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Acronym or n00bspeak?Follow

#1 Jun 14 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Taking this out of the n00b guide and into it's own separate thread.

What is considered to be acceptable acronym and what is without a doubt n00bspeak?

Acceptable Acronyms:




Also any bastardization of any word where the individual substitutes a number for a letter or inputs the letter Z for s.
Examples m0mz, f4rm, th3, 101z.

However do not just assume that someone with bad typing skills is a n00b. We all have made typos and some people don't know how to spell a word. When in doubt run away.

Feel free to add and discuss, argue or debate what you consider to be acceptable and unacceptable communication skills.

Edited, Tue Jun 14 11:18:58 2005 by Papawarlock
#2 Jun 14 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
dont forget OMGWTFBBQ(z)


im not sure i'd agree with 'teh', but its tricky.
teh is sometimes a typo (i type teh instead of the a lot on accident), but if some 'tard decides to use it every time they use 'the', then yes, its a 'n00b'ish word XD
#3 Jun 14 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Damn it papa the main forum /cry

Ok now I have to get into this with you (albeit friendly like).

How does one decide what is acceptable and what is not when speaking of acronyms?

How can I (or you), decide what is acceptable and what is not when speaking of acronyms?

99% of the world DOES NOT accept any of the aforementioned *acceptable* acronyms.

Noob speak or leet or 1337 or Aol speak is not really acronyms. I would classify it as more like *pig-latin* (some of you young-uns may not know what this is). A complete bastardization of a language, to eliminate educated people (Ie.. Parents/ adults) from understanding it.

As a child, me and friends made up code words for certain things our parents did not want us to do. For example, if we said we were going to the "Park", that really meant we would be meeting in that house they were building, that no one was ever in. If we said bring "Soda", that really meant that the designated person was to rob their fathers liquor cabinet. If we said bring "Gum", that meant to sneak some cigaretts from a parent/brother/cousin ect.

Since my days as a teenager, they seemed to have developed a more intricate way of hiding what they are saying. The reason people dislike this language so much, is one or more of the following.

#1 They dont understand it. This happens to be me, while I can understand the basic begginer lvl of 1337 speak, when it becomes more complicated I can not understand it. I see some crap like /\47/843/\\/, and have no clue what the hell im looking at. Some of the more obvious ones I can grasp, but many I cannot.

#2 They have an irresistable urge to use proper english, and seeing someone bastardize a language in that way enfuriates them. I am the first to admit, that my grammar skilzorz suxorz. I never liked english classes, and usually took that time as an oportunity to do something besides pay attention. When I concentrate, I use fairly good grammar, however *in game* all bets are off. I make typos like crazy, because I type very fast and have extremly large fingers (might just be an excuse but...). I dont bother fixing typos, so long as I feel my point will be well received. Some people see others mistakes, and it makes them cringe. I however, do not do this, and find it rather annoying when someone goes around correcting others grammar mistakes. I mean after all this is a game and not a classroom/workplace, there really is no need to correct peoples grammar (especially you're, i'm there and their and they're ect). Perfectionists seem to have the hardest time letting go and leaving people be.

#3 They have a sibling/child/friend ect that uses it. They understand completly, but dont like it. This is an understandable reason to be annoyed with 1337 speak. Being forced to decipher the language to understand it is an annoyance, and i cant blame people for being annoyed.

Anyways, these are some of my thoughts on this subject, I am curious to see where this goes.

#4 Jun 14 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Actually there is a reason I chose not to go to the main forum with this concept. Main reason is I'm too damned lazy to weed through a bunch of threads after mine's been buried by the influx of dozens of threads.

There is a difference between Acronyms and so called leet speak or the derogitory n00bspeak.

The acronyms I listed at the start of this thread are, if not accepted by experts on communication, commonly used and accepted by the online community. At least understood by the online community and wide spread.

As a child, we too used pig latin. (amazing that pig latin's been used by someone as ancient as myself).

The current bastardization of the English language (Yes I fall into that category of people) like as not is this generation's pig latin.

However, when this new fangled pig latin is /shout repetively with no pause for breath is in this poster's opinion and likely several other's, n00b speak.

Children will use this language whether I or anyone approves.

As with anything else that is used for communication purposes one must take into consideration the manner in which it is applied. Children today are used to using U, UR, and R to represent the words you, your, you're and are. In part I blame text messaging (TM) for this. The usage of numbers to represent letters makes absolutely no sense to me.

To an extent I can understand the usage of symbols to represent emotions as it is easier to say :) instead of ::smiles:: Usage of symbols to represent body parts is n00b speak. ( o Y o ) for example. As evident by the blatant and repetitve usage of these symbols is indicative of the age bracket of most online gamers. 12-21 year old males.

In my general experience older gamers, such as myself (clocking in at the ripe ancient age of 31 in another 10days) refrain from referencing body parts in our general communications.
#5 Jun 14 2005 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
In my general experience older gamers, such as myself (clocking in at the ripe ancient age of 31 in another 10days) refrain from referencing body parts in our general communications.

