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#1 Jul 14 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
I dont know why but ive had a realy bad day today and every once and a while it gets to the point you gotta go off why not take it out on the sad state the game is in *deep breath* here we go

#1 WTF is up with the economy on this server i mean come on its getting to where its costing 20k to get decent lv 10 gear. just because you can jack the prices why do it >.> in the long run its gunna do more harm than good, wait and see when everyone has Okotes and your paying 10k to keep them up in the ah for 3 days and they never sell >.>

#2 Gil Sellers/Buyers people come on that is a primary reason for the economy sucks so bad >.> ok who ever is dumb enough to give someone a actual Real currancy for a fictional one, has some serious issues and shouldnt be playing..whats next someone gunna kill them self because they cant get mission 2-3 done (if you rember a while ago about the kid killing himself over Ever quest, it was in the news you know what i talking about)

#3 You know how alot of problems could be fixed, make all nms force spawn (trade an item to a ??? and it spawns claimed on you) and the Drops 100% with Rare/ex (except for like leaping boots which craft into winged boots)

Anyway anyone else feels like letting of some frustration over how much this game has become a pain in the A$$ go for it, might get some good laughs, and maybe some issues that could come into resolvement (although squenix central hub is JP so they probaly wont listen to us because we are american -.- GOD D*mn our retarded goverment makeing us all look like war monger idiots)
#2 Jul 14 2005 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
#1. I agree. Things that were 200k are now 1 mil.

#2. Its not just gilsellers. Its also players that's selling things so high now. I mean, some ppl bump up prices just for kicks seems like. YES, gilsellers suck ***, but they are not going anywhere until SE does something about it. You had good ideas on the NM situation. But players also sell things high (Venomous Claw was 4 mil not to long ago, now its about 7 mil?). The actual "worth" of these things just are NOT worth it, unless you have lots of money. If this keeps up, the server will be filled with gilsellers, and broke *** gilbuyers.

#3. That's a good idea.

Yeah, I'm frustrated about it. But what can I do? SE needs to do something to correct these matters. Its like a world without government. And its growing more boring by the day.
#3 Jul 14 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
and coincidentally it is also full of people who dont understand economy...

I bet you guys think 'budget' is bad too. Oh and 'Taxes'.
#4 Jul 15 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
Well, the economy on this game can easily be fixed by SE in my opinion and gil sellers rele arent doing the most harm. If im out NM hunting, a gilseller isnt getting the mob from me.

Maybe if i get like 100 leaping boots and 100 VE hairpins, and sell them for 100k,tgen maybe people will be forced to bring those items down^^,lol that will never happen, but i think its a dream.

Maybe people who wanna help our economy should get together and easily fix it by pissing EVERYONE off by getting all the NM's and selling the drops at super low levels and yeah.....

people will be pissed, but hey, it will help in the long run. do yal remember when Leaping boots were 350k? omg, a dream
#5 Jul 15 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
#1. I agree that the economy is messed up, 3 months ago you could get O-Kote for 750-850K, now its 1.6 mil? ><

#2. Gil Sellers/Buyers are a problem but not the real problem in my opinion. Peopl who keep raising the prices for items to the point its not even fair creates the gil-buyers which gives the gil-sellers work. Just a few weeks ago an LS member wanted to buy the Centurion scale mail, only 1 listed at Jueno. The were being sold for 15K but after bidding all the way up to 22K and not being able to buy it you get the idea.

#3. I like the idea also of forced NM pops, maybe involve a quest to get the item to pop it. I'm not sure if when you camp NMs its always crowded but when I camp Lizzy or Emp its always been just 4 ppl max.
#6 Jul 15 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
what i thought about is... Earning money in RL is like earning gil in FFXI. You put alot of hard effort into it, time, and tears. RL money is used to be spent on neccesities and stuff uw anna do with it. SO IF you buy gil with the hard earned money u spent time and effort on in RL, then u dont have to waste all your time, and effort in FFXi to earn it. IMO its an even switch off, if you think about it. BUT the way the stoopid gilsellers monopolize evertything its becoming more of a nuissance. You guys complain that people use REAL money to buy FAKE money. But to OBTAIN REAL money, u have to put alot of work and time into it. to OBTAIN FAKE money u do tha SAME exact thing, EXCEPT u buy FAKE stuff. CAPITAL letters are cool and NIFTY if you use the every SO often. its QUITE fun to do ACTUALLY.^^ ~<3 Tricen
#7 Jul 15 2005 at 3:56 AM Rating: Good
what i thought about is... Earning money in RL is like earning gil in FFXI. You put alot of hard effort into it, time, and tears. RL money is used to be spent on neccesities and stuff uw anna do with it. SO IF you buy gil with the hard earned money u spent time and effort on in RL, then u dont have to waste all your time, and effort in FFXi to earn it. IMO its an even switch off, if you think about it. BUT the way the stoopid gilsellers monopolize evertything its becoming more of a nuissance. You guys complain that people use REAL money to buy FAKE money. But to OBTAIN REAL money, u have to put alot of work and time into it. to OBTAIN FAKE money u do tha SAME exact thing, EXCEPT u buy FAKE stuff. CAPITAL letters are cool and NIFTY if you use the every SO often. its QUITE fun to do ACTUALLY.^^ ~<3 Tricen

