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A new approach to GarrisonFollow

#1 Jul 04 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
191 posts
Every time I mention the word "Garrison", all I hear is: {death}? {No, thanks.}

When you think about Garrison, what comes to mind? An alliance of greedy, yelling, uncooperative level 20 people. Hours of shouting, then hours of complaining afterwards. Well, it's true. It sucks like that.

That's why for a while now, me and a group of friends have been exploring the level 30 Garrisons. We usually do the one in dunes, last week we did an all night event in Jugner Forest, unfortunately interrupted by a ballista. So far it's been a blast. And most of us have gotten some hefty pockets from that. Items from the level 30 Garrison can sell for up to 800k.

Before I begin: THIS IS NOT ABOUT MONEY. I don't level much, I'm a level 65 fisher, people who know me are aware that I don't need money. I dont' exp a lot, I believe I have some very top notch armor and my little Mithra pockets are very very healthy.

Also, this is not about {linkshell}. I have my little LS with my husband where friends can come and chat. I don't like drama and I don't like attachment. I believe this game is about having a good time. I've made great friends in my FFXI adventures and these are the people I invite to do the crazy ideas I come up with. I'd like to keep it this way if possible.

So what's the drill?

Ok, I'm a THF from Sandy. We give preference to regions controlled by my country and most of us are from Sandy anyway. We check to see what regions Sandy controls and get our battle plan from that. I don't want to flood the market and drop prices by doing a ton of Garrisons, so we plan it well.

Now here is the cool thing: I have info on all Garrisons and all items needed, who drops it, etc. This week some miracle happened and Sandy controls both Elshimo Lowlands and Uplands. The Garrison in Yuhtunga Jungle is level 40 cap, against Sahagins, and the one in Yhoator is level 50, against Tonberries.

I've done some research and found info on the {reward} for level 20, 30 and 75 Garrison. I found absolutely no info on the level 40 and 50 ones. That's the fun part! It's completely and unbelievably new!

The reason of this post is to gather opinions about a possible level 40 and/or 50 Garrison in the jungles. If you have done them and know the {reward}, please give me a heads up. If you would like to join, {/welcome}!

Everyone can join, people from Sandy will go with me to farm the item. We are actually doing a run right now, I got at least a full party of friends who would like to do it. I like to keep it a fair game, we try to do it as many times as possible. The person who traded the item gets to choose a {reward}. Exp pages are given to the people who die or are lotted if no deaths occour. All other drops are open lot.

I don't keep track of drops, that causes drama. Keep it fair game and let luck rule. If you are lucky and get 3 items at once, good for you. If you would like to give it up to a friend who hasn't gotten a {reward} yet, even more power to you.

Again, this is not about the money. This is about meeting new people and doing something rarely or never done before. This is about having fun with friends. The money is the icing on the cake.
#2 Jul 04 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Also sorry about the double thread. I used my husband's computer and he was logged in instead of me. My bad.
#3 Jul 04 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
107 posts
i'll join! i've lost interest in lvl'ing my jobs and i'm up for some adventure ^^
#4 Jul 05 2005 at 2:05 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts

We just farmed the level 50 item today, got 3 already. I found info on the drops: the level 40 Garrison drops some items called Variable. They are rare ex and the stats change according to your level. I liked the idea but almost everybody I asked said they want something to sell.

The level 50 Garrison drops some level 50 earrings with stats like enhance beastkiller and such. Those sell from 50-500k so they got the attention. Again, money is not the objective but everybody wants an incentive. Unfortunately.

Anyway, the item needed for the level 50 is a coeurl leather missive. There are only 2 tonberries who drop it and they pop right at the entrance of the Temple of Ugallehsomething. Damn I wished auto-translator worked here. The names are Tonberry Cutter and Sickler. Or something like that. Sorry, bad memory. This site has info on them. Anyone from Sandy with this item can trade it to the Outpost dude.

So far we got at least 7 or 8 people, yay! I haven't talked to some and everyone who posts here will be included. If we get more than 18 people we will rotate, that way we have some people outside killing possible aggro.

Farming the item was a lot of fun, we got some other good drops and I even got the item to spawn the NM for the hornetneedle. Hopefully I'll have it to use in the Garrison. ^^

Tomorrow I'll probably go exp. What a miracle LMAO. But if anyone needs help farming the item or has any questions, I'll be there. =)
#5 Jul 06 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts

By the amount of replies I got on this I get the feeling that it is all about the money after all. I bet that if I made a post like "Money fast!" this would be popping with people. WTF?

I'm still gathering people, but it looks like we may be doing some shouting in Jeuno if not enough people show interest until this weekend.

