog fluffy in the rain

wth, Barchiel, you got some issues man =P

Thanks for the love Ace, but im doomed on these boards anyways, nothing like pissing off the asylum ^^.

Edited, Thu May 19 15:31:00 2005 by LionsFan
#34 May 19 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
why can't a person grow new brain cells?

Brain cells continually grow, but not at a very fast speed, unlike our skin cells (regen skin cells ~every week I believe).
#35 May 19 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
Answer to the question of the day.

I went to talk to Professor Dipak Sarkar here at Washington State University. He studies the nervous system, and he gave me a surprise. He told me that humans CAN grow new brain cells.

But there are actually two kinds of brain cells, the neurons and the glial cells. Neurons are cells that carry information. The glial cells help support the neurons. Scientists think they also have something to do with storing your memory. So even as you read this, glial cells are continually multiplying.
As for neurons, scientists are finding that some neurons DO have the potential for division, which is how new cells come to be. For example, the olfactory neurons, which carry smell signals from your nose to the brain, are replaced throughout your whole life.
However, you are right that most neurons do not divide.
Well, it becomes kind of a philosophical question, like "Why am I?" But I know you want a better answer than that.
As you probably already know, the eventual you started out as a "zygote." A zygote is the fertilized egg from your mom. From there, the cells start dividing and differentiating. That means they start becoming what they're meant to be, like muscle cells and eye cells and nerve cells. Almost all of your neurons--your entire nervous system, in fact--was formed when you were inside your mom.

Professor Sarkar explains to me how this brain (actually it's just a model) can grow even though it doesn't get any more neurons.

And here's the really amazing part: In order to produce the eventual one trillion cells that your brain eventually has, you had to develop an average of 2.5 million neurons every minute you were a fetus inside your mom! (Just to give you an idea of how many neurons you have, let's say you started counting right now, without any breaks or sleep or anything. Counting to one trillion would take you over 32,000 years!)
But once a neuron becomes a neuron, that's what it is until you die. Actually, that's not that unusual. For instance, most muscle cells do not divide. But they do grow in size. If you do a lot of exercise and get bigger muscles, you don't get any more muscle cells. You just get bigger ones.
Same with the brain. That doesn't mean that your brain is done growing, though! Think about it. When you were born, your brain weighed about 12 ounces. Or about 350 grams. (We'll switch to metric, because that's how scientists measure things.) When you were one year old, it weighed about 1,000 grams. Right now, it weighs probably about 1,300 grams. When you're an adult, it will weigh about 1,500 grams (a little more than three pounds).
So, if you're born with all your neurons, how come the brain gets heavier?
Well, the neurons themselves grow in size, like muscle cells. Also, you grow more glial cells, as you need more memory. (Just think how many more glial cells you'll have once you're done reading this.)
But once you're about 20 years old, you start to lose neurons. In fact, you start losing about 50,000 neurons every day! By the time you're 75, you will have lost about 10 percent of your neurons.
But this doesn't mean that you're only 90 percent as smart as when you were born. That's because even though you've lost some neurons, the ones that are left can form new branches of fibers and new connections, or synapses, between them. These make up for the ones you've lost.
Finally, here's something to think about. There are lots of things that help fine-tune those synapses and the actual development of the neurons. These things include what you eat, what you experience--and (get this) learning.
So what this means is you either use it or lose it.

Kinda useless i know, but i love this kinda stuff hehe

#36 May 19 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Excellent
So who thinks this thread will have 3 pages soon?. We just keep rating eachother up. Ace was right though, we did need a thread like this, but that is just my Smiley: twocents
#37 May 19 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
acepod wrote:
Answer to the question of the day.

I went to talk to Professor Dipak Sarkar here at Washington State University. He studies the nervous system, and he gave me a surprise. He told me that humans CAN grow new brain cells.

So did you really go talk to him?

#38 May 19 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
So who thinks this thread will have 3 pages soon?. We just keep rating eachother up. Ace was right though, we did need a thread like this, but that is just my

Dont get to excited, lionsfans lynch mob could come in here any second and blast this thread lol. I am being serious when i say rate ups were not the point of it. However i have rated everyone up so far, so lets keep our fingers crossed :)

#39 May 19 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
acepod wrote:

Dont get to excited, lionsfans lynch mob could come in here any second and blast this thread lol. I am being serious when i say rate ups were not the point of it. However i have rated everyone up so far, so lets keep our fingers crossed :)

Edited: you were saying the people who dislike him could come in here and bomb us, I got it. I do not see that happening though, i think they just focus on him, he must have made some people quite upset.

Edited, Thu May 19 16:06:41 2005 by Proroc
#40 May 19 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
38 posts
Acepod, I love useless info. This makes me think of the buffalo theory in regards to drinking:

When the indians used to hunt buffalo, the ones they killed were the slowest, least intelligent of the heard (natural selection if you will). The killing of these weak links made the heard stronger (eliminated "bad" genes and increased the availability of resources for the rest of the heard i.e. one less mouth to feed). Therefore, hunting buffalo made them stronger as a group.

