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San D'oria mission + ZM staticFollow

#202 Aug 16 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
I didn't know I was in your static pt. :P lol j/k. Well I guess I am just not the high level one. hehe.

lol rastigo. thanks for bumping here.
#203 Aug 16 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
141 posts
I an enchanted by the idea it will probably give me a very good reason to level whm again and also more confidence toward it since i'll just xp with the best paladin and black mage out there.=^.^= i am halfway in level 68.

aww... /blush. I'll try to level as fast as I can to catch up. I'm really excited to start a static, it'll be especially fun with people I already know^^

I think that I can come Friday for the subligar hunt. I'll let you know as it gets closer to the end of the week.

BTW, everyone read up on 9-1. We can do the first 2 parts solo, which would make it go quicker on Wednesday.
#204 Aug 16 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Ill try to do solo parts, but im not sure ill have time ><

#205 Aug 16 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Good
52 posts
Congrats everyone ^^b

I'll try to be there on Wednesday but I'm moving to a new apartment so time is a little tight ; ;

And yes it's true about the rank 10 flag increasing your CP rate ^^
#206 Aug 17 2005 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
153 posts
BTW, everyone read up on 9-1. We can do the first 2 parts solo, which would make it go quicker on Wednesday.

Great idea but it is not really necessary to solo those for 2 reason.

1st : i have'nt soloed it myself so i will need to do it anyway (i started mission with reb yesterday and we have'nt done any part yet)

2nd : We will need external help for the nm fight for sure and you can bet that we would get at least 1 external person who have'nt soloed the first 2 section either.

Thanks. Pyaa ^^
#207 Aug 17 2005 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
Might wanna try the quest titled: "The Setting Sun" while in Batallia Downs Island while were there, it gives 10k and dont froget to bring that pesky Selbina Clay to get the stone monument too, that also gives 10k, so after were thru with all this we might be 20k gil richer yay!!
#208 Aug 17 2005 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
141 posts
I read about that quest as well. Problem is, that tree only spawns every 2-4hrs or something like that. So we'd only get to kill it once, if it's even up.

I didn't get the chance to start the mission last night either. I got into a pretty good manaburn pt, so I was in that most of the night (well, other than the part of the night I spent dying in Onzonzo... but thats a different story altogether.). But I'm in Sandy now, and I'll get the mission started as soon as I get home from work.

According to some posts on the 9-1 mission, it sounds as if there are some interesting methods for pulling the birds one at a time.
#209 Aug 17 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
153 posts
According to some posts on the 9-1 mission, it sounds as if there are some interesting methods for pulling the birds one at a time.

Wow very interresting point. I just read up on that and it appear that this will probably save us from shouting in jeuno. If we can kill only the minion and let the main boss depop then this should'nt be done without any problem. (i think our best bet would be to let only me wev and reb outside, Wev pop it, reb shadowbind the brd, then the 3 of us zone while wev kite the whm.)

I hope Gweenz can join in for this his participation would be extremely usefull ^^ Any other person you can bring to help us would still be good though.

Thanks, Pyaa ^^
#210 Aug 18 2005 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
153 posts
Ok we will retry 9-2 if we can tonight. If we can't gather, we will do it monday. We all seen that this fight is'nt a joke so we will need lots of preparation (i think i night gave me a very good tactic, gotta try it out)

I expected that fight to be hard and at our level i understand that we may have problem but i really believe in the skill of everyone and since the beggining of the evening yesterday we saw what kind of incredibly ill luck we were facing.

No head down, we have'nt lost. We only found some ways that this fight can't be done but our experience from yesterday gave us all a very good insight of what skill, spell and hardship those mob are throwing at us. With such a party, we will show those orc who are the bosses here.

Thanks, Hope to see you all this evening. Pyaa ^^
#211 Aug 18 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Yep, this is officially the first time we have been OWNED!!

But no worries, we will try again, and i am positive we can make it work.

But i think we gonna need to take Elle out and get him some exp before we try this time. He took the most deaths yesterday im sure of it ><

I think we will get one shot at this. We gonna need to use 2 hours, and be on top of things this time.

I am still not positive ill be able to join, and probably wont know for sure till about 6:30 (wife agro).


Ok i found this i thought it was interesting.

This is for all those who get too wrapped up into things. Now this started as a 8-2 to 9-2 run, being that I had previously done 8-2 and got my figurines for 9-1 I just sat at Battalia island and waited about 2hrs.

