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DVSIII ... Seeking New MembersFollow

#52 Jul 21 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
Sorry for the almost back to back posting. But false accusations are not the same as being observant. Just wanted to point that out.

Not that it will make a difference. You are allowed your opinion the same as I'm allowed mine. Thats what makes humans great.

Timis of Shiva.

I think this all started cause you didnt contact the "Council" did you?

(hehe sorry could not resist)

Hijack off..............
#53 Jul 21 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Ok Tim here it is:
I'm Sorry

But do you see where I made that assumption with the points I made? You came out of nowhere to defend someone, and normally, (or on other servers) the "new" person isnt a person at all, but the user who is being "attacked"

EDIT: Continued...

I dont know why I was rated down for stating what happens at amusement parks. Yes, I know the rules are posted, but all in all it is common courtesy. I started a "Flame thread" for all of you who are getting angry with each other. Reconcile differences in there, just not in normal threads :)

Edited, Thu Jul 21 15:04:28 2005 by doomygir
#54 Jul 21 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
like i said .. respect for others in the game... which he did not have and which is something that the ls is based on ... 2nd i got tells from ppl i've never heard about saying he had DVS pearl on... 3rd the ppl that were bragging in the ls i know about.. 4th blowing smoke up the ***?? mistake?? on my high horse.. i think not . all this stuff boils down to RESPECT and common courtesy for one another in game.. and like someone else said , this is a game but there are real ppl playing it .. and ppl that acted like he did are not welcome in either of the LS's.. this is a common thing known in them.. just like i'm sure every other ls has the same standards.. and go on if u wish but i'm done with this
#55 Jul 21 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
and yes doom .. this was a recruitment thread... which i said on the first post .. to please be respectful to not turn it into a flame thread... which it is now ...
#56 Jul 21 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
Yep this is definatly a flame thread now, but its all our faults. Everyone took part in it, everyone is to blame.

#57 Jul 21 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
lol which is why: i made a flame dont have to use it or anything, but..yeah. lol I don't want to repeat myself now :P
#58 Jul 21 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
so tim, have any idea who is rating you and other person up, while me and jae are getting the nukes? I even apologized so I dont see why I should be continually nuked over this. Its over and done. I give up. There. Just leave my karma alone.

Edited, Thu Jul 21 15:22:24 2005 by doomygir
#59 Jul 21 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
i just wanted to say...thanks for being a pretty good ls and helping me out when i needed it. unfortunately due to the derekz incident i will be leaving both dvs and dvsIII (if i haven't already been kicked that is)
I just feel that its a shame to lose a few members over such a stupid thing.

Again thanks and gl all
#60 Jul 21 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
i to will be leaving DVS and DVSIII i dont want in a ls that would kick players over such a minor action.

good luck everyone in DVS have fun.
#61 Jul 21 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Dont know who is doing the rating, But i also have decided to leave as well. Since my opinion differs from the others, i take it on myself to leave while the leaving is good.

#62 Jul 21 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
I am sorry you guys are leaving over this incident, but as I stated before I stand by Jae's decision and that will not change due to this. I wish all of you the best of luck and take care.
#63 Jul 21 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
OK first of all im not anyones mule. im on the shiva sever. char. name marduc. Let me ask you jae and the rest of this dvsiii link shell; would you wait in line for rse gear or wait in line for doing any other quests? no i dont think so! just cuase this quest was new some idiot decides to make a line. well if i see any dvsiii member cut infront of some1 else that is getting or trying to do a quest; i will think you all are asshooles. therefor i am pretty sure you all have darted infront of someone b4 to get a quest or do a quest. so why kick some1 out of your LS for doing what we all have been doing since day 1. it seems to me that DVSIII has officer issues and needs to take care of that b4 you all invite new members to you LS. well i need to go now i have to go wait in line to use the AH now ill talk later.
#64 Jul 21 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
I thank you for your concern and we will investigate further into this matter
#65 Jul 21 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
398 posts
1. This is just a quest like getting RSE, etc.

True. The quest in Lufaise Meadows about the missing girl where you spawn the 2 NM Orcs comes to mind. There are several quests that culminate with a spawned NM battle or finding a chest/coffer.

The problem DVS has with the behavior of the member in question is this...

This was a new quest that did not require anything special to complete. eg no CoP, no Sky access, no Lv75 job, basically anyone could do this. This quest also has a rather unique reward and as such drew a large number of people wanting to complete it. In light of all that, 99% of the Shiva population saw fit to behave in a calm, rational, respectful manner. In this case part of the 1% saw themselves as better than the 99%. That is not the philosophy of our LS.

