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#1 May 26 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
/shifty eyes

Edited, Sat May 28 02:22:04 2005 by CrayolaOfShiva
#2 May 26 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
CoD also has a rule that you can't talk in /say in a public place, anywhere, any time...

if you get caught by a leader, you get booted... I don't think HoCD's rules are that bad, really, you should see if they'll take you back

#3 May 26 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Excellent
582 posts
Well...from my experience most large end game LSs operate the same way. Large as in more than 30 people in the shell at all times. You cannot get the entire LS to come help just you, and a lot of the people join these after they have reached Rank 9, 10 and completed their ZMs. Precisely because you cannot get an end game LS to come help with those things.

The trick here really, is to make a close knit friendship among some of the members, and ask them to help you. From reading your post, it seems like you had some confidentants in HoCD - so those will be the people to ask for help, be it with NMs or Missions.

Another thing to note is a lot of these big LSs has been around for a long time - be it in one form or the other. Not always as a god-killing, Fafnir camping, Vrtra slaying selves, but as a simple LS, with similar minded friends with similar tastes in humor. They probably worked thru the levels and became what they are today. So as a new comer, it is hard setting up relationships, breaking in, becoming part of already established group. Some LSs you will make friends quickly, some it will take time. Some you absolutely cannot get a long with - be it their taste in girls (boys) or the way they play the game.

You just have to take time, hop around from one LS to another, hoping to find a good niche.
#4 May 26 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
This is a new account, I haven't said anything bad at all... how the **** am I below default??? You people will never change while the rest of us do... Shame. I'm trying to find a good LS to call home, would you just let me do that so I can move along??
#5 May 26 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
Crayola, maybe you should start your own, then you get to make the rules. It is alot of hard work, but at least you do not have to follow any rules you did not make.
#6 May 26 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
I that this is a little bit off-topic, but did you ever notice how it takes a majority to get someone into a HNMLS...but only one person to get them out?

Just an observation.
#7 May 26 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Excellent
424 posts

Edited, Tue May 31 02:47:43 2005 by Shinkyu
#8 May 26 2005 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
hahahaha she ain't getting back in that is for damn sure.

Hi i'm neorei, as you guys know i'm the leader of this HoCD she got kicked out of. I was at a company picinic when this happened so i didn't know thw whole story.

alli know her and chai got into a big arguement and i really don't know what the whole story was all about. All i know is that what chai told me and basically she got upset about a nobles tunic. they got into a argument and ended up being kicked out because she cause conflict in the LS. Not just to chai but the entire LS. Chai is also at fault with this it's not just crayola. action will happen to him.

yes what she said are my rule but understand that they are there since the begining of this LS. Yes i don't allow shouting cause they are for people in ****** LSs. i think all Linkshell have a problem with this but i just don't allow my LS to do this. Back when we were a general LS people would shout and i would go insane and ask why they did it. I would then help them out. ANd it has stuck with me. with rank missions i don't mind about it. and i told you crayola i don't care for RANK missions cept till rank 6. if i concentrated on rank missions then i would prolly get nothing done. crayola once again argued her case about her not getting sleepga II so she can sell it and get some gil from it, which is fine by me. and she got her help.

with the help, i have a busy LS, if they are not lvling up they are lvling a sub to help them more in the HNM community. at the same time they have a busy schedule with dynamis (which everyone likes to go to), Sky raids (which is a opitional thing) and god raids ( which is another opitional thing) then there is Kirin (which is a mandatory thing). after the god raid we usually spilt the gill sell to everyone up there that seem fair to me. like after kirin she argued that no one got nothing after the fight. We tried to tell her we got jack **** up in (sky D abj body and a orc ingot) we a shining cloth drop then yeah go spilt the gil or if a whm has dibs on it make it into a nobles.

like you said if you said something they didn't like you would be threaten to break your pearl. well as history goes i've only botted about 5 people out of 1 year being a LS leader. and i don't break LS pearls i tell them to leave. I have only TOLD YOU THAT. because you keep arguing with everyone in the LS if **** didn't go YOUR way. I told you cray calm down but you never didn't. You had me to resort to saying **** like SHUT THE HELL UP and stuff. and i do admit it wasn't 100% your fault. Like the whole fira thing, fira wanted to take pictures of a known botter and maybe some video. But you were so against that for some reason. If fira wanted to do it then do it. matter in fact i supported the idea. yet you argued your case about it. and like i said them 2 character effects the entire server, if it didn't i would stfu. i don't support botting and people will ***** about them botting and us doing nothing about it. and she was arguing with me about it.

