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Shiva....The Good list and the Bad list...Reward=100k,try meFollow

#52 Jun 10 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Yeah whatever fem. She said in party yesterday that she hated me because I left her for 10 seconds without refresh. And then she hit me. I feel so unloved :(.
#53 Jun 10 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
yeah i finally met ezekiel on Monday during our M.A.A.T. get together.

me: OMFG you're Ezekiel the DRK!
Ezekiel: rofl!
#54 Jun 10 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
doomygir wrote:
yeah i finally met ezekiel on Monday during our M.A.A.T. get together.

me: OMFG you're Ezekiel the DRK!
Ezekiel: rofl!

There's two 'Ezekeils' - The one that I know is Ezekeil the blm! But he also is friends with I believe the Ezekile you're referring to who is DRK!

Small world! both nice and good people!


#55 Jun 10 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
*tears up* mojomonk mentiond me lol.

Ok, i was staying out of this thread, cause it was headed in the wrong direction. However, it seems to have turned around a bit, so here goes.

Brill is my #1 friend in the game. He left for a few months, and just recently came back, and we are lvling BST from lvl 1 together (now at llv 6). We fought tom tit tat together, and just generally have fun.

Zalacor, is my LS leader. He has always helped me and the whole LS out when we needed it. I dont think he will ever reach lvl 75, but he is definatly one of the best guys on the server.

Pokiehl. Well Poki is a well how should i say it um... crazy hehe (i mean this nicely). But man i like that guy. He has helped me numerous times, and who can not die laughing when you see "Wombat Fists of Fury" scroll past and a tiny taru kick the crap out of a mob. He makes me laugh nearly non stop anytime we do something together.

Generalramuh is also one of my favorite people, but i havent even spoken to him in months. I think ill send him a /t next time i get a chance to log on. He guided me to altepa and vhazl for the tele crystals, and has always been fun to hang around.

Ladicius is in my LS, as well as an HNMls, but he has helped me tons of times. He helped get LB1 papy, and some nice skill up parties. Also died with me getting my AF3 the first time we tried. But besides all the in game stuff hes helped me do, he is a real inspiration to our LS. He always motivates people, and always makes people feel better, when something bad happens. He is always helping someone in the LS, and im not sure how he has time for another one lol.

Havk, left the game a long time ago, but he was the first person on my friend list, and was tons of fun to hang with.

Shiru, a fairly new member to our LS. She is one crazy chick, but always there to help when someone needs it. I like her very strong persona, and the fact she doesnt take crap from anyone. Some people are offended by this, but thats exactly why i like her.

Thunderstorm, has been in my LS as long as i have. He is one of the coolest guys i know, and always a good conversation. I am finally catching you TS !!!!!

Bleyt, is in my LS, and i am not real close wiht her, but we always have good conversations, and i enjoy going on missions and stuff with her. One of the nicest people ive meet in game.

Nasiya, is one of my oldest friends. She out lvled me by a long way, and has a static group she is with most of the time, but still one of my favorite people. We usually hung out and did nothing together, which is some of the best memories i have in game.

There are lots of other people i really like, but these are the top ones. At one point, i felt like i really didnt know anyone, and had no real friends. But writing them all down like this, make me realize what great friends i do have, and how much i appreciate all of them.

As ofr people i dont like, i cant even think of a name to write here. I have a few people on my Blist for being complete idiots, but i havent added anyone in like 6 months (besides the n00b shouting constantly in bastok the other day some stupid sexual stuff). Im sure those people on my blist, have either grown up a bit and arent such idiots, or have moved on from FFXI. In fact i think ill delete everyone on my /blist next time i log in, except the n00b that was shouting.

I also want to make a comment about tefaunce. If i am remebering correctly, he has a 12 yo brother, who seems to get ahold of his account rather often. His brother is well a 12yo, with nothing better to do then cause trouble, and be silly. I know this only because his brother was in a party with me, and told me all about it. He kept calling me mean because i booted him for not being able to do *anything* correctly for over 45 minutes. After that, i just couldnt stand it anymore, and had to let him go. Thats when he told me all about his brother, and him useing his accoutn ect. I have a feeling his brother is now useing his account full time, because tefaunce used to be a really cool guy.

