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I am such a n00bFollow

#1 May 18 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
I have seen threads about funny things you have heard people say that make them sound n00bish. I have heard many myself. This thread though is for the most n00bish thing you have done. I think we should all take some time to reflect and remember that we all have these moments.

My most n00bish moment in FFXI.

We were at the top floor of Promyvion Holla. I had done this a few times already so I was leading the Alliance to the zone. We were blocked from both sides. I remembered a couple ways we had gona about getting there.

Otion A: Fight are way through, which usually ended up in a few deaths plus links.

Option B: wait for everything to move and slowly work our way there, but we had people complaining to hurry cause they needed to leave.

Option C: Tank voked the first aggro and trains to the zone. I was one of the tanks.

Someone in the Ally says "Just do the voke and zone". I was thinking ok, it works and if someone dies it will be me and they can come back an raise me. So I run off, voke the first aggro and I am building a nice train. Everyone in the Ally follows my lead. I see the zone, but wait; that isn't the zone. It was the glass looking door that you cannot enter. I ran the wrong way. I die right away, and the Ally members are dropping one by one. Next thing I see 18 dead people on the top floor of Promyvion Holla all due to me running the wrong way. Also none of the mages had reraise on, making it even worse.

I'm such a n00b

Please share your worst n00b moment here.

#2 May 18 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
I have a problem... but can't really fix it. It may be just brain damage.
I always flee the wrong way or get stuck at a rock somewhere.
Ask around, people know the mithra in fishing gear fleeing one way then coming back another around Windurst. I'm glad I chose Sandy as my home, at least I dont hit walls there so often.
My biggest noob moment was actually a phase... I refused to upgrade my leg armor because I liked to show off my legs.
Besides being noobish... that was waaay too girly, lol.
Edit --> another noob phase: refused to pull until I was forced to at level 30 in khazam. Yes, I am a THF. Shame on me.

Edited, Wed May 18 17:02:19 2005 by Camilleclaudel
#3 May 18 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
500 posts
I remember I could never figure out how my LS buddy could always find my on the map when we were in partys. I thought he had a widescan earring that let him see party members and NPCs(don't ask where I got that idea). It took me weeks to figure out that Party members show up on your map. O.o

More recently, while on the ship to Selbina, I saw a 57 THF getting pwned by a Sea Monk. Confused I threw a cure 3 his way and thought, "Wow, that's a tough Sea Monk..". It didn't dawn on me that it was the SEA HORROR until it turned around and smacked me for 300hp. Lol, I felt like such a n00b.
#4 May 18 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Lmao I think the THF was me!
Not sure, but that brings another noob moment of mine: fishing on the boat with /names on... Horror pops and I attack it... Someone with the best intentions cure 3 me... gets aggro.
That's why I'm wondering if we had a collective noob moment hehehe...
#5 May 18 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
oooo that boat sounds like fun.... lets see........ i was lvling ninja in dunes and decided to death warp with 2hr, so i bow to my party, run to a bogy and explode, nice dmg, but i never disbanded so my party got pwned >_<
#6 May 18 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
115 posts
hehehe these are funny to read...

Here’s my noob moment XD (one of the many):

I was playing my whm and I figured I might lvl my blm a little so my sub wouldn't be gimped for awhile... well I change my job while I’m in Windy because I was in the area. I noticed that my blm stuff was in storage so I warp out thinking my hp was in my home of Sandy.... well it was in Qufim. It was a big surprise when the screen came up Qufim... so there I was a lvl 17 blm with no equipment on running for my life to the Port Jeuno zone XD
#7 May 19 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Just remembered another... and it still happens.
I'm not a mage so I usually change to a level 1 job and bloodport from windy to sandy. Well... HP was in the dunes outpost because of the Garrison we did that day...
After almost getting past La Theine Plateau, within steps of zone, there it is: an orc someone zoned.
And back to the dunes I went... Level 1 blm lol.
I made it, after a few misfortunes on the way.
#8 May 19 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
Been there before. That is a scary run. I think it is even worse than with a job you are woried about dying with. It is not the death that scares you, but the thought that you could be caught in that never ending circle the whole night.
#9 May 19 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
My biggest Noob moment was the 2 times i feel asleep playing.

Once i was a WAR, so the party prolly lived, but the second time i was the WHM in garlaige citadel. I so passed out while resting, and im sure the party pulled some mobs. Funny enough, i woke up what i beleive to be a few hours later, and i was still alive. Not sure maybe a different party camped there, and kept me alive and left right before i woke?

Anyways, when i say i need to go in 30 minutes now cause im tired, i leave in 30 min. Soimetimes the party is mad at me, but i think they would rather be mad that the session ended, then be mad cause i passed out playing ><

#10 May 19 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
because my bud bayowolf doesnt get on alla that much ill share one of his, on 2 seperate occasions while getting my davoi coffer key bayo passed out on the slop outta monestic cavern, he was only lucky 1 time since he was in a pt with a blm, the second time he passed out he was leader of the secound party and they only had a thf in it, so he ended up getting left and apprently dieing when someone zoned :D
#11 May 22 2005 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Has everyone made these noob mistakes? Not to sound cocky, but I waited to play FFXI until I had real life friends very experienced to teach me the ropes.. I mean, I'm still fairly new... My highest job is a 30 WHM, I haven't even done an advanced job quest but I always find myself leading my parties, even if not intentionally...

