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How many HNMLS/high level linkshells are thereFollow

#27 Jul 25 2005 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
Aeristar is right, my real interest was in just seeing how many were out there out of sheer curiousity and boredom at work.
#28 Jul 25 2005 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
I like long walks on the beach...

#29 Jul 25 2005 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Thanks Kramer~ BTW I think Aga was just asking how many HNMLS/high level linkshells are out there, not the top 10 LS's Kram ;/

Aeristar, he DID tell him about how many HNMLSs there were. He gave pretty good info about them, some I didn't know existed. Why ***** about that? You have 2 posts and you already starting something. But I haven't heard of Yellowcake either. See, this thread is informative; that's what it supposed to be. Not childishly critizing someone.
#30 Jul 26 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
lol i didnt mean that in a bad way^^ kramer and i are actually good friends from way back. i never said this wasn't an informative thread and i didn't start anything :p

Edited, Tue Jul 26 01:49:07 2005 by Aeristar
#31 Jul 26 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Oh, ok. Cuz I had a /hump with your name on it. ^^
#32 Jul 26 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
OH hell naw!!! First of all
I think it is more like you guys got all of our greedy ex-members and frankly I think DVS is now better without those kind of people.

Have you lost your mind? To make a generalization like that about people that left Dvs for their own and different reasons is just complete BS! I don't speak badly of your ls and some of its members do i? Did I name off players on a betrayer list? NO So why the hell did you feel the need to? THIS IS THE REASON I LEFT THE LS!! People starting and causing drama! all I ever heard was we NEED!!! you know what I hear in PD? Hey we are gonna go do this if ya want to come cool... A much more laid back atmosphere not you typical HNM/sky ls were you are required to play in sky or camping HNM 99% each week. Get you crap straight Kramer and please never mention my name is such a negative post again!
#33 Jul 26 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
I have no clue who you even are. Plus we never force anyone to do anything, you can ask any of our members.

aceinthisplace wrote:


Have you lost your mind? To make a generalization like that about people.

A much more laid back atmosphere not you typical HNM/sky ls were you are required to play in sky or camping HNM 99% each week.

Hmmm, you are right generalizations are not a good thing.

Hypocrate, well I think so. I have yet to see one HNM/LS that camps HNM 99% of the time. So please before you flame someone try not to contradict yourself in the same post. Smiley: lol

Edited, Tue Jul 26 10:01:53 2005 by Proroc
#34 Jul 26 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Aug 3 09:42:28 2005 by Proroc
#35 Jul 26 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
Aeristar wrote:
lol i didnt mean that in a bad way^^ kramer and i are actually good friends from way back. i never said this wasn't an informative thread and i didn't start anything :p

Smiley: tongue

#36 Jul 26 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
I did not mean they camp NM 99% of their time I ment between sky and hnm a lot of the HNM/sky ls require a lot of members time, usually 80% or so of gameplay. Should have worded it better but was rushed to go back to work.
Glad u say the whole PD and DVS thing is behind ya because I didn't hear anyone holding grudges till I read this thread. People make choices and just because they aren't apart of what you might think is the greatest thing in the world doesn't make them a peice of crap. DVS is not a perfect fit for everyone, and you wouldn't within a day or week. Sometimes it takes a while to see the true side of people and decide whether it is for you or not. Glad to here ya guys are still growing hopefully some things have changed to keep the people coming back each day.
#37 Jul 26 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
aceinthisplace wrote:
Glad to here ya guys are still growing hopefully some things have changed to keep the people coming back each day.

There was nothing that needed to be changed. We are doing just fine and your further input on our Linkshell is no longer required. If we do at some point require further input from you, we will gladly ask for your help and overwhleming knowledge on any matters that we come across.

Thank you for your time.
#38 Jul 27 2005 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts

Edited, Wed Jul 27 03:44:00 2005 by neorei
#39 Jul 27 2005 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I just noticed your Icon Kram lol >< That's just silly! Marge would never!