Anyways, im happy ot know im not on anyone **** list, not that i should be, but its nice to know :)

#56 Jun 10 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
femwhispers wrote:
But he also is friends with I believe the Ezekile you're referring to who is DRK!

I feel like an idjit now XD Ezekile had to correct me on how to spell his name too rofl XD
#57 Jun 10 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
not to start sh** or a flamewar, but;

Anyone know Maharet?

she does her job well (you know, average, no complaints), but her attitude (as far as I've seen) kind of overshadows her decent job of being a NIN.

anyone have any experiences with her other than myself and Amii?
#58 Jun 10 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
best friends- Generaramuh - only WH that can keep me alive.
Jeliel- lvl BLM man

ppl i hatte-
Glitterngld- nothin to say
Hekamiah- try to out dmg me man!

i know alot of ppl hate me but oh well.
I juss wanna know what yall think of me, if yall know generalramuh you have seen me.

Yaa and I love you too >.>

#59 Jun 10 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
The 3 people I like the most

1-Hador- He is a sweetie ^^ and my best friend

2- Tricen he always wants to help someone.
He has never cause any trouble with anyone
and in my book he is te coolest player.

3- Generalramuh - cause I have known him online
for 5+ years

The 2 people I hate te most

1- Derekz known him through Generalramuh for 5+
years. >.>

2- Xellith ewww run away

Edited, Sat Jun 11 01:08:51 2005 by Glitterngld
#60 Jun 12 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Good List- Star
Star is my best friend cause he let me win his contest and he gave me 100k, i am very poor have never had over 30k. Star is also ganna soon help me level and get ballista points. ^.^

#61 Jun 13 2005 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
lol,actually i just read all these replies and i actually had a fun time reading them.people,by the way,im gonna boost the prize up to 200K!!!!!!!!!since i have lots of extra here is my

but for fun,here is my list of people
I Love my Ls,ive been leading it for 3 years now and it hasnt failed me now.Everyone at stariknights, i love you guys,you all are my family.

Katalinthalasa-My GF..hey,wat else can i say

Sabcr- My first Ls leader,who taught me how to lead.

Vixxen- recently left,but he was like a brother.

Solbadguy-My best friend here on Shiva,i gave him hundred of k of gil in return for his cooking^^

Mithrandel- i havent seen you in a while mith,w/e happened

Probian- for pissin me off good enough to leave the last LS and start my own.
these are a few,sorry for anone i left out,lol

I only hate one person,and god,im not allow to say that *****'s name.

well,lol,ill finish the contest on wednesday,lol,i extended it.hurry up people time is running out.
#62 Jun 13 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Badlist- Nordishen Kicked me ut of ls for no reason at all. then called me some words then sold all the armor he proised he would give to me and then blisted me.

Edited, Mon Jun 13 10:52:12 2005 by MasterOvPuppets
#63 Jun 13 2005 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
lol,tha sucks
#64 Jun 13 2005 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Mah favorite friends... Hmm...

Shoutout to all of GBII! :)

Jprimal is the first guy I met in FFXI. Kinda like a mentor to me. Thanks a bunch for taking me under your wing, man. ^^

Tobias was a good guy. I think he quit though. He was the second good friend I had on here. Things were sketchy though. At first, we were good friends. But then he changed. He started getting cocky about his level and he stopped talking to me. He /blisted me for 2-3 months and then I saw him in Valkurm. I decided to heal him; his whm was doing a poor job. Became friends again, but I think he quit the next day. Poor kid...

Ezekile... I met him back last year in Qufim Island. He was DRK then and I was Warrior I think.... I think I was tanking... Anyways, he was commenting on how well I was tanking and I was commenting on his DD goodness and we started chatting in /tells making fun of our PT. We've been friends ever since then. I swear, we make the best duo for farming and quests. ^^

Zinga is my favorite little Taru buddy because... well, because she's always willing to lend an ear or arm for me. she's helping with WHM duties for Promyv runs next Sunday as well... always there to help me with my troubles in RL and in game, which I sincerely respect.