The first party went in lv68-75(brd, rng, pld, blm, rdm, whm forget what lvl went with what job), they had a good enough strategy, kill warmachine then rng then others. Went good for them, they got to where trion joined them and it fell apart there. Apparently Trion died(automatic loss).

Second party enters this time lv63-75(blm X2, pld, whm, rdm & brd). This was my first go, I had sleepgaII(blm64) other blm63 didnt. First mistake I stepped into the battle field too far drew aggro 9 orcs raping me. I did manage to get sleepgaII off before I died tho(rng got the last hits in). I get R2 of course that helps none cause now im weakend and the other blm still doesnt have sleepgaII. Long story short we didnt kill any of the orcs.

As I said we had a full alliance two parties took their chance and lost, so now its the 3rd parties chance right? Nope first party wants to go again saying they have "The superior party". Also somewhere between us arriving at the bcnm and the 3rd go one of our whms falls asleep.

So, the original party that went first goes again. At this time the people in the third party are upset, understandable. We were asked to talk in /say originally when we first got there too, so there was a lil bit of chat goin on too. Honestly some people were hoping for them to lose. needless to say they did lose this time they couldnt keep themselves alive.

So they die and someone dlvls(loses weapon and some armor). Their just a lil passed mad, so are the others that have been waiting for a hour.

People are starting to argue and bicker about things not going well. The lv70 is hot that he deleveled, I'm just sitting quite thinking about how everyone says "It's just a game". I tell some of them it's not worth it to argue nothings getting accomplished. Nobody listens, eh life goes on.

At this point people have left/logged w/e. I drop pt and join the 3rd group. Pt setup is blm60(me), rdm69, pld65, whm60, mnk65, and drk67(notice none 70+). I'm looking at a strategy guide off KI seems good, except they say kill the rng(orc) then warmachine. That is the only thing I changed, I told them that if they can kill the warmachine quickly for me I would keep the rest slept. I didn't demand anything from them, before we went in I told them we're all 60+ you know your job nobody needs to tell you what to do. I also explained to them that we in fact had the best party setup out of the 3 groups.

Anyway they begin to thrash the warmachine, I sleep the rest. I was never resisted, but a couple times the rdm did have to backup sleep, nothing like 8 orcs comin after you after you sleep them. Warmachine goes down, next they put a beating on the rng. Now mind you I am not nuking at all only other spell im casting other than sleepga, sleepII, sleepgaII or sleep is drain. After rng goes down their just wasting the other 8 orcs and im sleeping the ones their not fighting. We saved one orc(sleep) and full rested.

Trion shows up(not that he was much help). Everyone was given an objective for the final 3 orcs. pld vs pld, whm focus on trion, blm sleep the non-active orc, rdm mnk&drk just beat down the orc trion was fighting. drk(orc) went down pretty smooth, then blm. Pld vs pld was goin good. Now were focusing on the pld at this point i'm nuking, only spells that did more than 30dmg was stoneIII and aeroIII. It started to look bad for us towards the end, he had a sliver of life and our pld, drk & rdm go down. Mnk is tanking now, me and whm have about 100mp between us. We came real close to losing, I popped a yag drink rested till I had enough for AeroIII did 300+dmg and the fight was over. Also somewhere in there we all 2hr'd except the whm.

This was not meant to be a walkthrough instead to try to tell people that things are not as hard as they apper to be. It's ok to stop and listen to others instead of just running your mouth all the time. It's ok to have your opinion, but it is not the only one that matters. There are people now that will be kicked out of LS's because of silly stuff and there is absolutely no reason to try to make it a personal issue because you got upset of 5mins. Hell im only lv64 whm was only 60 what right do we have to be rank10 except that we had a goal and made it happen.

I think we definatly need to kill the Warmachine, and then the RNG. Those were the two that were giving us all the trouble.

So my strat on this goes like this (if anyone has other suggestions, by all means let me know).

Wev can run in and agro them all. I will go strait for the Warmachine, and pull him to the other side of the room (so curaga wont wake the other orcs), Reb can join me in fighting this guy. Once the group of them is slept, Wev can join me and Reb on the Warmachine. Im going to 2 hour the Warmachine, which should take him out fairly quick. Then we work on the RNG. If the RNG wakes, i think Wev should take him, while i try to finish off the war machine. I am certain, once the RNG and warmachine are dead, we can pick off the rest of them fairly easily. The RNG was hitting me so fast, that shadows, went down fast, so thats why i think Wev should be tanking the RNG. Also the RNG and the Warmachine dont seem to want to sleep ><

