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This is worth the read....................Follow

#27 Jun 16 2005 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
451 posts
Not to start more argueing but Wrip wtf is up with this "atheist is the new cool thing?" I in no way am an atheist agnostic becuase it's "cool." I don't even know where you got that idea. I have honestly never heard anyone say that. Just want to clarify that...

ok now back to your scheduled program.
#28 Jun 16 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Goblins could bomb the kneecaps of the orcs...

Goblins. Gotta be teh gobbies.
Oh yeah and gobbies speak so they're infinately more intelligent than Orcs.

Edited, Thu Jun 16 15:35:17 2005 by doomygir
#29 Jun 16 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
"Why is Jesus good at RPG's?" --"Cuz Jesus 'saves'."

Ok, that was an old joke. Billy Graham isn't someone that I follow. In fact the only "Graham" that I like is cracker, and that's with honey. I don't think that being an atheist is the "new cool thing" either. Scientology is lol.

In the meantime, lets all listen to a good song by Depeche Mode:

'People are People so why should it be?
we should all get along so awefully' ^^

Let's step outside of 'ourselves' for a moment. That is the easiest way to understand others. Besides, we are all going to hell anyway. Videogames are teh DEVILZORZ

I'll save you guys a room.^^ Who wants to share the bunkbed in hell with teh B-meister?
#30 Jun 16 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
567 posts
The walks in "Zi'Tah" can be quite heavenly themselves. Of course nothing is ever perfect, but I appreciate the little things.

I hate that place. Your analogy sucks. My God is better than your... diety, or lack thereof. PWNED.

wtf is up with this "atheist is the new cool thing?"

I think this is a poor choice of words, but I do understand where Wrip is coming from. It seems like there's been a continual shift from a predominantly religious society toward more of a balance between the religious and the not. Really it's less that atheism is becoming "cool" and more that it's becoming less and less frowned on. Not that it's a bad thing necessarily, but it can be rather disheartening to Christians.

Now as far as agnosticism goes, I've never heard that second definition before. If I think about it I'll ask my dad. He's a pastor, so he knows all sorts of stuff about religions. It's not a big deal, but I'm kinda curious now.

I couldnt think of anything else to post

Sometimes, it's best to just not post anything at all. There's no daily minimum post requirement, you know.
#31 Jun 16 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
Really its not worth the read. No offence.

My Karma ran over your Dogma. Imagine the irony.
Keep your beliefs between yourself and your family so I don't have to read **** thats not worth reading. Thanks. ~Aet

*Edit: Yes this is mean and rude. I agree everyone has the right to free speech, thats why I said what I did, it was my belief and my right. If I offended you, thats too bad, grow up. There will always be people who upset you. Get used to it.

Normaly I might rate this up... However, this thread has nothing to do with FFXI or Shiva server, and has no real point aside from starting a flame war between religious and non-religious people on Alla.

That is why this post needs to be in the Out of Topic Forum, as well as having a renamed subject. Its only "worth the read" if you belive in god or like to argue about who's religion is truth.
Thats the reason I rated down the OP and nobody else, though I doubt anyone will care since this post will be in the negatives soon.*

Edited, Fri Jun 17 14:28:48 2005 by jklotros
#32 Jun 16 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
451 posts
Well Ryld if you get an official answer on the matter please let me know, so I know if I am calling my beliefs the wrong thing. Maybe I'll call it Kloethieism. LOL
#33 Jun 16 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
1,261 posts

*hugtacklepounceglomp* Depeche Mode rocks.
#34 Jun 16 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
1,261 posts the hell did this doublepost ><

thanks proroc, i missed this even after you posted XD

Edited, Thu Jun 16 16:19:52 2005 by doomygir
#35 Jun 16 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
In all actuality, Doomy has only 300 posts, all of the others are just her double posts. Smiley: laugh
#36 Jun 16 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
roflmao XD

how'd you find my horrible secret?

<_< think i found out...{/slap} <me>

Edited, Thu Jun 16 16:18:01 2005 by doomygir
#37 Jun 16 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
I don't generally rate anyone down for posting. I do rate idiots down for trash. If I'd rated you down I'd've said why. Although I'm sure you weren't refering to me in particular.

