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Crayola stop getting all butthurt!!Follow

#52 Jun 02 2005 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
de Broglie Waves
In 1924 a young physicist, de Broglie, speculated that nature did not single out light as being the only matter which exhibits a wave-particle duality. He proposed that ordinary ``particles'' such as electrons, protons, or bowling balls could also exhibit wave characteristics in certain circumstances. Quantitatively, he associated a wavelength to a particle of mass m moving at speed
v :
= . (10)

Since the momentum of such a particle is p = mv , mathematically this relation is equivalent to Eq.(27.8) for the momentum of a photon in Compton scattering. However, we should emphasize that these two equations have a very different physical content.

Tests of this hypothesis would involve demonstrating wave properties of matter at the wavelength given by Eq.(27.10). Relatively straightforward tests are offered by diffraction and interference - if a beam of such ``particles'' were shone at a diffraction grating and a diffraction pattern of a series of light and dark fringes results, then one would be forced to adopt the wave picture for this phenomena. We recall that for a good diffraction pattern to result the size of the diffraction slits should be of the same order as the wavelength of the light used. As we shall see in some examples later, for macroscopic objects such as bowling balls this would require sizes of slits of the order of 10- 34 m or so, which is much outside present-day technology. However, for electrons the sizes of slits required are of the order of 10- 11 m or so, which are readily available. Thus, it is possible to verify the wave nature of electrons in such diffraction experiments, and indeed this property is the principle behind the relatively common electron microscope. Therefore, Nature seems to be symmetric, in that light and ordinary ``particles'' exhibits this wave-particle duality.

#53 Jun 02 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
Imagine if you will a bunch of stars all bright and glowing but filled with only SO much energy and since we are beings of limited visual ability we can only see a certain number OF those stars. We live and are sustained by these stars, some we CAN see and some we cannot. Some people think there are black holes out there with unlimited gravity but that's just stupid. The truth is that the gravity is off the chart. The more the rules change the more they stay the same.



Now imagine they are all inside a BUTT! Ha!

PS .. well, I was trying to relevant.
#54 Jun 02 2005 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Proroc wrote:
NephthysWanderer the Charming wrote:

Jesus, what the hell is that thing? It's like a damn foreign country in here. You guys are cracking me up.

I love desk.

Neph it looks like the cat from Alice in Wonderland when it disappears and only has its stripes showing, as Crayola would say.....Thats Hawt!!!

huh. I just figured someones keyboard got stuck after a sticky encounter
#55 Jun 02 2005 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
as Crayola would say.....Thats Hawt!!!

For the record, it's "That's hott" not hawt like some nubs do it.
#56 Jun 02 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
/nod {Yes, Please} he must have some gooood stuff@!!!
and to everyone that keeps this flame stuff goin on (STFU)
Heheh i lubs everyone!
#57 Jun 03 2005 at 2:12 AM Rating: Good
525 posts
This is one of those funny moments, where some of the asylum posters found a linked thread and started to post hilarious comments and situations about each other!

They then proceed to post useless information that they found on the first site courtesy of google, and create hilarious dialogue in the aftermath.

What truly should be said is, cindyffxi should have just bumped one of the old threads that told Crayola to leave, get out, stop actually typing an opinion, etc. Creating another thread like this only clutters up this forum with more drama threads that have no place here. Meet these people in-game and /tell it out, and there you have it.. a solution.
#58 Jun 03 2005 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
836 posts
For the record, it's "That's hott" not hawt like some nubs do it.

I thought a "nub" was that thing your boyfriend gives you to suck on. Oops.

#59 Jun 03 2005 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Most likely not. A lot of you guys will probably head on over to The Asylum and post crap threads like the last invasion a while back. And god help you if the Asylum retaliates.

What can they do? Steal our credit card numbers or something? This is a forum, a forum for a MMORPG... Now that I think about it, why do I waste my time ranting with ppl. Oh yeah, it's fun ^^.