It might even be best, for me to pull the warmachine to the entrance, only problem is time, and i dont want to waste valueable time running. Anyways, If Elle sleeps, and then moves to the other side of the big open section, when they wake, they should all be together (so we dont have the problelm of sleep only hitting a few of them), Then Argent, can be backup sleeper with Elle, and Pya can keep Elle alive at all costs. Again, once the RNG and Warmachine are dead, im pretty sure we will be able to take the rest on without a problem.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 11:35:25 2005 by acepod
#212 Aug 18 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
85 posts
I'm not sure if i can come tonight. I have a lot of schoolwork to be done, but my computer is on. So when you're all logged on give me a tell on msn ( when you're heading out. I logged out in Qu Bia so i'll be there waiting if i manage to fit it in.
#213 Aug 18 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
141 posts
Yeah, I don't know wtf is going on. I've been dying A LOT lately. Not just last night either. I'm having a huge string of bad luck or something.

For example, I was in a manaburn party the other night, and I actually got a resist casting Burst on Lighteningsday, with lightening weather, using Thunder Staff, wearing Shaman's Cloak(+5 ele skill), AF hands(+15 ele skill), Druid's slops(+5 ele skill), and Elemental Torque(+7 ele skill), AND capped elemental skill for level 66. Wtf is that all about? I went on to have as many resists as people wearing cotehardies and AF pants w/o Ele torques and a level lower than me. So my thinking is... wth did I spend 2 mil gil on? I mean, my dmg is already nerfed because I'm elvaan, now I can't even rely on not getting as many resists.

Then I died in Onzonzo camping Mysticmaker the other day because I was trying to kill some other gob, when I got a link, and couldn't get a spell off in spite of having +30% spell interruption down gear on.

Then the whole incident last night with me not being able to get a spell off.

I'm sorry for the rant... I'm just getting really frustrated.

If I hear one more person talk about nerfing blm, imma go {Berserk}

I'll be there tonight.
#214 Aug 18 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts
Sounds like a plan. Perhaps you don't have to take the warmachine ALL the way back to the BCNM circle, but we have to at least get it out of curaga II spellcasting range (so... as far away as possible, time permitting ^^;)

Once I identify the ranger orc, which shouldn't be too hard, since he's never asleep (Why can't -WE- get useful traits such as "Immune to sleep?!" Last time I checked, Final Fantasies HAD such items!), I'll start tanking it, and leave the warmachine up to you guys. Another bad omen in this fight was when the Ranger EES'd you, Ace, before I could get back hate >_<

I have an idea to contribute also - Remember when we were powerlevelling my WHM for the lowlevel static, Pyaa, and you told me to hit a group of aggroed-orcs one time each? After I did so, you cured me, and all the orcs went for you instead of me. If there was a safe way Ellesar could get on all the orcs' hate lists (Sleep? short-casting -ga spell? (NOT diaga!)), and then I do something beneficial to Ellesar, then hit Invincible, they SHOULD all come toward me, giving an extra 30 seconds for sleepers to do their thing. The trouble is when I tried that yesterday, I couldn't get a cure off before Ellesar died :/ ... so ... I dunno. It's something to keep in mind though.

If Ace is confident in his Utsusemi Casting, I might be able to make it to where Ellesar, Argent, and to some extent Pyaa wouldn't have to worry too much about me when we beat on the orcs. I have a Hi-Ether Tank that I won in some BCNM 60. When I'm low on MP, Ace can take over tanking while I pop a Hi-Ether (50MP restore, 10 second cast), and thus duo-tank each orc, until we get to the last one. This might give the sleepers some extra MP, and would maybe allow them to not worry about our wellbeing as much as sleeping the monsters.

Regardless of what we decide, I'm going to need to make a custom set of macros for this fight. I was fumbling my macros left and right yesterday, so I need to streamline the process if I'm to be effective.

Hope to see everyone there, and here's to finally showing those orcs who's superior! (and getting Rank 10!)

#215 Aug 18 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
i have a point i thought of to add in. I remember everyone saying that the orc were hitting beetween 10-75. A spell who could do a big difference on this would be phalanx because it does'nt increase defense but rather reduce some static amount of damage taken. So instead of having me as ellesar healer, argent should be.

Here is all the point where argent would be more suited for it

1: He have way less enmity: so when his cure will land on ellesar he will steal hate way easier. Once hate is on him Ellesar won't be interrupted

2: Fast cast will allow him to throw Cure IV faster since those orc bring ellesar down extremely fast.

3: Phalanx + stoneskin :Since those orc don't hit hard, when he will get ellesar hate he will be able to hold it long enough for ellesar to sleepga II them.

