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A story about all of you!Send me your char bio's,and your inFollow

#1 Jun 14 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Welcome fellow adventurers.This is Starilae,and GOD,i just came up with the coolest idea.
Ok,last night i was asleep,(OMG,Star actually sleeps!!??)and i had the strangest dream ever. I play entirely too much FF because i had the most vivid dream about a story of a hero of vanadiel,on shiva.OK,im well,in my dream i saw many players who were actually Characters in this world. They ate and slept and battled and w/e normal FF people do.
Well,i woke up.
But god,i had the greastest idea.In my free time i love to write.I have had Short to long stories published and all that good stuff,and many people say i write very vividly and well.


Im gonna write a FF story with anyone who wants to be in it.I want anyone who wants to join,post a character Bio aboutthemselves or character. I wanna know how you act on the game, and ill include you in my story. Now dont be scared, i wont flame any of you in this story,lol,Even the most Evil of people i truly hate but i will not say that persons name.

Now its hard to write a story without characters that actually come from the game. And a story is ALOT better with you in it seeing what you would actually do. Trust me,its a good feeling seeing something you have done but never rele did,lol.

Now plz help me out shiva,i want as many people as i can,and i want it diverse. I want taru'drg's and mithra Bst's


1.Send me the character you want in the story.Usually Characters have names,so plz send me your character's name.

2.I want the job you want to appear as,and its level that you have in the game. It doesnt have to be a high level or a low level. Send any character you want. Im looking for beginner smn's and Old Rng's.any thing,idk, But send something great.

3. Try and describe yourself very clearly to me.Ok,this means sub jobs(no matter how random...example...War/whm(does not = paladin,but its funny and different)plz tell me how you act,if your the funny one or serious one. If your the Newby or the Old player. if your a LS leader or a rebel. if everyone hates you or if everyone Loves you.Make it vivid so i can make you look better in the story.

4. Send me the people you hang out with the most. and you dont rele have to describe them if you want,it would help greatly though.

5. Correlate your real life and Ingame life. if you drink and your a heavy alcholic,by god tell me. if you smoke,exersice,or you like to read and learn something, tell me.

6.If you wanna add something about yourself that is totally not true, Then add it,by god,tell me wat you want it to be.if you dont have enough money to rub to gil together,and you wanna be rich,tell me.Idk.

7. For you people that are Mantra's and girls playing boy chars,im sorry,but im gonna have to portray you as wat Charater you have,Sorry Mithra- Guys out there,im gonna make you Girly and fearse Fighters.

8. if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend,tell me, and if you dont,then something bad could happen with this one,i have no idea,but stuff does happen.

9. If your in a certain LS,tell me. Send me the name of your LS and if its big,small,or w/e. This is very important.

10. Last thing, plz have fun with this,i could write forever about myself,and thats wat i want everyone to do. Be vivid and funny or clueless,i want to feel like you feel. if your a newbie to the game,feel free to join me,Id love to have you in this story.

Its great if more than 60 people participate,but im not sure that many will pop up. Tell your friends about this post because i want it to be Very diverse and well written and fun. the plot of the story,youll have to find out later.

if anyone thinks im dumb for this,tell me, but if anyone thinks this is a cool idea that wont take up too much time from you, plz post yourself, I think it will turn out great.
#2 Jun 16 2005 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
223 posts

This is a very cool idea! How do you want us to send our bios ? via e-mail, private msg here or just post it on this thread ?
#3 Jun 17 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
just post all of it on the threads
#4 Jun 19 2005 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
Hey Star!?! I dont know if you remember me or not but this is Travisimo! I quit playing FFXI in December '04 and now I am back! I beleive you were one of my first friends. Last time I played I was a 50 or 51 thf/war. Werent you a War/something? or a whm? whatever... Sorry for spamming up your thread Lol! heres my bio thing!

1. Travisimo

2. 51 Thf

3. I am a Thf/war. I used to think i was pretty knowledgeable of FFXI. But after quitting, i realize I didnt know a thing.

4. I quit ffxi, but i used to hang with mithrandel, alvitu, sabcr, probian, sobek, maxwelton, and lots of others that i hope to play with again in the next few days!

5. I like to play video games; I am a member of the gamers advisory panel(the people who beta tested FFXI) for playstation. I also beta test games for them. I am getting ready to beta test SOCOM 3: Us navy seals soon. I also enjoy watersports. I like to wakeboard, wakeskate, and most of all I love to dive. I can do some pretty nifty flips and spins. And I look dashing in a speedo ^.-.

