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Hello! Teleport survey please respond! :DFollow

#27 May 26 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
I would never take a teleport if it werent the original prices. If not, i'd run to where i had to go and farm along the way and make even more money.


Alrighty let's all beat this dead horse some more!

Everyone needs stop whining and take charge of their own destiny as the poster above states!

Option #1: Don't like paying teleport prices? Walk, Run, choco, airship, death warp or whatever else you care to do, and avoid paying what you consider "greed";

IF time is important, you can't wait, you're frustrated and aggravated, and you're not inclined to do Option 1, then you can do

Option #2! pay the price whether it's inflated, deflated, under appreciated, greedy, speedy or needy!

and if you do "CHOOSE" to pay and nobody is twisting your arm, there should be no problem or need for further discussion!

Enjoy the game and quit whining and crying about this poor dead horse.....everyone!

Rank 6

#28 May 26 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
341 posts
You should all just stop complaining about teleport prices. It's a courtesy service not a requirement. So someone decided to charge 500/1000 back when the game started over 3 years ago. So what! Is there a standard price that Thf's charge for helping ppl w/ coffers? Not that I'm aware of, but I've yet to see 1 post on this board ever complaining about that. Some of seem to think that we as Whm's have some kind of obligation to serve the rest of you, be it teleports, raises or PL's. We have no more of ab obligation to do these things for you, than you have to help one of us when we're asking for help w/ something. If getting cheap teleports are such a major concern to some of you, then try this... the next time you see a whm shouting for help w/ something, help them out. Most of us are inclined to remember those that have helped us and will happily return the favor.

As for those of you on here that are saying that we can make enough gil teleporting because you supposedly made X amount of gil over Y amount of time, here's a suggestion for you... If what you're claiming is true and you were able to make so much gil from teleports, then why don't you do teleports and stop coming on here whining and crying about the prices some of us choose to charge.

70 Whm / 33 Blm
#29 May 26 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
The increased encomy why not increase prices, im sorry thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard in my life. acepod.

Ok, im going to try my very bestestest to be as nice about this as possible.

This response is useless. It is uneducated, and all around moronic. In well formed discussion, there is a topic, and people post facts/opinions as to why things do/dont work. That is how a discussion works. Saying my opinion is the stupidest thing youve ever hear in your whole life, without posting any reason/fact/opinion to support your statement is what i kindly call "Dumb".

Just because "your" satisfied with the amount of gil "You" make from teleing people, does not mean everyone needs to be. My economic inflation opinion, is based off of "FACTS" in RL situations, and is applied to this game life. While RL and game life dont always co-exist, the game economy in FFXI, and the RL economy of the US is very similar in many ways. There are some basic economic principles that apply in this game, that are adapted from RL. You can try to deny this all you want, but this is a FACT.

As others have said, if you refuse to pay higher tele prices, then by all means find your own mode of transportation. I for one, am happy to pay the "NEW" teleport prices, in the hopes that when i need a tele, someone will be available to tele me. I can tele myself, but there are plenty of situations where i would prefer to get a tele, so i dont have to run to the nearest town, and cange jobs (since i can usually just take the airship). When im lvling a low lvl job, i want a tele dem or holla so i can party in the dunes. When im doing a BCNM, i dont want to have to stop off at the nearest town. There are so many reasons that i would prefer a tele, and if paying the "New" prices gets me one, i am happy to do so. And whats the big deal about 500G anyways? I mean i can make 500 gil on accident. even 1000g on accident as a lvl 10 job. sheesh.

#30 May 27 2005 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
I've noticed the lack of tele-taxi's, seeing as I have nothing much to do on my character, and have had to get tele'd for my boyfriend's charrie.. I found what it feels like to not be a whm and it is such a ???? to get around! :X Even when shouting 2k for a tele'vhazl took a while to get picked up, but I compeletely understand. When I first started tele-taxi'ing 500gil per tele to main crags was sufficient.. but with the raise in prices for everything, it just isn't worth a whm's time these days to sit around doing that.

As Uchi posted,

Nobody can tell a WHM how much to charge for a tele, be it for a higher price or a lower price.

We will tele people when we feel like it.

We will tele people at a rate we see fit.

Why is that so hard for some people to understand?

