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#27 May 27 2005 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Is the only reason Cray ever posts on teh shiva forum is to complain -o-? When she complains she really goes all out :x
#28 May 27 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Good
Shouting for help is a sign of weakness. It means the high and mighty HeroOfCarpeDiem HNMLS can't handle it, and they must resort to the help of inferior indivuals by utilizing begging methods.

Didn't you guys get that memo?

Case in point, Neorei says
Yes i don't allow shouting cause they are for people in sh*tty LSs.

I guess I belong to two sh*tty LSs huh? I don't like to ask for help, and I rarely ever shout for it. But I guess a sh*tty ls means we just don't have that luxury of an entire 18 person alliance of 75+ members all of which fill our needs for every job, from Tank to Melee, Healer and Puller and our every beck and call, you know, for just in case.

A sh*tty ls isn't defined by the need to have the humility to ask for help. A sh*tty ls is the ls that is so god damned arrogant that they outlaw that need. How long have people in your linkshell asked for help on something? Hours? Days? Weeks? I'm sure you, the great Neorei of HoCD makes sure that each and every one of your members is thoughtfully, and completely taken care of. I guess that's why me and another member of my sh*tty ls ended up having with us a few members from HoCD on ZM4 tonight, and a few of them for a portion of ZM5.

BTW, thanks to Cillranch-whatever your name is for helping us of the sh*tty ls out, I know we annoyed the hell out of you with our noobish ways, that was alot more grief than you deserved for your troubles.

I don't really consider Crayola a friend really. More of an acquaintance, somebody who is somebody I enjoy tossing a few tells to here and again, so I'm trying not to be biased about this. But at least I like her, and I definetely don't hate her.
Any troubles you or your ls may have had with Crayola aren't any of my business. And frankly, I don't care. What I do care about is Neorei's attitude. Gratz on insulting 90% of the server, that really takes a big man to do. Sure, maybe 90% of the server doesn't shout for help, but it's a rough estimate of how many people belong to these sh*tty ls's with people who do. And, I believe, it's a pretty decent guess.
Neorei, not everybody will ever be up to your standards, worthy of joining your little ls and all that endgame crap. There are those, like myself, who play for fun. I'm not all that interested in Sky, or fighting HNMs and killing Gods. I'm sure there's a bunch of you who get your jollies by outclaiming all the other ls's, wearing the most OMFGWTFBBQ gear, and generally being an *** to everybody else because "I belong to an HNMLS who's claimed 'The-Big-Bad-God-of-Who-will-rape-you-n00bs-a-new-hole' half a baker's dozen times". Well good for you.

I know I'm not the best, the smartest, or even above average player. I probably prove my noobiness to anybody I've been around for longer than 10 seconds every, well 10 seconds. I don't wear the best gear money can buy, because I don't have the money to buy it. I'm currently saving every last gil I have for a scorpion harness, which is, 10 levels too late really. I'm not the best race for my job, but I try damnit, and I have fun doing what I do. My linkshell is what you've defined as sh*tty, fine. But I proudly wear my sh*tty linkshell. They are a fun group to be with, try stupid new and exciting things with. We've had entire alliance wipeouts trying to get our leader some ax or another, even though we really had no clue what we were looking for. Sure we got irked a little, but in the end it's an amusing story to tell.

I'm amazed really. Neorei refuses to let people get help with their own methods, even though he admits to rarely being on, and just leaving his character logged on while he's afk. He seems to be one of those people, at least from the impression I've gotten, that only is around when it's convient for him. Wasn't on with that whole "I got MPK'd by HoCD" fiasco, wasn't on now with Crayola's deal. Didn't seem to be on to help out Cray with 7-1 and 7-2, and a quote about that
with rank missions i don't mind about it. and i told you crayola i don't care for RANK missions cept till rank 6

No help till rank6? I guess I'm the only one who doesn't think 6 is bigger than 7. But, I really wonder how many of his precious Dynamis runs he's missed, or how many of these optional Sky raids he's not been around. Lord knows he wouldn't be MIA on these mandatory Kirin fights. So much more worthwhile being around when you can benefit from something, isn't it?