I do not know what transpired between Raithx, Jae, and Derekz at the time of the incident. If Derkez was not given a proper chance to explain his side of things and kicked prematurely then that was wrong. However, based on his comments and "actions" here in this thread I feel like the outcome would have been the same.

2. DVS/DVSIII has leadership issues.

What our LS has is a group of people leading the LS who have a sense of values, of right and wrong, of respect for each other in the LS and other players in the game.

If your values and sense of respect for others does not match ours, then best of luck to you in the game and life. It probably is best if we part ways now. While I am sorry that this incident resulted in a few members leaving it may be for the best of both parties.

To quote the shell leader... "I know there are 60 good, generous, dedicated people on this server. If it takes us a year for them to find us or us to find them then I am prepared to wait that long for the RIGHT people to be here."

3. This is a recruiting thread not a flame war.

This may actually be a fantastic recruiting thread. What it shows is that DVS/DVSIII is at its core a group of people who try to be respectful of others, always play fairly, and stand behind their convictions.

If this sounds like you... we would love to have you in our LS. If you feel like it is OK to disrespect others and to put yourself in front of others then this is not the place for you.
#66 Jul 21 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
Im not sure what you mean by calling me and other first posters "Mules". Its a free forum isnt it? Or are you another **** Cow like the Jackass that kicked DerekZ out of the LS without even hearing his side of the story?

I hope you are not, but its your choice isnt it!

No offense intended, just speaking my mind as I feel like doing, or is this **** Germany or Communist Russia? Is it?

Ok so Im allowed to speak my mind then, so here it goes...

Here are a few interesting things that Jaeonshiva has stated in this thread:

1. 'like i said .. respect for others in the game... which he did not have and which is something that the ls is based on ...'

Ok, if this is the case then DerekZ may have broken 1 rule. But since he was never given the opertunity to defend himself, we will never know for sure. Respect for others? What a joke! Respect starts at home pal, try showing some respect for your own members first.

2. '2nd i got tells from ppl i've never heard about saying he had DVS pearl on...'

So, you take the word of ppl you have never head about over your own LS Member? What are you smoking? Whatever it is, I think you have had too much!

3. '3rd the ppl that were bragging in the ls i know about..'

Again, other ppl bragging is more important than actually asking DerekZ what happened? uh? ;o

4. '4th blowing smoke up the ***?? mistake?? on my high horse.. i think not . all this stuff boils down to RESPECT and common courtesy for one another in game..'

Dude you must be the most self righteous hypocrite in that LS of yours, what a bunch of horse ****! You talk about Respect for other players, you dont even have Respect for your own members, Hypocrite!

Why dont you stop leaning on what other ppl have said since this got started and admit that you made a mistake, and that you are the one that owes DerekZ an apology. Also, you should step down from Leader of this LS, you are way too emotional and easily mislead by ppl you never even heard of before. sheesh!

Please dont take any offense to these statements, they are made to help you get your head out of your horses you know what and open your fricken eyes.

You Lamer!

Wake up!

Edited, Thu Jul 21 16:42:12 2005 by JudgeDred
#67 Jul 21 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
i'm not sure what your trying to prove.. but good luck with w/e it is
#68 Jul 21 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
1,261 posts
JudgeDred wrote:
Im not sure what you mean by calling me and other first posters "Mules". Its a free forum isnt it? Or are you another **** Cow like the Jackass that kicked DerekZ out of the LS without even hearing his side of the story?

I hope you are not, but its your choice isnt it!

No offense intended, just speaking my mind as I feel like doing, or is this **** Germany or Communist Russia?

I explained a few posts above, but 1. No im not a damn ****. 2. The thing about mules: why even make one? Stand up for yourself (not you, but for whomever) and talk via your own name. I really don't see a reason to make one, unless you (or anyone else) is just too cowardly. *shrug* I apologized, and this will probably be my last post in this thread, I originally came on here to offer my unbiased 2 cents (i.e. the amusement park comment, was just stating what happens there). I did not see what happened, nor am I standing up for anything. I call what I see (or think I see). Obviously I assumed and made an *** out of U and ME (lol put it together ^^), and I guess thats all I have to say on here ^^ see you in a hopefully more peaceful thread.
#69 Jul 21 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
My only post on this subject will be this one sentance. If you don't see anything wrong with what Derekz did what kind of morals do you have?
#70 Jul 22 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
341 posts
I think the reason why some of you are having a difficult time understanding the core situation here is because you've spent the last 1-2 years engaged in a massive everyone-for-himself-free-for-all. The moment someone introduced a little thing known as common courtesy into this game, you didn't know how to react to it. Yeah, waiting in those lines sucked. I personally spent over 2 hours of real time doing nothing but that. Was it entertaining? Hell no. But even despite that, it was nice to see people in this game actually put forth some effort to look beyond just what they want and actually take other people into consideration.