Exactly. /cheer Uchipu~ I haven't seen you much miss ya taru
#31 May 27 2005 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
55 posts
IMO it is but again IMO because 1) Poor 2) saving up for stuff 3) Cheap 4) If your gonna get a choco theres another 1k+(or 2k+ if your going to mea -o-) again..IMO

dont hurt me -o-

they do have the right to charge what they wish but people can also not want to pay more so then both are *****, no teles cause people wont pay for the price and nobody will be teleing around because they dont wanna give in...the result...lots of poeple lvling whms for teles onry
#32 May 27 2005 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
they do have the right to charge what they wish but people can also not want to pay more so then both are *****, no teles cause people wont pay for the price and nobody will be teleing around because they dont wanna give in...the result...lots of poeple lvling whms for teles onry

Problem is people will pay what the WHM's ask, within reason. I for one will, and i know a lot of others who will also.

#33 May 27 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
On Shiva theres a lack of teleporters spamming unless they are trying to make a quick buck, or how I used to do it ever so often to pay for listing fees for an item to sell it on auction house lol

When I do charge it varies. 500/1000 1000 for all. I really don't think that's a huge deal but it's always up for controversial conversation/argument/disagreements etc.

I think a WHM can charge what they want. There's no one forcing you to take that teleport when they shout there prices. Usually you're the one to say "Ok they charge this, I'll send them a tell or an invite and I get my tele" No one's saying you have to take that teleport, and if you really wanna only pay X number of dollars, then keep shouting and I'm sure another WHM will pick you up.

On the same token, due to the lack of teles, I hear all the time people shouting all the time "3000G Tele-Mea Help me out!" "5000g for Tele Dem!" As of lately, when I accept a teleport even if they don't say how much they're paying, they just give me like 4k 5k whatever and say OMG TY I've been trying for X number of hours. So it's kinda cool. The majority of WHM will take that cargo just for the extra gil. I find I make more money selling meat mithkabobs, or other food than I do teleporting for 10 minutes :/ So with that in mind, let WHM charge what they want, and you be the judge and pay what you want. Don't start yelling in jueno "are you crazy charging so much" just don't pay it :P There are ways around it, "outpost warping" "Chocobo" "walking..."

There will always be another WHM that will teleport you.

Are WHM lazy? No. We don't have to provide this service for you. We have the spells, and the ability to use it, but it doesn't mean we are Taxi's leveled up to 42 to teleport you around.

Are WHM greedy? It's a proven fact that everyone is in it for the money. In real life and its no different in a game. We can charge what we want, and as the economy is booming, I think that WHM shouldn't feel threatened. Personally I don't tele-taxi anymore. I do have the macros still and when I find a ton of spam of people wanting teleports, I do spam once more so to get the spamming to stop than the actual gil.

WHM Powa!

White Mage 72. Teleporting since Lvl. 36

Edit: after reading some more messages...