6. I am the ffxi Jesus. I died and now i am being resurrected thanks to the welcome back campaign.

7. Hume male. And in RL I am a.... Hum-an male...

8. I dont have a FFXI GF...

9. I used to be in InfamousKnights a long time ago. Then I was in Sanctuary of San'doria (great LS). Is it still around?

10. OK!
#5 Jun 19 2005 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
978 posts
1. Agawulf (Galka)
2. Monk/War 60/30
3. Lets see when exping I use Monk/War but when just running around I often do Monk/BLM or Monk/WHM for various reasons (i.e. Warp with BLM, and I like to randomly cure people and such) See link below for more.
4. See link below for a good bunch of them. In addition if they are not in there Wevrain, Caruthers, Ishanti, Itnahsi, and all the people on the Ishies and Hero's of Asgard ls's.
5. Lets see I do a lot of thinking, I'm a grad student, plus a lot of working. I tend to mess up more often than not which means I'm repeating a lot of things. In life I often want to resolve problems by threatening people and such, especially at the end of a long day, but I can usually think straight enough to stop myself from doing it.
6. Nah, I am what I am
7. I'm a Galka I'm asexual I don't care about such things
8. see #7
9. Better not say as I belong to several, I am currently carrying 4.
10. Oh I don't like mornings, its hard for me to wake up.

Here is an example of how I usually put Agawulf's thinking:

Edited, Sun Jun 19 01:55:17 2005 by Agawulf
#6 Jun 20 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
245 posts
/cry im not on Shiva... but im gonna post my stuff anyway (you could say i came from another dimension or sumthin in the story! :D cooool) >.>; im making my secondary char on here, so i count too! :O

1. Hajimaru, Hume Male

2. DRG71/WAR35, im a DRG all the way! :O if any1 flames my job they get flamed right back ^_^!

3. DRG/WAR, or DRG/WHM solo (which i need to lvl ._.;) anyway, im liked by many people, in game and irl, i have few enemies, because of the fact i really keep to myself, and tend to see the world thru other peoples' eyes as much as I do my own, which id say helps with my "likeability". lmao im such a sarcastic person its not even funny...well i guess it is >.>; lol, as i said i tend to keep to myself but if someone gets me going on a subject you'd think im a different person, i make great conversation, im a vet to FFXI (1 year this month) so i know alot about it, im not a ls leader but im definitely not a follower, much more of a leader, very helpful person too.

4. I'm more or less a "lone wolf", I dont hang out with many people but i have many friends, I'm not a "hang out" kinda guy, but im always down for having fun.

5. I stick to myself irl, i stick to myself in game, but if a friend needs a helping hand im always there, drugs {No thanks} lol, im clean as can be. Erm... i like to chew on stuff o_O walking around school or the mall, ull never find me without a straw or toothpick in my mouth lol.

6. Hmm, cant say i got anything for this part, I am wat i am :P

7. Guy irl, guy in game, straightforward enough id say :P

8. No gf atm, but just made friends with the girl of my dreams :O heh, its only a matter of time... ( /em is a pimp >.>) lol

9. My main ls on my server is DarkStatic, HNM (ooo you could say one of the gods sent me to Shiva world >.>! dam im good lol)

10. Lol im already havin fun, basically, if i could describe myself as any FF char(s), id be a mix between Auron(FFX) and Squall(FFVIII). Good heart, always willing to help others, i like to stick to myself, but when someone messes with me, friends, or something thats important to me, its on! >:O

This really is a great idea, and i hope it turns out well! gl with it, PM me if u have any further questions about me/my char. /bow
#7 Jun 20 2005 at 3:49 AM Rating: Good
This is great,and im loving the effort,i need some more people to join in,a couple wont cut^^.Plz help me out guys!!!!
#8 Jun 20 2005 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
59 posts
1. Hulck
2.Galka 30Monk
3.Hated and loved by everyone sometimes serious sometimes funny.
4.Starc a lvl 75mnk whos sort of a mentor to me.
5.Loves to exersise.
6.drink alot
8.No girlfriend
9. Chaos Crusaders Reasonably big
10. I like to beat up people who call galkas dumb stupid retarded and every other bad thing like that.

Nice idea star

Edited, Tue Jun 28 03:37:52 2005 by MasterOvPuppets
#9 Jun 23 2005 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
come on people, read me^^
#10 Jun 27 2005 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
1.Azella - Mithra with silvery purple hair and silvery purple stripes on my face


3. I'm the easygoing laid back one but I do go for what I want no matter how long it takes or how stupid it is. I just got all of the +1 staffs I was after my friend got most of them for me I got 3 on my own and it took me months.