Indeed, and thank goodness for some sense of sanity in vanadiel :)

The acronyms I listed at the start of this thread are, if not accepted by experts on communication, commonly used and accepted by the online community. At least understood by the online community and wide spread

This is true, I was jut pointing out, that we as individuals are makeing up our own rules on whats acceptable. In 30-40 threads on the main forum about this exact topic, people say it is ok to use lol and wc and brb, but unaceptable to use u ur r. I find this extremly hypocritical, since there is really no defined resource that coagulates whats right and wrong.

Lol, brb, rofl, omg, ect were all unacceptable at one point in time as well. But from being used so frequently, have become generally accepted in the online community. The same thing is happening with u ur r, ect, but who are we as individuals to say this is unaceptable? Arguably, if the masses accept it, then it is acceptable. And the masses are the young children becomeing adults. If they are to hold onto this type of speaking, then we will eventually reform to it (possibly unwilingly), and accept it as we have done with lol, brb ect.

However, I dont think things like roxorz and suxorz and the like will ever become accepted as lol, brb, and omg have. Or I hope not at least.

#6 Jun 14 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
1,261 posts
Papawarlock wrote:
(amazing that pig latin's been used by someone as ancient as myself).

Thats why it's called Latin

~_^ lol
#7 Jun 14 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
you forgot omgxors!!!1!!one!1
#8 Jun 14 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
Plz is not acceptable Smiley: cry guess I am a n00b, I say plz all the time, unless I just use Auto-translate and say {Please}.
#9 Jun 14 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Hehe...hehe...hehe...hehe... Man am I guilty of n00bish or what? Now, I'm definately not proud of it, but it's what I put up with on a daily basis. Whenever I play FF, and forget to kill Trillian (;_;), I end up with about 15 messages so full of sh---1337, that it's become common for me. I hate it, and try to use proper grammar when I really need something. Papa of all people should know how bad I *can* be with it, but most of the time (minus t3h) it's simply making fun of the incredulous bastardization of the Fantasy I try to enter.

On to the 'teh' subject. I think it's about like 'taht.' Maybe it's just me that types the word incorrectly every time I try, but I've come to love my little 'teh.'
#10 Jun 15 2005 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,090 posts
"n00bspeak", as you put it, is a widely used type of slang, albeit a written one. As such, it really has to be considered on the same grounds as any other common slang. That said, I often find myself stereotyping people that talk like that as idiots, so I guess I'm really not one to talk >.>
#11 Jun 15 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Ezekile wrote:
On to the 'teh' subject. I think it's about like 'taht.' Maybe it's just me that types the word incorrectly every time I try, but I've come to love my little 'teh.'

Teh is kinda cute <_< so sometimes I use it deliberately under my Tarutaru char(it wouldnt look cute as an elvaan saying it XD)
#12 Jun 15 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Hehe. I guess it *can* be considered cute when a little taru says it, but doing that takes the player Out of Character, therein defeating the purpose they might have been trying to obtain. Maybe this rock I live under is a little heavier than most, but I don't know if I've ever heard anyone actually say 'teh' because they couldn't say 'the.' o.O;

Of course, this is just me, and I'm but a lowly whatchamacallit.
#13 Jun 15 2005 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
1,261 posts
Ezekile wrote:
I'm but a lowly whatchamacallit.

Edit: I'm a lonely Hume DRK

XD jk I lurves ya
Ezekile wrote:
...cute when a little taru says it, but doing that takes the player Out of Character...

not necessarily. Tarus have speech impediments so it might be in character speech, you never know.

Edited, Wed Jun 15 09:49:07 2005 by doomygir
#14 Jun 15 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
You can't really make a list of Acceptable acronyms... It's all opinion. I myself don't like the use of any acronyms, except for the occasional 'brb' when something's on fire, etc... >.>
#15 Jun 15 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I'm not a drk. ; ; I happen to have spent much more time perfecting the arts of drg and sam. My drk simply seems to get invites more often. ~.~

And about the taru's and their speech impediment, I suppose so. But, and this is a rather big one, it seems like their odd speech goes in an entirely different direction. Oh well. ^^
#16 Jun 15 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
rofl XD im sorry ezekile..

#17 Jun 17 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
Ok, u forgot somethings that must be added like like Whm and tank in the same sentence...Yes all you Valcrum n00bs Whm CANNOT be tank. so stop asking me!!! for anouther thing if you are a whm and u accindentally used Cure2 on the mob that was about to die and ended up killing the whole party (except you who ran off after you helped it out) dont brag about how u were the only one who survived infact just log now (for about a year) and save yourself the trouble of being called a n00b in every party u get into.And if you dont know something ASK and dont get pissed at some one for calling you WRONG. I'm sorry all who are enjoying this but i have to stop now or im going to start using names.....
#18 Jun 17 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
you forgot something.Ok to you newbs across the plains of Valcrum Whms cant tank!!The word Whm and tank should not Be used in the same sentence so STOP ASKING ME.and when you are being chased by something your party cant kill run to the ZONE not the PARTY understand

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#19 Jun 19 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Well... We use 'lol' and 'brb' and all the other short-hand terms because it is.. habitual. I mean, alot of people would be totally dumbfounded if someone actually wrote out 'laugh out loud' and they would probably die from seeing something outside the norm. >.>

I use brb, lol, wc, teh(to make fun of of the word itself XD), and smilies. Smilies are okay in my book because they're fun. (^.^)d!