One more question, what is "butthurt"? Hehehe, I don't think Crayola is butthurt. I heard that she can whistle Dixie with her butt-hole.
#60 Jun 03 2005 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
Barchiel +1... very nice on that nub comment lol.
#61 Jun 03 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Default
3,139 posts
Holy **** it seems i missed all the fun whilst sleeping ><

What can they do? Steal our credit card numbers or something? This is a forum, a forum for a MMORPG... Now that I think about it, why do I waste my time ranting with ppl. Oh yeah, it's fun ^^.

One more question, what is "butthurt"? Hehehe, I don't think Crayola is butthurt. I heard that she can whistle Dixie with her butt-hole.

Bar, the asylum posters have a knack for rateing people into oblivion for little to no reason what so ever. Of course there is often ample reason, but even if not it can just as easily happen. So this brings up your second question.

[quotewhat is "butthurt"? ][/quote]

Thats when you become the target of attack by multiple people. It happens often in the asylum, and is quite funny to watch erm.. Read!!!

Please stop sending your idiots over to the Asylum. We are currently at capacity and are no longer accepting applications

Funny, the Shiva forum is too. Coincidence?

Dear Cindykitty,
You don't own this forum. Her leaving isn't for you, or anybody to decide. If she wants to leave, let her, if she stays, she's welcomed too. Welcomed to by the people who OWN these forums. Not by little brats who think they got something to say, you for example. If you don't like Crayola, fine, don't like her. I don't see a person holding guns to our heads forcing us to read all the posts about her. If you don't want to read it, or hear about it, or whatever, DON'T. It's as simple as not moving your little mouse and clicking on the link. Wow. I'm sure your Kindergarten teacher has taught you how to handle situations like this, walk away. It's the amazing "How ever many steps it takes to get out of the room" plan.

This goes for everybody to. If you don't like to read posts about Crayola, don't read them. Your flaming and trolling her isn't going to make her go away, you should have learned that by now. You'll only make her stronger.

Big ole go brotha to Poki, have to agree with you 100%

I love lamp

For some strange reason this makes me feel like playing word association. But instead of word association, lets do phrase association.

What shall ye....

Others are welcome to join.

just hate Born Again B!tches,

OMG thats funny lol.

Jesus, what the hell is that thing? It's like a damn foreign country in here. You guys are cracking me up.

Thats the new style pig latin. You know that stupid language used in elementary school by those not quite "Young" anymore. It just evolved to be computer firendly.

Let me get this straight: somebody cries out against a poster that s/he feels is horrible and detrimental to the forum, and you guys all lynch him/her for it?

What a bunch of dorks.

+1 Hypocrisy



IF you frequented this forum, you would know that crayola (the person being cried out about), has been the center of attention on this board for a really really long time. Half the people hate her, half the people love her, but cindykitty (who has only been on this site for a week or so), really has no place to call Crayola out. Not that she cant have her opinion, but "Please leave our forum", makes it sound like shes in charge or something, which FYI she isnt!! And there are plenty of other bash Crayola threads she could have used to state her opinion.

Most likely not. A lot of you guys will probably head on over to The Asylum and post crap threads like the last invasion a while back. And god help you if the Asylum retaliates

I'm sorry, were you implying that the posts on the Asylum arent crap? Cause I have been there quite a few times, and i dont recall seeing anything that wasnt *at it roots* Crap. No one is scared of the asylum posters lol They dont have some magical power's that make them kings of allakhazam. Or wait do they?

#62 Jun 03 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
Actually Ace, they do. They took me from a 3.18 rating, down to my current rating in a week. They will Karma camp you until no end if they don't like you.
#63 Jun 03 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
3,139 posts
Actually Ace, they do. They took me from a 3.18 rating, down to my current rating in a week. They will Karma camp you until no end if they don't like you.

Yeah but no one cares about Karma.

Wait dont they?

At least *EVERYONE* says they dont care about Karma.

I for one, dont care if a group of people decide they dont like me and rate me down. But meh, thats just me i guess.

Edited, Fri Jun 3 12:14:48 2005 by acepod
#64 Jun 03 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
It is not so much wanting to have Scholar status or above, but the fact is when your Karma gets too low if just one person does not like a post of yours, or if you have someone camping you, they alone can rate you to sub-default, wether your post is a good one or not.
#65 Jun 03 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
143 posts
yeah i know i'm being camped lol
#66 Jun 03 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
1,261 posts
neorei wrote:
yeah i know i'm being camped lol

i think i might invest in a shirt from

"thank you for NOT camping"...
(for a visual go there.)