And let me guess, I shouldn't talk about something I have no clue about, right? Well same to you. You may think we have sh*tty ls's. Fine, it's your opinion, and it's not my right to change it. But this is still a videogame, but a videogame played with real people. You may see me as some idiot taru monk running down the streets of Jeuno, but that's just an online persona of me.
How many people can you impress by opening a conversation with "I'm the leader of a high level linkshell in a videogame"? I'm sure that's your stunning achievement in life, your parents much be proud.
#29 May 27 2005 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
I don't see how you people let such drama unfold into your lives through a video game... I personally have no problem with Crayola. I have heard good things, and I have heard bad things about HoCD. This is probably the case in point with any HNM/SKY LS I suppose. I know that when I need to get help with something or when I help people out I send tells to people on my friends list, then move on to people that I know someone, and then move on to possibly ranodom people. 90% of the time I almost never have to resort to sending tells to random people. As far as that ************ ls" comment, Neorei I dont really know you, but I have come to respect you for being a good person like everyone says you are. There is no such thing as a ****************** LS. People form an LS to hang out with a closely knit group of friends. They may not always be the best of players, but they have fun together. Isn't that the whole point of this game? A lot of people seem to forget that, and become greedy or obscessed with their high rank or 75 job. Most of it has to do with endgame gear.... for some reason I don't know. This is just a rant and I would just like to say that this drama is unneccesary. Crayola if you're so mad about being booted out of an LS, it's probably not in your best interest to shout those terrible things in Jeuno. As for Chai, you're still in HoCD, and your best bet is to move on with this matter, as it doesn't really affect you anymore at least I hope. I hope in the end everyone will forgive and forget, because we all need to remember that this is a game to have fun, not a 2nd life. People deal with enough stress in their jobs/school and it doesn't need to be brought into FFXI.

Just my two gil.
#30 May 27 2005 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
143 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#31 May 27 2005 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
I thought this board had become drama free now, guess I was wrong Smiley: cry

Shouldn't this be a topic for the VN boards, not here?

Crayola, you do jump back and forth so much, I bet if you went back through and read all your posts and see how you are just not right in the head, you may do one of the following things.

This ----> Smiley: banghead and realize not everyone is out to get you!

or This---> Smiley: cry and be sad thinking noone loves you!

or maybe you will still think we should all Smiley: bowdown to you!

Anyways it just everytime you post on here I become Smiley: disappointed in you, and must shake my haed and think Smiley: oyvey, not again.

Edited, Fri May 27 09:30:04 2005 by Proroc
#32 May 27 2005 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
So please, go drink a few of these Smiley: boozing, make your self Smiley: smile, get some,Smiley: snore and maybe tommorrow you will feel Smiley: yippee

I am sorry but if you don't stop this we will be forced to put Smiley: ducttape on your mouth, in hope you will cease with this Smiley: spam

but what do I know, thats just my Smiley: twocents!!

Edited, Fri May 27 09:27:41 2005 by Proroc
#33 May 27 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
557 posts
Here we go again *sigh*.........I hate dissention

Crayola: Have you ever thought about starting your own LS?? I say that because first of all, while I don't know you well, I sense that you are a strong opinioned person and have your own ideas about the way things should be. It might be enlightening for you to try a leadership position ingame - i.e., ls leader.
Recruit new members and incorporate all of the things and experience you've gained in game. You have lots to contribute if you look at your crafting skills, etc just to name a few.

Sometimes I have found in life, that when we throw ourselves into the "arena", we gain a whole new perspective - sometimes in direct contradiction to what we've originally thought! I am in a leadership position in rl and I have learned alot about myself as a result - sometimes at the expense of those I lead....

My friend and I recently left a fairly good size ls and started a brand new one. I, for one have learned so much in a short time - it is no small undertaking, let me just tell you. It is not for the feint hearted AT ALL! It takes 'leadership'.....It takes teamwork.....Humor....Humility....A little insanity....It takes alot of work keeping all of the members happy. So many times there are 'lots of cooks trying to make the soup!" type of thing. But, and this is just imo - you might be good at it!

One of the things about having a regular ls is that you can recruit newer players who need and want leadership and help and develop that into a great group of people who can get to high end together.

As far as the controversy with HoCD? Honestly - regardless of who is right and who is wrong - they accepted you into their group and gave you a chance to be part of something alot of people strive for! It didn't work out for reasons that are too confusing for me to even comprehend (and one of the reasons I have vowed never to become part of a large ls).