In my 30 lvls as a whm, no one has ever died under my healing except for uncontrollable issues like disconnecting and me running out of MP totally during a overly tough battle, and I always catch myself giving people advice, since I spent so much time with good training from my ls leader Kitanna and ls mate Dno...

I really feel for people who are new at this game and don't have someone training them the ropes, I always stop what I'm doing to help new players with gil or advice whenever I can, even if I'm busy with a quest or mission.... It feels good when someone is really overjoyed from my help!

Edited, Sun May 22 12:32:49 2005 by Joenewyorker
#12 May 22 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Has everyone made these noob mistakes? Not to sound cocky, but I waited to play FFXI until I had real life friends very experienced to teach me the ropes

I don't think someone just helping you out means you've never made a n00b mistake. Hell, thinking you've never made one puts you right up there with the best n00bs i've seen. Everyone, I don't care who you are has made a stupid n00b mistake. Not to sound cocky but your just a know it all like the rest of the new lvl 30's. I'm sure you'll be in the dunes with an advanced job and your mentor cap on telling everyone that you're lvl 11 party is ready to take on pugs.

I had a moment. Just one of pure ignorance. Way back when I started we were in the Canyon. Me, Bailye, and I still remember this guy don't know what ever happened to him Zronk. We were fighting stuff and getting no exp. But then we saw a giraffe. We were so excited, even though it checked IT we were totally ready to fight it. We engaged and got owned quicky. So we hp'ed and went right back to it. After a couple deaths we realized that maybe it wasn't a good idea.

Another time in the canyons I remember when Doomgiver and I found the mea crag. We got the crystal and we didn't know what to do. We kept running around trying to get it to tele-port us. Or figure out where that crystal we got went. We finally concluded that we had no clue what we were doing. When I went down off the steps a goblin showed me that I was right. I was afraid of the Canyon for so long after that.
#13 May 25 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent

I had never even heard of the game when I started playing. I had gotten it for my husband, then I installed it, then I decided I'd start a character to see what it was like, I'm cruising around having a grand old time, and I decide to try out "the zeruhn report" mission. I didn't have a clue about the zeruhn mines were, so I kept going into the Korroloko Tunnel and dying... and i'd do it over and over and over again. Finally, almost in tears, I was ready to declare the game the absolute hardest, worst thing I had ever played in my life, when some nice person sent me a tell asking me what in the hell I was doing. Still, I have to wonder what the people were thinking watching this level one character with the most basic of armor run merrily into the Korroloko tunnel, die, then keep on doing it.
#14 May 26 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Has everyone made these noob mistakes? Not to sound cocky, but I waited to play FFXI until I had real life friends very experienced to teach me the ropes.. I mean, I'm still fairly new... My highest job is a 30 WHM, I haven't even done an advanced job quest but I always find myself leading my parties, even if not intentionally...

In my 30 lvls as a whm, no one has ever died under my healing except for uncontrollable issues like disconnecting and me running out of MP totally during a overly tough battle, and I always catch myself giving people advice, since I spent so much time with good training from my ls leader Kitanna and ls mate Dno...

I really feel for people who are new at this game and don't have someone training them the ropes, I always stop what I'm doing to help new players with gil or advice whenever I can, even if I'm busy with a quest or mission.... It feels good when someone is really overjoyed from my help!

And the award of best noob saying goes to.... =P
#15 May 26 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Hey Wrip, sorry about the way I came off in that post... I totally did not, in any way, mean to sound cocky and I understood why you said that after I read back my post... Just wanted to apologize for whatever it's worth... I really didn't come off very well there and I totally didn't mean it that way...
#16 May 26 2005 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
my worst noob moment bar none:

camping in the konschact highlands, using widescan, and forgeting that i'll still get aggro... got killed by bigger of the Ram NM's oops.... ^_^;
#17 May 26 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
I was on my PLD, and about to go EXPing with my static in Bibiki Bay. We had a good setup that we usually went by, so I was looking forward to EXPing. But I had been farming before coming here... (You see what's coming, doncha?) So we get there, get to the camp, and one of our RNG's pulls a gobbie. I hit my voke macro a couple of times, but then I see '/ja "Provoke" <t> Unable to use job ability.' or something like that. So I'm all wtf and hit the macro again a couple times. Then I look at my job abilities and notice I have all of my THF abilities... so I realized that I had subbed thf. >.< I guess the up side was that I kept hate the entire fight, and I warped back and changed subs. Wow I was embarrased. XP
#18 May 27 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
One of my "noob" moments came one time not long after I turned level 50 ( yes, I know *sigh*)......I tele'd to Teleport Dem, like I usually do to run to Dunes and spread some good-will 'raises, cures, etc.' and such for people....I step off the Tele, start heading towards zone to Dunes and no less than 3 seconds later hear what sounds like BIG thunder.....I look up and there is the biggest damn ram I've ever seen in my life! This thing was HUGE!!!! I pull out my trusty underleveled light staff and start to whack away and 'realize' this isn't a Tremor Ram or anything close to one, at all! I hit 'check" and BAM! Steelface Baldefleece kills me in one felled swoop!