Words of a gilbuyer.

You pathetic *******. Get a life. Stop ruining the economy.
#8 Jul 15 2005 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
#1 Haha ya I'm kinda laughing at this too... O.Kote and woodsmans rings = rediculously high prices and theres like 15 for sale. >.> I bid 250k, every day I have the gil to try (just for kicks) in the hopes I'll nab me a usefull item (as well as a fun story) for my Samurai.

#2 Agreed, players are jacking up the prices too. Maybe they don't realize it but in the past 2 months, most elemental ore has tripled (!) in price...
Tree cuttings---90k/12------130k+/12
Tree Saplings---120k/12-----180-210k+/12
Elemental ore---60-200k-----180-300k+
HQ ele. staff---100-500k----1mil-2.5mil

Thats some retarted markup right there... And it all snowballed because cuttings people farmed got jacked up. Last I knew the gil-sellers didn't farm tree cuttings, but I could be wrong.

#3 there are actually alot of new nm's that are a (somewhat) forced pop, though the drop rate still sucks. Theres one in temple of ugliplech(?) that you spawn by trading a stack of lathine cabbage to a ??? and its only a slight chance of popping the actual nm. (pops a normal mob usually)

Theres also a crab one in Kuftal tunnel thats been camped alot lately.
I would LOVE to see drop rates increased to 100% on everything... It might destablize the economy, but h3ll, its pretty f*cked as is right? lol

Maybe SE will implement this when the game starts to die just to see what happens.

Buuuut until that happens I'll just have to keep trying my super low bidding and dream about one day claiming Mee Degi. ~Aet
#9 Jul 15 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
IF you hate it so much quit playing.

#1 In a closed economy, with a never endding supply of new currency, inflation will continue indefinatly. It is only going to get worse, and never better, but that fact of the matter is EVERYTHING is rising at about the same rate (with a few exceptions here and there).

#2 The gil sellers are providing a service, that apparently ALOT of people desire. They are not to blame for raising prices, the people willing to pay the inflated price are. We as real players have the ability to take these NM's back from the gil sellers, but people are to selfish and self absorbed to do so. There was a thread on here a few weeks back, where a large group of people were going to take back Stroper Chyme. I havent heard anything about it since the idea was presented. If we as players spent the next 4 weeks takeing as many claims as we possibly could from the gil sellers, they would make ALOT less gil to sell, and would have to either move on to other things, or wait it out. Now imagine if we as players did this to ALL the NM's they have monopolized. We all complain, but essentially do nothing about it.

#3 Thats a really bad idea. Makeing all the good drops Rare/ex, has a lot of negative effects.

A. Inventory space. You cant Mail/trade/sell Rare/ex items

B. You cant craft or synth Rare/ex items into other items

C. The gil sellers would just monopolize whatever drops/gives the item to pop the NM

D. The gil sellers would farm the item to pop the NM, and never have to even wait for the drop, they would be getting them ALL THE TIME (assuming there not rare/ex, which i explained why that would be bad, this could actually promote gil sellers).

I know sometimes people need to blow off some steam, but people dont think about what they are saying most of the time. The best solution would be for SE to drop the gil sellers on their heads, and never let them back in, but unfortunatly they dont seem to give a **** about the gil sellers, because they always pay their $13+ dollars a month.

Instead of complaining about whats wrong with our server, why dont we all ban together as a group, an dtake it back?

Oh wait no one has time for that i bet.

Also im rateing Tricen back up. He made a very good point about why SOME people may choose to buy gil instead of makeing it. That does not make him a gil buyer, that makes him human, and able to understand why some people would buy gil. Kinda reminds me of the witch hunts, dont you dare let anyone think your a witch (which anything you did could be considered witch like), or the lynch mob will burn you at the stake. Such closed minded people make me chuckle.