Until then... bump
#6 Jul 06 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
It sounds like fun ^^

unfortunately, Kimss is only lvl 42 ; ;

edit: Im up for lvl 40 with kimss, how bout a Windurst one? lol

Edited, Wed Jul 6 13:34:41 2005 by doomygir
#7 Jul 06 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Yeah maybe the idea of a level 50 is a bit too bold... But but but... It's different!!!
Also you would be able to join with Kimss or Chiiru, it doesn't matter that you are not from San D'Oria.
Get to level girl! :P
#8 Jul 06 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
I'm from Bastok so I cannot farm the item. I would, however, like to tag along and help you all out. I'm not interested in the money... I just wanna be able to say "I've done a level 40 garrison" and enjoy myself. When are you planning on doing the event?


P.S. As you can see I am only lvl 40 so Yhoater is out of the question for me. :-(
#9 Jul 06 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
107 posts
Since we're going to be heading out to Yhoater, could you show me where I can get the Teleport-Yhoat crystal please ^^; if it's not too much. the position is also fine^^ thank you in advance ^^
#10 Jul 06 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
I suppose if we get a lot of level 40 replies we could do the Yuhtunga one. I couldn't get anyone to join this one because the drops are rare-ex, /cry. Do a search item on Allakhazam and look for Variable. There are 3 items I think. The stats on them will vary with your level, hence the name Variable lol. I think actually that it is a lot cooler to walk around wearing some weird unknown rare-ex items than wearing those expensive ones.

Example: anyone can farm or do whatever to raise money and buy a Scorpion Harness. But only by doing all the Promyvions and farming the subligar in Phomiuna Aqueducts, one can get to wear a Raparee Harness. I love mine and I wear it proudly. Of course I fished for a month to buy that damn flora cotehardie for my next level. I'll still be wearing my Raparee when I walk around, though. It's got some cleavage.

Anyway... the point of this pointless post is:

1. Thanks for showing interest.
2. We will do level 40 if people, like me, like rare-ex stuff and don't want money.

And also a question? Why do people hate Garrison so much??? Is it because of bad level 20 experience and fear of the unknown??? Open discussion on this one!

#11 Jul 06 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Oh by the way, we were thinking about setting this up sometime this Saturday. How long it will take depends on how many times we do it. I'm available for help with TH2 to farm the items any day after 5pm cst.
#12 Jul 06 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
{/poke} Fer.

Ahm tryin Ahm tryin!

^^ Ty for taking me through the hell of Delkfutts tower for my rank 4 :D

Got mah AF1 last night at the cost of my lvl 41 -.-;; why oh why did they have to put the storage hole past monastic cavern?!
{/fume} now I cant even equip mah sword {/cry}
#13 Jul 07 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
107 posts
Camilleclaudel wrote:
Oh by the way, we were thinking about setting this up sometime this Saturday.

How late will you be doing this? I have some personal things i have to take care of and i'll be gone most of the day >< but i'm pretty sure i'll be back by 6:30PM PST.
#14 Jul 07 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
The last runs we did started at 12pm est but we've done them at night too. There are some issues going on though, money issues. It is getting to a point that I may not want to do Garrisons anymore at all for a while. Damn, and the whole point of this thread was to explain that this is not about money and I'm looking for a good time. ><

We did the level 30 Garrison too many times last Saturday, and now every time I log in, I get a /tell from somebody: "O.O did you see what X and X did? They dropped the price on the military harp, now mine hasn't sold".

Don't take me wrong, we all had a blast doing it. But the crap that is going on afterwards is not what this was intended to be. I got a military harp too. Everybody was sooo excited. I'm starting to think that they were all having fun only because they were all getting valuable drops, not because we were kicking some orc ***.

I gave my harp to a bard friend of mine. I don't need more money. If I did, I would sell it. Of course. But I got tells from people wanting me to do something about it because someone made the price drop by 300k. Errrr sure let me slap them for you. WTF? I can't even get the level 50 Garrison organized because all that is going on now is complaining about the last one.

I apologise about this thread, it is not my intention to create money flames. All this Garrison thing started because I kept getting the items while farming and decided to use them instead of dropping them. I still have a ton of them, and I will not drop them. But I may have to take a break until the {reward} we got is sold and people stop fighting over it.

Rumyunmirumi, I don't have a <pos> for the teleport Crystal but I can take you there anytime. Send me a tell in game. What we may do is run this Garrison a couple of times with only 6 people. The people who haven't been ******** in my ears about this price drop crap.

Competition makes the prices drop? Oh man, that is something new. >< Gimme a break. Grow up. Study Economics. Don't put all the {reward} at AH at the same time. And if you do and the price drops, please, don't ***** to me. I have nothing to do with it.
#15 Jul 07 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
I would be interested in doing up to a level 40 garrison.

Currently have blm41, mnk38, whm31, war23. I am interested in doing these for fun and/or rare/ex item. Don't get me wrong, I would love more gil, but I like doing things in the game. I currently have done almost all of the quests that don't involve having a higher level than is available to me. I've maxed my windy fame and bastok/sandy are at level 7+.
#16 Jul 07 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
well, fer, your goal of posting this was to find new ppl to garrison with that were not 100% gil oriented, am I correct?