with crayola if she doesn't get her way in a LS she will ***** about it. with her it's her way or no way at all, to my guys it was the highway. when i found out that someone booted her out of the LS my first thing i said was "who the **** authorized it". People don't get boot outta no where unless me , jan or terp knows about this. and usually we autorize the whole thing. crayola was hanging a thin thread, matter in fact alot of the people had her on /blist. When crayola tried to get in the first time we denied her. But then we said meh lets give her a chance, everyone needs a shot at t new begining. when she got in, i was ridiciuled by everyone calling me "insane" and "wtf was i thinking" and i back her up 100%.

you know crayola i was going to fight for you in the LS but you ****** it all up by doing this ****

welp i hope you have a good one.

#9 May 26 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
hello! it is I chaithai the person who booted Cray

To correct neo before things get crazy it wasn't about nobles tunic thats was an example. Cause she just joined our ls and kept complaining about not getting ****. And I used that as humor. The whole argument started.. WHY? i don't know but yeah i posted something to Navan on VNboards go read it yourself. Well i logged on and told the LS my plans to make Navan's gaming expierence a living hell. He did nothing to me personally but to a good friend of mine in game.

Well i was plotting out my plan and being crayola she just started getting into my business calling me a loser and that i am f*cked in the head and i needed to grow brains?.. So i said why are you defending him? is he your boyfriend? or do you sleep with him for gil? never called her a **** but if she wants to think of herself as one go for it. The ls told us to shut up cause we were spamming LS and i cooled down and apologized to the LS. But crayola kept yappin and calling the LS insane and whatever. So i said Crayola say one more thing and i'll kick you. She said i had no reason to kick her and that i was trying to get her to say something so i can tell neo to kick her. Crayola for one I don't need Neorei here to kick you. If i feel that you are disrupting the LS and being a disturbance i will Kick you if not me then another Sack holder. Oh yeah she thinks i'm madly in love with her and that i am jealous cause she flirts with every ***** in shiva. GOOD JOB!

After i kicked her she started shouting saying how we suck and blah blah how she gets nothing. She joined for what over 3 weeks? and she expects us to do what she says? Neorei and myself are pretty well known and liked in Shiva. You calling Neorei a ****************** is out of line. Say all you want to me but i will back up my leader. He was willing enough to give you a chance. You of all people who had a bad rep to begin with such as drama queen/casino/and the girl that butts in everyones business. And for you to say all that **** about HoCD after we took you in?
You must be crazy if anyone was to pick you up and take you to their ls now. You disrespected a well known LS shouting out of your *** thinking you can take us down? Only one person was on your side "Goldenchild". hmm where have i seen that name.. OH WAIT he applied for our LS. Nice one goldenchild. Everyone else was telling you to shut up. Then you bring other people in this such as Naomii <3 Togame <3 Neorei <..meh They didn't kick you I DID so keep your comments and things to me.

/t crayola i'm sorry please forgive me...


#10 May 26 2005 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
Drama drama drama. One reason why I'm leaving Xtreme after a year and a half.
#11 May 26 2005 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
Umm....before I left game I was in HOCD. I will have to say the leadership Neorei/Januz/Terp are some of the nicest people I've met in this game, and there willing to give anyone in this game a chance at proving their real self. It must take some huge act of ******** to get kicked out, because I see these three people as very forgiving and very leniant. Crayola just start a new LS. Make the name something like..... OMG IM THE QUEEN, I WANT IT ALL, HELP ME NOW IF NOT I HATE YOU!!!!!!! thats how it was when I ever heard you speak in LS. To HOCD you guys rule, continue to grow strong and do your thing.

P.S. Neorei I finally found a damm map for ZITAH! woot!
#12 May 26 2005 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default

You were accepted with them saying 'Well we let Crayola in, should let HK in too' You even doubted that you would be able to get in. And Januz/Terp/Neo trio did not boot me and infact none of them were on when I was booted. So you having respect for them is irrelevant as none of those people were involved.