#10 Jul 15 2005 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
689 posts
1) With the exception of some of the preceived "elite - must have" gear the prices have gone up fairly equally.

hairpin and leaping boots were around 200-300K when I started, and earth crystals were about 300/stack. It's not just the price of wanted items has gone up, almost all the usful goods in the game have increased in value as well at a fairly uniform rate.

2) NM camping Gil sellers are not the cause of inflation unless they've found a way to create lots of gil on the server from the NPC supply, and generally they don't supply the end products either - amemit mantles & sniper rings being some of the most commonly assumed. In the end, they're only going after things that are people pay for anyway, if they're camping Kotes and the price is going up, it's the fault of people willing to pay more as opposed to going and trying to get the spawn. SE made it much more difficult for people to monopolize these spawns, but a lot of the server population is pretty damn wealthy when you get down to it.As for gil buyers, well, a fool and their money are soon parted, this may contribute to higher prices being paid for those elitemusthave items, but their gil still came from somewhere in the game world already, not out of thin air.

3)SE has been adding a lot of mobs like this as well as ENM, and I'm glad they are. Some of them are really really nice items, and not rare/ex, thus they're being sold for big amounts on the AH. Tatami Shield, Chanters Staff, +3 skill earrings, plenty of 3M+ items on Shiva.

A note on some of the CP armor becoming expensive, it seems that since SE introduced some of the storeable sets, more people are buying and just keeping sets instead of circulating them after a few days of leveling.

I understand a lot of things cost 4x as much now, but you're also getting 4x as much for those drops while you level 1 to 10, and lets not forget that you can usually go find adequate low level armor at an NPC shop for a fraction of the AH price. And trying to sell a highly desired item for a low price will never work, too many people bid really low, and turn around sell for the high price to make gil.

It does seem like we don't have as many new players anymore, maybe it has to do with the population on the server, and the money base in general. I'm sure that pre NPC fish price nerfs and the great rusty item nerf, that those 2 things were a HUGE part of our current inflation. Sadly I think there is still a rusty fishing gilselling outfit based in SanD.

All in all, the higher prices compared to what they were(way back when) do kind of suck, but compare to other servers with similar prices and farmable goods that are worth less than our server, we don't really have it that bad imo.
#11 Jul 15 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
Ace, to the best of my knowledge there are at least two rare/ex or ex items that you can craft. One is the castor's ring from the sandy quest (rare/ex) and the other is the ahriman's lens (ex). Both can be crafted to non rare/non ex items.
#12 Jul 15 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts
Of course we could also just not buy all the "uber" gear and make by with some really good gear that is available in the game, most of it really cheap. Think about how much gil you are paying for what little most +1 items give over the normal items (think hawkers knives).
#13 Jul 15 2005 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
Ace, to the best of my knowledge there are at least two rare/ex or ex items that you can craft. One is the castor's ring from the sandy quest (rare/ex) and the other is the ahriman's lens (ex). Both can be crafted to non rare/non ex items.

I apologize i was not aware you could synth any rare/ex items (though i know a lot of EX items can be synthed).

#14 Jul 15 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
do yal remember when Leaping boots were 350k? omg, a dream


When I started they were 150k... I got my E. pin for Christmas, a friend paid 250k for it.
My honest opinion: there is no stopping. I take that from economics in the real world. It took my country (Brazil) like 50 years to overcome devastating inflation. I remember every 3 or 4 months the government would cut three zeros out of the money, so we wouldn't be buying a coke for 2 billion cruzeiros. Damn I learned all about it in college and already forgot. ><
I remember that Argentina, trying to overcome their inflation, attached their currency to the dollar. Their economy went kaput in a matter of months.
Primary reason of inflation: Government generates more money than the economy can hold. Money loses value.
Damn I wish I could remember what they did to stop it, I lived through that time, studied and wrote papers about it in college and now can't even rememeber it to try to see if we could apply it to FFXI. I'm getting old. ><

Edit: Just remembered something... We overcame inflation by doing something with international economy, doing something with the currency. FFXI is a closed economy, so even if I remembered what we did, it wouldn't apply to the game.
Sorry my friends, the inflation on this game has no solution... What I know that has been done in the real world involved currency exchange. >< boooo.