4: Convert and refresh: The speed at wich Ellesar need his cure to come is extremely fast wich unable me to rest. With convert and refresh he will have less risk and chance of mp issue.

On my side i would take care of the guys and probably won't get hate anyway as a normal white mage.

All those idea are really smart. hope it will all work

Thanks, Pyaa ^^
#216 Aug 18 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
223 posts
Ok, I dont mind being Ellesar's little Heal-***** lol but just so you know, I probably wont be able to get on till 10pm EST tonight. I might be on earlier but I would'nt bet on it.
#217 Aug 18 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
85 posts
10pm EST? That makes like 4am CET... Ouch! i really should be sleeping at that time...
#218 Aug 18 2005 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
141 posts
Looks like we might not get to do this tonight ><

Anyways... I would appreciate a dedicated healer to keep me alive. However, I still don't see how that will actually help me get the spell off in time. If someone is healing me, that will only delay the process of killing me, unless that person pulls aggro from the whole lot of them.

The only way around this, that I see, is to have a dedicated healer on me for second, and subsequent sleepgas, and to have Pyaa ready to quickly use sleepga I in case I get interrupted on sleepga II. If this happens, hopefully Pyaa would have aggro when they wake up. Then I would be able to successfully get off sleepga II when they go for her. We would have to almost duo-sleepga them until their numbers dwindle to a managable amount.

This seems to be the only thing I can think of that might work, because the second I get interrupted, it's over, unless someone else can pull them off of me.
#219 Aug 18 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Ok, I dont mind being Ellesar's little Heal-***** lol but just so you know, I probably wont be able to get on till 10pm EST tonight. I might be on earlier but I would'nt bet on it.

See i could prolly do 10 :00 PM EST easily lol

Anyways, if we cant do today, we will go for it monday i say.

Also Elle, i can Warcry, and take hate from you, but ima need someone healing me or ill go down rather fast (just like the first fight i did it in). Warcry, will strip those bad boys from you in a flash, which i dont mind, if only i could get the machine dead first, and have Wev on the RNG, it would be so much easier.

#220 Aug 18 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
141 posts
If we can't do this till late (if at all), would some of you guys mind helping me kill some of these guys...


  • They drop blm testimonies along with some valuable scrolls.

    Let me know.
    #221 Aug 18 2005 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
    153 posts
    OK no try tonight. we will do it monday instead ^^
    #222 Aug 19 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
    111 posts
    Sure Elle, I wouldn't mind going on a testimony/scroll hunt with you. Just give me a /tell sometime, and I'll join up with you, and whoever else is coming.
    #223 Aug 19 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
    3,139 posts
    Sorry about last night guys, i got massive wife agro, and she Ko'ed me. I was on for a very short time, when my LS leader, asked if i would help him do some BCNM. Soon as we were done, i was agroed the rest of the night ><

    I will help you get BLM Test Elle, and I might actually be able to log on this weekend (saturday sometime), if everyone will be on, we can try and bang out 9-2. But i need to get at least a few K exp, or i will de lvl if we die ><
    #224 Aug 19 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
    141 posts
    Thanks guys! I will hopefully be on tonight for much of the evening, and again during much of Saturday. I'll either be xp'ng, helping someone with stuff, or hunting a testimony. So I'll talk to you guys either tonight or tomorrow about it.

    I'll also need to get a few K xp. I hit 67 late last night, so I'll need a buffer for 9-2 as well.
    #225 Aug 23 2005 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
    111 posts
    We have reached the end of an age. Through thick and thin, we have stuck together, fighting it out. Fighting Burning Circle Battles, Fighting Spawned NMs, Fighting countless Aggroes, and even fighting the silence we met in Lower Jeuno when we shouted for extra help. (And sometimes, fighting against that same 'help' @_@)

    Through all of that, our hard work has finally paid off. Fresh from being dubbed 4th in line to the San d'Orian throne (Behind Trion, Pieuje, and Princess Claudie), as we hang up our rightfully earned Red Flags, I say to you "Well done, everyone."

    Acepod (WAR/NIN) - Besides dealing the O_O levels of damage, you had absolutely no problem stepping up to the plate to tank a link, an extra enemy, or take over to help me duo-tank things that might have been too much for me alone, often laying your life down as a result. You might say something like 'I was going all out, and even 70+ PLDs have trouble against that!' , but some of those times, I was really in the hurt, and needed some help, and it did save us. We appreciate both your sacrifices and your efforts to get us here today.