On a side note:
Pretty laid back LS, Sky once a week, most of the time everyone is having fun doing their own thing or group events and chatting with friends^^

Edited, Wed Jul 27 04:09:50 2005 by Aeristar
#40 Jul 27 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
54 posts
for the main HNM LS's, I'd cull off everything after number5 on Proroc's list... I didn't even know DVS or PD were 'high-lvl' shells (no offense, I've just never seen you anywhere)

SW, UC, SF, etc are all semi-active, you'll usually see them around the camps for a day or three, then they'll disappear for a week or two

YC is new, but I've started seeing them at a few camps the last few days

I'm sure there's a few more NA 'HNM' LS's hidden in the droves of lv65's at Serket camps, but I don't usually pay much attention to them unless they get aggro >.>

#41 Jul 27 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
Zaltec, I guess the HNM/LS is a little over used. I see any high level LS that is in sky referring to themselves as a HNM/LS. DVSIII has only camped a couple HNM so far, but we are very active in Sky right now, as well as PD, Soulfire, SW, etc...

So I guess until you sit around camping only HNM's all the time we should only refer to ourselves as a Sky LS, but on the other hand aren't the Gods in sky HNM's as well?

DVSIII also has about 60 members now ranging from 60-75, and we usually have 40 members on at a time any given weekday night.

Edited, Wed Jul 27 10:53:48 2005 by Proroc
#42 Jul 27 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
54 posts
Yeah, I was talking mostly established, 'proper' HNM shells, since any lv65 monkey with a stick can club Genbu or Roc into submission, and if you have 50 lv65 monkey's with clubs you could even kill Kirin just by throwing enough people at it.

If the OP's interest is solely in Sky-capable/active LS's, you can actually pretty much rule off the top5 on Proroc's list (or at least, DL & CoD pretty much have 95% of sky items they need, and are much less active than they used to be... I'd imagine HoCD, Nano and VD are also done, or nearly done, as well)

Also, you never truly know Sky until you have to camp Ullikumi vs. Hornet(and win!) :)

#43 Jul 27 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
Zaltec wrote:

Also, you never truly know Sky until you have to camp Ullikumi vs. Hornet(and win!) :)

Just because as a LS we have not done anything along these lines yet, doesn't mean some of our members haven't already. Saying that would be wrong as seeing Yellowcake has only killed Genbu, but yet almost all of them are EK members that did not migrate, so just because thier LS has not camped many HNM's yet, doesn't mean they are clueless about it. I myself am an ex-member of EK, and we also have ex-members of other HNM/LS's. We are just training alot of new people and teaching them about sky and HNM's right now.
#44 Jul 27 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
54 posts
I never said this made them 'clueless'?

You seem to be getting very defensive over my simple statements... I'm sorry if you are misunderstanding something, but I am not attacking anyone.

I said who I considered to be the main, established, respected NA HNM LS's.

You are saying who you consider to be NA LS's consisting of a number of high-lvl players, and LS's that are active in Sky, or somewhat active in HNM, right?

I don't see how the two are mutually exclusive.

And the camping Ulli vs. Hornet was a joke (well, its true, but it was meant as a joke), I just found it funny as hell on the 2 ocasions this has happened, for everyone to be squared off around Ulli spawn like its a Behemoth camp.

Edit: I also think I should point out to you that in your OP, you said that KerenOnly were good... apparently you aren't familiar with the fact that a number of KO members are in ChaoticRebels, who are *anything* but a respectable or good LS

Edited, Wed Jul 27 12:36:53 2005 by Zaltec
#45 Jul 27 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Not getting defensive really. Just stating what we are about currently.
#46 Aug 01 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
ok I just wanted to put my 2 gils in.

First to start off, u shouldnt list the top 10 LSs, cuz most ppl wouldnt see it liek that, and from what ive seen all those LSs are easy joinable as long as ur 75 but CoD and DL.