I didn't say anything harsh about this LS and if you read that, then you need to read it again.
#13 May 26 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Default
neorei wrote:
All i know is that what chai told me and basically she got upset about a nobles tunic.

NOBLE TUNIC? You're ******* kidding me. The argument was about Navan stealing the peacock charm and when I said "Chai you shouldnt start talking about people behind thereback its stupid" and chai started going off saying I suck navans **** and get money for it and **** like that. He got pissed because of his stupid mental jealous ability or whatever because I was defending the reasons not the person. WTH abotu a noble tunic. OH and nice screenshot. See I really kick my self in the *** sometimes for not having fraps and playing on a PS2.

As for your sad excuse of a screenshot Chai:

"I say my opinion, oh no I'm a bad person."
You booted me cause I had an opinion and you didn't like it because you had this hate grudge against Navan.

Drofluap even said during the conversation that they agreed with me, wheres there boot and look how ballless they become with the whole thing "oh it was out of hand" bs you guys are a ******* joke. And i guarantee you it wasn't about a noble tunic lmfao MORONS
#14 May 26 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
Ya your right they did give me a shot. I think most of them realized I wasn't the ******* they kept hearing about from random people that didn't know even know me. The difference is everything they heard about you ended up being true with your constant **** starting in LS. Im not trying to start a argument it just pisses me off, how you can get people like Neorei pissed off. All I was saying was it must have took an act of god to get that LS pissed off at you being there such nice peoples. Ya heard ><
#15 May 26 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
chaithai wrote:
hello! it is I chaithai the person who booted Cray

Chaichai, How dare you sit here and say that I was calling you names and ****. Youw ere my ingame boyfriend wtfh. I wasn't defending Navan, Im on the ******* hate commity for Navan, I just know of him and you were saying alot of stuff that wasn't true. LIke how him and hellkid gamble and rob each other and stuff and the majority of it is just jokes and **** and I said I didnt think it was cool for you (telling you as a friend) to be like that talking behind someones back like that. It wasn't a cruel remark or anything towards you as a person, just your general idea. Which is called me having an opinion as you managed to capture in your screenshot. You, in your ways you are, started saying that I suck Navans **** for money and that Im a big **** and that I use people for gil by being a girl and ******* them and all that other stupid **** that you said. I only THEN got upset that you of all people would be saying that stupid **** and thats when AND ONLY THEN did I say wtfh are you retarded? Meanwhile you're sending me tells how you like me wtf You were threated because you thought I was sticking up for Navan when really I was sticking up for myself. Thats why you booted me. And I know you didn't boot me for any other reason Chaichai cause I know you!

I told Fira, and I told Renita. After Neo told me to stop inturrupting him in the linkshell or he'd break my pearl I stopped. And while I was sitting there waiting for his words, I thought about it. I ddidn't want to be a part of a linkshell that didn't like me having an opinion. Renita even told me "You know Crayola you should just stop talking cause with these guys its there way or the highway" said to me that I should be seen and not heard and the LS likes it that way for everyone especially with me cause I'm the new guy that everyone hated prior to or whatever for there own reasons or from what they heard. After tonight when Terp logged on and I got my 10k from Kirin run (which I wasnt upset with not getting anything from it and I even said jokingly that comment we all now and me and Terp had a long talk about it so its dealt with and bringing it back up is stupid) anyways I wanted my gil and then to be gone. It was mine and it wasn't take my money and run, I just always miss Terps when I go to get it. I was to say my goodbyes, wish everyone well and just leave. I was obviously not wanted and I accepted that.

Some say I was never wanted and was only accepted because of my cahracter being a WHM and not causse of the person behind the cahracter. I was told I was accepted because people that dispised me and ruled me out had quit. I was told lots of stuff. I didn't care, I tried to call it home. And when I was dropped the first time, I lost a huge amount of trust in myself, and trust in hocd and visa versa. I shouldn't of came back but I'm glad I'm out now. I will miss the people, but not the linkshell.

Anyways Neo I dunno why you're getting all defensive, my main reason for my post was to look for a new HNM/SKY ls and I in no way said anything to diss HoCD which I stated very often.

Damn with these long posts. I wish you people would understand that I'm not a bad person that you're making me out to be.

