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DVS/CI/DVSIII seeking new membersFollow

#27 Jul 07 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Loh you are right, he is no longer in thier member list. I do not keep up on how much people jump from LS to LS. Last time I saw him, he had a Hocd pearl on, and last time I saw thier member list he was on it.

I hate drama and it should be kept to VN boards and not here. This site has been drama free for quite awhile now.

It is people like Xellith and Majik who make this game not as much fun as it once was.

Majik - for not having any morals and taking the easy way of getting a maijor amount of gil at the cost of someone elses hard work.

Xellith - for constantly bashing an entire LS because one person in it does not have morals. I understand him being Irate at Majik, but bash the person not the entire group of people.
#28 Jul 07 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
And Santa for not getting me a Tickle-Me-Mithra last Christmas :(
#29 Jul 07 2005 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
398 posts
The point of this thread was express the interest DVSIII had in gaining new members.

The thread has been highjacked with personal drama.

Enough drama and more emphasis on potential new members interest in the LS.
#30 Jul 07 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
LD, I understand your concern with the "hijacking" and I emphasize with you on the direction that the thread took. However, I don't feel that it's right to summarily dismiss Xellith's claim.

Though I am not sure about the circumstances, Xellith felt that he was wronged by someone in DVS (whether they were or not I do not know). If this is the case, potential applicants should be allowed to know what they are getting in to before they decide to commit. If this is not the case, you should be allowed to correct the misperceptions that others may have about DVS. Regardless, just as you have every right to openly recruit on these boards, others have every right to explain why one should or should not join.

All that aside, I have known most of the core members of DVS for a while now, and I must say that they are outstanding people. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in DVS before they switched linkshells to remove everyone from sackholder status. Though I chose not to follow the members to the new linkshell, I still wished them the best.

I know little about the newer members of the shell--but if current leadership is any indication of action, you would do well to align yourself with them.

LD, I wish you luck on the recruitment.
#31 Jul 07 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
Thank you for posting this topic. I can see that alot of time, effort and work goes into keeping everything under control with all the 'subsidiaries' you have goin' on there. No small feat and certainly not for the feint hearted!

As someone who has always belonged to a VERY small ls; and getting towards [sky] helps give me an idea of larger 'group dynamics' and what I might expect should I decide to make the big jump even though I'm perfectly happy at the moment!

As an aside; sometimes these boards are like reading the tabloids......they can certainly be entertaining while bored at work - nevertheless I'm the type of person who marches to the beat of her own drummer and likes to form her own opinions -

#32 Jul 07 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
115 posts
I'd like to throw my two cents in the thread about DVS linkshell...

I have had nothing but a wonderful time with the people in DVS. Everyone is VERY nice! My personal experience with them has been great and very productive. With their help I've been able to do lb1, 1b2, all af (except my mitts), sandy rank 8, and many many many other things!

In turn I have tried my hardest to help everyone that I can and will do the same in the future! So to anyone that is looking to join DVS: Welcome! Don't be shy and ask for help when you need it! And be courteous, be fair, be jolly, and have fun! ~Thanks~

P.S. Thanks Alek for considering me a core member! /hug
#33 Jul 07 2005 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
385 posts
the crap that Xellith is whining about is that majik bought a theif knife from his freiend peneolpe.. it has absoulty NOTHING to do with DVS>.. nor any part of DVS.... Majik joined DVS after the knife was bought and sold... and somehow this makes DVS a bunch of theives and liars ... idk how that one event makes my entire LS bad ppl or theives.... i honestly don't care what he thinks.. cause he is trying to make us all look bad ... if u have a problem with Majik ..bring it up with him or her.... and don't make a good LS look bad cause of somethign as childish as that... it's not anyone in the LS's fault at all
#34 Jul 08 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
the reason why the events pertaining to Majik inpact on DVS is that DVS sided with him when i took the matter to the LS. by the way. the character that was kicked wasnt on another account it was a mule character on MY account. so it was MY character. he played it from time to time. as did i. so i was kicked from a LS i was apart of for bringing this issue to light.