4. Amelisa - my beloved drama queen, Minoru the drunken prick, Kenneth the nice semi drunk, Keba the perv, Beecue the sweetie, Mikique not sure what he is :P, Veanor the nice helpfull one, Enzouryuu who just rocks even though he's not quite used to the rude sense of humor we all have, Likethewind she rocks the casba, and all the other WretchedFruits.

5. IRL i go work then either go to movies or hang out or go swimmin or come play but i always end up playing before the night is over.

6. nothing

7. For you people that are Mantra's and girls playing boy chars,im sorry,but im gonna have to portray you as wat Charater you have,Sorry Mithra- Guys out there,im gonna make you Girly and fearse Fighters.

8. My boyfriend used to play his character was Kakihara but he quit the game and is now found in City of Heroes

9. I'm in a little happy LS called WretchedFruitBasket it was started by me, Sakitumi and Kakihara then came Minoru and Veanor and all the rest Saki Kaki Minoru and me have been in this LS since lvl 1 although Saki and Kaki are now gone from the game. It used to be called the WretchedFruit but Saki bought it and quit at lvl 50 so we made a new one so we could make people sack holders and such.

#11 Jun 28 2005 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
1. Tarutaru Paladin/War

2. frikin good Tarutaru Paladin/War

3. Are you saying im not a good tarutaru paladin/war?

4. so its like that is it.. wel ill ever even with you soon eneough.


6. Insane

7. Nice to nice people

8. an *** to bad people

9. hiyas
#12 Jun 28 2005 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you everyone for your supposrt,i got so many e-mails and /t's that it was crazy,im gonna write my story soon and many many people thought this was a great idea,ive been itching to write something totally fantastic to get everyone away from their RL and every more into the world of Vanadiel. If anyone else like to join in, post your bio's here. Im gonna write this story is many parts and post it up on a seperate thread. if you think its bad when it comes, plz everyone, tell me^^ thank you everyone.
#13 Jun 29 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
omg i would love to be a part of this, give me a day or so to put all my information together and i'll get it posted. this is gonna be so cool!
#14 Jun 29 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, part 1 is almost 10 pages long, but im gonna post peices up at a time, and every new part will have its own thread, ill be finished by saturday, i think people are gonna rememebr this one^^
#15 Jun 30 2005 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
I dunno if it's too late but heres my stuff.

1. Cillranchello
2. Lvl 69 hume Red Mage.
3. I know a lot. I really, really, know a lot. And a lot of people in my old LS used to come to me first if they had any questions. I'm a rdm/blm mainly. I'm funny usually but when business comes to business I'm very diciplined. I'm a vet RDM, been playing for a year now. I like to think that I **** people off enough to motivate them, but they still generally like me.
4. Xinith, Cntrl, Kutter, and Pikkon(although he quit, gonna miss you man T.T), and the old Tyrant Kingdom members(you know who you are.)
5. Ingame and IRL there is an appriciation for swords, and calligraphy. And both of us are Insombiacs.
6.I am a high lvl blacksmith(not the case, only lvl 22 but I do intend on raising the skill)
7. I'm a hume male anyway, the one with no facial hair and black hair.
8. Nope, I'm single.
9. Hero of Carpe Diem!
10. Remember, I'm an insombiac. ^^
#16 Jun 30 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
Its not too late to add your bio's i still need anyone that would like to join^^
#17 Jul 02 2005 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
1. Themede
2. lvl 25 elvaan monk/warrior
3. I am a fairly new player, and am definately the funny one in the LS. im always just saying random phrases at weird times. i get along with most people i play with and have many friends.
4. Lorrel, Faytlynn, Rheinhardt, Kimss, most of the people from Vanguard (before the bad times)
5. I am a smoker and a drinker, but i also enjoy reading a good book.
6. i cant think of anything
7. elvaan male
8. i wouldnt say gf, but me and Lorrel are fairly close.
9. Aeternus, has most of the people from Vanguard in fairly big.
#18 Jul 03 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts

41 Red Mage/20Black Mage/16Ninja/7 White mage

(Depending on situations because red mages are versatile ^^)

Good natured but not always making the right decision.