Edited, Fri Jul 15 11:24:41 2005 by Camilleclaudel
#15 Jul 15 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
81 posts
ok about the forced spawn crap u know of an nm called phantom worm right. Well an Ls that my bro was in decided to camp this little buet and sell that wonderful thalum that i hope to have one day. Well much to their dismay thier are gillsellers constantly farming this thing and i can see y when the lesser of the thalums (morion) is 100k not in a stack and 1,080,000 in a stack <<<exact price if i remember correctly. So the force spawning idea while it has its good intentions is still bad. <i only have a morion thalum cause i decided to go farm it with my bros char needless to say convincing him to let me keep a 100k item was difficult @_@>

I propose an idea, say whatever u will its just an idea. An ls that farms the desired item like 0. kote and such. but the only prob i see with this is there are other items that will go up to compensate for this.
#16 Jul 15 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
Well, what's going to happen is people WILL eventually stop buying it. Reality will set in and they will notice that when Leaping Boots hit the 2mil mark, that +3 AGI and +3 DEX IS NOT worth 2 mil.
#17 Jul 15 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
I started a bout 2 months after the game came out in the US Shiva had one of the best economies of any server. Heck 100k was a ton of gil and many just insane price items were a 10th of the value.

Cost to level was pretty reasonable and food was pretty cheap but mostly just Mith I think about those days. I miss those days I recall when I saw my first 1 million gil item I was like wow today it seems everything is that way. My leaping boots, emp pin astral rings are priced to the point I never would touch em. Now it seems the price of gil has dropped to the point that many are buying it at and insane rate and the inflation has gone unchecked. Many are gone many are leaving I miss the old days my friends and the game I use to know. The game because of the spiral forces many to make decisions that aren't very nice or end up countless countless hours of tidious farming which tends to lead to burnout or do without.

Who is the enemy the seller the farmer or the buyer who buys without reguard to the price you sell 100 cheap someone will buy all of them and repost at double the price that's the sad truth.

SE is making changes but I see a sad future if this continues unchecked.
#18 Jul 15 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
Not only gear but comsumables are rising too. What does this mean to you? CRAFT AND FARM! GET TO WORK!
#19 Jul 15 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
O.o barchel said something intelegable the apocalipse is near >.> maybe a economy reset too
#20 Jul 15 2005 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
OK let me clear a few things up here First its a rant because reguardless how much people complain nothings gunna change, second let me explain how almost all (i said almost not all) economy problems can be linked to the gil sellers, they live off camping (some abuseing crafting) nms some going as low as botting (a bot for such a thing isnt hard to make >.> i actualy sat down and wrote up a farm bot then deleted it to see how hard it would be) anyway they monopolise the nm in question (chyme, punisher ect ect) vaious mid lv nms in the game as they get the drops they sell them jacking the price to holy H311, thusly everyone camps other nms (primaryly LL and VE) jacking the prices of those to be able to afford these items, some craft >.> then theres what i like to call the cycle....the cycle begins when someone buys gil to buy an nm drop a gil seller monoplises >.> then the gil seller not only has your irl money but the gil they sold you (Since rumor has it there all working together now). Third and finaly the economy will eventualy crash, when it gets to the point no one needs them anymore (good example is okotes since there one of the more restricted nm drops thats camped to death) eventualy no one will need them and people will be spending more gil keeping them in ah via taxes than the item is worth >.> ,i mean serket ring goes for like 6 mil and it costs like 200k to put in ah (dont know if its that high just rember my hnm ls ldr complaining about it), to make matters worse america is full of lazy people little info for them
#21 Jul 16 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Well to add to the rumor that the gil-sellers are working together, I was pting in Kuftal Tunnel and saw 2 Gard team members camping the Amemet, they claimed it but were being beaten badly, suddenly a Superstar member appears and helps them kill the poor Amemet. Don't know if they got drop but probably did.

Also about your final statment(which is VERY similar to my bazaar message), I agree completely that an MMORPG is a big commitment but there are just ppl who don't have the time to do these things. We keep posting how hard it is to claim good nms, like LL, VE, Chyme etc., so any new player will probably think "why waste my time when most of the time I'll never claim it?", not saying they shouldn't give it a try but it is discouraging.

Finally about the whole "kid killing himself cause of EQ" then suggesting someone will commit suicide cause he can't find help for mission 2-3; well hopefully that never happens but it can be prevented if some ppl would be willing to help out new players, but most of us, not saying all, would rather spend time lvling so we can wear our new uber equipment or earning gil for that equipment. People have forgotten how fun this game is and I'm beginning to doubt they'll ever remember.
#22 Jul 18 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
379 posts
My 3 cents (adjusted for inflation):

Yes, things are insanely expensive now, but a little work on your end will make things much smoother. There are LOTS of ways to make money.