You wont see me {/fume} over gil (other than teh fact it burns holes in my Tarutaru pockets). XD
Im up for Orc killing anytime, who cares about drops? Its 100% revenge >=D^^

Edited, Thu Jul 7 16:32:11 2005 by doomygir
#17 Jul 07 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Hehe thanks guys. ^^

I'm going to try and farm the item for the level 40 today, see what happens. It drops from Sahagins at the Sea Serpent Grotto. I spent a whole afternoon there with friends killing those for the treasure chest key and the Garrison item never dropped.
If anyone wants to kill some Sahagins let me know then, the idea of rare-ex items sounds a lot more stress free.

Edit: arrrrrgh typo.

Edited, Thu Jul 7 18:01:17 2005 by Camilleclaudel
#18 Jul 08 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
I can't get the damn item for level 40 Garrison to drop. Even looked it up to see if I was killing the right mobs. And I was. >< GAH!

I got some names down for the level 50 one, I'll start getting people together at about 12pm est this Saturday. There is no real set time, we will go once we have enough members in the Alliance. Last Saturday we ended up going at night.

For the people not level 50 yet I'll be doing a level 30 Garrison again as soon as the military harps on AH get sold. I'm sorry, I really wanted to do the level 40 one, but that item doesn't want to drop! I got a chest key, a ton of shells, newts and some rare ex mermaid head thing, but nothing really useful.

I got a lot of replies in game, and thank you all for that ^^. I'll be in touch with you all tomorrow.

And Doomy, I promise you that you will get Kimss AND Chiiru to level 60 before me at the rate I'm getting exp. LMAO
#19 Jul 08 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
lol can't guarantee taking a break (no one wants to pt with a mnk -.-;;), as I'm gimped (see previous parenthesis lol)
Got 41 back again ^^...AND a buffer this time. Nearly 1/2way to 42 =O im catching up with Kimss lol
#20 Jul 08 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
/poke Doomygirl

LVL those subs girl !!!

I would love to do some of these, but saturdays are rarely good for me. Keep me in mind if you do one on a weekday evening, and need more people. If i can i would love to come.

#21 Jul 08 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
107 posts
Camilleclaudel wrote:
Rumyunmirumi, I don't have a <pos> for the teleport Crystal but I can take you there anytime.

tyvm^^ i really appreciate the help!

as far as garrison goes, i'll try my best to get there on time.
#22 Jul 08 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
From what Ive gathered, the incredibly rare (and expensive) Accurate Earring (lv52, +2 ACC) is from the Yhoator Jugnle Garrison. The only person Ive seen with this is the incredibly rich (regarded, by most people Ive discussed "Righest people on the server" convos with, to be the richest person on the server behind Yukii [WHM Taru 100+3 Goldsmither]) Takuma (JP Elvaan THF with over 100mil in armor on his THF equips).
#23 Jul 09 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
29 posts
{/sigh} my highest is lvl 31 (almost 32) but i love my garrisons that i have done. Id love to do some garrisons with u and your linkshell. send me a {/tell} or if your going to do a 30 or 20 one plz.
#24 Jul 11 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Saturday we did the level 50 Garrison and... We all died lol.
Had a great time and took some pictures, reunited with some good old friends, just great. Sorry evreryone about the deaths, the problem of not being able to run really sucked. It takes some tries to get it done right, so I kinda expected it. After I used my item and we all died, most left so we couldn't try again. Well even I didn't want to try again and die hehe.

To make up for the massacre we are doing level 30 Garrison in Qufim island this weekend, I got my little list and whoever wants to join let me know. We've never done a Gigas Garrison, but so far all level 30s we have done have proven to be really easy. And, after a couple of runs, we really start kicking butt with style.

I'm always fishing or farming elementals in the island and always willing to help. ^^

Rumyunmirumi I didn't see you in game, did a search for you and you weren't there. Sorry you didn't come, but hey, you kept your exp intact. =P I'll still take you to the gate crystal whenever. ^^
#25 Jul 11 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
I would like to join for 20 and 30. I am in GMT +2 time line.
In-game nick: Maderas
Please lemme know when you start to form a party for these 2 garrisons ^^
#26 Jul 13 2005 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
I don't start level 20 Garrisons, I don't think it's worth the time anymore. I join them all, though. =)

Just like last week, we're getting the Qufim Garrison started on Saturday, no specific time, I'll just keep sending tells and whenever most people are on, we get our stuff together.

If you are from San d'Oria you can trade your item in and get a guaranteed {reward}. The item is ram leather missive, drops from Giants in Qufim. This is the link to more info, who drops it and whatnot:
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