    Ellesar (BLM/WHM) - We've messed with you a lot during Warp II's since the party began ("Wait wait wait! ... just kidding!" and so forth), but know that it's only because we're being friendly, and we kid because we're among friends. You were worried that you were holding us back, and offered to bow out for another member to take your place, and we said 'not a chance!'. You've done nothing but be an asset to our party, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Even in the face of three consecutive defeats on Mission 9-2, we had faith in you and your abilities. So you gritted your teeth, and boom, we came through on attempt #4. Thank you for your perseverance and hard work.

    Argent (RDM/BLM?) - You being a mage, I as a Paladin often times do not pay the closest of attentions to what the backline casters are doing. However, There is -not- a time since the group got together that I do -not- (double negative) remember having both Refresh AND Haste on myself, as well as refresh on all the casters, AND enfeebles on the enemies. I can only imagine refresh cycles by themselves being difficult to keep track of, but Haste and Enfeebles, and the occasional Sleeping as well? I suppose what I'm trying to say is, you're a credit to your job, a jack of all trades - easily adaptable to the job at hand, and we all appreciate having you on the team ^^.

    Rebririon (RNG/NIN) - Not only are you fighting monsters with us, you're also all-the-time fighting against sleep as well. Being in Norway, and the time difference and all, that's perfectly understandable. Despite it being 3 AM for you when it's barely 9 or 10 PM for us, you fought through it, and have proved yourself a valuable team member. An artist you are with the bow, sending the sharp spiky things into the soft fleshy things of our enemies. Many a time have you saved us with a well-placed Eagle Eye Shot, or a Sharpshot + Barrage. You know your power, and when to go all out or hold back a bit. For your insomnia and effectiveness, thank you.

    Pyaarakes (WHM/BLM) - Well, what can I say here? Without you, this static wouldn't have formed at all. So first of all, thank you for making the party exist ^^. You know your job well. Cures landed at just the right times, and I always had room to use my MP to cure and get myself more attention from the monsters. Status Effects disappeared before I even realized I had them (and as a Paladin, I notice those quite quickly!). Basically, at times we should have died, we did not die, thanks to your efforts. Thank you for keeping us going ^^

    and, just for completion's sake, I'll list me.

    Wevrain (PLD/WAR) - I got beaten, kicked, punched, speared, stabbed, slammed, jostled, bludgeoned, magicked, sliced, diced, hacked and hammered by all manner of creatures (And whipped by a certain Mithran Whitemage who shall remain nameless, just kidding it's Pyaarakes), in the hopes that my awesome party could defeat these murderous beasts before they defeated me (Thankfully, that happens a lot!... the winning, not the whipping... that hurts ;_;). Unfortunately, Acepod is often the casualty of such endeavors, and I apologize for that. With the support of my party, we each did great things ^^

    Special Thanks to Gweenz the Ninja, Amadeus the Ninja, and all those who helped us in addition to our party, often with no more than a 'thanks' in return!

    Now our original purpose is finished. Thankfully, there's still tons to do in Vanadiel:

    Zilart Missions - We've accessed sky (Special shout-out thanks to Gweenz and Amadeus!), but we can still take on the ArkAngels, and that silly kid with the eyepatch Eld'narche, or however you spell that. Whatever. He's a punk, and he needs to be taught a lesson!

    Promathia Missions - Ugh, each one of these is a toil, but the rewards are great, with a good storyline, and those most-awesome rings to be won! With our setup, I think we can make these missions a bit easier.

    and of course, there's still 2 nations we do not have rank 10 in... yet >:D . What say we grab our Red Flag a blue and a green partner?

    And SO much more!

    So in conclusion: Thanks everyone, you're all awesome! Here's to having some more fun!


    Edited, Tue Aug 23 03:39:53 2005 by Wevrain
    #226 Aug 23 2005 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
    153 posts
    And whipped by a certain Mithran Whitemage

    We all know this is your worst nightmare, poor wev, if only you'd stand a chance ^^. Thanks for this long a heartfull post wevrain. Yes we really did a great accomplishment but this is'nt the end by far. We have so many other things to do. CoP is here for us and we have'nt finished the ZM either (although we will definately need to level up before killing those archangel) and we also have 2 other nation we can get rank 10 in ^^.

    I'd like to know how far everyone is in CoP to plan out what to do next. On my side i just killed the minautaur. And you how far are you?

    Anyway for this wednesday there is nothing really planned except for people who would want to help out ellesar get is testimony.

    Thanks, Pyaa ^^
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