Neori - It appears that Neori is a well liked and respected leader and player ingame; and decided to bring you in and let the chips fall where they may! I respect him for being the leader that he is; taking a stand regardless of other opinions and 'heat' from other members. Sometimes being a good leader means taking a stand for a cause that nobody else want to take a stand for - going into uncharted territory so to speak, hehe! And then sometimes it takes a strong leader to be able to defend his troops; or in the rl to boot someone out the door!

I think Neori showed good leadership anddeserves a thank you for that from both sides.

As big as the world of Van A Diel is and the Shiva server is - it's a world we all share and live in. It's a place that while large, in all reality becomes very small. Group dynamics are funny things and something that not everyone feels comfortable with or can make work all the time.

Neori took the first step by making his statement and said he wouldn't read or respond to anymore posts Crayola - let's move on now.

It's Friday, I've been leveling clothcraft for the past week and need to get my WHM past 60 this weekend in and exp party!

- let's all enjoy and rock on ingame for the weekend! YAY!!!!


#34REDACTED, Posted: May 27 2005 at 10:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Everyone who has posted up until now... PLEASE GO BACK AND READ MY FIRST POST. I already apologized and I will say it again
#35REDACTED, Posted: May 27 2005 at 10:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Let's get something straight. Alot of you people have said over and over again "Neorei was this and this to let you in Crayola" Neorei never gave me the pearl. And the first conversation Neorei said to me in /tell was that the second I show any sign of distruption that I was to be gone. I said Thanks for the trust! So I knew from the very begining I was on a thin leash with Neo.
#36 May 27 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
#37REDACTED, Posted: May 27 2005 at 11:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is a message board forums where you talk... get used to it.
#38 May 27 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
418 posts


Edited, Fri May 27 12:44:00 2005 by Wrip
#39 May 27 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
so pokehl i apologize if i offended you or even anyone in this server in anyways and if you wanna talk about this in game please /t me.

It takes a big man to insult others, it takes an even bigger man to apologize for it.

#40REDACTED, Posted: May 27 2005 at 11:58 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ur post has a naughty word that was cut :/
#41 May 27 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
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I'm sure Crayola was flattered that you went to the extent of making a sock puppet account just to insult her. What you afraid that you're rating will go down? pfft... If you're gonna insult someone at least have the balls to do it outright and upfront. Don't hide behind a new account like a little b*tch.

#42REDACTED, Posted: May 27 2005 at 12:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) /bow.
#43 May 27 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Hey! what i do wrong? why i'm i rated down.. what happens when your rating goes bad?
#44 May 27 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
582 posts
omfg is an actual character name...he used to be on Shiva for a long time, has like a few jobs at 75, then moved to Remora at migration. I think he came back to Shiva again as a new character but same name.

I remember that name since I was a little WHM first setting foot in Jeuno. He used to hang out in Lower Jeuno AH area a lot and the name always used to make me laugh.
#45 May 27 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
correct you are.
#46 May 27 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
3,139 posts

Everyone listening?

Come closer, so you dont miss it

Get ready

#47 May 27 2005 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
Okay, what I have to say has nothing to do with any specific person...

Why do HNMLSes always air dirty laundry on boards? I know, Neo, you didnt start the thread.. It just seems like all this stuff gets aired on boards about once a week and if you guys were members of a regular linkshell everyone would just point and laugh at all of ya..

Again, Im not outting anyone or trying to stir the pot.. I can see it is a bubbling stinky puke colored green to begin with.. But for heaven's sakes!
#48 May 27 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
1,029 posts
Chai i <3 you long time!! But i <3 Rubby more. We gonna be 1st gay marriage on shiva :D lol.
#49 May 28 2005 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
What the fu[i][/i]ck, this thread is still active?

Smiley: banghead
#50 May 28 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
well at least i'll be gone from all this drama for good here pretty soon. FFXI just is too "end game" now and I'm not that sort of person so the game isn't very fun for me anymore. I think it's time I move on to something else less stressful and more casual. Maybe I'll go try out guildwars...
#51 May 29 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
i tried being nice to crayola and having a fun time on the game with my GF,but crayola ****** at both of us a little while ago.She shouted insults all over bastok,kinda gay,i havent like crayola since. She can continue to be bithy, but really,everyone should here this,even though i dont like crayola, you should take her apologies,no mater how many times she ***** up,just take the apology and move on. If you just did that and she just swallow her pride and tell these people she is sorry for being such a ***** then everything would be fine and there would be no drama on these boards with crayola....all the ******* time.
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