I HP back to Jeuno and am telling some ls friends and they roflmao to me 'didn't you know it's a HNM?? I tele'd back and sure enough there was a group of 6 ppl killing it.........*noob* = Femwhispers.......

#19 May 29 2005 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
my biggest noob moment has to be one of the worst.

i was with my level 19 sommenr and certain circumstanses made me leave the dunes and head to sandy. Well,i thought while i was in sandy,i would just go on and beat shiva. Turns out,shiva is no easy prey.Well i died, and guess where i got warped back to....the dunes. well,i cant ride a chocobo till im level 20 so i walk all the way back to sandy and log. the next day i decided to fight shiva again.i went to go and set my hopepoint making sure this time i didnt land in the dunes if i died. well i died again,shiva royaly kicked my *** and carbuncle was of no help. well i was too mad to even go to the HP so i just turned of my PS2. the next day,i turn it all on, and guess wat,im in the dunes again. i was soooo pissed. Turns out, all i did was talk to the crystal,never set my HP cuz i was in such a hurry.
#20 Jun 04 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I think I can take the cake on this one... I was leveling my SAM in Garliage, and was explaining the camps and layout to a party member who had never been there before. While leading the PT to the camp at Door #1 I told them to be careful about falling down the holes.

I had barely hit enter on the message when the WHM fell down. I was in the process of typing out a very frustrated message when I noticed I still had Auto-run on. Despite my valiant attempts to turn it off by mashing the arrow keys, I fell down the hole, followed by two PT members who were auto-following me.

/sh Any one willing to cast raise on 4 idiots? PST!
#21 Jun 04 2005 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
This is a bit of a tough one, but one of my more memorable moments was when I was 50 or so. I was on the ship to Selbina because a few of my friends wanted to fight pirates (We were really bored.) so we were riding the ship back and forth. The occasional Sea Monk would spawn, and we'd all beat the snot out of it having a great time, but then the level 29 PLD we had with us saw one, and charged it head on; it demolished him in a few hits. I realized what it was, seeing as how the Sea Horror had laid 2 beatings on me before this, so I hit my 2 hour instantly...the whiff fest began -_-;

I got owned, and so did one other of the people in the group, luckily, there was a 75 JP NIN on the boat who took the thing down. Moral of the story: never attack anything on a boat.

(PS: If you count it, there's also my ~300 Chi Blast fight opener >_>)
#22 Jun 04 2005 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I would have to say my Biggest n00b mistake was one that has been made more then a few times:
I was a lvl 18 War SJ-less going on the boat for my very first time and as i go up the Steps and open the door to the deck i see the Sea Horror now before this some Friends told me about it so as soon as I hear it make the wierd Gurgle sound i run down to the Cargo Hold thinking "It wont chase me" Sadly it does... and everyone else on the ship died except for a RDM who apprently Hid himself and Raised a the dead people but i HP'd and 30mins later i got back on and got to Mhura(or w/e) Alive

EDIT: Fixed a couple mistakes... its still rife with 'em

Edited, Sun Jun 5 00:16:36 2005 by Ortsaki
#23 Jun 05 2005 at 11:05 PM Rating: Default
245 posts
As a WHM I gotta say I have perhaps never made a noob mistake.

As the other jobs? Plenty!! Especially pulling. And I REALLY don't want to get into those few times, VERY few times, I got my whole party in trouble while pulling as THF and WAR.

And as a BLM, I don't want to get into the few times, VERY few times, that I over-aggroed the mob and got stomped.

lol ^^

Edited, Mon Jun 6 00:08:01 2005 by Hohitoo
#24 Jun 07 2005 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I may have one of the best ones here. I had just finished up lvling THF to lv 30 and some other odd job levels when i decided to lv RNG as a sub for my THF (big mistake there not a lot of invites >.<). I had hit lv ~16 and of course i was pulling so we decide to do flies. I pull one ( hadn't been to Dunes in a long time) and of course.... they link. I had TOTALLY forgotten that they did! My entire party was destroyed by about 4 flies ROFL. My respose was "OMG since when do flies link?!?!"

Edit: I just thought of another. This happened about a week ago. I was just finished with killing Leaping Lizzy and i decided to go lv my caft skills in Windurst, on the way there i decide to get off my choco and nuke the lower level mobs for fun. I then decided to make a huge train and test out my new -ga spell. Well....... it didn't kill them. I had about 20mobs on me and i had to warp out!! I was embarrased. lol well there ya go. Rate me up for stupidity!

Edited, Sun Jun 12 16:10:49 2005 by Tonkaman
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