please stfu. thx

yea this game is mostly my life. when you work 10pm - 6am mon-fri to support a house of 3 people with adad recovering from lukemi and an ailing mother you tend not to have much of a social life.
#35 Jul 08 2005 at 12:33 AM Rating: Default
385 posts
sorry about your father that sux
so me kicking u when u come in guns blazing and being a complete *** in the LS ... makes us bad... how is this DVS's fault that your friend sold the knife for 15k .. and sold it for 33mill to a JP player liek 5 mins later?? how is this DVS's fault thant when offered half the money that was recived for the knife but declined ... and why is it u coming at us and not the person that sold the knife coming at us ?? i think u are just trying to raise a stink cause u have nothing beter to do ... hmmm??
#36 Jul 08 2005 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
4,447 posts
Uhh, you have the facts incorrect Jaeon. Majik agreed to give back a good bit of the money, and Penelope said she'd let him have 2mil or so. Majik then logged off, and came back and said "That was my sister, I made no deal with you." and has not spoken to Penelope since. So there was no offer of half of it back, Penelope would have taken it.

The friends you keep shows upon your own character.
#37 Jul 08 2005 at 12:51 AM Rating: Default
385 posts
did i say he/she was a friend ... no i did not...... but i have no respect for someone coming into an LS i helped build and start tearing someone apart.... and as kramer said.. majik is no longer in our LS.... DVS is a social LS and everyone is welcome unless they are rude obnoxious and generally not nice ppl.. so like i said before.. u got a problem with the person talk to them.. the LS has nothign to do with it.. if u want us to kill someone for something he/she did to so and so ... we don't really worry about it till we see it ourselves.. ther eis such a thing in this world called give someone a 2nd chance.. and thats something DVS has been built on.. so really.. Rip on this person .. and not the LS .. cause the LS isn't just one person
#38 Jul 08 2005 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent

I don't think Majik did anything wrong. Someone put it up for sale in their bazaar and he bought it. He was under no obligation to return it, although it would have been nice for him to do so. The person who put it up should not have tried to show off their belongings in that manner, it was just asking for trouble. I can't stand it when people put stuff in a bazaar just to show off anyways.

Also, I like DVS. They seem like a nice linkshell with lots of active members and they're doing a lot of different stuff. I think after they calm down the recruiting drive and get a solid team together they'll be great. Every linkshell needs that nice big recruiting push though to find the members that stick.
#39 Jul 08 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Default
its DVS problem when im openly told that many members of your sl said that him getting the knife and keeping it was a good thing. somehow i dont want to be associated with people that think conduct of this kind is alloud. you are a poor example of a LS.

I liked DVS until i was told the LS was actually pleased with how he got the knife. dont try to ******** me. ive talked to a few of your pearlholders about this. You all carry the face of DVS. when someone has a problem with that one person then someone has a problem with that entire LS. its one and the same. you are allies. the enemey of my enemy is my friend.

the ally of my enemy is a jackass. same kinda philosophy. Im not saying that 100% of the DVS members agrees with what has transpired. just that sticking with those that beleive it is a good thing is pretty ******.

oh and meara... please stfu. people put items in bazar for 999999999 gil so they dont accidentally drop that item. its not for "showing off" you dumbass. she was setting price in bazar and dcd. came back and its not there anymore. the GM even said that it was possible for this to happen.
#40 Jul 08 2005 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent

That's not what she posted on VN. She posted that she wanted to put up for 55,000,000 and instead accidentally put it up for 55,000 then went AFK for the night in Batallia Downs. When she came back she was missing a knife. Which is it?