I miss Kuro, too... Quit because his DRG never got any PTs...

Thanie rarely plays anymore... But he's got more on his hands to worry about. I miss him too, he's a fun person to joke around with.

Basically, my best friends in FFXI are from GBII.

However... the only person that I don't like... Just this one instance, he did the worst thing...

I was in Valkurm as a lvl 20 PLD, and a Ghoul aggro'd me.. so I used everything I had... and I see this RDM come running by. I ask for a Cure or two and he simply stares at me. Watches me die. Casts protect on himself and runs up and kills the Skeleton. I delvled, and meanwhile he just got 200 exp and whatnot.. He spoke English, but I guess he enjoyed watching people die. Oh yeah. His name was Atrus.... That bastage... You'd think I'd have forgotten by now about that... That was way long ago... like last year...

I'm pretty much fine with everyone else. Anyone that bugs me enough gets a little 12 hour /blisting. That's it though, I don't like to have bad relationships with people. It leaves a bad mark on my conscience -.-
#65 Jun 14 2005 at 12:02 AM Rating: Good
36 posts

Let's see:

Good people I've met --------

1. Why, Tgmoomba, of course. He's been my closest friend on
Shiva,and I'm guessing that's because he'll put up with me.

2. Fayevalentine: I met her in TearsofScarlet when she was but a
you rdm, and now she's grown up and made me prowd.

3. Papawarlock & Atlantismoon: I have to put these two together,
because they are nigh inseperable. Without the help, love,
and support of these two, I don't know if I'd still be

4. Dominicus & Wiccanmoondust: Same as Papa and Atlantis, except
I don't use them for bcnm's as much. xP

5. Legolisgoldleaf: It seems like I've known him forever, but it
seems as though it's not been as long as for others. Oh well.

6. Jeliel: He's cool, and funny.

7. Smithers & Co.: Those two are great to be around.

8. Gangaram: While I don't see him much anymore, he has helped
me with virtually every AF quest and advanced job quest I've
ever done. ^^

9. Bluesgirl and the rest of StaticKnights: I <3 you guys. >.>

Naughty List ----------------

How can I hate? I don't hate my fellow addicts, but there have
been a choice few that do not deserve to have a conversation
with me. Oh well. Better off for both parties. ^.~
#66 Jun 14 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Ezekile wrote:
=) 7. Smithers & Co.: Those two are great to be around.

Sorry for misspelling your name on teh boat <_< lol

Smithers & Co.?
Who is Co? XD
#67 Jun 14 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Whomever I happen to run into Smithers with. xD
Dang, that guy makes any party a riot.
#68 Jun 14 2005 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Ezekile wrote:
Whomever I happen to run into Smithers with. xD
Dang, that guy makes any party a riot.

you saying that makes me very proud that hes my bf XD
He is pretty funny...He's also very Naive (at lvl 52, yes hes still quite naive about other players. But still ^^)

so do you catch his head when he rips it off? XD
hes done that several times in Valkurm while im trying to lvl a job, he'll just toss one of his body parts at a random member of the pt...

their reply: "..."

EDIT: Misc Typos

Edited, Tue Jun 14 21:00:42 2005 by doomygir
#69 Jun 15 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
36 posts
Hehe. I usually dodge outa the way. Maybe I should toss him a mithkabob next time for being such a good sport and letting me bowl with his brains. Ionno.
#70 Jun 15 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
OK this thread is about your best friend and hated foe right here goes.