I was raised Roman Catholic. I went to Catholic school for my first two years of schooling. My beliefs as they are today stem from my reading of the bible, readings of other paths and the reading of History. And of course my own spiritual feelings.

My picking apart of your post wasn't meant as an attack against you. However, it was a picking apart of the mindset in which I interpreted your post. I have come across many who've said the same things you have. I have come across many who've said far worse than what you have said. My feelings were directed towards all who would read what was said.

Your right that Separation of Church and State is a joke. I intrepreted your statement incorrectly it appears. Sorry. Yes, some of our leaders are pushing hard to make Christianity the official religion of the US. One big reason they haven't is they want their own version pushed and no one elses.

I'm sorry if it seemed my post was directed solely at you. I've had too many who have tried to force their beliefs upon me. I had a guy at work, who, once he learned of my wife's beliefs and mine, said that we never should have stopped the witch burnings. This is the type of attitude that is prevalent amongst many of our vaunted Spiritual Leaders. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell in particular. Neither of these two are in my opinion spiritual leaders. Nor are Billy Graham or his kin. These individuals would rather stand before the masses and condemn and blame than to try to solve the problem.
#38 Jun 16 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
Really its not worth the read. No offence.

My Karma ran over your Dogma. Imagine the irony.
Keep your beliefs between yourself and your family so I don't have to read **** thats not worth reading. Thanks. ~Aet

Thats just plain mean and rude
I never post here before I started playing ffxi 4 weeks ago so I dont know you personally on the game maybe that person tired of final fantasy I dunno but anywhos dont you have a right to free speech? oh well what does mi post matter I just started
anywho ttyl bye bye ~~
#39 Jun 16 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
jklotros, your post was not needed. Lets be constructive, not tear ppl down.

Doomy, aka, Kimss. Depeche Mode is my FAVORITE band. World in my Eyes, Never Let Me Down, Enjoy The Silence or perhaps my fave songs of theirs. I have all their albums videos on DVD. I also like The Smiths and Tears for Fears. I love you too, hun^^

I Rated everyone up except Jklotros. His post was unthoughtful and rude.

[pwnage]Oh, and Ryld, MY god owns your god. Know why? God Gear, baby...[/pwnage]
#40 Jun 16 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent
567 posts
I just sat here for... it's 3 minutes now trying to think of a response to that. It turns out I'm just pwned. Smiley: cry
#41 Jun 16 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
I just sat here for... it's 3 minutes now trying to think of a response to that. It turns out I'm just pwned

It's ok Ryld. My god will bless you. ^^
#42 Jun 16 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
I must say I was very surprised to come across a thread like this. I grew up in a strong christian family and church. I've read my bible over 50 times as well as many different books written by strong men of the faith. My father is even a pastor. O.o I suppose many people who knew me back then considered me to be a 'strong' christian who would one day follow in my father's steps. This was not to be. I have since left the church and 'turned my back' on God. Why? I don't know.... spent too much time studying doctrine, I guess.

In reading the posts, it is very clear that everyone has their own view on "religion", "life after death", etc. Something my father says to me every now and then is, "Blair, it doesn't matter what you believe. The only thing that matters is what is true." This is correct, but raises a question. What is true?

After all my years studying the bible, I have no idea. Maybe there is a God, a heaven, and a hell. Then again, maybe not. Since I don't have all the answers I try to be as respectful as possible of other people's beliefs. Christians, please do not mock the atheists. Atheists, please do not scorn the christians.

Coming from a christian background, I can understand why so many of them appear to 'shove their beliefs' down other people's throats. They sincerely believe that mankind is doomed to hell and are trying their best to get the gospel out there. I respect them for caring enough to tell someone about sin and hell.

If it appears that I am contradicting myself at all it is because I probably am. There is so much we humans do not know about life.


P.S. If the christians are right, then its safe to say the majority of us posters are f**ked, myself included. ; ;
#43 Jun 16 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
Not to start more argueing but Wrip wtf is up with this "atheist is the new cool thing?" I in no way am an atheist agnostic becuase it's "cool." I don't even know where you got that idea. I have honestly never heard anyone say that. Just want to clarify that...

Actually Kloe I've come across that concept before. Many teenage "atheists" "wiccans" and "pagans" aren't true believers. They do it to get a rise out of their parents. They do it for the "shock" factor.