And as for not dropping things - I have seen red roses on sale for maxed gil. Are you telling me people are worried about dropping roses? Some of these items may be to stop dropping (pretty dumb if you have to do this to stop accidentally dropping things) but if you read my post, I said I didn't like the ones that are being put up to show off. I didn't say anything about the non-dropsy ones.
#41 Jul 08 2005 at 4:12 AM Rating: Default
385 posts
u just don't give up do u Xellith ... you are fighting for somethign which has no end.. and really no one cares what u think... what happened happend to your friend.. if she has a problem bring it up with Majik .. not with the LS .. and like meara said and i'm sure all the GM's... not their fault hers.. and like i said before..but your pig headedness can't seem to get past is that she/he was NOT in our LS when this occured... you are so involved with yourself and pigheadedness u probably don't even read what others type do u ... i could probably sit here and talk about apples and bunnies and u would think up some other thing about how we are planning to kidnap princess vespa or some other crap
#42 Jul 08 2005 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
Xel. please try to understand that what occurred happens sometimes. one person takes advantage of another. it's just some peoples nature, personally i dont really understand it. i am a DVS member (amongst many) that doesnt agree with the morality of what whoever did. i also understand that it was something that happened before so and so joined DVS and really had nothing to do with the LS what so ever. we try to stay out of that sort of stuff. i would completely understand your frustaration, anger, and hostility with us had we (DVS) been involved, but please try to understand that your LP wasn't broke to show that anyone sided with whoever it was that was involved in this particular situation. But rather the approach you chose to take towards another one of our members in LS chat. It was just inapropriate in LS chat. That too, is something that just happens sometimes. I don't want to fight.. i don't want to bicker. All i'm asking is please try to not to misdirect your anger towards our LS as a whole. We are over all, just a group of good people just trying to enjoy our game.^^ <take care> ~Mushi
#43 Jul 08 2005 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
Hey Xellith, stop beating this Smiley: deadhorse and go away already. How about you find the LS he is in now and go talk to them, maybe they can physically force him to give it back. So get of your high horse you little Smiley: queen and stfu....
#44 Jul 08 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
Why on earth was that knife in her bazaar at that price in the first place? I'd buy it at once myself if i'd seen someone do this. So i see nothing wrong, other than the lack of admitting a blooper...
#45 Jul 08 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry for barging in while all this argument is going on >_< but I'm currently a 75 PLD and wishing to join a Dynamis LS. My in-game name is Knivezz. Who can I contact specifically on this matter on my interest in joining CI? Thanks in advance.

#46 Jul 08 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
Koluz wrote:
Sorry for barging in while all this argument is going on >_< but I'm currently a 75 PLD and wishing to join a Dynamis LS. My in-game name is Knivezz. Who can I contact specifically on this matter on my interest in joining CI? Thanks in advance.


I am not sure if we are currently taking anymore PLD's to CI on a regular basis at this time. We ran into problem with not limiting jobs that come along. For some reason, which, hmmm, I can't figure out, when we were doing Dynamis Jeuno we would have 4-5 PLD's show up from our LS only, but when we do Dynamis Sand Oria we have 12-15 PLD's show up.
#47 Jul 08 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
Ah, I see. No problem, thanks for the speedy reply and good luck to the LS! ^^
#48 Jul 08 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
Koluz wrote:
Ah, I see. No problem, thanks for the speedy reply and good luck to the LS! ^^

You can still get a pearl from one of us, but we may be turning away certain jobs if too many show up. It will be DVS members have first postions then everyone else will be first come first serve basis sort of thing.

I don't handle Dynamis though, so for a better response just talk to Miriel or Jae inregards to CI. I just show up and die Smiley: smile

Edited, Fri Jul 8 14:06:03 2005 by Proroc
#49 Jul 08 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Penelope wrote:

I set my all my prices and double checked them as it is LS gil related and went to sleep. Among the dynamis stuff I put my Thief's knife @ 50,000,000 cause i like to have my xp/rare-ex
equiped. I like the 50 mil gil thing cause its not incredibly unheard of prices going that high but its not likely somone wanna buy it either.

cause she didnt want to drop Xellith? try again.
#50 Jul 08 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
4,447 posts
That doesn't show because she didn't want to drop it. She wanted to wear other gear and it's safe to put it in your bazaar at a price so you won't drop it. And for 50mil it's almost worth selling that thing (she was also in jeuno so +10% someone would have to pay 55mil for it).
#51 Jul 08 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
You can still get a pearl from one of us, but we may be turning away certain jobs if too many show up. It will be DVS members have first postions then everyone else will be first come first serve basis sort of thing.

I don't handle Dynamis though, so for a better response just talk to Miriel or Jae inregards to CI. I just show up and die

I have a better understanding of it, thanks ^^ I'll get in contact with Miriel or Jae in-game for more info. Thanks for your response =)
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