Heroic and willing to stake his life for comrades (I have actually done this ingame ^^)

Ermmm wants power to be acknowledged

Edited, Sun Jul 3 10:29:20 2005 by Bashae

Good friends with: Eaubadant + Gorgan LordJeyu Shanaleonhart Mech

Edited, Sun Jul 3 10:37:53 2005 by Bashae
#19 Jul 05 2005 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent

1) ranzatsu

2) 53drg/26thf

3)ok well i keep 2 my self mostly...if i can do it alone thats the way i do it. i am pretty funny when i accualy have something 2 be funny about. i have now been playing 4 alittle over 1 year, this is my second char so just because im not high lvl doesnt mean i dont kno alot about the game. idk if people like me or hate and really it doesnt matter much, tho i have no enemys doesnt mean that some random person might not like me 4 wutever reason they see fit.

4) well i would me more then happy 2 list ppl i hang around with if there where i said i do most stuff alone. ppl i hang out with the most are the random ppl im partied with.

5) um im pretty much the same irl, tho i have more friends irl. no smoking or drinking 4 me, i like reading and watching movies because its some thing exciting...u know not normal day life. thats why i play rpg's, not for the battles or graphic but the story line.

6) i am who i am and thats how it is.

7)*sigh* yes i to am a manthra >.> mostly beacuse i had planned on taking thf all the way, and we all kno hands down mithra make the best thf.

8)no gf in game not that important if u ask me

9)im in a few ls mainly hangout in StaticX, a small yet very good ls. also im in kittykatkang, not very big nemore. nobodyzangel was 1 of my 1st ls, its getting pretty big i dont even know half the ppl in it nemore

10) well this was fun i guess. thats about it i guess
#20 Jul 05 2005 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts

70rdm/35drk (hehe, my fun sub >.>)

I like to have fun and play the ame how I want, hence the drk sub. well, I use /whm for parties, but when solo or helping people I use /drk as much as I can. I'm told by many of my friends that I'm a good friend, a person who is hard to forget, and is quite loyal. I try to help everyone to the best of my ability, and am even willing to stay in a losing fight until everyone has made it to safety, possibly because I know how to survive and have one of the lowest death records among my linkshells. I've been around a while and always have my mentor status up to help anyone willing to ask for help.

I'm a staic rdm to Venetia, Sixgauge and Dann. as well as a mentor to Menedelev.

I'm everyones friend whether it be in game or in rl, I hate conflict and prefer to defend and help people rather than hurt them.

I'm single, and not looking.

UchihaClan is my Linkshell.

sounds like a great idea, can't wait to see how you'll incorporate everyone.
#21 Jul 05 2005 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
when do you think we'll get to see some of the story? im dyin to read it! :D
#22 Jul 05 2005 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
actualy,im almost done with part 1,i wanted to make a good draft then the real story to post up here.i believe its turning out better than wat i expected.

o yeah people. PLZ tell me wat race you are,lol, i have no idea wat alot of you are, its info i rele need to include you in the story.

Edited, Wed Jul 6 01:00:03 2005 by Starilae
#23 Jul 10 2005 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
#24 Jul 11 2005 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
1. Xio: Elvaan Male

2. Paladin 32

3. In Parties I'm very serious and usually don't talk very much, but in LS I'm very talkative and try to cheer-up/keep the LS happy by jokes or helping out the newer ppl. I'm always in a good/calm mood and i rarly start conflicts unless i have no choice...
I enjoy making my friends laugh and when i sense conflict btw ppl i try to calm them down, (In Game) I'll usually try to make them laugh...if that doesnt work I'll spam random words and quotes to confuse them ^^ (In Real Life) I'll make them laugh or use force to stop them from fighting. (Ex. 2 friends are about to fight ill step in the middle and push them away and threaten them both to stop) I take Physical Conditioning at my High School, greatest class ever, lift weights...get a 100 ^_^ Physical Hobbies include : Football, Lacrosse, and Weight Lifting (Football: Defensive End...
Lacrosse: Defense... Fav. Lift: Military + Bench Press)

4. {Hmmm.}...friends are a weird mixture of the nicest ppl to the biggest of @$$holes, simply friends are very diverse

5. Irl, im pretty much the same, mostly calm, not quick to start something...but if $hit happens, I'll fight to the end. Not to dis the big drug users, but i have alot of friends that do drugs and turn from friends to @$$ I'm not to fond of drug users. In my spare time I play Video Games or watch random Anime (Current Favorites: Ranma 1/2 and Evangelion)

6. No changes here, I'm content with myself...

7. I'm a Dude ig and irl...

8. Single

9. Crimson Knights...I'm pretty sure there known, not like HoCD known...but well known none the less. Size: Medium

10. {Hmmm.} I'm pretty much a "n00b" when i come to high level info, but I know how to hold my own at about level 1-50 Scale...

Great Idea! I can't wait to read yout story, I'm sure it'll Kick @$$!
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