I do have a tendency when irritated to say something along the lines of "Blessed Goddess wtf is the puller smoking" or similar. I had one young girl asked me if I was Pagan. When I told her "Yes" she proceeded to tell me "I'm one too because all my friends are." She was under the impression that being Pagan was fashionable.

God help us all.
#44 Jun 16 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
In reading the posts, it is very clear that everyone has their own view on "religion", "life after death", etc. Something my father says to me every now and then is, "Blair, it doesn't matter what you believe. The only thing that matters is what is true." This is correct, but raises a question. What is true?

Truth is relevant to your perception of reality. 'Nuff said.

Coming from a christian background, I can understand why so many of them appear to 'shove their beliefs' down other people's throats. They sincerely believe that mankind is doomed to hell and are trying their best to get the gospel out there. I respect them for caring enough to tell someone about sin and hell.

My mother was Catholic (Episcolpalian now) and my father's Independant Baptist. Honestly people wonder why I'm screwed in the head.

There is a difference between theological debate and "shoving one's beliefs down another man's throat."

Discussing why you believe the bible to be true IMO is debate. Screaming and raving while foaming at the mouth telling me I'm burning in hell is "Shoving yer beliefs down my throat."

P.S. If the christians are right, then its safe to say the majority of us posters are f**ked, myself included. ; ;

Well as Bar so succinctly put it we're all burning in hell because we play videogames. So I'll see y'all down South soon and um Bar y'ain't sharing my bunk with me so move yer ***** *** over into the corner and STFU!
#45 Jun 16 2005 at 5:26 PM Rating: Good
Papawarlock: "There is a difference between theological debate and "shoving one's beliefs down another man's throat."

I agree with you Papa. The christians take life after death very seriously which is why they come off so strong and **** people off so bad. I'm not saying I agree with their methods or even their beliefs. I'm simply saying that I understand where they are coming from since I used to do the same thing.

#46 Jun 16 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
I agree with you Papa. The christians take life after death very seriously which is why they come off so strong and **** people off so bad. I'm not saying I agree with their methods or even their beliefs. I'm simply saying that I understand where they are coming from since I used to do the same thing.

Well, Jehovah's Witnesses do the same thing. Go door to door to try to "spread the truth." Do you respect them, or do you make fun of them and sic the dog on them? I know, I used to be a JW when I was a kid. So please don't say "if the Christians are right, we are doomed". It's not the religion, its the path; the way of life. Religion supposed to help guide it, but now all I see is biggots. One reason ppl stray away from them. NOT the way you should try to persuade someone into a religion. GOING TO HEAVEN should NOT be a reason to worship a god. That's kinda selfish if it is.
#47 Jun 16 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
BarchielReturns wrote:
GOING TO HEAVEN should NOT be a reason to worship a god. That's kinda selfish if it is.

My friend pointed this out to some overtly religious protestors in front of (ironically enough), a Marilyn Manson concert. My friend does have a point and so does Capt. I mean Barchiel ~_^
No offense to anyone, but this truly is a legite argument, and it DID make the protestors think. lol.
#48 Jun 16 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
451 posts

Actually Kloe I've come across that concept before. Many teenage "atheists" "wiccans" and "pagans" aren't true believers. They do it to get a rise out of their parents. They do it for the "shock" factor.

I do have a tendency when irritated to say something along the lines of "Blessed Goddess wtf is the puller smoking" or similar. I had one young girl asked me if I was Pagan. When I told her "Yes" she proceeded to tell me "I'm one too because all my friends are." She was under the impression that being Pagan was fashionable.

God help us all.

Papa It's sad that people have to ruin it for the "true" athiests, pagans, etc. then... My beliefs aren't influenced by trends, if yours are then you need to start thinking for yourself.(not directed at anyone)
#49 Jun 17 2005 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Religious debates are gay, go back on topic >_>
#50 Jun 17 2005 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
610 posts
Religious debates are gay, go back on topic

Anything posted on these boards is open to debate, discussion, flaming, thrashing, help etc..... Glitter opened this door by posting it. If ye don't like it don't read it.
#51 Jun 17 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
I did read it. It really didnt have much to do with religion until people started to stry off topic.
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