But yeah, I start to cringe whenever I see the n00bspeak.. like ur, u, r, and all of that crap. I mean, yeah it's a game, not a classroom, but still, some people like to roleplay and act true to character. Only time when I use it is to make fun of it's origin, or the current user speaking to me... >.>;;

I guess I've been raised to think that standard Engrish is just better than everything else. Or the fact that I like to get into my character. :p

#20 Jun 20 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Ok, u forgot somethings that must be added like like Whm and tank in the same sentence...Yes all you Valcrum n00bs Whm CANNOT be tank. so stop asking me!!! for anouther thing if you are a whm and u accindentally used Cure2 on the mob that was about to die and ended up killing the whole party (except you who ran off after you helped it out) dont brag about how u were the only one who survived infact just log now (for about a year) and save yourself the trouble of being called a n00b in every party u get into.And if you dont know something ASK and dont get pissed at some one for calling you WRONG. I'm sorry all who are enjoying this but i have to stop now or im going to start using names.....

you forgot something.Ok to you newbs across the plains of Valcrum Whms cant tank!!The word Whm and tank should not Be used in the same sentence so STOP ASKING ME.and when you are being chased by something your party cant kill run to the ZONE not the PARTY understand

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I'm sorry but i dont know what you were trying to say here. But i think one of the things you said suggested you can cure a mob. YOU CANNOT CURE ANY MOB. Casting cure on a bone mob will actually do damage, but you cant actually cure any mobs (or give them life back!!)

The rest of it made no sense (except WHM's cant tank).

#21 Jun 23 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
Actualy you can cure any mob except for a beastmaster pet. It's a way for whms and rdms to MPK. You just target them with the spell, and boom, their HP bar goes up. Only use this fact for REAL jerks though, like Gillsellers.
#22 Jun 24 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Actualy you can cure any mob except for a beastmaster pet. It's a way for whms and rdms to MPK. You just target them with the spell, and boom, their HP bar goes up. Only use this fact for REAL jerks though, like Gillsellers.

Uless they changed this since i was lvling WHM, this is completly and utterly FALSE. I have numerous times, had a mob targeted on accident, and sent a cure their way. You get a message that says something like "You cannot perform that action on selected target".

I will try it out today just for fun, but you dindt used to be able to even cast on a mob except ones that are affected by cures (bones ect).

#23 Jun 27 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
Actualy you can cure any mob except for a beastmaster pet. It's a way for whms and rdms to MPK. You just target them with the spell, and boom, their HP bar goes up. Only use this fact for REAL jerks though, like Gillsellers.

The only feesable way to actually cure a mob is if you drag an elemental over and cast an elemental spell on it that matches the elemental's type. (I.E Fire on a Fire elemental.)
#24 Jun 28 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Ok, u forgot somethings that must be added like like Whm and tank in the same sentence...Yes all you Valcrum n00bs Whm CANNOT be tank. so stop asking me!!! for anouther thing if you are a whm and u accindentally used Cure2 on the mob that was about to die and ended up killing the whole party (except you who ran off after you helped it out) dont brag about how u were the only one who survived infact just log now (for about a year) and save yourself the trouble of being called a n00b in every party u get into.And if you dont know something ASK and dont get pissed at some one for calling you WRONG. I'm sorry all who are enjoying this but i have to stop now or im going to start using names.....

You know what? After reading Ecoboy's posts, acronyms don't seem to be that big of a deal. I'd rather see someone say OMGROLFLBBQ!!11!!!one!1!! than see the English language slaughtered to such extent. At least, when people use acronyms, you can still think: "well, that guy can speak English, he is just typing like that because it's internet talk".

But when you are reading sentences and paragraphs and they look like the quote above, when spelling is so bad it makes you want to chew concrete, then we have a problem. I'm sorry Ecoboy I bet you are a wonderful person, but you really need a grammar 101 makeover.

I have grown my tolerance towards bad English a lot since I moved to the United States about 4 years ago. Portuguese is my native language, so it's not like I was brought up in an English speaking environment. I do, however, believe that the way you express yourself matters. A lot. I make a lot of grammar mistakes like everyone else, usually some weird ones, given my foreign background. Now, please, keep it to a 3rd grade reading level.
#25 Jun 28 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Fer, you use grammar and your sentences better than an American HS student -.-;;
lol. They don't teach the kids here much anymore it seems...
#26 Jun 28 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
You should see how people make you type at work... You need to abbreviate everything and only write in caps...
You guys think 1337 is weird, debt collector notes are even worse. Well, not really. Still bad, though.
By the way: LMAO <--- great acronym.
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