About ChaoticRebelz, I am a member of the ls, Zaltec, WE DO NOT BOT, as everyone thinks we do. Just cuz Nela says so doesnt mean its true. Or why didnt we win claim on Fafnir on the 31th? and the mob popped in front of our "bot". why didnt we win claim if it was like that?. You also mentioned we werent a good ls, well i could say we have done stuff most LSs in the "top 10" dont even get close to, just to mention a few: 2 Nidhogg kills, lots of Fafnir kills, KB kill, Aspid claim but lost cuz VD MPKed (I dont want to start a flame wars cuz of this, VD MPKed, period. Moving on). Also the fact that we only have about 30 members. I would say we arent a "bad" LS.

-Please dont start a flame war.
#47 Aug 03 2005 at 12:55 AM Rating: Good
54 posts
No botting... ok, what happened to the post on ChaoticRebels forum where Enmei posted the old screenshot of the JP packetsniffer, and asked where he could get a bot like that? Along with a few other members chiming in saying 'oh yes, I want that too'... about 2 weeks after that, CR starts winning every single pull they showed up at. It was posted on the public forums (along with HNM ToD's) until someone realized that maybe they needed a private forum, or just deleted it (I had the thread bookmarked, but its been deleted, and it just redirects to main page now). That isn't conclusive proof that you do bot, but if the leadership and members are actively asking where to get a bot, thats pretty disrespectable in my eyes.

Also disrespectable, the Nidhogg fight I was present for and helping CR with (I didn't know they botted, and Enmei/Yiranura asked me to come help, as they needed a brd)... CR gets darter aggro from a PLD using an AoE WS and wipes. Enmei starts chewing out the PLD in alliance chat, saying things like 'because of one idiot we lose fight' ... not the way to handle a members mistake

Or how about after the wipe, when the other present HNM shells did a /random, and Pochio's LS won? Enmei starts saying that the other LS 'stole' Nidhogg from them, and that we (the alliance) needed to go crowd them, lag them out, and spam voke. Nobody listened, thankfully. He then came back near the end of the fight, and said in /say that Pochio's LS stole and that he would MPK them or steal their mobs at all HNM camps after that.

He has also posted on the CR forums about other LS's "stealing" from them after they wiped on Fafnir completely by their own fault (ie, another darter aggro fight), and how they need to get back at these other LS's.

Even without the botting, which sure I can't prove, this is a *very* dishonest and immoral linkshell that dosn't even understand that complete wipe=loss.

No flame war here, these are all facts that I've witnessed (and mostly screenshotted), except what I've stated as my own opinion (that I believe you bot)
#48 Aug 03 2005 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Hmm... CR doesnt bot you say?

charlise is using a program which not only vokes with ID by sending signal to server, but teleports your character to tthe area of the popped monster. You can see it looks like she autofollows to fafnir before he even appears and somewhere in there supposedly vokes lol

(someone had to point that out)
#49 Aug 03 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent

Theoretically, my linkshell Soulfire is not an HNM linkshell. We do not go after the ground HNMs often - although we have been known to on occasion when someone in the linkshell wants something in particular. And we studiously avoid the drama filled king HNM camps like the plague.

We mostly refer to ourselves as an 'End Game Linkshell' because we like to do things other than wasting 3 hours sitting in an HNM camp hoping for a pull. We like missions, quests, popped HNM, Dynamis and other miscellaneous events. For instance, many of our members accomplished sea access and then later finished the Promathia storyline within a few days of the last big update.

We often get mixed up in the lists of HNM linkshells because of our end game activities but I wouldn't truly classify ourselves as one. Also, I would not like to be associated with the drama surrounding so many of the HNM linkshells, although I often find myself drawn in repeatedly much to my irritation.

Edited, Wed Aug 3 06:24:55 2005 by Meara
#50 Aug 03 2005 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
ok tricen you see that when the guy doing the countdown goes down to 0 then charlise chi blasts, and then she moves near the mob, it also could be that Nelas pc didnt load it fast enough, if u see in the radar, theres a lot of ppl in there.
#51 Aug 03 2005 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
so when she "auto follows" in the dead center of fafnir before ANYONE sees it and chi blasts it, thats not suspicous?
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