My best friend in this entire server is Ryuski. I meet him when I was 20th level and in Qufim as my WHM and now 50 levels later we are still together. (How many people can say that lol) We have seen people come and go in our static, fought many foes along the way. We got to know each other while fishing up moat carp in sandy, back when the system was cast retrieve lol. And when it comes times for mission, Zm's, BCNM etc we are always together on it. Most of my FFXI storys involve him. He helped me got my WHM AF gear and I helped him get his. He is always willing to sacrifice himself in order to get the static out of whatever mess we have gotten ourselves into. We share the same Awsome LS rare/Ex and have become great friends outside of game too. I can't imagine my FFXI without thinking of Ryuski. I can only hope once we hit 75 we will continue being together. Maybe I'll be the PLD this time =)

I have many other friends on here too and to list them all I would need a whole forum page to myself but I will list them and say without thier help i would not be the level I am today: Aedon, Minivyre, Echondas, Valheru, Pokiehl, Nasiya, Ladicius, Omnimancer, Acepod, Thunderstorm, Deathwish, Tarael, Zalacor, Shrek, Galekaiser and the list goes on and on. Thank you all for being my friend. =)

And a special shout to Whitewynd who isn't even on anymore but who got me hooked on this game.


ok this post wouldn't be complete without the person you hate well my person is Hellkid (i know I am gonna get flamed for this) From his arrogent attitude to the fact he ditched my party one night after he made a bad pull and got killed. This guys constant shouts and drama in Jeuno is one of the reasons I hate being in Jeuno. I am sorry if he is your friend, i respect that but I can not stand him.

Edited, Wed Jun 15 11:08:17 2005 by Bleyt
#71 Jun 15 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, I've been listed a few times, that gives me all those Warm, Squishy fuzzies, like roadkill in July.

I'd list all the wonderful people, but I've got to know alot of 'em, so I'll try to make a list of the Best of the Best.

Borgan - He's so #1 on my list of best guys. He's helpful, awesome to talk to. I can't imagine being where I am without this guy, he's helped me so much in the past, and he's got promises to help me with stuff in the future. He probably doesn't understand how uber I think he is.

Onikagemaru - Hot Italian Love Machine. And he's a monk. I don't know how he does it, but he knows all that there is too know about monks. I send this guy /tells almost everyday, I like to hangout with him. Our discussions on all things monk are fun. He's incredible and so my bestest friend.

Isosaari - He'd be number 1, but he gets me killed alot, so that drops him a few^^. I'm glad to get to know him. He's helpful, and just plain old uber. He's also our LS leader, and I can't think of a better guy for the job. He's got alot of stuff planned for us, and I'm willing to help see that through.

I'd name all the various members in both my ls's, but that's alot of people. Honorable mentions are Lonewarrior, Kup, Sliccc, Bleyt, Ryuski, Minivyre, and Arcadeez.

-----The Bad----
I can only think of one person I hate. I won't give the name, but he's the only person to grace my blist who isn't a scammer/spammer, and rather is somebody I just despise. The reason for my hatred is in a nutshell, he's a liar. A liar who's lies destroyed a linkshell, caused people to quit, and friends take sides against one another. In my opinion, the worst kind of scum to play this game.
#72 Jun 16 2005 at 4:26 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
in FFXI everyone is my freind unless proven other wise =)

EdItZoRz: the only person i think i hate in this game would have to be me, for my own personal reasons. Im kinda like one of those self hating jews, except im now jewish.. @_@

Edited, Thu Jun 16 06:24:09 2005 by Tricen
#73 Jun 17 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
Person i dont like: Harves

Why: because i had a good LS going (KnightsofDeath) and i kicked him out for being an *** and then he goes around telling a bunch of BS about me so people would leave my LS.
I must say, Harves was in ishies for a while and pulled the same ****, except he wanted Utsusemi scroll for 40k and spammed our chat for 5 days straight even after being told to stop. Kinda rediculous, we booted him on the 5th day.

I don't really have a bad list besides that... >.>

My goodlist is huge but greatlist would be Generalramuh, Atrubion, Legolisgoldleaf, Sephirothorb, Aginheim(sp?) and Iceblade. They've helped me tons since I started waaay back in summerfest. {/salute}

I'd hope I'm on someones good list, but who knows. >< They say stuff comes full circle, so I guess I'm not THAT bad of a guy. ^^; ~Aet
#74 Jun 21 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Hasnt it been mre than a week already?
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