The same thing happens with drinking. You kill off the weak/slow cells which provides more resources for the strong ones. This is why you feel smarter when you drink.

The things I learned in college...

Can not remember who told me this, so I can not give credit ><

Edited, Thu May 19 15:57:42 2005 by sharkley
#41 May 19 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
Edited: Posting Accuracy for today -1

Edited, Thu May 19 16:06:29 2005 by Proroc
#42 May 19 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
rate up for useless educational brain info ^^ lol
"Imagine how many ___ cells you'll have after reading this"
obviously not enough cuz I dont remember what the name of the cell is ><
#43 May 19 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Excellent
3,139 posts
obviously not enough cuz I dont remember what the name of the cell is ><

I think its gilial the ones that store memories. Hmm i would need to go back and look, but i think its something like that.

The same thing happens with drinking. You kill off the weak/slow cells which provides more resources for the strong ones. This is why you feel smarter when you drink.

I so need a shirt that explains this in less then 50 letters :)

#44 May 19 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,261 posts
remembering is overrated :P
unless, you know, you forget how to drive and stuff...and I'm pretty sure it would suck complete *** if you forgot how to eat and drink...

#45 May 22 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
358 posts
rate up, although if i get rated down again i won t be able to anymore...
#46 May 23 2005 at 7:12 AM Rating: Excellent
451 posts
it's nice to see poeple are starting to get a long again on these boards. I'm glad it's fate isn't the same as ffvault. I guess I'll be able to come back a little now. Siince we're all friends here, let me ask this, has anyone noticed the sharp drop in poeple on the server in the past few weeks? I've been left lfg for hours without any luck getting a party with my whm and brd! it's quite frustrating since I hoped to at least get one lvl a day so I could actually get a high lvl job lol. Brd is currently 47. whm is 36. I think I may have to go bst here soon lol, a week without a party searching as a whm or brd is just plain sad.
#47 May 23 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts

it's nice to see poeple are starting to get a long again on these boards. I'm glad it's fate isn't the same as ffvault. I guess I'll be able to come back a little now. Siince we're all friends here, let me ask this, has anyone noticed the sharp drop in poeple on the server in the past few weeks? I've been left lfg for hours without any luck getting a party with my whm and brd! it's quite frustrating since I hoped to at least get one lvl a day so I could actually get a high lvl job lol. Brd is currently 47. whm is 36. I think I may have to go bst here soon lol, a week without a party searching as a whm or brd is just plain sad.

Heya Kloe nice to see you :)

I havent even been to the vault in about a month or more, and i dont plan on going back. That place is the biggest waste of space ever. Im really enjoying the togetherness of this board recently, since there hasnt been much argueing, and the sock puppets were blasted, it has been nice.

I noticed i seem to be LFG more on my WHM now, then my WAR. Its like 5 other people lvl 40-42 are always seeking as WHM. I had a party the other day with WHM, RDM, BLM, and no tank or DD's. IT is the strangest thing ive ever seen. We did finally manage to get a tank and 2 DD's, but it was just weird. Everything is a cycle, im sure the cycle will end soon.

#48 May 23 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
451 posts
yea I think since it's the end of the schoolyear and people have finals, star wars episode III, and are getting summer jobs, that there's a huge drop in poeple on the server. Hopefully it will pick back up in a few weeks, but in the mean time I'll have to go back to bst, or get a static party together lol.
#49 May 23 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
but think of the positive side:

Less Lag in Jeuno!
#50 May 25 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
I've been leveling my lvl 12 BST in Konschtat Highlands and in a period of 5-6 hours I've gotten 4 invites to parties. I was even starting to consider going anon for awhile. It's odd that whm are having a difficult time. >.< It's a phase that will pass soon though I think.
#51 May 26 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
I've been leveling my lvl 12 BST in Konschtat Highlands and in a period of 5-6 hours I've gotten 4 invites to parties. I was even starting to consider going anon for awhile. It's odd that whm are having a difficult time. >.< It's a phase that will pass soon though I think.

well im not sure how this pertains to this post, but everyone is welcome in Acepods rateing post.

This does bring up an interesting thing though. Yesterday, i skipped out of work, so i could stay home and play FFXI all day. I started early in the morn, and so i managed an entire party of JP players. I had one slot open, and couldnt find anyoen to fill it. Any DD would work, but none were seeking, or even not seeking and not in a party. Except this one BST in eastern altep. So i send a /t, and she is JP also. She agrees to come and exp with us :) Might be people are realizing what a great asset BST's are to parties finally. I personally like BST's if they are good BST's and know how to function in exp parties.

Anyways, a rate up for those who havent gotten one from me yet.

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