No it wasn't something that was implemented or enforced by SE. Which I'm sure probably made them very happy, that for once they could do an event that mostly everyone on the server would be interested in and not have to act like parents trying to control a bunch of bickering children. This game was set up to be a social game. There's a lot that goes into that; teamwork, selflessness, courtesy and most of all respect. Even though this is a game and the characters you see are nothing more than pixels, that still doesn't change the fact that there is a real person on the other end of that character. Try to keep that in mind the next time one of these situations comes up.

75 Whm / 37 Blm

*As for the whole ls/ being kicked issue... I personally couldn't care less. It's an issue between that player and the pearlsacks in that ls. It is kind of sad that people are unable to settle disputes in this game without resorting to making a spectacle of the whole thing here.
#71 Jul 22 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
292 posts
I think the reason why some of you are having a difficult time understanding the core situation here is because you've spent the last 1-2 years engaged in a massive everyone-for-himself-free-for-all. The moment someone introduced a little thing known as common courtesy into this game, you didn't know how to react to it. Yeah, waiting in those lines sucked. I personally spent over 2 hours of real time doing nothing but that. Was it entertaining? Hell no. But even despite that, it was nice to see people in this game actually put forth some effort to look beyond just what they want and actually take other people into consideration.

No it wasn't something that was implemented or enforced by SE. Which I'm sure probably made them very happy, that for once they could do an event that mostly everyone on the server would be interested in and not have to act like parents trying to control a bunch of bickering children. This game was set up to be a social game. There's a lot that goes into that; teamwork, selflessness, courtesy and most of all respect. Even though this is a game and the characters you see are nothing more than pixels, that still doesn't change the fact that there is a real person on the other end of that character. Try to keep that in mind the next time one of these situations comes up.


I must say that was well said Salvation. I'm in DVS and DVS3 and that is what we strive for in the LS. I'm sure Derekz wouldn't have been kicked if he understood and lived up to those principles. Those people that have been flaming us, please try to understand and see the bigger picture here. It wasn't because he cut in line that got him kicked, it was his total lack of respect and common courtesy and attitude towards the situation and other players that got him kicked.

As far as Jae goes..don't knock him until you get to know him, he is without a doubt one of the nicest guys in the game. I for one couldn't ask for a better leader in the LS. I garuntee what he did wasn't a spur of the moment decision or irrational in any way.
#72 Jul 23 2005 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
/cheer very well said salva...that is exactly the point my fellow DVS members have been trying to explain here...and to those who arent in the LS and trying to say derekz shouldnt have been kicked for this really cant say anything because they have no idea of any history of this LS or any previous problems with the player...if this was the first problem with him this might not have turned into the situation it is today...but we have had a previous situation with him showing lack of respect to other players...thats really all i have to say on the lets get this thread back on track please and thank you ^_^
#73 Jul 23 2005 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
Here's an idea derek join a real hnm ls ! Not one that douches you cause you have a freak out. Most people understand after all this is a game not the army. Jae was on a hnm/god ls before and wasn't very active he was as useful as a 109 yr old man in a hand to hand car towing event. He made lame excuses then quit.

Btw - I thought this was a recruiting thread. Let him advertise a bad hnm ls in peace please.

Steve Zisssou
#74 Jul 23 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
Hey steve. Why don't you tell me your in game name so I can follow you around and have absolutly no respect for you. How would you of felt if you were next in line and some douche cut in front of you? Oh but I gues thats ok if someone cuts in front of you or steals everything your trying to work towards cause thats exactly what your saying.

Your a bigger douche then Derekz is.
#75 Jul 30 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
32 posts
hi just wanted to i am the leader of etn-gods and we had a smillar incident occur on our shell. Unfortunally i wasnt there when a memeber skipped everybody but boy did i hear it when i finally was able to log on and this memeber was kicked from the shell. i did ask his version on what happen and he did agree that what he did was wrong, not so much that he didnt wait on line for his turn but the simple fact there were many shellmates on the same line that were waiting for their turn. So i do agree with the kick of the memeber but shouldve asked his version on what happen first
#76 Jul 30 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
._. thanks for saving my pt's *** from that dhalmal yesterday jae...
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