P.S. I never told Naomii to **** off nor did I do to Togame. I dont even know who the hell Togame is, and I was saying for things that others couldnt say like Naomii taking 2 weeks to get ZM6 done in this "Always help out with missions" LS. I like Naomii and had nothing against them. The battle was between me and you Chai. No one else.

Edited, Thu May 26 20:26:39 2005 by CrayolaOfShiva
#16 May 26 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
yeah neo, I was joking.. we don't have a rule against /say'ing, either :b

****, we were all surprised as hell when you let her (and HK) in, in the first place

and while CoD dosn't have a rule against shouting for help, I can't really think of anyone thats had to... but I agree, its distasteful for someone in a proper LS to need to do that

edit: in-game bf? it seems filling someone's mouth 'virtually' just won't work :(

Edited, Thu May 26 20:26:49 2005 by Zaltec
#17 May 26 2005 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
Zaltec wrote:
yeah neo, I was joking.. we don't have a rule against /say'ing, either :b

****, we were all surprised as hell when you let her (and HK) in, in the first place

and while CoD dosn't have a rule against shouting for help, I can't really think of anyone thats had to... but I agree, its distasteful for someone in a proper LS to need to do that

edit: in-game bf? it seems filling someone's mouth 'virtually' just won't work :(

Edited, Thu May 26 20:26:49 2005 by Zaltec

Naomii gets more help from COD than she/he does in her/his own HoCD LS. Just thought Id through that in....
#18 May 26 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Default
If anyone actually read my thread I never once said anything to harm the reputation of HoCD. Infact, if anythign I'd like to consider it a formal apology. Infact I did say that I did shout alot of stupid stuff and that it was a random act from being angry and frustrated and I already apologized about that. So using that against me is really stupid.

I didn't ask for Noble Tunic all the time. I was excited for the opportunity to own one, and I was even more confused about how I get one. It was finally explained to me in crystal clear detail and never again did I say anything more about it. It's the people that pick little fights with me. Chai you always did say That you got me in and you could take me out. Hope you're happy.

I am looking for a HNMLS somewhere I can call home and be happy. I am a WHM (bonus) and I am looking for a new pearl. Take me as I am or hate me as you want. I won't give up.
#19 May 26 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Naomii gets more help from COD than she/he does in her/his own HoCD LS. Just thought Id through that in....

I like Naomii (*'_')

#20 May 26 2005 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Wow Cray do you have **** for brains? Are you some sort of twisted in the F*cking head retarded? You telling me you did not try to ruin our rep?

Crayola /sh "HOCD is a HNM That never camps anything and never wins"..
/sh "F*ck you Chaithai F*ck you NAOMI F*ck you Togame F*ck you neof*ckedinthehead."

why are you trying to deny that you didn't try to ruin our rep? I HAVE LIKE hundreds of witnessess that tells me you were talking **** about our ls. And you saying you didn't call me names? WTF i swear you must be ill in the head. Did you not say i have a brain of a 3 year old? Did you not say that i was f*cked in the head also.
And do you not f*cking read i corrected neorei take those fingers out of your *** and start reading the posts and quit thinking that you in your own little princess world. No one here is on your side everyone thinks you are an *** because of your stupid shouts in Jeuno.

In these posts maybe you didn't try to make us look bad. But boy did you do a number in Jeuno. I got like cabillion tells asking me whats wrong with you. All i said was "just let her be" Now we know how you really are. You kiss *** to try to get your way with the guys in LS but when things don't go your way they suddenly become ********************** My last post on this thread whatever you say i will not read whatever you do i do not care. You do whatever you want but just mind your own business. And no we did not invite you because you were a WHM. We accepted you into our ls because we were willing to give you a chance. When we accepted you. You were 60ish whm with no SKY pass.. if we wanted really needed a whm why get a whm with no sky pass? we can easily bribe another WHM but no we chose you for you. But if you truely believe that we accepted you only cause of your job so be it i aint here to convince you.

As for Renita's saying "its their way or the high way" in a way he is correct. Whatever the leaders tell you to do. You should do it unless its like something stupid. But if the Leaders tell you to be quiet just stop typing. It's so damn simple us as LS members should trust the LS leaders and what they tell us to do. Neo is my leader when he tells me to stop making jokes i stop. Why? not because i'm his ***** but because i respect him. You in the other had no Respect whatsoever << (is that one word?)