I farm very easily on my WHM. I don't find it hard to make money at all. Crafting is very easy. And despite the prices of spells being high, I don't think people should use the "well the economy is overpricing so should I" as an excuse to charge what you want as a teleporter. Sure Erase is a highly pricey scroll now. So are NIN spells like Utesumi(spelling) so should NIN start charging per blink they use to keep you getting experience points? No. BLM spells for the majority aren't cheap. But they ain't gonna start charging per MB. I could go on and on per job and ability that they have that benefits ourselves just the same as a teleporter would. The thing you have to keep in mind, there are ways around it. BCNMs drop Erase. http://ffxi.cannotlinkto/itemdb/4962 <--- click to learn how to get Erase thru a BCNM All the teleports scrolls can be easily quested:
Dem: http://ffxi.cannotlinkto/itemdb/4967
Holla: http://ffxi.cannotlinkto/itemdb/4966
Mea: http://ffxi.cannotlinkto/itemdb/4968
Yhoat: http://ffxi.cannotlinkto/itemdb/4971
Altep: http://ffxi.cannotlinkto/itemdb/4972
Vazhl: http://ffxi.cannotlinkto/itemdb/4978
And you can do quests to make money, or get fame to be able to buy things cheaper in cities (like items for crafting or common items for food/low level equip) which in the end saves you gil.
You can go camp NMS if you really want to and don't feel threatened by competiton *cough* bots lol jk jk is a great map that has all the areas of Vana'diel aswell as a list of Notorious Monsters per area. Not to mention that they also provide maps for the coffer/chest spawns which can drop a big wad of cash or items to sell for nice money.
Level are your low level jobs wearing your starters RSE and level it to level 10 in like Sarabuta, Ronfaure, of South Gustaberg (areas outside major cities) and always making sure you have signet. You can collect tons of Beastmen Seals as well as crystals and sell for a nice profit. I do this all the time and all you need is the main weapon and a couple of hours of free time. You can purchase your Race Specifc Armor (RSE) from desiganted areas:
Hume and Galka: http://ffxi.cannotlinkto/npcdb/899 (Bastok)
I don't know off hand what the other races RSE armor is called but you can find it at www.ffxi.cannotlinkto if you know what its called just search it :P Level are your low level jobs and you can even sub your WHM job or whatever to keep yourself alive. I use orange juice for MP refresh and Selbina Milk for HP refresh to keep my low leveling experience not so much delay in waiting for HP / MP while exping.
BCNMs can be profitable, and with all the seals you're getting youc an afford your spells in no time.
These are just a couple ideas maybe a little off topic, but I'm sure it'll help someone.
Wow giving away lots of my secrets lol

Edited, Fri May 27 12:55:34 2005 by CrayolaOfShiva

Edited, Fri May 27 12:59:17 2005 by CrayolaOfShiva
#34 May 29 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
Im at this very monet training my whm to do the impossible. Myself and about 15 other people plan in about a month to go to jueno and give nothing but free teleports to anyone that wants them.No,i dont ******* charge you to use a little of my MP that i get back in about a min or so,thats ok,i will be happy not making any money from anyone while these silly whm's we have now are going on strike asking people for absolutely ridiculous prices for a teleport.Im sorry,2k for a tele-port dem is the dumbest **** i have ever any whm in jueno charging these insane amounts of gil when i get there will be sorely dissapointed. which would you rather 2k for a tele-holla or absolutely nothing for the same thing and a smile and a wave goodbye!!!maybe even a damn hug,but inflation is already becoming a problem and whm going on strike for these high amounts of gil is making it no better. prices are gonna rise and gonna keep on rising if people dont do anything about it.
#35 May 31 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
My 2 cents...

I think that teleports are overpriced. 500 for mea,dem,holla and 1k for the others is spendy at it is, but lately Ive seen them go for 1k mea,dem,holla and 2k others... REDICULOUS.
I personally think teleporting is a poor way to make your gil, especially if you are limited in time. I am not a rich person, but Im also not poor, I dont play often, I dont level often, I dont farm often, and I dont make my gil off of other players. I dont charge for any teleports anymore (I did when I first got them) I realized what a huge waste of time it was lol. Now I always teleport free, although I dont go looking for them, I only reply to /tells. I hate having to ask for teleports, I always seem to need them when my funds are less than sufficient hehe, and I dont know many people, so I cant just ask someone for a freebee. So, the least I can do is try to set a good example for others, and hope that someday they return the favor to others. ^^ WHM's, get out there, sub your thf or nin, and go club yourself some tigers or raptors. Not to mention the HUGE market for doing bcnm's and the sort, you dont need to be sitting in Jeuno raising your prices.

~Lavinnia~ 58 WHM, 21 BST, 30 BLM, 25 BRD
xXIEOSIXx baby ^^
#36 Jun 01 2005 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
I am currently trying to get Elshimo Marble for WHM for Teleport-Yhoat. I have spent 9 rl hours at least killing those friggin lizzie things and NO DROP. Getting my fame up to a level where the Priest would give me the quest for Teleport-Altep was also difficult.

If it were up to me, I would charge 1k for all teles and 1k for warp2 cuz that was a tough quest to get opened as well. And BLMS need the money too and don't have an avenue (easy way) to make it except that.

Plus I figure if items go for 1k in Jeuno then services should go at that price too. Hell even chocobos go for 1k sometimes so why wouldnt you pay a person what you are paying to an NPC.

Edited, Wed Jun 1 14:01:03 2005 by Hohitoo
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