Edited, Fri Jun 3 15:00:52 2005 by doomygir
#67 Jun 03 2005 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
There are forces at play that shelter some and others are left to fend for themselves. Magical powers? You may consider the fact that the typical asylumite is not merely just an infamous asylumite but also plays in the garden of the Admin gods. It's not so much a matter of whether anyone likes you or not when it boils down. We chew stupid sock puppets and trollers up for breakfast.

Some of you may remember a certain shark who stumbled into the asylum and is (for all intensive purposes) dead and gone. The JayGCNs and such think they can cause trouble and they end up finding it.

Bottom line, do not play in the Garden of the Gods unless you can hold your own.

Uhmm, and black holes are relatively easy to explain. You take the mass of a star and make it the size of a beach ball.. Thats some serious gravity for a small and undetectible object.

edit: Oh please, anything but a rate down.. I might never recover.

Edited, Fri Jun 3 22:53:06 2005 by Lefein
#68 Jun 04 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
I don't have enough wit and charm to play in the asylum. Or a cool avatar pic.

Edit: I can't spell the word asylum.

Edited, Sat Jun 4 05:24:09 2005 by Pokiehl
#69 Jun 04 2005 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
3,571 posts
Oh shi[b][/b]t, these FFXIers have discovered that we have the ub3r1337 4dm1n powers that allow us to be KINGS OF THE FORUMS.

I forgot just how stupid the average FFXI poster was in the time I've been gone. I recieved a crash course in this thread, though!
#70 Jun 04 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
The fact is crayola does this for herself. If you remeber her post clearly the first sentence and last sentence were the only things that asked about a ls the rest was a flame on hero. Crayola is a drama queen you can't candy coat it. Example: You can't rap dog **** in rapping paper and call it decent. It still stinks and is in fact crap. Another thing is she flames and spams in jeuno.
You can't say all these people who dislike her have no reason. It makes no sense, she obviously has personal problems that she spews on the server like vomit. I keep up on some ls forums and the first time crayola was denied from hero she threw a giagantic hissy fit called them all jerks and said she was blisting the whole ls. Then tried to cover it up by saying she was joking and she was being sponsered. When she was booted from the ls all she did was spam in jeuno. You can't expect respect if you act like a moron, throwing baby fits and what not.

I don't think she should not be able to post but I do think she should not be able to post flames. The mods should know by now she's a drama queen and it obviously wont stop EVER. She tries to even cover up on this post she said she was "just looking for another ls" but she wasn't she was trying to create hate out of self pitty, angry feelings, and bi-polar actions. Crayola try this, think before you say.

Don't try to double talk, hippocrat, or two face your way out of it. Just accept what you do take your own responsiblilty. There is no one else to blame for your actions but you. Deal with your own creation.

- Steve Zisssou of the Zisssou Society

- Dictated but not read
#71 Jun 04 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
I was talking to someone from the LS Crayola got accepted into (BloodinBloodout):
Me-> Hey man whyd you join that LS?
Him-> Why? Whats wrong with it?
Me-> Crayola just got in it.
Him-> Are you serious?
Me-> Yeah I saw her with a pearl for it in Lower Jeuno.
Him-> **** man, I just joined this LS to test the waters, ya know? Didnt know she was in it.
Me-> Yeah man, with people as good as you in the LS, you shouldnt have to have your standards compromised by someone like her in it.
Him-> Man this sucks, I need a new LS.
#72 Jun 04 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
Sep, you can stop now...
#73 Jun 04 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
Awwwww but I dont want to...
#74 Jun 04 2005 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
i like chicken...........
#75 Jun 05 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
#76 Jun 06 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
They then proceed to post useless information that they found on the first site courtesy of google, and create hilarious dialogue in the aftermath.

Shi[b][/b]t. He's on to us.

Actually Ace, they do. They took me from a 3.18 rating, down to my current rating in a week. They will Karma camp you until no end if they don't like you.

That's because you're an idiot. Do these nice people a favor and link all of the inane, insipid drivel that you wasted our life with.
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