And stop saying i was your ingame boyfriend i only had a 10hour coupon. but anyways hope you find a better home then "HoCD who never camps HNMs and when we do we lose pulls." didn't we give you your first HNM title? Simurgh Poacher? but maybe you got it with another ls. And as for Naomii getting help outside of LS. That's fine because i have help DL members with stuff and I got help from some xtreme members who are still my friends. But if CoD has a problem with naomii getting help from them then yeah Naomii should stop but it looks to me that CoD <3's Naomii and is willing to help her. So i /salute CoD for helping..

btw CoD i need PLD AF now. thank you


.. i don't even know if my posts make sense i'm all drugged up with medicine so excuse me if i confused any of ya'll. Well imma go play now. weeeee UCHIPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU i never see you on anymore i miss you. and HK you know you can scam me anytime you naughty taru.
#21 May 26 2005 at 9:08 PM Rating: Good
83 posts
Naomii is sexy, unlike you Crayola :)
#22 May 26 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Good
418 posts
Crayola is like the John Rocker of ffxi.

#23 May 26 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
Schizophrenia, how many of ya got it? how many motha F*ckas can say they psychotic? you got it like Crayola got it or not?

Damn you are one twisted in the head lil fruitcake....You say **** completely mad then apologize in the next sentence. you forget that you tell ppl you F*ck off?? seriously readback on your own posts even....remember writing any of that stuff?? you did tell Naomii to Fck off as well as half the other ls for no known reason. then you dont remember it.. you stand up for botters and scammers, then deny doing it 2 seconds later. Insult some of the cool ppl on the game that will actually help you WHEN they can, then apologize when you realize that fact? i was there for BOTH arguements and believe it or not Crayola expressing your opinion is a lot different than telling everyone how to think, then get pissed when they dont agree. NAVAN is a scamming ***** and i will help Chai in his quest to destroy him <3 chai. now as for you, i am not saying this as an insult nor am i trying to be funny SEEK HELP you have a mental problem. dont take that the wrong way, but there is something not functioning correctly in your head. get it fixed thats not pms girl, that is something that requires the assistance of a Psychologist. anyway i have said enough for now.

P.S. i am new to HoCD as well, and i dont go askin for help all the time. every once in a while i see if ppl wanna do something, and ppl will if they arent BUSY. its all about timing. <3 HoCD :P
#24 May 26 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
297 posts
ok wait one minute here. did i see you have a rule against shouting for help but then say you dont have time to help anyone with rank, AF, quest, ect. how the hell do people get anything done if they dont shout for help. i wouldnt even start to think of /telling every single person in jeuno. yes i understand you get some people that dont know what the hell they are doing but that is up to the leader of the mission to make sure people know what to do. i do understand if you kick someone for fighting with in the LS with other members or doing unsportsmen like things ie: MPK, stealing items ect. now i am not saying what you did was wrong im not involved with any of the sides so i really dont care but i just thought that i would point out that rule on asking others for help. if your not willing to help everyone with everything then atleast let them look for outside help by their own means.
#25 May 27 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
"quit thinking that you in your own little princess world"

i do that!! is that bad? ;_; /panic XD
#26 May 27 2005 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
"with the help, i have a busy LS, if they are not lvling up they are lvling a sub to help them more in the HNM community. at the same time they have a busy schedule with dynamis (which everyone likes to go to), Sky raids (which is a opitional thing) and god raids ( which is another opitional thing) then there is Kirin (which is a mandatory thing). after the god raid we usually spilt the gill sell to everyone up there that seem fair to me. like after kirin she argued that no one got nothing after the fight. We tried to tell her we got jack sh*t up in (sky D abj body and a orc ingot) we a shining cloth drop then yeah go spilt the gil or if a whm has dibs on it make it into a nobles"

If you have such a busy ls/schedule (which im not saying you dont) then why care if she shouts for help? Hell If im so busy and some can get help by other means then depending on me and making my busy schedule even more busy then by all means do so.. does that not make sense to you or do you just like your work to pile up.. if she shouts for help and get it that less wieght added to the wieght you probably already have on your shoulders thus unless im missing something that seems to be helping you both out, her because shes getting her help and you because thats less work you have to worry about so please tell me LOGICALLY how that can be a bad thing.
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