I'm sick of hearing people ***** and complain that prices are so high, even if they dropped a little, gil isn't just going to fall into your lap, you still need a way to earn it.

1) BCNM - BCNM40 "A Worm's Turn" is insanely easy, on average, you'll make between 300-500k per person for doing 6 runs (2-3 hours of work, depending on setup) This is how I funded my Hauby.

Don't have enough beastman seals? Level BST. not only will you get seals, you'll also get a ton of crystals and other items, and you don't even need Uber equipment, your pet does all the work :)

2) Farm - a no brainer, boring as hell, but it gets the job done. Keep in mind that the things you farm, as their prices go up, so do the items that are crafted from them. People complain that silent oil went from 12k to 17k/stack, but beehive chips went from 5k to 8k/stack.

Know your guilds, and what cities they are in. Clothcraft and Bonecraft ingredients sell for higher in Windy than the other 3 cities (so this is the best place for silk threads and beetle jaws)

3) Craft - level a craft, any craft, to 50/60. you CAN make money, do your research. Most crafts can be levelled with very little investment, assuming you go out and farm the ingrediants.

4) Farm/Craft - a combo of both, I do this every now and then when I need some cash quickly. By taking your farmed ingrediants, and adding a little cash, you can possibly double your money.

5) Camp NMs - yeah right, I have ZERO patience for this, and I highly recommend you do not waste your time. I can make 100k in less than 2 hours by farming/crafting, that's a hell of a lot better than standing around for 2 hours doing nothing, and most likely, getting nothing.

Keep in mind, that if it wasn't for gil sellers constantly farming some areas, that there would be LESS crafting ingrediants (and other things) on the AH, think of how the prices would be then.
#23 Jul 18 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
BarchielReturns wrote:
Reality will set in and they will notice that when Leaping Boots hit the 2mil mark, that +3 AGI and +3 DEX IS NOT worth 2 mil.

Ohhhh i know the term for this...

Yay business class.

i.e. there is an elasticity to Oil prices. How much can we (UK, US, Canada, etc) put up with Price wise, before we realize its too much and refuse to buy it (therefore making the oil folks lower the price per barrel on oil) ^^

omg I learned something!


I R Smartz

Edited, Mon Jul 18 13:51:44 2005 by doomygir
#24 Jul 18 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Riddle me this batman Would a Gil seller be able to sell if no one would buy it?????????????

Gil Sellers and Gil Buyers are equal to the death of the economy not one is greater than the other it is the chicken or the egg argument.

If no Sellers no buyers if no buyers no sellers pretty simple.

Your right about Farming up to the point that inorder to play your class you have to farm 1 month in order to level 1 week. I guess everyone has a pain threshold. I use to fish now my wireless keyboard sucks **** trying to reel in fish so I stopped fishing. The amount I use to make went down when SE cut all the fish prices in half didnt make it worth the effort.

Many ways to make gil my issue was overtime watching SE nerf gil makers trust me back in the day the drop rates were higher NPC buy prices were higher making gil wasnt a huge issue and prices were sane. Many orginal players that started out had many of easy less time consuming methods to generate income.

So from a OG 2 months removed I now for a FACT SE easily controls the economy and can make changes to impact it and they do except always in a negative fashion from my pov.


Edited, Mon Jul 18 14:55:55 2005 by kenshynOnShiva
#25 Jul 18 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
You make a good point Kenshyn, but will there ever be a day when people don't buy gil? Because its an available option people will tap into it. SE should have the GMs do some sort of in-game purge of bots and gil-sellers and cut the supply.

Edited, Mon Jul 18 15:10:06 2005 by RevenantVDA
#26 Jul 18 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
The truth is how do you prove and track them down? That is the biggest issue of them all. The problem is we are free to trade sell in bazaar and other things that could easily be done in game in exchange for real world currency. SE can't police that activity and cost to bring legal action against companies is huge.

What Se can do is change the way items are aquired and how much NPCs buy and Sell items for that can help put price caps. But alas I don't see that. They are trying the new BCNM are a start it is just not a easy fix unless they really change the nature of the economy.

Heck wow is super easy to make coin and get items and the game is full of gold farmers it is 100000X easier in wow to make coin and peeps still buy gold that just says alot about the problem in all games of this nature.

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